Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
mackilla ::
Mackila, edini si ostal, ki še verjame , da Kličko kaže del Kinžala!
Torej pokaži na tej sliki, kje je del, za katerega Kličko pravi, da je del Kinžala.
Ne vem zakaj bi bil dvostopenjski pogon? A je mišljena za na luno?
Ideja večstopenjskega pogona je, zakaj bi zraven "vlačil" težo, ki ti ne koristi več oz. omejuje doseg. To odvržeš in letiš z naslednjo stopnjo naprej.
Ti trdiš,da to ni bojna glava kinžala. Pokaži kakšna je ali pa nehaj nabijat.
Pac-Man ::
sparklyslo je izjavil:
Storm shadow 250km so že v ukrajini.
wiki pravi da imajo: Warhead
450 kilograms
Sicer so obljubili, da bodo napadali samo na mednarodno priznanem teritoriju Ukrajine
👀A little visualization from the advisor to the US Commission on Security in Europe, where I can get Storm Shadow missiles.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Tidule ::
sparklyslo je izjavil:
Storm shadow 250km so že v ukrajini.
wiki pravi da imajo: Warhead
450 kilograms
Sicer so obljubili, da bodo napadali samo na mednarodno priznanem teritoriju Ukrajine
Torej most na Krim.
fikus_ ::
Vidim da se verniki ne morete sprijazniti, da nimate prav.
Kar kaže Klicko, ni del Kinžala, nekdo je napisal, da naj bi bila neka bomba.
Iščete izgovore, ovinke, se sprenevedate, nekateri se delate ...., samo da ni potrebno priznati zmote, sledi ad hominem .....
Kar kaže Klicko, ni del Kinžala, nekdo je napisal, da naj bi bila neka bomba.
Iščete izgovore, ovinke, se sprenevedate, nekateri se delate ...., samo da ni potrebno priznati zmote, sledi ad hominem .....
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
tomlin ::
Rusija bo težko parirala Ukrajini, ko se začne proti ofenziva. Tudi Britanci pošiljajo svoje najsodobnejše orožje Ukrajincem:
Britanija je Ukrajini pred pričakovano protiofenzivo dostavila orožje dolgega dosega 'Storm Shadow'
Britanija je Ukrajini pred pričakovano protiofenzivo dostavila orožje dolgega dosega 'Storm Shadow'
Svoboda in enakost ni isto kot svoboda.
M. Friedman
M. Friedman
Zmajc ::
Vir seveda ni uraden. Niti ne vem če prikazuje Iskander ali Kinžal ampak ker Kinžal temelji na Iskanderju je verjetno skica dovolj relevantna.
Šlo se je za to, da se prikaže da je v raketi sami še kaj vse drugega kot bojna glava, ki je ponavadi precej majhen del rakete. Zato barvo in velikost bojne glave primerjati z ohišjem rakete ni merodajno.
Če so to ostanki Kinžala najbolj vedo Rusi sami, ki so pa sumljivo tiho. To meni pove dovolj.
Šlo se je za to, da se prikaže da je v raketi sami še kaj vse drugega kot bojna glava, ki je ponavadi precej majhen del rakete. Zato barvo in velikost bojne glave primerjati z ohišjem rakete ni merodajno.
Če so to ostanki Kinžala najbolj vedo Rusi sami, ki so pa sumljivo tiho. To meni pove dovolj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
scythe ::
Naj bi bilo uradno potrjeno, da imajo rakete že v Ukrajini. Nekako pričakujem, da bo najprej odletel most, oz. da bodo vsaj poizkusili.?
Ben Wallace has just confirmed that the UK is donating an undisclosed amount of long-range Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine. In parliament he said: "The donation of these weapons systems gives Ukraine the best chance to defend themselves".
Včeraj na Twiterju:
Great Britain may not transfer Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 300 km, because their adaptation to new aircraft will take a long time.
Most likely, the British can remember Turkey. If we rely on the wording that the missile is similar in characteristics to ATACMS, then it will be a Turkish KHAN ballistic missile with a firing range of up to 300 km, there is even a shoulder more powerful than on ATACMS. And the launchers these missiles are already with us - this is official information from the 49th artillery brigade that we have Turkish jet systems," the expert said.
Ali so ukrajinska letala že pripravljena za Storm Shadow? Lani so govorili, da že prilagajajo na Storm Shadow rakete, prilagajanje naj bi trajalo 6 mesecov, zdaj pa je že 1 leto od novice.
Cenejša opcija je turški KHAN, saj imajo že tovornjake za izstrelitev v ukrajini.
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scythe ()
Rambutan ::
Kako da se nič ne pohvalite o ukrajinskem prodoru južno od Bakhmuta? Imate že medijsko blokado
What happened during the night? There where ukrainian attepts to counterattack but they didn't achieve anything. In the city ukrainian attacks mainly attempted to stop or drive back russian attempt to advance. Within the "Citadel/Nest" russian forces are getting close to School No 12 (yellow circle), both from NW and SE. If the russians take it remaining ukrainian forces, 2-500 men, in the eastern part of the "Citadel/Nest" will be cut off.
UkrAF of course want to avoid that and tries to stop the russian advance. School No 12 is a good defensive position and could be costly to take. The best method for the russians are probably to use FAB1500 and level it to the ground. The ukrainians will probably soon abandon the area east of the school.
