Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi

Vazelin ::
Malo sem lolnil, ko sem bral naslov na
tako mimogrede je še vštuljeno notri podaljšanje možnosti vladavine Putina
Recimo potem imamo tole:
Trenutno prešteštih že precej glasov in podpora:
Torej zna Putin prehiteti samega Stalina po času vladanja v Rusiji/SZ.
In before "isn’t about Putin, it’s the first ever ‘truly Russian constitution’"
Vote on amendments isn’t about Putin, it’s the first ever ‘truly Russian constitution’

Recimo potem imamo tole:
Referendum po rusko: par prišel na glasovanje, glasovnici sta bili vnaprej oddani
Ruski par, ki je želel na državnih volitvah glede ustavnih amandmajev oddati svoj glas, je doživel neprijetno presenečenje. Kot sta zakonca izvedela od volilne komisije, sta uradno že volila, čeprav sta se na volišču pojavila prvič. Ne samo njuna glasova, tudi glasovnici njunih že polnoletnih otrok sta že bili oddani glede na volilni register.
Trenutno prešteštih že precej glasov in podpora:
Ustavne spremembe v Rusiji je glede na delne rezultate po okoli četrtini preštetih glasovnic podprlo več kot 73 odstotkov volivcev. S tem se predsedniku Vladimirju Putinu nasmiha zmaga in nadaljnjih 16 let na oblasti.
Torej zna Putin prehiteti samega Stalina po času vladanja v Rusiji/SZ.
In before "isn’t about Putin, it’s the first ever ‘truly Russian constitution’"
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

Vazelin ::
Še slika tistega, ki zna vladati dlje od Stalina
fun fact:
tako Stalin kot Putin sta bila uradno sredinska.
fun fact:
tako Stalin kot Putin sta bila uradno sredinska.
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

Machete ::
Imajo kar izberejo,(želijo,rabijo)?
Razen, če je zmožen ponarediti skoraj 1/3 glasov zanj.
Ironija demokracije, da je v tovrstnih državah vzvod za ustoličenje oligarha.
Svoj vzpon je izkoristil do te mere, da ima v lasti praktično celo Rusijo posredno in neposredno. V takem šah matu in neomejenih sredstvih, težko izgubiš volitve.
2018 Russian presidential election @ Wikipedia
fun fact: Putin bo šele leta 2035 toliko časa predsednik Rusije in prej vlade, kot je Janez Janša SDSa danes.
Razen, če je zmožen ponarediti skoraj 1/3 glasov zanj.
Ironija demokracije, da je v tovrstnih državah vzvod za ustoličenje oligarha.
Svoj vzpon je izkoristil do te mere, da ima v lasti praktično celo Rusijo posredno in neposredno. V takem šah matu in neomejenih sredstvih, težko izgubiš volitve.
2018 Russian presidential election @ Wikipedia
fun fact: Putin bo šele leta 2035 toliko časa predsednik Rusije in prej vlade, kot je Janez Janša SDSa danes.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

dronyx ::
Saj ko se enega navadiš in ti tako dolgo vlada je težko zamenjat. Naslednji je lahko še slabši. Ni pa Rusija seveda nikoli demokracija. Zgodba je šla v podobno smer, kot pri nas, le da v še hujši ekstrem. Torej organizirani kriminal, v postelji s komunizmom, podprt z medijskim monopolom, zatiranjem opozicije in tajkuni. Ampak Putin je samo še eden od tistih, ki se smeši pred zgodovino in izgubljeno blodi po dolini senc in teme..

