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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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Pac-Man ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Tistega strateškega nuklearnega orožja (medcelinskih raket) niso nikoli imeli.


Strategic missile forces museum in Ukraine @ Wikipedia

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ukraine held about one third of the Soviet nuclear arsenal, the third largest in the world at the time, as well as significant means of its design and production.[1] 130 UR-100N/RS-18 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) with six warheads each, 46 RT-23 Molodets ICBMs with ten warheads apiece, as well as 33 heavy bombers, totalling approximately 1,700 warheads remained on Ukrainian territory.[2]


40 of the underground launch silos for the RT-23 ICBMs had been installed around the city of Pervomaisk in the Mykolaiv Oblast, the home of the 46th Rocket Division of the 43rd Rocket Army of the Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces. The individual silos were scattered across the general area and often located on fields, surrounded by a fence and guarded. A group of nine or ten silos was connected to a common, underground Unified Command Post manned by several military officers.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Tistega strateškega nuklearnega orožja (medcelinskih raket) niso nikoli imeli.


Imaš prav. To je pa res moja napaka. Gledal sem več virov, kako so prodajaliTu-160, ter kako je Janukovič basal dnar v žep.

Imeli so skratka strateško jedrsko orožje. Zdaj se jim verjetno že kolca po tem.

Zgodovina sprememb…

inzenir1337 ::

To raketo iz muzeja lahko izstrelijo proti Rusiji. Če je medcelinska bo do Moskve skoraj zagotovo nekako letela.

LightBit ::

inzenir1337 je izjavil:

To raketo iz muzeja lahko izstrelijo proti Rusiji. Če je medcelinska bo do Moskve skoraj zagotovo nekako letela.

Daj jim posodi vžigalice da jo prižgejo. :))
Samo je verjetno programirana da leti nekam na zahod.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: LightBit ()

Kebo ::

Poldi112 ::

Tidule je izjavil:

Zato nikoga omebe vrednega v ameriški hierariji nikoli in nikdar nisi slišal grozit z uporabo jedrskega orožja. Pa naj bo to Vietnam 1973 ali pa Afganistan 2021. Ker z jedrskim orožjem ne groziš.

Nuclear blackmail @ Wikipedia
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Poldi112 ::

Nemška zunanja ministrica pravi "we are fighting a war with Russia::

In hrvaški predsednik komentira, da ni vedel, da smo v vojni z rusi, da mi nismo, mogoče so nemci in če so, več sreče kot pred 70 leti. :)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::


A word of advice for all those "realists" among Western elites who oppose support for Ukraine : Finally, once and for all bury the Yalta mindset. Understand the Russia is no more entitled to a sphere of influence than a gangster is entitled to keep the spoils of a robbery.

Time to set aside our double standard whereby when it comes to Russia , we don't enforce the rules, but instead hope for a good tsar (Gorbachev, Yeltsin) with whom we can (to quote Lady Thatcher) "do business." We should also set aside the nonsense about Russian high culture.

Russian culture must be seen in its totality -- it's not just Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy or ballet; it's first and foremost the Gulag, prisons, firing squads, rape and torture. It's the culture of violence and theft as a mode of governance. It's an empire awash in blood.

Watch how the Russians behave in Ukraine , where premeditated destruction and murder is the rule, and ask yourself if that this someone you would like to invite to dinner, or even live next door to. Bottom line: Europe will know no peace until Russia is expelled from Europe.

Listen to Finns, Poles, or Balts. They have lived next door to Russia for centuries and paid an awful price while the West often looked the other way. It's time "realists" among Western policy elites grow up and end the "what-about-ism" nonsense when it comes to Russia.

Democracies are not perfect, but we certainly are better than the Russian and Chinese alternatives. And the Ukrainians are fighting on our behalf, they want to be a part of us. They deserve our respect and all the material and political support we can muster.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

BorutO ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Nemška zunanja ministrica pravi "we are fighting a war with Russia::

In hrvaški predsednik komentira, da ni vedel, da smo v vojni z rusi, da mi nismo, mogoče so nemci in če so, več sreče kot pred 70 leti. :)

Poldi ... kako si prepričan, da je RT bolj zanesljiv vir od Zahodnih? Kaj te na RT tako preprečuje, da verjameš? Kakšni dodatni viri ali samo to, da pač sovražiš Zahod, v katerem ti je tako lepo?

Pac-Man ::

Začne s Sirijo, ampak pride do Ukrajine. IMO pomembno, slep antiamerikanizem ne pomaga nikomur, razen morda lastnemu egu.


In light of the OPCW's report on the Douma gas attack, which exposed propagandists efforts at covering it up, I thought it'd be nice to look back on some great articles opposing the "multipolarity" worldview that supports alt-imperialism. A brief thread of articles I love.


Anyway, probably my favorite piece about the "multipolarists" is this by Leila al-Shami, who was very supportive of my own efforts and whose writing I will always admire. She gets into how chemical weapons denial is part of a tendency to deny genocide.
The ‘anti-imperialism’ of idiots

I love how this piece in Antidote Zine from June 2018 really gets to the heart of it: "In the case of the Assad regime, the guise of multipolarity allows imperial intervention and neoliberalism to be equated with anti-imperialism and even socialism." :
We Should Know Where We Stand: On Syria and Imperialism

Another classic of this discourse was this piece written by @___adn a year later, looking at the roots of genocide denial not as an new anomaly but as emerging from a European/white supremacism that is, itself, denied and disguised in liberal language.