In the NW ukrainian forces try to keep the russians away from their last defenceline in that part of town as long as possible. In the south ukrainians also try to hang on to the remaining area east of Chajkovskogo Street as long as possible. No changes on the ground in the city has been reported during the night.
On the northern flank UkrAF tried to retake areas taken by the russians the day before and push the russians away (yellow circle map 2) from the Khromoveroad/road 0506. According to russian sources they allegedly cut of the ukrainian spearhead and destroyed a couple of battalions (200 KIA, 300 WIA). Take this with a large bucket of salt, especially the numbers of ukrainian casualities. But the ukrainian attack didn't succeed in reclaiming any ground.
In the south UkrAF tried to take advantage of their advance yesterday (purple circle) but russian resistance along the canal stopped any further ukrainian advances. There are different claims about who controls the green shaded woodlands west of Ivanivske so I map it as contested.
Btw what happened when UkrAF advanced yesterday west of the canal? According to russian sources some Wagner forces in that area moved to reinforce russian forces near Ivanivske. When the remaining russian forces regrouped to fill in for the Wagner troop there where some confusion. At the same time ukrainian forces started a reconnaissance in force probe and found a hole in the russian line. When the russians realised that they had ukrainians in the rear they focused on them.
The ukrainians had at the same time called for large reinforcements that attacked the russians from the front/west. Fighting in two directions the russians decided to retreat to better defensive positions along the canal.
What happened during the night? There where ukrainian attepts to counterattack but they didn't achieve anything. In the city ukrainian attacks mainly attempted to stop or drive back russian attempt to advance. Within the "Citadel/Nest" russian forces are getting close to School No 12 (yellow circle), both from NW and SE. If the russians take it remaining ukrainian forces, 2-500 men, in the eastern part of the "Citadel/Nest" will be cut off.
UkrAF of course want to avoid that and tries to stop the russian advance. School No 12 is a good defensive position and could be costly to take. The best method for the russians are probably to use FAB1500 and level it to the ground. The ukrainians will probably soon abandon the area east of the school.
In the NW ukrainian forces try to keep the russians away from their last defenceline in that part of town as long as possible. In the south ukrainians also try to hang on to the remaining area east of Chajkovskogo Street as long as possible. No changes on the ground in the city has been reported during the night.
On the northern flank UkrAF tried to retake areas taken by the russians the day before and push the russians away (yellow circle map 2) from the Khromoveroad/road 0506. According to russian sources they allegedly cut of the ukrainian spearhead and destroyed a couple of battalions (200 KIA, 300 WIA). Take this with a large bucket of salt, especially the numbers of ukrainian casualities. But the ukrainian attack didn't succeed in reclaiming any ground.
In the south UkrAF tried to take advantage of their advance yesterday (purple circle) but russian resistance along the canal stopped any further ukrainian advances. There are different claims about who controls the green shaded woodlands west of Ivanivske so I map it as contested.
Btw what happened when UkrAF advanced yesterday west of the canal? According to russian sources some Wagner forces in that area moved to reinforce russian forces near Ivanivske. When the remaining russian forces regrouped to fill in for the Wagner troop there where some confusion. At the same time ukrainian forces started a reconnaissance in force probe and found a hole in the russian line. When the russians realised that they had ukrainians in the rear they focused on them.
The ukrainians had at the same time called for large reinforcements that attacked the russians from the front/west. Fighting in two directions the russians decided to retreat to better defensive positions along the canal.
Tidule ::
Vidim da se verniki ne morete sprijazniti, da nimate prav.
Kar kaže Klicko, ni del Kinžala, nekdo je napisal, da naj bi bila neka bomba.
Iščete izgovore, ovinke, se sprenevedate, nekateri se delate ...., samo da ni potrebno priznati zmote, sledi ad hominem .....
Da bi bila bomba še vedno manjka nekaj v tej tvoji pravljici: Kako je prišla tja? Ker tvoji malikovani Rusi si niti približno ne upajo dovolj blizu za kaj takega.
ampak važno, da ti slepo verjameš, da to ni del Kinžala, ker drugače cela pravljica o vsemogočni Rusiji, ki v petih minutah potopi vse letalonosilke sveta izpuhti v zrak. Pa četudi si si moral izmislit nebulozo o večstopenjskih pogonih.
pojmanimas ::
Naj bi bilo uradno potrjeno, da imajo rakete že v Ukrajini. Nekako pričakujem, da bo najprej odletel most, oz. da bodo vsaj poizkusili.?
Ben Wallace has just confirmed that the UK is donating an undisclosed amount of long-range Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine. In parliament he said: "The donation of these weapons systems gives Ukraine the best chance to defend themselves".
Včeraj na Twiterju:
Great Britain may not transfer Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 300 km, because their adaptation to new aircraft will take a long time.
Most likely, the British can remember Turkey. If we rely on the wording that the missile is similar in characteristics to ATACMS, then it will be a Turkish KHAN ballistic missile with a firing range of up to 300 km, there is even a shoulder more powerful than on ATACMS. And the launchers these missiles are already with us - this is official information from the 49th artillery brigade that we have Turkish jet systems," the expert said.
Ali so ukrajinska letala že pripravljena za Storm Shadow? Lani so govorili, da že prilagajajo na Storm Shadow rakete, prilagajanje naj bi trajalo 6 mesecov, zdaj pa je že 1 leto od novice.