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dronyx ()

zmaugy ::
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Scaramouche1 ::
V Ameriki so pa bogati tisti ki so s pomočjo bogatih firm poslani na volitve, Rusi so vsaj iskreni da ni izbire, v Ameriki imaš pa samo sanje da bo nekdo iz Smallville America postal predsednik!

kuall ::
V ameriki poteka hud boj med levico in desnico. Podobno v sloveniji, s to razliko, da američani ne zlorabljajo policije in sodišč toliko, kot naši potomci komunistov.
No to sem hotel povedat: v rusiji je ta boj med političnimi opcijami čist zatrt. In to je slabo, predvsem v smislu napredka, ker jaz na ta boj gledam kot na igro, v kateri se učimo in urimo za pravo vojno. Zaradi tega boja je evolucija hitrejša in družba hitreje napreduje. Ljudje se bolj trudijo, več se dogaja. Samo da se dogaja, če se nič ne dogaja pol je sraje.
No to sem hotel povedat: v rusiji je ta boj med političnimi opcijami čist zatrt. In to je slabo, predvsem v smislu napredka, ker jaz na ta boj gledam kot na igro, v kateri se učimo in urimo za pravo vojno. Zaradi tega boja je evolucija hitrejša in družba hitreje napreduje. Ljudje se bolj trudijo, več se dogaja. Samo da se dogaja, če se nič ne dogaja pol je sraje.

Machete ::
V muriki ni levice in desnice. So samo malce bolj liberalni desničarji in konzervativni desničarji in rasisti.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

fikus_ ::
"Še slika tistega, ki zna vladati dlje od Stalina"
Stalinu je Matilda končala vladanje.
V Rusiji so bili še najbližje demokraciji v času Jelcina, ki pa je na žalost prijateljeval v vodko. V istem obdobju jim je tudi najslabše šlo.
Nekateri hitro obsojate, ne poznate mentalitete naroda o katerem pišete. Rusi potrebujejo nekoga močnega na vrhu, četudi vlada s trdo roko. So posamezniki in skupine, ki se temu upirajo in jih zato dobijo po glavi.
To kar se dogaja v Rusiji (in še marsi kje drugje v "demokraticajah") je novodobna diktatura, kjer si z "mehkimi" ukrepi vladajoča garnitura zagotavlja obstoj na oblasti. Zapiranje neposlušnih ni več toliko aktualno (razen kakšnega "nevarnega" za zgled), ker svet ne gleda prijazno na to, pobijanje se pa obsoja in takšno državo izolira, ali celo "demokratizira" z orožjem.
Stalinu je Matilda končala vladanje.
V Rusiji so bili še najbližje demokraciji v času Jelcina, ki pa je na žalost prijateljeval v vodko. V istem obdobju jim je tudi najslabše šlo.
Nekateri hitro obsojate, ne poznate mentalitete naroda o katerem pišete. Rusi potrebujejo nekoga močnega na vrhu, četudi vlada s trdo roko. So posamezniki in skupine, ki se temu upirajo in jih zato dobijo po glavi.
To kar se dogaja v Rusiji (in še marsi kje drugje v "demokraticajah") je novodobna diktatura, kjer si z "mehkimi" ukrepi vladajoča garnitura zagotavlja obstoj na oblasti. Zapiranje neposlušnih ni več toliko aktualno (razen kakšnega "nevarnega" za zgled), ker svet ne gleda prijazno na to, pobijanje se pa obsoja in takšno državo izolira, ali celo "demokratizira" z orožjem.

nejcek74 ::

Machete ::
In kaj je razlika med Rusi in naprimer Estonci? Da prvi rabijo trdo roko, slednji pa so ok z demokracijo?
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

fikus_ ::
Pusiji bi še f... z mehkim.
Na vrhu rabiš človeka z vizijo, človeka ki zna nekaj narediti, tudi udariti po mizi in reči, tako se bo naredilo. Saj, marsikomu s takšnim načinom narediš krivico, ampak generalno gre razvoj naprej in večina ima kaj od tega. Je pa res težava, da je težko postavit korektno mejo med pravico in krivico.
Pa ne pisat o demokraciji, ker v svetu je samo "demokracija", ki ustreza oblasti.
Na vrhu rabiš človeka z vizijo, človeka ki zna nekaj narediti, tudi udariti po mizi in reči, tako se bo naredilo. Saj, marsikomu s takšnim načinom narediš krivico, ampak generalno gre razvoj naprej in večina ima kaj od tega. Je pa res težava, da je težko postavit korektno mejo med pravico in krivico.
Pa ne pisat o demokraciji, ker v svetu je samo "demokracija", ki ustreza oblasti.