This piece by Afinogenov set off great discussions. "Even as multipolarity constrains the US’s ability to intervene at will in societies around the world, it gives a freer hand to other actors pursuing their own economic or imperial goals."

And this intervention by Aziz Rana resonated w me—"it is incumbent on American leftists to develop the type of internationalist vision and politics that universally and effectively joins anti-imperial and anti-authoritarian ethics."

I should note the importance of the word "universal" here. This great piece from @kavita_krishnan raises the problem that authoritarian regimes with imperial programs promote their "sovereignty" against the West at the expense of their own subjects.
Multipolarity, the Mantra of Authoritarianism

So we should recognize here, while supporting the right of Ukraine and others to defend themselves, that the US doesn't stand up for human rights in the world like it says that it does, but neither do the BRICS. Universal rights are at stake rather than nationalist loyalties.

Failure to admit the this internationalism causes the problem of what some call "reverse American exceptionalism," discussed in greater depth by @War_Takes here: "All security issues do not begin and end with the United States and its foreign policy."

This piece from Ukrainian leftist Taras Bilous is important: "Ukraine and Syria are examples of what a 'multipolar world' will be like if the appetites of non-Western imperialisms are not reduced." Seeing a pattern?
I’m a Ukrainian Socialist. Here’s Why I Resist the Russian Invasion.

None of these are mainstream publications by any means. Authors are survivors—Ukrainians, Syrians, Bosnians, Hong Kongers... It's a tendency of "socialism from below," fostered by horizontal networks inclusive of small media engaging in liberation struggles.

You see people in the supposedly socialist multipolar countries speaking out about having their regimes whitewashed by the Western left in the name of anti-imperialism. Here's Venezuelan leftist Laura Vidal, on the theft of leftist narratives.
Who has the right to tell our stories?

@joeyayoub makes this point in Laussan: multipolarism denies ppl a voice. "They will continue to treat our dead the same way they treat us while alive, as pawns in an imagined global chessboard where forces of evil battle the forces of good."

@lausanhk is one of those sites, born in the struggle for democracy in Hong Kong, promoting internationalist solidarity against the supremacy of multipolar states over popular sovereignty. This piece, also by @kavita_krishnan, is wonderful:
Why the left must question the language of ‘multipolarity’: Sharing the language of the global right-wing movement is far from liberatory

"[W]e can now witness multiple geographies of inter-imperial relations, with different cycles and layers of collaboration and competition between different sectors of the ruling class." — @promiseli0 with an excellent analysis and perspective here.
Against Multipolar Imperialism

New Politics has also been excellent in covering all of the controversies over the authoritarian left's commitment to imperialism in the guise of geopolitical realism. This piece on Africa is a terrific work in the tradition of radical Third Campism:

The opposition to authoritarian multipolarity is deep and valid, and there are even multipolarists who recognize that. This piece by Ignatz Maria decries romanticization of the Third World nation-states, calling for a movement from below.

Similarly, Salar Mohandesi writes, "At its extreme, this kind of thinking can lead to supporting authoritarian states founded on the destruction of the left and the repression of workers’ self-activity[.]"

Lastly, this three-part piece by Emmi Bevensee does an excellent job of laying out left/right collaboration under the aegis of multipolarism, from chemical weapons denial to COVID denial.

To conclude, I'm sure these authors an I disagree about a lot, and they together don't promote a consensus worldview by any means. Lots of room for debate and disagreement here. It's just about rejecting imperialism, genocide, and crimes against humanity. Quite simple, rlly.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

borisk ::

Koga so pohapsali decembra v ljubljani, koliko person je takra zginal iz SLotecha?


pegasus ::


RedDrake ::

Ah, vohuni zbirajo informacije, za vplivanje na javno mnenje je uporabnih idiotov na razpolago neskončno mnogo, tam rabiš samo par spletnih strani kjer je "vse res" in si zmagal.
Sploh pri nas, kjer imamo zelo močno srbsko etnično skupnost, ki pali na vse kar je anti zahod in pro vzhod.

sir_mha ::

Zanimivo, da so jim morali prišepniti iz tujine, da so našli vohune pri nas.


mackilla ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Nemška zunanja ministrica pravi "we are fighting a war with Russia::

In hrvaški predsednik komentira, da ni vedel, da smo v vojni z rusi, da mi nismo, mogoče so nemci in če so, več sreče kot pred 70 leti. :)

Saj ruski politiki in "novinarji" vsakodnevno govorijo,da je Rusija v vojni z zahodom:D

Pac-Man ::

Zakaj je Rusija shithole s strani NAFO člana, jagodni izbor


Seeing as my previous list no longer exists, I'll start a new one. For every like this post gets I will post a reason why Russia is a shithole. I have more experience in Russia than 95% of those who say they're Russia experts. Hopefully this will help me get a job in a think tank

1. Russia is polluted AF. Leaded gasoline was still for sale 10 years ago. Probably still for sale.

5. You can bribe your way through any form of education, including medical school. I was aware of multiple surgeons who had done such. 😬

6. Getting a driver's license is next to impossible without bribing. The test is designed so you fail. Also you normally take it in a beat up old Lada with 4 other people. When you are done with your part of the test they make you get out of the car and find your way back.