Cenejša opcija je turški KHAN, saj imajo že tovornjake za izstrelitev v ukrajini.
UK confirms supply of Storm Shadow long-range missiles in Ukraine
1 hour ago
He said the missiles would be compatible with Ukraine's existing, Soviet-era planes and praised the technicians and scientists who made that possible.
Pa kje dobiš te fejk novice? Drugič se prepričaj kaj objavljaš preden se sploh lotiš.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: pojmanimas ()
Pac-Man ::
malo materiala s pojoče ptičke:
russia is digging trenches like mad, because it doesn't have the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles for a mobile defense anymore - neither in numbers, nor in quality, nor in crews.
And russia doesn't have the infantry to man all the trenches they are digging.
russians are digging like mad all over occupied Ukraine: sometimes three to four lines + platoon and company strong points, etc. The front in Ukraine is some 800+ km, add the lines in Crimea and all the secondary lines the russians built and you get 2,400+ km of fortifications.
There are maybe around 300,000+ russian troops in Ukraine - if we exclude command staffs, air defense, electronic warfare, artillery, logistics, medical units, rear area security, engineers, tank and IFV crews,. etc. the russians have at best around 180,000 infantry... or 75 soldiers per km of fortification.
The russians can either have all their trenches severely undermanned or they can man only every fourth of their trenches... they can't do both.
Good odds for the dozens of Ukrainian assault battalions of 500+ troops.
russia isn't a superpower... never was.
russia could only play superpower as long as it controlled a vast colonial empire. In 1989 the Soviet empire consisted of:
🇪🇪🇱🇻🇦🇲🇹🇲🇱🇹🇰🇬🇲🇩🇹🇯🇬🇪🇦🇿🇧🇾🇰🇿🇺🇿🇺🇦 🇵🇱🇷🇴🇨🇿🇸🇰🇭🇺🇧🇬 + East Germany = 252m oppressed people
🇷🇺 = 147m oppressors.
Once russia's colonies freed themselves from russian oppression, russia shrank back to the economic, demographic, political, military, scientific backwater it was before conquering colonies. Now putin tries to reconquer colonies.
It is as if the UK tried to reconquer India or France tried to reconquer Algeria. In 1989-1991 the world's last colonial empire dissolved & the world is a better place since.
And when not attacking its neighbors, russia uses the East India Company playbook to control and exploit African countries. russia is a scourge.
10.77% of all countries in the world were once russian colonies: 🇪🇪🇱🇻🇦🇲🇹🇲🇱🇹🇰🇬🇲🇩🇹🇯🇬🇪🇦🇿🇧🇾🇰🇿🇺🇿🇺🇦 🇵🇱🇷🇴🇨🇿🇸🇰🇭🇺🇧🇬
To compare: 14.36% of all countries in the world were once French colonies & 25.13% were British colonies.
russia was the third largest colonial power & the most oppressive
In #Russia, the federal budget deficit reached 3.4 trillion roubles (or $45.1 billion) in January-April 2023.
This is more than the budget deficit envisaged by the Russian Ministry of Finance for entire 2023 - 2.9 trillion roubles ($38.5 billion).
In January-April 2023, budget revenue in Russia was down by 22.4% year on year. Budget expenditures were up by 26.3% year on year, reflecting the high cost of Russia's war against Ukraine:
russia is digging trenches like mad, because it doesn't have the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles for a mobile defense anymore - neither in numbers, nor in quality, nor in crews.
And russia doesn't have the infantry to man all the trenches they are digging.
russians are digging like mad all over occupied Ukraine: sometimes three to four lines + platoon and company strong points, etc. The front in Ukraine is some 800+ km, add the lines in Crimea and all the secondary lines the russians built and you get 2,400+ km of fortifications.
There are maybe around 300,000+ russian troops in Ukraine - if we exclude command staffs, air defense, electronic warfare, artillery, logistics, medical units, rear area security, engineers, tank and IFV crews,. etc. the russians have at best around 180,000 infantry... or 75 soldiers per km of fortification.
The russians can either have all their trenches severely undermanned or they can man only every fourth of their trenches... they can't do both.
Good odds for the dozens of Ukrainian assault battalions of 500+ troops.
russia isn't a superpower... never was.
russia could only play superpower as long as it controlled a vast colonial empire. In 1989 the Soviet empire consisted of:
🇪🇪🇱🇻🇦🇲🇹🇲🇱🇹🇰🇬🇲🇩🇹🇯🇬🇪🇦🇿🇧🇾🇰🇿🇺🇿🇺🇦 🇵🇱🇷🇴🇨🇿🇸🇰🇭🇺🇧🇬 + East Germany = 252m oppressed people
🇷🇺 = 147m oppressors.
Once russia's colonies freed themselves from russian oppression, russia shrank back to the economic, demographic, political, military, scientific backwater it was before conquering colonies. Now putin tries to reconquer colonies.
It is as if the UK tried to reconquer India or France tried to reconquer Algeria. In 1989-1991 the world's last colonial empire dissolved & the world is a better place since.
And when not attacking its neighbors, russia uses the East India Company playbook to control and exploit African countries. russia is a scourge.