Machete ::
Raje fukam z mehkim kadar hočem, kot da sem posiljen.
(Se pardoniram za prostaškost).
(Se pardoniram za prostaškost).
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Vazelin ::
Razen, če je zmožen ponarediti skoraj 1/3 glasov zanj.
Glede na to, da je od ene familije, ki so prišli na volišča več glasov bilo že vnaprej oddanih bi rekel, da je podpora temu "referendumu" precej nižja (in tudi udeležba), kot se sedaj kaže. Poanta je v tem, da bi bil za Putina glasovanje tam okoli fifty : fifty glasov totalen neuspeh in dal nasprotnikom krila v jadra. Sigurno pa rezultat in udeležba ne odražata realnega stanja. Saj bi še vedno šlo skozi. Samo ne s tako razliko, kot se jo sedaj kaže.
Je pa dejstvo, da Putin ustreza tudi "tujini". Skupaj "drži" zelo veliko državo z veliko narodnostmi. Tako da so verjetno tudi naokoli veseli, če on še fura to naslednjih 500 let, če bi se dalo. Pri njemu točno vejo, kakšna je situacija in kaj pričakovati.
Opozicija v Rusiji pa tako ali tako sploh ne obstaja. Par jih je bilo umorjenih. Ostali pa tako ali tako nimajo vstopa v ruski MSM.
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

mtosev ::
Naj ga imajo, če si ga želijo. Drugače pa je že prejšnje leto Mikhail Khodorkovsky reko da misli Putin biti doživljenjski predsednik. Očitno se ni motil.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Jarno ::
Ima še kak slovenski glasbeni izvajalec na YT več ogledov? 

Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

fikus_ ::
"Opozicija v Rusiji pa tako ali tako sploh ne obstaja."
Obstaja in živi, samo morajo biti bolj tiho.
Obstaja in živi, samo morajo biti bolj tiho.

D3m ::
Pošten referendum, ni kaj:
Posnetek so objavil podporniki ruskega opozicijskega aktivista Alekseja Navalnega, poroča radio Svobodna Evropa (Radio Liberty).
Ahhhhhh. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

T-h-o-r ::
Rusi podpirajo Putina že 20 let, saj je po abortusu od pijančka prinesel stabilnost in dvig Rusije
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

mtosev ::
Odšlo je tudi upanje, da bo rusija v bližnji prihodnosti demokratična država. Očitno jim to paše pa naj ga imajo.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

zmaugy ::
V muriki ni levice in desnice. So samo malce bolj liberalni desničarji in konzervativni desničarji in rasisti.
V Rusiji je pa kot včasih v SFRJ - imaš volitve in enega kandidata.
Zmougy dal link do novice, ki njemu ustreza! Resnica pa je nekje vmes.
Joj, se opravičujem, verjetno je bilo vse po reglcih narejeno. Ta Navalni je verjetno hud pokvarjenec.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

fikus_ ::
"Odšlo je tudi upanje, da bo rusija v bližnji prihodnosti demokratična država."
Rusija ni in še ne bo demokratična država, je pa že "demokratična" tako kot vedno več držav v svetu z novodobnimi diktatorji. Razlike so samo v niansah.
"Joj, se opravičujem, verjetno je bilo vse po reglcih narejeno. Ta Navalni je verjetno hud pokvarjenec. "
Vrhunski sarkazem in podtikanje mnenja! Še enkrat: Resnica je nekje vmes!
Rusija ni in še ne bo demokratična država, je pa že "demokratična" tako kot vedno več držav v svetu z novodobnimi diktatorji. Razlike so samo v niansah.
"Joj, se opravičujem, verjetno je bilo vse po reglcih narejeno. Ta Navalni je verjetno hud pokvarjenec. "
Vrhunski sarkazem in podtikanje mnenja! Še enkrat: Resnica je nekje vmes!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()

keba ::
Saj demokracija ni nič posebnega, to je samo ena od vladavin, kjer državo pleni ogromno ljudi.

sbawe64 ::
Rusi potrebujejo nekoga močnega na vrhu, četudi vlada s trdo roko.
To je populistična mantra vsakega despota, ker lahko vladajo samo v sesuti demokraciji. Sami ustvarjajo potrebo po močni roki, da se potem lahko ponudijo kot rešitev.
Kako je bilo pod Jelcinom smo videli.
In komu je takrat ustrezalo, da je država v razsulu ?