7. When your child is in school you as a parent are expected to bring in toilet paper. You won't find it in the bathrooms since it gets stolen.

9. Russia, despite having a relatively small population and economy, is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases. They know the earth is warming and they are excited about it. However, most Russian scientists will deny that it exists unless they are pressed.

11. World largest source of fresh water Lake Baikal has a cellulose factory which just dumps its raw waste into the lake.

12. Russia is probably one of the most homophobic countries in the world yet their soldiers rape each other anally as punishment.

15. Casual antisemitism. I have been in classrooms where the teacher will just openly say to the class, "Vanya asks so many questions because he is Jewish."

16. Actually just casual racism, especially from Russians. They love to talk about the savage Buryats but in my experience they are more civilized then the Russians.

18. There are a bunch of legit Nazis. One of their favorite activities include drinking warm vodka out of small plastic cups during the middle of the day on playgrounds. Often they get rid of the bottle by smashing it in the sandbox.

20. Back to roads - On the Moscow outer belt they opened up an exit to a gas station. You would drive down the off ramp and then the road would just end and drop off about a meter. You could see the gas station but for about a year they never built the road to it.

21. I remember several times seeing orange air. Like the entire city just had orange air. No one seemed bothered by that.

22. My son was in pre-school in Moscow. For about a week they just didn't feed the kids but bringing in food for your child was absolutely forbidden.

24. I saw more than 10 dead bodies just lying on the street. People walk by and pay zero attention to it. Twice I saw someone dead on the metro platform. The passengers just jumped over the body.

26. Russians have a racial hierarchy. Russians are not at the top in their minds, but somewhere in the middle.

27. Being an asshole is a currency in the country. If you aren't an asshole you will be walked all over. I guess the flip side of that is I once told a cop that he was a "fucking idiot" and he let me go.

28. The police manufacture drugs. I am pretty sure that the original invasion in 2014 was partially funded by their sale.

30. Russia thinks it's an important part of the world and the things they do people care about. Well, unless they are murdering the world doesn't care about Russia. They have a serious inferiority complex that they themselves just further.

32. The Russians believe their country is both amazing and a total wreck at the same time. Will they do anything to fix it? No.

34. Last time I checked there were at least a half-million street children. They live off glue, collected cigarette butts, and whatever hooch they can get their hands on. No one in Russia cares about these people. They treat them like pests.

36. Abortion is the number one form of birth control.

40. The smell of alcohol in public transport at any time of the day. The worst is the morning when 1/5 people are just sweating out their hangover.

42. Domestic abuse is legal.

43. You wanna open a business? Good luck. The laws and regulations contradict each other on purpose so everyone has to bribe and everyone is guilty so the cops can shut you down when they want.

44. The worse the country becomes the more patriotic people are. They are considering banning foreign language courses in schools now.

46. I think the reason why Russia won't stop fighting until they are all dead is because they know the hellhole that Russia will become when this war is over. Think of Somalia with nukes and snow.

47. They always feel like they are victims of actions from the whole world but 99% of their problems are their own doing.

50. Russia's oil and gas industry is entirely reliant on foreign companies to drill and service their wells. Now they are gone. Things will be collapsing soon.

51. Dying of cancer? Hit by a truck? Unbearable pain is something you are going to have to deal with. Getting pain killers are almost impossible even for the Minister of Health who committed suicide due to pain from his cancer.

52. Russians are really into mysticism and conspiracy theories. Look no further than to Putin who used a shaman to determine when and if he should start this war.

53. Though I have been told this has changed recently, you used to have to go through a medical screening just to swim in a swimming pool. Have you ever heard of an Olympic gold winner in swimming from Russia? No? Neither have I.

56. Believe it or not, Russia has a pharmaceutical industry. There are some interesting products like phenylpiracetam however it's testing is not very reliable. I have been told by a woman who ran trials and generally the people involved would be taking multiple drugs at once.

58. Moscow had a huge homeless population but sometime around the 2018 World Cup they just disappeared. Now they are rounding them up and sending them to Ukraine.

59. There are many groups who go around and catfish homosexuals and then when they meet in real life they torture and humiliate them while filming it. They are widely shared on social media and very popular.

60. Up until at least 2008 (I have no data after that) the military would pass secret info on little pieces of paper that were then burned. No digital system.

65. Psychiatric help comes in two forms - suck it up and locked up while so drugged out you don't know who you are.

66. In a wheelchair? Have a child who has Down's Syndrome or some other disability? Tough luck. You won't see them because Russians just keep them locked up as there are no schools or other facilities for these people. There is a deaf school in Moscow though.

67. People snitch on each other.

71. Russia used to be country with thousands of languages. That number is quickly shrinking and is being sped up by the fact that it's now illegal to teach these languages in schools and to use them at the workplace.

72. Want to do some good and help drug addicts other than locking them up in a room until they die? Too bad. Highly illegal.

73. In 2005 20% of the city of Irkutsk was HIV positive. An organization was set up to hand out condoms and do testing. Shut down by the police. Has the HIV problem gotten better? We can't say because Russia no longer collects data.

74. Say you are a foreigner working in Russia, like Andy Korybko, you need to be tested for HIV and drug tested every 90 days now. Don't want to do that? Deportation.

75. Say you are an Armenian living and working in Russia but don't have Russian citizenship, well sucks to be you because you will be targeted by the police and Shanghaied into the army.