10.77% of all countries in the world were once russian colonies: 🇪🇪🇱🇻🇦🇲🇹🇲🇱🇹🇰🇬🇲🇩🇹🇯🇬🇪🇦🇿🇧🇾🇰🇿🇺🇿🇺🇦 🇵🇱🇷🇴🇨🇿🇸🇰🇭🇺🇧🇬
To compare: 14.36% of all countries in the world were once French colonies & 25.13% were British colonies.
russia was the third largest colonial power & the most oppressive
In #Russia, the federal budget deficit reached 3.4 trillion roubles (or $45.1 billion) in January-April 2023.
This is more than the budget deficit envisaged by the Russian Ministry of Finance for entire 2023 - 2.9 trillion roubles ($38.5 billion).
In January-April 2023, budget revenue in Russia was down by 22.4% year on year. Budget expenditures were up by 26.3% year on year, reflecting the high cost of Russia's war against Ukraine:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
scythe ::
pojmanimas je izjavil:
Naj bi bilo uradno potrjeno, da imajo rakete že v Ukrajini. Nekako pričakujem, da bo najprej odletel most, oz. da bodo vsaj poizkusili.?
Ben Wallace has just confirmed that the UK is donating an undisclosed amount of long-range Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine. In parliament he said: "The donation of these weapons systems gives Ukraine the best chance to defend themselves".
Včeraj na Twiterju:
Great Britain may not transfer Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 300 km, because their adaptation to new aircraft will take a long time.
Most likely, the British can remember Turkey. If we rely on the wording that the missile is similar in characteristics to ATACMS, then it will be a Turkish KHAN ballistic missile with a firing range of up to 300 km, there is even a shoulder more powerful than on ATACMS. And the launchers these missiles are already with us - this is official information from the 49th artillery brigade that we have Turkish jet systems," the expert said.
Ali so ukrajinska letala že pripravljena za Storm Shadow? Lani so govorili, da že prilagajajo na Storm Shadow rakete, prilagajanje naj bi trajalo 6 mesecov, zdaj pa je že 1 leto od novice.
Cenejša opcija je turški KHAN, saj imajo že tovornjake za izstrelitev v ukrajini.
UK confirms supply of Storm Shadow long-range missiles in Ukraine
1 hour ago
He said the missiles would be compatible with Ukraine's existing, Soviet-era planes and praised the technicians and scientists who made that possible.
Pa kje dobiš te fejk novice? Drugič se prepričaj kaj objavljaš preden se sploh lotiš.
Eden izmed linkov: , če pogledaš ostale novice na tem linku, ne zgleda fake stran.
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scythe ()
Lesoto ::
Seveda Tomahawk ne seže do kolen ruskemu čudežnemu orožju, ampak...
Tomahavk je bil razvit približno 40 let nazaj, za takrat vrhunska tehnologija. Ga posodabljajo, tako da je še vedno dober. Je pa to drugačna "kategorija" rakete, tako da je težko neposredno primerjati. Tomahavk leti nizko in se tako izogiba radarju, Kinžal pa stavi na hitrost.
Tomahawk (missile) @ Wikipedia
Ideja večstopenjskega pogona je, zakaj bi zraven "vlačil" težo, ki ti ne koristi več oz. omejuje doseg. To odvržeš in letiš z naslednjo stopnjo naprej.
In kako boš krmilil drugo stopnjo brez krilc? Mislim, da malo v meglo brcaš.
Spet se motiš.
Poglej sredino slike, čelni prerez druge stopnje. Krogi in štirje šrafirani pravokotniki. To so krilca za vodenje rakete.
Ta tvoja shema ima en problem in sicer "center of mass of the warhead" se ne ujema s tistim presekom.
tole je prevod v angleščino
sicer pa hvala, potrdil si točno to kar sem napisal že včeraj
Sem šel gledat Iskanderja, ki naj bi bil podlaga za Kinzhala.
lepo se vidi kolobar okoli jedra rakete
Torej, kje je bojna glava? Nekje na sredini, ane, pred raketnim motorjem.
isto Iskander
Na prvi pogled, ko pogledaš širino oboda, pride tisto od Kličkota ravno v sredino.
BorutO ::
pa kaj tebi ni jasno?? poglej si slike.
Ni mi jasno, kako lahko nekdo za to zeleno bombo trdi, da je Kinžal
In ti verjameš, da je ta bomba na sliki, ki je spolirana in božana od tega človeka na sliki, dejansko resnična? To je samo maketa. Američani so Ruse dobili na laži, da kinžal ne more leteti več kot 7 machov, ker še niso izumili takega materiala, ki bi bil odporen na tako vročino. Rusi so jo pa našli, ki so obstali v razvoju pri sovjetski zvezi? Jaz ne verjamem NIČ rusm. Še to ne več, da je Rusija Rusija ...
Lesoto ::
Spet se motiš.
Poglej sredino slike, čelni prerez druge stopnje. Krogi in štirje šrafirani pravokotniki. To so krilca za vodenje rakete.
Ma kakšna druga stopnja?!?! WTF ti pišeš!?
Iskander ima eno stopnjo (z enim motorjem) in Kindžal ima tudi eno stopnjo, ker je kopija Iskanderja.
isto en motor in en stage
Single-stage solid propellant
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
fikus_ ::
Vidim da se verniki ne morete sprijazniti, da nimate prav.
Kar kaže Klicko, ni del Kinžala, nekdo je napisal, da naj bi bila neka bomba.