Pac-Man ::
Scaramouche1 je izjavil:
v Ameriki imaš pa samo sanje da bo nekdo iz Smallville America postal predsednik!
Barack Obama v. Hillary Clinton v. John McCain
2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries @ Wikipedia
2008 United States presidential election @ Wikipedia
Bill Clinton v. GHWB
1992 United States presidential election @ Wikipedia
Jimmy Carter v. Gerald Ford
1976 United States presidential election @ Wikipedia
+ verjetno se lahko doda še Trump v. Hillary. Sicer je premožen, ampak večje razlike v sposobnosti kandidatov že dolgo ni bilo. Rednecks got one of their own.
Precej primerov iz Smallville Amerike, ki so se realizirali.
Rusi podpirajo Putina že 20 let, saj je po abortusu od pijančka prinesel stabilnost in dvig Rusije
Fun fact: abortus od pijančka je nastavil Putina in v zameno dobil imuniteto za vse na njegovem naslovu.
O stabilnosti & dvigu lahko debatiramo, večino zaslug za približek temu imajo dolga leta nafte po okrog 100$/sodček.
Yeltsin immunity suggests a deal done with Putin
Fly on the wall dokumentarec o ključnih dnevih:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Med Bellingcatom in Rusijo je spet bruhaha.
Prvi pripravljajo nekaj novega o ruskih trolčkih, verjetno o vmešavanju v letošnje ameriške volitve, pa so trolčki to ugotovili ter šli delat preventivo - na svojem kinda legit mediju so objavili lažno novico o ratfuckingu s strani bellingcata.
novica, gtranslate:
Journalists from Bellingcat are trying to make the Federal News Agency and its employees the heroes of a new fake investigation. Representatives of this structure are forcing publication workers to take part in the creation of an information scam, apparently fulfilling another order. The activation of Western interests on the eve of the US presidential election begins to manifest itself not only in political statements, but also by creating the ground for further accusations, including interference in the upcoming elections.
In conversations with our publication’s employees, a man who introduced himself as Bellingcat journalist Peter van Hughes tried to find out how the FAN and USA Really cover political events in the United States and whether the management of the journalist’s publication publishes materials that could affect American society, especially in anticipation of the presidential election in the USA in 2020.
But, having received a naturally negative answer to incorrect and frankly provocative questions, the journalist Bellingcat changed rhetoric and began openly offering FAN employees money or preferences to fabricate evidence of Russian interference in US internal affairs.
"All I need is a couple of actions and confirmation that the troll factory is again interfering in the elections. I will send you 500 euros to any e-wallet in just a few minutes of your time. I can describe to you what you have to say, ” journalist Bellingcat voiced his suggestion.
Zakaj je fejk?
1) The WhatsApp conversation here is for a Belgian number. Our researcher Pieter van Huis is Dutch. They probably mixed him up with @p_vanostaeyen, a Belgian researcher who has contributed to Bellingcat before. Oops!
2) They gave Pieter comically bad Russian skills in these screenshots. Pieter would have one of the many native Russian speakers on our team double-check anything before sending this hodge-podge of sub-Google Translate text to someone.
3) Fake Pieter spelled his last name "ван Хьюис" in these screenshots. He knows the dirty pun that would come with this spelling. He transliterated his name as "ван Гюйс" in a previous report he authored
4) Pieter isn't even working on any story related to the troll factory, so they should have used someone else for these fakes. @christogrozev is working on the investigation, and Pieter is learning about it for the first time with these fake DMs.
We have been working with with international media partners on a major story exposing Prigozhin's re-vamped troll factory as well as his political interference and mercenaries operations in Africa, similar to the work done by @wwwproektmedia.
Da zadeva ne bi ostala neuradna sta zraven precej nediplomatsko pristopila še njihov viceambasador pri ZN in ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
V drugih novicah - na Dunaju so ubili še enega kadirovega oporečnika. Kadirov je težka živina v ruski politiki, na nivoju guvernerja v ZDA, pri njegovih kritikih kot vzrok smrti vodi atentat, pogosto v zahodnih državah, pa nihče nič. Bananarepubljik.
A murder of another Chechen two hours ago, this time in Austria. Sources tell me the victim was another Kadyrov critic. Motive unconfirmed yet, stay tuned. Unconfirmed report that the killer was captured after a manhunt for a blue car. Killer is a Chechen residing in Linz.
More details coming in...pending confirmation: the victim - a former Kadyrov security officer who had been entrusted with political murders, but turned renegade when he warned Adam Osmaev and Amina Aboueva, living in Ukraine, that they are next on the kill list.