76. Imagine you are a Russian citizen but are brown, well be prepared to be harassed by the police almost daily.

77. You are a resident of St. Petersburg but you want to go visit your friends in Moscow for a few weeks. Well without proper registration you will be fined for being somewhere other than the city you reside.

78. You don't have a high school diploma? Not a problem, just call the number on the numerous ads that are everywhere and for a small fee you can get a diploma.

79. You want to go to a club and have a good time. Be prepared for what they call a "mask show" where police in masks will raid the place and if your pupils are too big for their liking - into the paddy wagon.

80. Imagine you are a medical student from Africa, well you better not go onto the street on Hitler's birthday because you will be beaten and possibly killed. BTW the guys that do it are Navalny supporters, but not only.

81. Walmart had interest in doing business in Russia many years ago. They decided against it as corruption is such a problem. Note they are very active in China.

82. Advertisements for apartment rentals very often say something like "Slavs only". They don't care who you are just what you look like.

84. Having worked in a university in Russia I can say that treating first year college students like children is often a good idea. Men generally don't really grow up until about the age of 25.

85. Not my story but was told to me by a former student. He was from Belgorod and decided to take his parents' new car for a spin. On the road an ambulance can and he pulled over to side of the road into what he thought was a puddle. The car fell into a meter deep pit.

88. This has been covered by widely by @kamilkazani and @SpaghettiKozak on his website which now defunct but Russians love alternative history where they are the masters of the world and attack Washington. There is also a real respect of Nazi Germany. "Comrade Hilter"⬇️⬇️⬇️

89. You can go to jail for 15 years for saying the word "war" but for murder a casual 2 years is common.

91. I was popular with the ladies in Russia because I 1. am not a drunk 2. cook and 3. don't beat women. These are highly valued and hard to find to traits in Russian men.

92. While that's being a bit rude, not all Russian men are drunk. Some are actually bright and if they are scientist and come up with a great idea, it's best they stay silent about it and flee the country. Your academic work will be stolen from you and you will be crushed.

94. Russian men are actually scared of women. I was present at my child's birth (a very difficult task in Russia). I told some Russian guys about it and they all reacted the same "eww gross, why would you want to be there?"

95. Though generally as a rule men are just not allowed to be anywhere near woman giving birth and for a few days after. It's insane but so are most things in that country.

96. I got thoroughly chewed out by a boss for coming to work sleep deprived for the half year of my child's life. "Men are not supposed to help take care of the baby" I was told.

97. While Russians hate homosexuals most Russian men are raised by a same-sex couple. His mother and grandmother.

98. I once watched a car crash happen right in front a cop who was directing traffic. As soon as it happened, he looked at his watch and just walked off instead of doing anything.

99. Which is quite the problem as if you are in a car crash and you move your car out from the middle of traffic, forget about insurance paying up. You need to stay put and wait for the cops to write a report. So many traffic jams are a result of this nonsense.

100. I am very lucky my car broke down when I was in Finland. Despite it being less than 2 years old, VW wasn't going to recognize any warranty in Russia. I got a major fix repair done on their dime because I was not in Russia at that moment.

104. A huge percentage of the population is under crippling debt. Payday loans and credit for iphones are omnipresent. Suicide is a common way out of such debt.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

RedDrake ::

Ok, Paco, daj se umiri no in začni delati po pravilih foruma.
Kaj je bil tvoj doprinos v zadnjih tvojih 5-ih postih?
Kot jaz vidimo 0/nada/zero/zilch.
Če imaš zanimivo stvar, daj link in napiši o čem gre.
Ali pa napiši SLOVENSKI povzetek.
Peesmu rosnu, zdaj gre to že meni na živce, pa sem čisto za totalni poraz putinistov in ruskih nacionalistov.

Invictus ::

Glede na to,da ZDA že razmišlja o umiku iz Ukrajine (RAND štidoja), in o mirovnih pogajanjih (vlada ZDA, sicer butasti predlogi), lahko rečemo, da bo Ukrajina prenehala obtajati taka kot je...

Tistih 100 tankov pa ne bo naredilo nič. Ni to igrica...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


shmandi ::

Invictus je izjavil:

lahko rečemo, da bo Ukrajina prenehala obtajati taka kot je...

Žalostno, a ne?
A kaj čemo, če pa ima putin toliko simpatizerjev in podpornikov po svetu...

Malidelničar ::

A ima Rusija realno industrijske zmogljivosti za večjo proizvodnjo vojaškega hardvera. Zdaj bo že skoraj eno leto vojne. Tovarno tankov imajo, eno - Uralvagonzavod? Glede zalog tankov v skladiščih na prostem je ogromno nejasnosti, v kakšnem stanju so, jih je možno usposobiti in kako hitro? Topniške granate morajo kupovati od Severne Koreje; recimo čudno mi je, da granat za havbice niso sposobni masovno proizvajat? Kako bodo obnovili zalogo manevrirnih raketnih izstrelkov (Kalibr, Zirkon, Kinzhal, itd.).
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Poldi112 ::

BorutO je izjavil:

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Nemška zunanja ministrica pravi "we are fighting a war with Russia::

In hrvaški predsednik komentira, da ni vedel, da smo v vojni z rusi, da mi nismo, mogoče so nemci in če so, več sreče kot pred 70 leti. :)

Poldi ... kako si prepričan, da je RT bolj zanesljiv vir od Zahodnih? Kaj te na RT tako preprečuje, da verjameš? Kakšni dodatni viri ali samo to, da pač sovražiš Zahod, v katerem ti je tako lepo?