Iščete izgovore, ovinke, se sprenevedate, nekateri se delate ...., samo da ni potrebno priznati zmote, sledi ad hominem .....
Da bi bila bomba še vedno manjka nekaj v tej tvoji pravljici: Kako je prišla tja? Ker tvoji malikovani Rusi si niti približno ne upajo dovolj blizu za kaj takega.
ampak važno, da ti slepo verjameš, da to ni del Kinžala, ker drugače cela pravljica o vsemogočni Rusiji, ki v petih minutah potopi vse letalonosilke sveta izpuhti v zrak. Pa četudi si si moral izmislit nebulozo o večstopenjskih pogonih.
Kje je Kličko našel tisto, za kar trdi, da je del Kinžala, ne vem!
Ostali trdite, da je to del Kinzala, torej pokazite vsaj, v katerem delu rakete bi se naj nahajalo tisto, kar kaže Kličko.
Tisto je zelo verjetno neka bomba, ima dve luknji preko katerih se pritrdi na letalo.
Sem te že enkrat pozval, če imaš boljšo razlago, vir, ... napiši.
Ampak kot kaže, je enostavneje nabijat svojo mantro.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: Lesoto ()
Lesoto ::
fikus_ ::
Seveda Tomahawk ne seže do kolen ruskemu čudežnemu orožju, ampak...
Tomahavk je bil razvit približno 40 let nazaj, za takrat vrhunska tehnologija. Ga posodabljajo, tako da je še vedno dober. Je pa to drugačna "kategorija" rakete, tako da je težko neposredno primerjati. Tomahavk leti nizko in se tako izogiba radarju, Kinžal pa stavi na hitrost.
Tomahawk (missile) @ Wikipedia
Ideja večstopenjskega pogona je, zakaj bi zraven "vlačil" težo, ki ti ne koristi več oz. omejuje doseg. To odvržeš in letiš z naslednjo stopnjo naprej.
In kako boš krmilil drugo stopnjo brez krilc? Mislim, da malo v meglo brcaš.
Spet se motiš.
Poglej sredino slike, čelni prerez druge stopnje. Krogi in štirje šrafirani pravokotniki. To so krilca za vodenje rakete.
Ta tvoja shema ima en problem in sicer "center of mass of the warhead" se ne ujema s tistim presekom.
tole je prevod v angleščino
sicer pa hvala, potrdil si točno to kar sem napisal že včeraj
Sem šel gledat Iskanderja, ki naj bi bil podlaga za Kinzhala.
lepo se vidi kolobar okoli jedra rakete
Torej, kje je bojna glava? Nekje na sredini, ane, pred raketnim motorjem.
isto Iskander
Na prvi pogled, ko pogledaš širino oboda, pride tisto od Kličkota ravno v sredino.
Kje je pa še ostali del slike s prevodom?!
Kaže, da ne morete preboleti zmote!
Zmajc, kje si snel sliko kinžala, link prosim.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Lesoto ::
Kje je pa še ostali del slike s prevodom?!
Kaže, da ne morete preboleti zmote!
Zmajc, kje si snel sliko kinžala, link prosim.
Halo? A je vse v redu s tabo?
Tukaj imaš prevajalec za tekste v slikah:
Pa si prevedi vse, kar te zanima.
Nekaj dni nazaj si nabijal o AA raketah, da imajo vse eksplozivno glavo.
In zdaj smo že spet tukaj, KER NISI SPOSOBEN PREBOLET ZMOTE!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
fur80 ::
pa kaj tebi ni jasno?? poglej si slike.
Ni mi jasno, kako lahko nekdo za to zeleno bombo trdi, da je Kinžal
In ti verjameš, da je ta bomba na sliki, ki je spolirana in božana od tega človeka na sliki, dejansko resnična? To je samo maketa. Američani so Ruse dobili na laži, da kinžal ne more leteti več kot 7 machov, ker še niso izumili takega materiala, ki bi bil odporen na tako vročino. Rusi so jo pa našli, ki so obstali v razvoju pri sovjetski zvezi? Jaz ne verjamem NIČ rusm. Še to ne več, da je Rusija Rusija ...
Se strinjam. Prav tako, kam je šla njihova elitna papirnata vojska Spetsnaz, sedaj prihaja njihova najboljša elitna jurišna enota, kam bodi ti jurišali, meni ni jasno.
Po eni strani se ti prav zasmilijo ti fantje v rosnih letih, ki bi morali biti pri vnukih sedaj, umrli bodo pa v prvem bunkerju na fronti.
Še sam Prigozhin je rekel, da je izgubil za teh 2km, ki so ga sedaj Ukrajinci dobili nazaj, 500 ljudi, za samo 2 km, potem nam je najbrž jasno koliko ljudi so žrtvovali bolniki.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
bbbbbb2015 ::
fur80 ::
Naj kdo prebere to skropucalo na RTV in kaj futrajo ljudi za 12€
Velika Britanija bo Ukrajini dobavila rakete dolgega dosega Storm Shadow. Preboj Rusije v Bahmutu?