In an interview, the victim Mamihan Umarov (known as Anzar), had said he had been offered $2 m to kill Osmaev, his wife and a Ukrainian MP who had shot a pistol round at a Kadyrov's portrait. The contract came from Delimhanov, Kadyrov's right-hand man and Russian MP. Last year, the victim (left) testified against Delimhanov and Kadyrov at a session with Ukrainian investigators held at the Ukrainian embassy in Vienna. Photo from the embassy, with target, MP Moseichuk (right)
Prvi pripravljajo nekaj novega o ruskih trolčkih, verjetno o vmešavanju v letošnje ameriške volitve, pa so trolčki to ugotovili ter šli delat preventivo - na svojem kinda legit mediju so objavili lažno novico o ratfuckingu s strani bellingcata.
novica, gtranslate:
Journalists from Bellingcat are trying to make the Federal News Agency and its employees the heroes of a new fake investigation. Representatives of this structure are forcing publication workers to take part in the creation of an information scam, apparently fulfilling another order. The activation of Western interests on the eve of the US presidential election begins to manifest itself not only in political statements, but also by creating the ground for further accusations, including interference in the upcoming elections.
In conversations with our publication’s employees, a man who introduced himself as Bellingcat journalist Peter van Hughes tried to find out how the FAN and USA Really cover political events in the United States and whether the management of the journalist’s publication publishes materials that could affect American society, especially in anticipation of the presidential election in the USA in 2020.
But, having received a naturally negative answer to incorrect and frankly provocative questions, the journalist Bellingcat changed rhetoric and began openly offering FAN employees money or preferences to fabricate evidence of Russian interference in US internal affairs.
"All I need is a couple of actions and confirmation that the troll factory is again interfering in the elections. I will send you 500 euros to any e-wallet in just a few minutes of your time. I can describe to you what you have to say, ” journalist Bellingcat voiced his suggestion.
Zakaj je fejk?
1) The WhatsApp conversation here is for a Belgian number. Our researcher Pieter van Huis is Dutch. They probably mixed him up with @p_vanostaeyen, a Belgian researcher who has contributed to Bellingcat before. Oops!
2) They gave Pieter comically bad Russian skills in these screenshots. Pieter would have one of the many native Russian speakers on our team double-check anything before sending this hodge-podge of sub-Google Translate text to someone.
3) Fake Pieter spelled his last name "ван Хьюис" in these screenshots. He knows the dirty pun that would come with this spelling. He transliterated his name as "ван Гюйс" in a previous report he authored
4) Pieter isn't even working on any story related to the troll factory, so they should have used someone else for these fakes. @christogrozev is working on the investigation, and Pieter is learning about it for the first time with these fake DMs.
We have been working with with international media partners on a major story exposing Prigozhin's re-vamped troll factory as well as his political interference and mercenaries operations in Africa, similar to the work done by @wwwproektmedia.
Da zadeva ne bi ostala neuradna sta zraven precej nediplomatsko pristopila še njihov viceambasador pri ZN in ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
V drugih novicah - na Dunaju so ubili še enega kadirovega oporečnika. Kadirov je težka živina v ruski politiki, na nivoju guvernerja v ZDA, pri njegovih kritikih kot vzrok smrti vodi atentat, pogosto v zahodnih državah, pa nihče nič. Bananarepubljik.
A murder of another Chechen two hours ago, this time in Austria. Sources tell me the victim was another Kadyrov critic. Motive unconfirmed yet, stay tuned. Unconfirmed report that the killer was captured after a manhunt for a blue car. Killer is a Chechen residing in Linz.
More details coming in...pending confirmation: the victim - a former Kadyrov security officer who had been entrusted with political murders, but turned renegade when he warned Adam Osmaev and Amina Aboueva, living in Ukraine, that they are next on the kill list.
In an interview, the victim Mamihan Umarov (known as Anzar), had said he had been offered $2 m to kill Osmaev, his wife and a Ukrainian MP who had shot a pistol round at a Kadyrov's portrait. The contract came from Delimhanov, Kadyrov's right-hand man and Russian MP. Last year, the victim (left) testified against Delimhanov and Kadyrov at a session with Ukrainian investigators held at the Ukrainian embassy in Vienna. Photo from the embassy, with target, MP Moseichuk (right)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