Dal sem RT link, ker v zahodnih virih tega nisem zasledil. Naši svobodni mediji so verjetno preveč zaposleni s širjenjem pravljic o enotnosti EU pri uporu proti rusom.
Vsekakor so rusi bolj zanesljivi od naših medijev, so pa še vedno medij. Ideja, da bi kateremu koli mediju kar verjel, je precej smešna, in o tem smo že večkrat debatirali. Mojega izziva, da bi na poljubni temi primerjali objektivnost RT proti CNN/NYT/BBC, pa na tem forumu ni sprejel nihče ...

Si pa seveda doborodošel, da argumentiraš, zakaj citirani RT članek ni vreden objave.

Original videa vam pa nisem dal, ker sem po globini argumentov sklepal, da ne razumete hrvaško:

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Poldi112 ()

LightBit ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Glede na to,da ZDA že razmišlja o umiku iz Ukrajine (RAND štidoja), in o mirovnih pogajanjih (vlada ZDA, sicer butasti predlogi), lahko rečemo, da bo Ukrajina prenehala obtajati taka kot je...

Tistih 100 tankov pa ne bo naredilo nič. Ni to igrica...

Lahko bi dal kakšen link.
ZDA itak ni v Ukrajini. Je pa normalno da se razmišla o vseh možnostih. Če pride 100 tankov, jih lahko pride še več.

RedDrake ::

Samo što nije, a ne Invictus?
Ruska zmaga garantirana.

Ja, hrvaški nacist želi srečo Nemcem proti Rusom.
Pozablja na majhno razliko, da je takrat Nemčija de-facto bila (več ali manj) sama proti skoraj celotnemu razvitemu svetu. Če že, je Rusija danes v taki situaciji. Če že.

mackilla ::

RedDrake je izjavil:

Samo što nije, a ne Invictus?
Ruska zmaga garantirana.

Ja, hrvaški nacist želi srečo Nemcem proti Rusom.
Pozablja na majhno razliko, da je takrat Nemčija de-facto bila (več ali manj) sama proti skoraj celotnemu razvitemu svetu. Če že, je Rusija danes v taki situaciji. Če že.

Lahko bi rekli,da je današnja Rusija po mentaliteti in dejanjih ekvivalent nacistične Nemčije. Hrvaški predsednik se pa obnaša in govori kot novodobni Ante Pavelić?

fur80 ::

m0LN4r je izjavil:

mackilla je izjavil:

inzenir1337 je izjavil:

Pomoč dosti ne koristi, ker je Rusija jedrska velesila. Če izgubijo konvencionalno vojno, odvržejo strateško nuklearno bombo na Kijev in so zmagali na koncu. Torej Rusija ni šans da izgubi čisto na koncu. Pomoč zahoda samo podpihuje vojno in zaradi več orožja je več mrtvih na obeh straneh. Ni to rešitev. Morajo se zmeniti za mizo.

Kako ni alternative? Američani so tudi jedrska velesila in niso pred odhodom vrgli atomske bombe na Hanoi in Kabul.

No no, americani so edini, ki so metali jedrsko orozje po civilistih. Po tem pa se celemu svetu rece, da to ni lepo, to se vec ne dela.

Ena taka mala novička zate in za Ruse, ni vse v atomski bombi!

On this day in 1945 the Wilhelm Gustloff, overfilled with German refugees, sinks in the Baltic Sea after being torpedoed by a Soviet submarine. 9,500 people were killed. It is the largest loss of life in a single ship sinking in history. #WW2


Invictus ::

shmandi je izjavil:

Invictus je izjavil:

lahko rečemo, da bo Ukrajina prenehala obtajati taka kot je...

Žalostno, a ne?
A kaj čemo, če pa ima putin toliko simpatizerjev in podpornikov po svetu...

Ja, celo v RAND korporaciji.

Pač ZDA je trenutno blazno zaslužila na energentih, ko so prekinili poceni ruski plin, zdaj je pa treba najti nov konflikt za zaslužek.

Naslednji cilj bo Savdska Arabija...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


fur80 ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Glede na to,da ZDA že razmišlja o umiku iz Ukrajine (RAND štidoja), in o mirovnih pogajanjih (vlada ZDA, sicer butasti predlogi), lahko rečemo, da bo Ukrajina prenehala obtajati taka kot je...

Tistih 100 tankov pa ne bo naredilo nič. Ni to igrica...

USA razmišlja, kako spraviti letala v Ukrajino, ne kako se bo umaknila! :D

Invictus ::

LightBit je izjavil:

Invictus je izjavil:

Glede na to,da ZDA že razmišlja o umiku iz Ukrajine (RAND štidoja), in o mirovnih pogajanjih (vlada ZDA, sicer butasti predlogi), lahko rečemo, da bo Ukrajina prenehala obtajati taka kot je...

Tistih 100 tankov pa ne bo naredilo nič. Ni to igrica...

Lahko bi dal kakšen link.
ZDA itak ni v Ukrajini. Je pa normalno da se razmišla o vseh možnostih. Če pride 100 tankov, jih lahko pride še več.