Ruske sile naj bi v Bahmutu dosegle preboj
Ruske sile pa so sporočile, da so dosegle preboj v Bahmutu na vzhodu Ukrajine, kjer že mesece potekajo intenzivni spopadi. "V regiji Doneck napadalne divizije nadaljujejo napade na zahodni del mesta Bahmut. Pri tem pa jih podpirajo zračnodesantne enote," je povedal tiskovni predstavnik ruskega obrambnega ministrstva Igor Konašenkov.
Preboj ruskih sil se je v Bahmutu zgodil le nekaj dni po tem, ko se je Jevgenij Prigožin, vodja ruske najemniške skupine Wagner, katere pripadniki se že dolgo bojujejo v tem mestu in njegovi okolici, pritožil, da so ruske enote zapustile svoje položaje v bližini mesta. "Vse so pustili, pobegnili in pustili odprto fronto v širini skoraj dveh kilometrov," je dejal in posvaril pred ukrajinskim napredovanjem. Prav tako je vojaško poveljstvo obtožil, da poskuša zavajati ruskega predsednika Vladimirja Putina s potekom spopadov v Ukrajini. Ob tem pa je tudi podvomil v njihovo sposobnost, da brani Rusijo.
Velika Britanija bo Ukrajini dobavila rakete dolgega dosega Storm Shadow. Preboj Rusije v Bahmutu?
Ruske sile naj bi v Bahmutu dosegle preboj
Ruske sile pa so sporočile, da so dosegle preboj v Bahmutu na vzhodu Ukrajine, kjer že mesece potekajo intenzivni spopadi. "V regiji Doneck napadalne divizije nadaljujejo napade na zahodni del mesta Bahmut. Pri tem pa jih podpirajo zračnodesantne enote," je povedal tiskovni predstavnik ruskega obrambnega ministrstva Igor Konašenkov.
Preboj ruskih sil se je v Bahmutu zgodil le nekaj dni po tem, ko se je Jevgenij Prigožin, vodja ruske najemniške skupine Wagner, katere pripadniki se že dolgo bojujejo v tem mestu in njegovi okolici, pritožil, da so ruske enote zapustile svoje položaje v bližini mesta. "Vse so pustili, pobegnili in pustili odprto fronto v širini skoraj dveh kilometrov," je dejal in posvaril pred ukrajinskim napredovanjem. Prav tako je vojaško poveljstvo obtožil, da poskuša zavajati ruskega predsednika Vladimirja Putina s potekom spopadov v Ukrajini. Ob tem pa je tudi podvomil v njihovo sposobnost, da brani Rusijo.
Pac-Man ::
Kje je Kličko našel tisto, za kar trdi, da je del Kinžala, ne vem!
Ostali trdite, da je to del Kinzala, torej pokazite vsaj, v katerem delu rakete bi se naj nahajalo tisto, kar kaže Kličko.
Tvoj problem je, da izhajaš iz predpostavke, da to ne more bit del Kinžala. Zato Kinžal postane dvostopenjska raketa, nebo je zeleno in voda suha.
Slava Putinu & preberi moj podpis
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
Naj kdo prebere to skropucalo na RTV in kaj futrajo ljudi za 12€
Velika Britanija bo Ukrajini dobavila rakete dolgega dosega Storm Shadow. Preboj Rusije v Bahmutu?
Ruske sile naj bi v Bahmutu dosegle preboj
Ruske sile pa so sporočile, da so dosegle preboj v Bahmutu na vzhodu Ukrajine, kjer že mesece potekajo intenzivni spopadi. "V regiji Doneck napadalne divizije nadaljujejo napade na zahodni del mesta Bahmut. Pri tem pa jih podpirajo zračnodesantne enote," je povedal tiskovni predstavnik ruskega obrambnega ministrstva Igor Konašenkov.
Preboj ruskih sil se je v Bahmutu zgodil le nekaj dni po tem, ko se je Jevgenij Prigožin, vodja ruske najemniške skupine Wagner, katere pripadniki se že dolgo bojujejo v tem mestu in njegovi okolici, pritožil, da so ruske enote zapustile svoje položaje v bližini mesta. "Vse so pustili, pobegnili in pustili odprto fronto v širini skoraj dveh kilometrov," je dejal in posvaril pred ukrajinskim napredovanjem. Prav tako je vojaško poveljstvo obtožil, da poskuša zavajati ruskega predsednika Vladimirja Putina s potekom spopadov v Ukrajini. Ob tem pa je tudi podvomil v njihovo sposobnost, da brani Rusijo.
Takole danes cvili ruski TG kanal.
Russian military blogger Yuri Kotenok:
"Not very good news continues to come from the Bakhmut area. As of 1750 Moscow time (1550 BST), the following positions on our flanks have been lost [on the map in sky blue]"
o0o0o0o0o0 ::
Kinžal ali ne, rusi so dokazali, da so vojaška nula. Tako taktično, kot tehnološko. Več kot pol leta osvajajo Bakhmut. Sramota
mackilla ::
Vidim da se verniki ne morete sprijazniti, da nimate prav.
Kar kaže Klicko, ni del Kinžala, nekdo je napisal, da naj bi bila neka bomba.
Iščete izgovore, ovinke, se sprenevedate, nekateri se delate ...., samo da ni potrebno priznati zmote, sledi ad hominem .....