zasekamroz ::
Barack Obama v. Hillary Clinton v. John McCain
2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries @ Wikipedia
2008 United States presidential election @ Wikipedia
Bill Clinton v. GHWB
1992 United States presidential election @ Wikipedia
Jimmy Carter v. Gerald Ford
1976 United States presidential election @ Wikipedia
+ verjetno se lahko doda še Trump v. Hillary. Sicer je premožen, ampak večje razlike v sposobnosti kandidatov že dolgo ni bilo. Rednecks got one of their own.
Precej primerov iz Smallville Amerike, ki so se realizirali.
Črnec iz geta, redneck poročen iz sestrično, gay zapornik z aidsom, trans mehicanka, hčerka delavca v proizvodnji,... še dolgo (če sploh kdaj) ne bodo ameriški predsednik/predsednica. Če nisi iz prave družine nimaš nobene možnosti. Tako da..

Comandante ::
Črnec iz geta, redneck poročen iz sestrično, gay zapornik z aidsom, trans mehicanka, hčerka delavca v proizvodnji,... še dolgo (če sploh kdaj) ne bodo ameriški predsednik/predsednica.
Vsak ne more/rabi biti ameriski predsednik, in prav je tako. Ne glede na to kaj so vam obljubili starsi ko ste bili mali, ne morete postati vse kar si zelite. Get over it.