Damijan je trenbutno podal cel kup linkov na to temo. Zahodnih, z nekaj komentarja.


Linkov dovolj tam...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


fur80 ::

Invictus je izjavil:

LightBit je izjavil:

Invictus je izjavil:

Glede na to,da ZDA že razmišlja o umiku iz Ukrajine (RAND štidoja), in o mirovnih pogajanjih (vlada ZDA, sicer butasti predlogi), lahko rečemo, da bo Ukrajina prenehala obtajati taka kot je...

Tistih 100 tankov pa ne bo naredilo nič. Ni to igrica...

Lahko bi dal kakšen link.
ZDA itak ni v Ukrajini. Je pa normalno da se razmišla o vseh možnostih. Če pride 100 tankov, jih lahko pride še več.

Damijan je trenbutno podal cel kup linkov na to temo. Zahodnih, z nekaj komentarja.


Linkov dovolj tam...

Lepo prosim nehaj tega norca linkat in ga dajati za referenco! Res no! Človek še ni prebolel, da se je ponujal za PV, pa ga nobeden ni niti povohal!

Kakšnih 100 tankov, poslali bodo 300 najnovejših tankov, ki bodo lahko sekali po ruskih tankih iz daljše razdalje in veliko bolj natančno kot zadanejo ruski tanki, zakaj pa mislite, da Rusi tako norijo! Ruski na ruski tank odloča kdo je spretnejši, Zahodni na ruski tank je pa prednost.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Invictus ::

Linki so povsem v redu, sam treba jih je prebrati.

RAND koroporacija, razni svetovalci ameriške vlade.

Nobene blodnje Damijana, ki je res zanič ekonomist...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


shmandi ::

Linki so že vredu, samo damijan rad malo besede obrača. Tipična ruska propaganda.

luli ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Linki so povsem v redu, sam treba jih je prebrati.

RAND koroporacija, razni svetovalci ameriške vlade.

Nobene blodnje Damijana, ki je res zanič ekonomist...

Damjana razumem. Nekdo mu mora plačevati kredit v frankih. Prej je bil ekonomist, zdaj je pač del ruske propagande.
Tudi Mekina je lepo financiran.

Drugače pa imaš prav. Res je žalostno, kako trpi ukrainski narod. Hkrati pa se sprašujem, če se danes splača odreči jederkemu arzenalu. Obljube (tako Rusov, kot Američanov in Kitajcev) očitno ne pomenijo ničesar.

Pac-Man ::



Ukrainian tanker working hard maintaining his Slovenian M-55S tank. An upgraded soviet T-55.

še en:


M-55S tanks (transferred by Slovenia) and Panthera T6 armored vehicles (from the UAE) of the 47th Motorized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

bbbbbb2015 ::

luli je izjavil:

Drugače pa imaš prav. Res je žalostno, kako trpi ukrainski narod. Hkrati pa se sprašujem, če se danes splača odreči jederkemu arzenalu. Obljube (tako Rusov, kot Američanov in Kitajcev) očitno ne pomenijo ničesar.

To se verjetno (vsaj v delčku možganov) sprašujejo Ukrajinci. Verjetno je odgovor 'ne'.

Vendar tisti jedrski arzenal je bil takrat za Ukrajince neobvladljiv. Morda če bi večino arzenala ali razmontirali in obdržali manjšo količino.

Ukrajinci, sploh Janukovič je ravnal naivno, da ne rečem butasto. Je pa ves denar, ki so ga nakazali Rusi in ZDA pobasal (preko oligarhičnih prijateljev) sam.

Jedrski arzenal so Rusija in ZDA dobesedno odkupile od Ukrajine in dokaj uradno podkupile Janukoviča. To je bilo kar par raziskovalnih novinarjev in oddaj na sledi temu denarju. S tem se ne ubada nihče, ker niti Rusi niti ZDA nimata interesa razkopavati tiste zadeve.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Invictus ::

Jedrski arzenal sploh ni bil ukrajinski, ampak sovjetski.

Rusija kot naslednica Sovjetske zveze, je bila pravi lastnik le tega. Ukrajina bi morala ta arzenal izročiti Rusiji brez nekih pogajanj, ampak ga ni. So ga odkupili, da ne bo kakih pizdarij.

Sicer so se takrat vse jedrske sile ustrašile, kaj bi se zgodilo s tem arzenalom, saj je Ukrajina takrat razprodala na črnem trgu precej orožja. Ne dvomim, da bi tudi jedrski arzenal. Pač folk je bil v pizdi in bi naredil vse za keš.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


luli ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Jedrski arzenal sploh ni bil ukrajinski, ampak sovjetski.

Rusija kot naslednica Sovjetske zveze, je bila pravi lastnik le tega. Ukrajina bi morala ta arzenal izročiti Rusiji brez nekih pogajanj, ampak ga ni. So ga odkupili, da ne bo kakih pizdarij.

Sicer so se takrat vse jedrske sile ustrašile, kaj bi se zgodilo s tem arzenalom, saj je Ukrajina takrat razprodala na črnem trgu precej orožja. Ne dvomim, da bi tudi jedrski arzenal. Pač folk je bil v pizdi in bi naredil vse za keš.