Da bi bila bomba še vedno manjka nekaj v tej tvoji pravljici: Kako je prišla tja? Ker tvoji malikovani Rusi si niti približno ne upajo dovolj blizu za kaj takega.
ampak važno, da ti slepo verjameš, da to ni del Kinžala, ker drugače cela pravljica o vsemogočni Rusiji, ki v petih minutah potopi vse letalonosilke sveta izpuhti v zrak. Pa četudi si si moral izmislit nebulozo o večstopenjskih pogonih.
Kje je Kličko našel tisto, za kar trdi, da je del Kinžala, ne vem!
Ostali trdite, da je to del Kinzala, torej pokazite vsaj, v katerem delu rakete bi se naj nahajalo tisto, kar kaže Kličko.
Tisto je zelo verjetno neka bomba, ima dve luknji preko katerih se pritrdi na letalo.
Sem te že enkrat pozval, če imaš boljšo razlago, vir, ... napiši.
Ampak kot kaže, je enostavneje nabijat svojo mantro.
Bojna glava. Pride v sprednji del rakete. Luknje so verjetno za držala za bojno glavo,ki jih uporabljajo pri sestavljanju rakete. To je Rusija in je verjetno vse na handgetrib. Bemu milu a moram spet prilepiti banane????
Matejjjjj ::
Seveda Tomahawk ne seže do kolen ruskemu čudežnemu orožju, ampak...
in to podzvočna raketa s turboventilatorskim motorjem LOL
Pač nerodno je bedakom na tem forumu pa se zdaj delajo nevedne. Po njihovo tomahavk tehta 6 ton in je iz 5cm jekla. Kot tallboy na raketni pogon.
BTW, poglejte kako zgleda 5t bomba, ki je v celoti polnjena z eksplozivom, od tega 2,5 toni eksploziva, dolga 6m, premera 1m
Kinzhal, 4,5 tone, dolg 7m, premera 1,2m. Odšteješ še raketno gorivo. It doesnt compute, če bi radi imeli 1,2 m valj iz 10cm jekla, polnjen z eksplozivom. zaletite se nekaj s svojo skepso, Rusi pušijo na dolgi rok in pika. Pa me to osebno boli, ker so moji dohodki vezani na njihovo prosperiteto...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Matejjjjj ()
Comandante ::
Naj bi bilo uradno potrjeno, da imajo rakete že v Ukrajini. Nekako pričakujem, da bo najprej odletel most, oz. da bodo vsaj poizkusili.?
Po moje bi jih znali sparati do dneva D, nato pa udariti z njimi na polno po ruskih letalskih bazah, Sevastopolu (ladje, podmornice) in seveda po jebenem mostu. Skupaj z vsem ostalim, ameriski shock & awe style. Da ruse mine volja do bojevanja, da obesijo bele gate na veje in se predajo.
Veliko vprasanje je, koliko raket so dobili. UK jih poseduje med 700 in 1000. Most bo najbrz prva prioriteta. Sicer pa 450kg bojna glava za salo potopi vsako bojno ladjo, enako veliko bojno glavo uporablja ameriski AGM-158C LRASM.
Lesoto ::
Someone in Russia broke into a military airfield to set fire to a bomber jet, and Russian cops only found out it was happening on social media: report
Someone in Russia broke into a military airfield to set fire to a bomber jet, and Russian cops only found out it was happening on social media: report
raceboy ::
no nevem ce je ze tukaj bilo napisano kolko se rusi hvalijo s Poseidonom. sicer to je iz wiki. recimo, da so analitiki prestudirali.
In 2022, Russian domestic TV propaganda said Poseidon will be able to "plunge Britain into the depths of the sea".[51][52] According to Russian propaganda during the invasion of Ukraine, the Poseidon Torpedo may initiate a 500m high shockwave.[53]
Various sources disregard these claims by showing the wave-generating principle differences against a natural-occurring tsunami, where the big ones are usually more directed (as opposed to 360° spread caused by an undersea explosion, and thus much bigger attenuation by distance). Additionally, the energy released e.g. by the 2011 Japan Tsunami was still 163000 times bigger than Tsar Bomba (upper estimated possible power of the system in question). A thing to consider is the nuclear fallout. It is unclear what strategic advantages this provides over direct use of Nuclear weapons. [54]
Status-6 Oceanic Multipurpose System @ Wikipedia
In 2022, Russian domestic TV propaganda said Poseidon will be able to "plunge Britain into the depths of the sea".[51][52] According to Russian propaganda during the invasion of Ukraine, the Poseidon Torpedo may initiate a 500m high shockwave.[53]
Various sources disregard these claims by showing the wave-generating principle differences against a natural-occurring tsunami, where the big ones are usually more directed (as opposed to 360° spread caused by an undersea explosion, and thus much bigger attenuation by distance). Additionally, the energy released e.g. by the 2011 Japan Tsunami was still 163000 times bigger than Tsar Bomba (upper estimated possible power of the system in question). A thing to consider is the nuclear fallout. It is unclear what strategic advantages this provides over direct use of Nuclear weapons. [54]
Status-6 Oceanic Multipurpose System @ Wikipedia
mojsterleo ::
Comandante ::
mojsterleo je izjavil:
Ruska fronta v Bahmutu se podira.
Komentar Prigozina:
Pa ne da je zaradi dolgega jezika dejansko ostal brez municije in podpore?
raceboy ::
jaz bi te objave tega idiota vzel malo z rezervo... vsaj kar se medijskega pompa tice. upam da jih res tolcejo na polno sam...