Pac-Man ::
zasekamroz je izjavil:
Svoje ti je povedal že Comandante. Kako zgleda nesposoben luzer kot predsednik ZDA lahko spremljamo zadnja 4 leta. Ni ravno lepo.
Več o umorjenem Čečenu. Ukrajinci so ga pustili zviset.
Ukrainian security services then decided to play along with Kadyrov: they gave "Anzar" a candidate for the murder, a former Ukrainian officer who fought in Donbass, and who fit the profile. Anzar passed to Kadyrov's people the candidate name + "surveillance" videos of his targets. Anzar was able to even get Kadyrov's people to send an advance of 20k to buy weapons for the "Killer" - who even had to send his passport photo, and a wikipedia entry about him, for their approval. This way they ID'd Kadyrov's courier, living in Vienna. The alleged courier - called Surho and living in Vienna - got the money from Chechnya and traveled to Kyiv to pay them to the "killer".. Anzar kept recordings and DMs and passed them on to Austrian police and Ukraine intel. The plan, Anzor was told by Ukrainian intel, was that they should stage the MP's murder and report it on TV so that info about the "operation success" would get back to Kadyrov, and the full chain client->accomplices>couriers would get exposed. However, the whole operation came to a standstill after the personnel changes in Ukraine's intel services following the change of presidents. This left Anzar totally exposed.. Not only could he not "organize the murder", but his Ukraine visa was revoked, and he couldn't hide. At about the same time when it became clear Anzor's "assassination plan" on Adam Osmaev and the MP is failing, FSB colonel Igor Egorov began negotiating with another killer - again, targeting Osmaev. We wrote about this here:
Identifying FSB’s Elusive “Elbrus”: From MH17 To Assassinations In Europe
Left stranded in the midst of this high-stakes, high-risk situation, Anzor had no alternative but to go public with what he did - hoping to get the protection of publicity - and of Austrian law enforcement. He gave this tell-all interview in February.
After going apostate on Kadyrov, there was no doubt that revenge attempts would be made. It's mind boggling that he was left without security. Mind you, this is the second time a Kadyrov apostate gets shot in Austria.
The killer is reported to be a 47-year old, and like the victim, was a Chechen asylum-seeker in Austria. An ongoing investigation we're working on has shown a pattern of Kadyrov's machine embedding sleeper agents as asylum seekers in Western Europe.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
O eni glavnih pri protestih l. 11/12, ki se je lansko leto zaposlila pri RT.
The Russian state fights civil society in at least two distinct ways. One is direct pressure: organizations are raided and shut down; leaders are threatened and some are even arrested. The other strategy is imitation. For almost any kind of civil-society group—from a movement to document potholes and demand road repair to human-rights defense—there is a government-funded equivalent. This serves both to muddy the waters and to insure that everything remains under the Kremlin’s control. It’s an old totalitarian impulse: in the Soviet Union, even the trade unions were run by the state, which was also the sole employer in the country. In May, 2017, RT launched its own media-charity operation, complete with a legal-defense arm; this is the project that Baronova will lead.
“It’s 2019, and everything is dominated by the state,” she wrote to me. “I’m never going to have another country. I’m not going to have another life, either. I want this country to be livable.”
Danes so jo pridržali, ko je protestirala zaradi aretacije novinarja. Video:
An adviser to the head of the Russian space agency has appeared in court on charges of treason.
Roscosmos said in a statement (in Russian) that former journalist Ivan Safronov's arrest was not linked to his current job there.
Russia's FSB security service said he was suspected of spying for a Nato country. He has denied the charges.
Previously he reported on military topics for two major Russian business dailies - Kommersant and Vedomosti.
Separately on Tuesday journalist Taisiya Bekbulatova was detained after police raided her flat.
Bekbulatova, the chief editor of independent news magazine Holod Media, is reported to be a friend of Safronov.
Safronov was highly acclaimed as a reporter on military and space issues for Kommersant, before moving to Vedomosti last year.
In June 2019, court proceedings were held over the alleged disclosure by Kommersant of information constituting a state secret.
The information reportedly had to do with an article co-authored by Safronov about Russia's deliveries of Su-35 fighter aircraft to Egypt. The report was later removed from the Kommersant website.
Safronov's father, also named Ivan, was a well-known military commentator at Kommersant.
He died after falling from the fifth floor of a Moscow apartment building in 2007.
Ivan Safronov senior had been investigating claims of planned Russian arms sales to Syria and Iran at the time of his death, Kommersant said.
The Russian state fights civil society in at least two distinct ways. One is direct pressure: organizations are raided and shut down; leaders are threatened and some are even arrested. The other strategy is imitation. For almost any kind of civil-society group—from a movement to document potholes and demand road repair to human-rights defense—there is a government-funded equivalent. This serves both to muddy the waters and to insure that everything remains under the Kremlin’s control. It’s an old totalitarian impulse: in the Soviet Union, even the trade unions were run by the state, which was also the sole employer in the country. In May, 2017, RT launched its own media-charity operation, complete with a legal-defense arm; this is the project that Baronova will lead.
“It’s 2019, and everything is dominated by the state,” she wrote to me. “I’m never going to have another country. I’m not going to have another life, either. I want this country to be livable.”
Danes so jo pridržali, ko je protestirala zaradi aretacije novinarja. Video:
An adviser to the head of the Russian space agency has appeared in court on charges of treason.
Roscosmos said in a statement (in Russian) that former journalist Ivan Safronov's arrest was not linked to his current job there.
Russia's FSB security service said he was suspected of spying for a Nato country. He has denied the charges.
Previously he reported on military topics for two major Russian business dailies - Kommersant and Vedomosti.
Separately on Tuesday journalist Taisiya Bekbulatova was detained after police raided her flat.
Bekbulatova, the chief editor of independent news magazine Holod Media, is reported to be a friend of Safronov.
Safronov was highly acclaimed as a reporter on military and space issues for Kommersant, before moving to Vedomosti last year.
In June 2019, court proceedings were held over the alleged disclosure by Kommersant of information constituting a state secret.
The information reportedly had to do with an article co-authored by Safronov about Russia's deliveries of Su-35 fighter aircraft to Egypt. The report was later removed from the Kommersant website.
Safronov's father, also named Ivan, was a well-known military commentator at Kommersant.
He died after falling from the fifth floor of a Moscow apartment building in 2007.
Ivan Safronov senior had been investigating claims of planned Russian arms sales to Syria and Iran at the time of his death, Kommersant said.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Gagatronix ::
"Še slika tistega, ki zna vladati dlje od Stalina"
Stalinu je Matilda končala vladanje.
V Rusiji so bili še najbližje demokraciji v času Jelcina, ki pa je na žalost prijateljeval v vodko. V istem obdobju jim je tudi najslabše šlo.
Nekateri hitro obsojate, ne poznate mentalitete naroda o katerem pišete. Rusi potrebujejo nekoga močnega na vrhu, četudi vlada s trdo roko. So posamezniki in skupine, ki se temu upirajo in jih zato dobijo po glavi.
To kar se dogaja v Rusiji (in še marsi kje drugje v "demokraticajah") je novodobna diktatura, kjer si z "mehkimi" ukrepi vladajoča garnitura zagotavlja obstoj na oblasti. Zapiranje neposlušnih ni več toliko aktualno (razen kakšnega "nevarnega" za zgled), ker svet ne gleda prijazno na to, pobijanje se pa obsoja in takšno državo izolira, ali celo "demokratizira" z orožjem.
Ko je kao bil Boris Jelcin na oblasti je njegov premier bil Vladimir Putin. Kdorkoli misli da je Jelcin imel kakrsnokoli oblast je bedak. Putin vlada Rusiji ze od razpada Sovjetske Zveze, in kdor tega ne razume je preprosto bizgec.