Bil je podpisan sporazum o razpadu Sovjetske zveze. In s tem sporazumom so bile določene meje in nasledstvo. Kaj točno hočeš povedati glede nasledstva?

mackilla ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Jedrski arzenal sploh ni bil ukrajinski, ampak sovjetski.

Rusija kot naslednica Sovjetske zveze, je bila pravi lastnik le tega. Ukrajina bi morala ta arzenal izročiti Rusiji brez nekih pogajanj, ampak ga ni. So ga odkupili, da ne bo kakih pizdarij.

Sicer so se takrat vse jedrske sile ustrašile, kaj bi se zgodilo s tem arzenalom, saj je Ukrajina takrat razprodala na črnem trgu precej orožja. Ne dvomim, da bi tudi jedrski arzenal. Pač folk je bil v pizdi in bi naredil vse za keš.

Se pravi,da je po tvojem Rusija kot uradna naslednica sovjetske zveze bila upravičena do vsega,kar je bilo ustvarjeno v skupnosti? Verjetno misliš,da je bil Beograd upravičen do vsega kar je bilo ustvarjeno v Jugoslaviji.

pangro ::

Nič hoče spet rusijo izvlečti iz dreka, dejstvo je da ukrajina potrebuje jedrsko orožje pa ne samo ona baltik poljska ma vsi. Pol bo mir.

shmandi ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Jedrski arzenal sploh ni bil ukrajinski, ampak sovjetski.

Rusija kot naslednica Sovjetske zveze, je bila pravi lastnik le tega.

Vidim, zakaj se z damijanom tako razumeta. Izkrivljaš dejstva prav tako kot on. Tipična ruska propaganda.

Gregor P ::

Invictus daj prosim povej, zakaj pišeš takšne neumnosti in se smešiš po forumu? A ti to v kar si zapisal resno verjameš, ali zgolj uživaš v ruski antipropagandi in ti je popolnoma vseeno kaj napišeš, le da si proti Zahodu (in s tem tudi proti EU in Sloveniji) ter potem uživaš v reakcijah na tvoje nebuloze?:|
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Gregor P ()

Invictus ::

Mal provokacije ne škodi.

Ker resnica je nekje vmes.

Na eni strani se obsoja Rusijo zaradi Ukrajine, ne vidim pa obsodbe ZDA zaradi Libije, Iraka, Afganistana, Afrika nam je sploh neznana kaj se tam dogaja, pa niso lepe stvari, kolikor mi je pripovedoval kolega iz Sudana, Južne Amerike sploh omenjal ne bom.

Hinavščina mi je šla pa vedno nekam...

Rusi tega ozemlja ne bodo dali nazaj, Ukrajina ga pa ne bo dobila. Ta konflikt se bo zaključil 2024, boste videli.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: connel ()

Pac-Man ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Rusi tega ozemlja ne bodo dali nazaj, Ukrajina ga pa ne bo dobila. Ta konflikt se bo zaključil 2024, boste videli.

Saj lahko samo konsolidirajo fronto. Tam nekje pri Belgorodu, Milerovem in Rostovu na Donu. Pa seveda na Tamanskem polotoku.

Takrat bo Ukrajina denacificirana in lahko razglasijo zmago.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bbbbbb2015 ::

sir_mha je izjavil:

Zanimivo, da so jim morali prišepniti iz tujine, da so našli vohune pri nas.


Vohuna je danes težko, če ne celo nemogoče kar tako odkriti.

Ustanoviš firmo, ki ima malo prometa, imaš službeni avto, slovensko tablico, imaš smart fone, lahko slikaš in se pogovarjaš po Telegramu ali Signalu.

Vohun se odkrije, da enega na nek način dobiš, potem ugotoviš, kako je komuniciral, potem pa nazaj sistematično iščeš komunikacijo.

Bruselj je *nabit* z vohuni vseh sort.

TheBlueOne ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Mal provokacije ne škodi.

Ker resnica je nekje vmes.

Samo nekje vmes je lahko cistu blizu druge pozicije. Ce pa je nekje pri sredini pac salo postavis se bolj v ekstrem in spremenis resnico z eno samo salo.

dronyx ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Na eni strani se obsoja Rusijo zaradi Ukrajine, ne vidim pa obsodbe ZDA zaradi Libije, Iraka, Afganistana, Afrika nam je sploh neznana kaj se tam dogaja, pa niso lepe stvari, kolikor mi je pripovedoval kolega iz Sudana, Južne Amerike sploh omenjal ne bom.

Korenine tega problema segajo v 70 leta, ko je šla Savdska Arabija v posteljo z ZDA in je nastal petrodolar. Veliko sranja bi bilo po moje rešenega, če bi se našla neka druga rešitev za rezervno svetovno valuto namesto USD. ZDA pač z vsemi sredstvi branijo ta privilegij, vojne pa financirajo s tiskanjem rezerven valute, kar zaradi statusa USD počnejo mnogo lažje kot ostali. Ampak ne moreš braniti ruske agresije na Ukrajino s tem, da so tudi ZDA barabe, ki z vojaško silo uveljavljajo svoje interese po svetu.

TheBlueOne ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Na eni strani se obsoja Rusijo zaradi Ukrajine, ne vidim pa obsodbe ZDA zaradi Libije, Iraka, Afganistana, Afrika nam je sploh neznana kaj se tam dogaja, pa niso lepe stvari, kolikor mi je pripovedoval kolega iz Sudana, Južne Amerike sploh omenjal ne bom.

Res ne? Jaz to vidim ves cas. Seveda ne od istih, ki so to propagirali, samo na zahodu imas pac vec mnenj.

Cudovito je to povzel Rus:

fur80 ::

dronyx je izjavil:

Invictus je izjavil:

Na eni strani se obsoja Rusijo zaradi Ukrajine, ne vidim pa obsodbe ZDA zaradi Libije, Iraka, Afganistana, Afrika nam je sploh neznana kaj se tam dogaja, pa niso lepe stvari, kolikor mi je pripovedoval kolega iz Sudana, Južne Amerike sploh omenjal ne bom.

Korenine tega problema segajo v 70 leta, ko je šla Savdska Arabija v posteljo z ZDA in je nastal petrodolar. Veliko sranja bi bilo po moje rešenega, če bi se našla neka druga rešitev za rezervno svetovno valuto namesto USD. ZDA pač z vsemi sredstvi branijo ta privilegij, vojne pa financirajo s tiskanjem rezerven valute, kar zaradi statusa USD počnejo mnogo lažje kot ostali. Ampak ne moreš braniti ruske agresije na Ukrajino s tem, da so tudi ZDA barabe, ki z vojaško silo uveljavljajo svoje interese po svetu.

To ni privilegij pač pa stabilnost, preden nekemu diktatorju odpelje in bi bili vsi lačni. Kako nahraniti in držati pod kontrolo milijardo ljudi, maš pa zaj na Kitajskem problem, ali hrana ali prepričanje.

bbbbbb2015 ::

mackilla je izjavil:

Invictus je izjavil:

Jedrski arzenal sploh ni bil ukrajinski, ampak sovjetski.

Rusija kot naslednica Sovjetske zveze, je bila pravi lastnik le tega. Ukrajina bi morala ta arzenal izročiti Rusiji brez nekih pogajanj, ampak ga ni. So ga odkupili, da ne bo kakih pizdarij.

Sicer so se takrat vse jedrske sile ustrašile, kaj bi se zgodilo s tem arzenalom, saj je Ukrajina takrat razprodala na črnem trgu precej orožja. Ne dvomim, da bi tudi jedrski arzenal. Pač folk je bil v pizdi in bi naredil vse za keš.

Se pravi,da je po tvojem Rusija kot uradna naslednica sovjetske zveze bila upravičena do vsega,kar je bilo ustvarjeno v skupnosti? Verjetno misliš,da je bil Beograd upravičen do vsega kar je bilo ustvarjeno v Jugoslaviji.

Ob razpadu Jugoslavije je bilo uvedeno teritorialno načelo. Če je firma/stvar na ozemlju Slovenije - je slovensko.

V Beloveških zapisih:
Belovezha Accords @ Wikipedia

se z lastnino sploh niso ukvarjali. Vsaj v tem povzetku ni nič rečeno. Sovjetska zveza je razpadla NA POBUDO Rusije. So pa omenjali v samih zapisih, da se bo spoštovala želja držav, ki ne želijo imeti jedrskega orožja - v 6. členu.

Maxlos ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

pangro je izjavil:

Ja pravi da najprej leopard zazna sovjetski ropot in preden se sovjet kaj zave kupola že leti po luftu.

Vrednost Leopard 2 in Abrams M1A2 taka je predvsem, da lahko strelja na ruske tanke iz razdalje 4 km, podnevi in ponoči, na mestu ali maršu. Na to razdaljo ima samo T-90 125MM top z gladko cevjo, iz katerega lahko izstreli ATGM na razdaljo več kot 4km. S tem da:

a) ima stabiliziran top, nima pa ATGM platforme, da bi v maršu streljal
b) nima nočnega nišana, ima pa nočno opazovanje (francoskega porekla)

Ima pa T-90, če ga osvetli laserski daljinomer Leoparda/Abramsa možnost avtomatskega streljanja nazaj v smer laserja.Je pa res, da če je Abrams/Leopard v pogonu (maršu) mu to kaj dosti ne pomaga.

Vendar, domet ruskega 125mmtopa je 3km:
2A46 125 mm gun @ Wikipedia

Bomo videli.

Ruskih tankov ni več...
Za to so poskrbeli ATG-mji.. Cca 16000 kosov jih je bilo poslanih. Majke mi da če mi ga dajo v roke, da bom pri četrtem že znal zadeti Ruski tank.
V končni fazi se govorijo o 2000 kosov izgubljenih ruskih tankov.
Barking up the wrong tree

Fritz ::

TheBlueOne je izjavil:

Invictus je izjavil:

Na eni strani se obsoja Rusijo zaradi Ukrajine, ne vidim pa obsodbe ZDA zaradi Libije, Iraka, Afganistana, Afrika nam je sploh neznana kaj se tam dogaja, pa niso lepe stvari, kolikor mi je pripovedoval kolega iz Sudana, Južne Amerike sploh omenjal ne bom.

Res ne? Jaz to vidim ves cas. Seveda ne od istih, ki so to propagirali, samo na zahodu imas pac vec mnenj.

Cudovito je to povzel Rus:

A res vidiš? Daj me spomni kdaj smo ameriškim in britanskim športnikom prepovedovali nastope zato, ker sta njihovi državi nelegalno in kriminalno napadle Irak leta 2003?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
242 / 830