fikus_ ::
Zanimivo, da druge označuješ za bedake in bizgece, ker ne razmišljajo enako kot ti na osnovi predsodkov! Postani se pred ogledalo.

Pac-Man ::
Your favorite neighbourhood Russian o protestih v Habarovsku.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Gagatronix ::
Haha, Roman je legenda. Samo zivi pa res v totalni luknji. In to samo zato ker je relativno blizu Ozërsk (Mayak nuclear processing plant in podobne zadeve).

D3m ::
In kaj protestirajo?
Toj zaradi meteorita iz 2013.
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Haha, Roman je legenda. Samo zivi pa res v totalni luknji. In to samo zato ker je relativno blizu Ozërsk (Mayak nuclear processing plant in podobne zadeve).
Toj zaradi meteorita iz 2013.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Gagatronix ::
@D3m, Ozërsk je zaprto mesto. In vecina mest v okolici zaprtih mest je crap. Chelyabinsk je posledicno shithole.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Gagatronix ::
In kaj protestirajo?
Zupana Khabarovska so zaprli pod obtozbami da naj bi pred 15 leti narocil umor nekoga, yadda yadda. Skratka, Putinu gre v nos, ker Khabarovsk district edini ne kusuje Putina na guzico. Tako da zdaj oni caka na sojenje, medtem je pa Putin drugega poslal na polozaj iz Moskve. In a nutshell.

solatko ::
kuall - V Ameriki je policija prešvoh za kaj takega, tam uporabljajo CIA-o in FBI.
nejcek74 - V kateri državi na svetu pa je prava demokracija, najbližje so ji bili Francozi po revoluciji, vendar ne prav dolgo. In seveda v daljni zgodovini Grki. Varovalka je bila pa, omejena volilna pravica.
nejcek74 - V kateri državi na svetu pa je prava demokracija, najbližje so ji bili Francozi po revoluciji, vendar ne prav dolgo. In seveda v daljni zgodovini Grki. Varovalka je bila pa, omejena volilna pravica.
Delo krepa človeka

Gagatronix ::
@solatko - anticna grska demokracija je bila taka: volilno pravico so imeli samo moski visjega sloja.

bluefish ::
Demokracija manjšine torej. V Rusiji oligarhija. Le malo skupnega z dejanskim pojmom demokracije.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bluefish ()