Pac-Man ::
Bahmut je Ukrajina. Tudi leta 1737:
October 11, 1737.
Bakhmut is mentioned as a city in Ukraine.
Peter Lacy @ Wikipedia
Peter Graf[2] von Lacy (Russian: Пётр Петро́вич Ла́сси, romanized: Pyotr Petróvich Lássi; English: Pierce Edmond de Lacy; Irish: Peadar (Piarais Éamonn) de Lása; 26 September 1678 – 30 April 1751)[3] was an Irish-born soldier who later served in the Imperial Russian army.
Considered one of the most successful Russian Imperial commanders before Rumyantsev and Suvorov, in a military career that spanned half a century he claimed to have participated in 31 campaigns, 18 battles, and 18 sieges. He died on his private estate in Riga, where he served as governor for many years.
War having been declared against Turkey, Lacy was sent to reduce Azov. During the months of May and June 1736 Lacy carried on the approaches against Azov by sap, the Turkish garrison making repeated sallies, during one of which Lacy was wounded. At the beginning of July, the town being a heap of ruins from the Russian shells, and provisions running short, the Turkish bashaw capitulated, marching out with 3,463 men, and leaving behind some three hundred pieces of ordnance and 291 Christian captives, who were set at liberty. Lacy then marched to assist Münnich on his return from a disastrous expedition in the Crimea, and afterwards, with his own troops and the remnant of Münnich's force, went into winter quarters in the Ukraine. In 1737 Lacy was appointed to command a fresh expedition into the Crimea. With forty thousand men he unexpectedly crossed an arm of the sea at Arabat, stormed and blew up the Tartar lines at Perecop, and by the end of September returned to the Ukraine, having, ‘without knowing why he was sent into the Crimea, conducted the campaign with great glory to himself and very little sickness to the army.’
Ker nekateri radi trdijo, da je prava Ukrajina samo skrajni zahod države, del ki je bil pod Avstro-Ogrsko ;)
October 11, 1737.
Bakhmut is mentioned as a city in Ukraine.
Peter Lacy @ Wikipedia
Peter Graf[2] von Lacy (Russian: Пётр Петро́вич Ла́сси, romanized: Pyotr Petróvich Lássi; English: Pierce Edmond de Lacy; Irish: Peadar (Piarais Éamonn) de Lása; 26 September 1678 – 30 April 1751)[3] was an Irish-born soldier who later served in the Imperial Russian army.
Considered one of the most successful Russian Imperial commanders before Rumyantsev and Suvorov, in a military career that spanned half a century he claimed to have participated in 31 campaigns, 18 battles, and 18 sieges. He died on his private estate in Riga, where he served as governor for many years.
War having been declared against Turkey, Lacy was sent to reduce Azov. During the months of May and June 1736 Lacy carried on the approaches against Azov by sap, the Turkish garrison making repeated sallies, during one of which Lacy was wounded. At the beginning of July, the town being a heap of ruins from the Russian shells, and provisions running short, the Turkish bashaw capitulated, marching out with 3,463 men, and leaving behind some three hundred pieces of ordnance and 291 Christian captives, who were set at liberty. Lacy then marched to assist Münnich on his return from a disastrous expedition in the Crimea, and afterwards, with his own troops and the remnant of Münnich's force, went into winter quarters in the Ukraine. In 1737 Lacy was appointed to command a fresh expedition into the Crimea. With forty thousand men he unexpectedly crossed an arm of the sea at Arabat, stormed and blew up the Tartar lines at Perecop, and by the end of September returned to the Ukraine, having, ‘without knowing why he was sent into the Crimea, conducted the campaign with great glory to himself and very little sickness to the army.’
Ker nekateri radi trdijo, da je prava Ukrajina samo skrajni zahod države, del ki je bil pod Avstro-Ogrsko ;)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
psyop na psyop na psyop
Operation Desert Storm, underway
Če nič drugega, se elitnejše ukrajinske sile vlečejo proti Bahmutu ali so pa že tam.
Operation Desert Storm, underway
Če nič drugega, se elitnejše ukrajinske sile vlečejo proti Bahmutu ali so pa že tam.
Pac-Man ::
Uhjej, bakle, res bo psyop. :)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Obrambno ministrstvo moskovskega režima pravi, da Patriot ne more sestrelit Kinžala. Zdaj je uradno, res je bil sestreljen :D
“Patriot missile defense system (MDS) couldn’t down a Kinzhal missile” per a high-ranking official from 🇷🇺 Defense Ministry.
☝️Kinzhal’s velocity exceeds Western MDS specifications.
@PentagonPresSec & 🇺🇸 media outlets, your reports are wishful thinking.
The American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system could not shoot down the Russian Kinzhal missile due to its technical characteristics, a senior source in the Ministry of Defense said.
"The fact is that the flight speed of the Kinzhal missile exceeds the maximum combat modes of anti-aircraft missile systems supplied by the West to the Kyiv regime, including the Patriot," the agency's interlocutor explained.
“Patriot missile defense system (MDS) couldn’t down a Kinzhal missile” per a high-ranking official from 🇷🇺 Defense Ministry.
☝️Kinzhal’s velocity exceeds Western MDS specifications.
@PentagonPresSec & 🇺🇸 media outlets, your reports are wishful thinking.
The American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system could not shoot down the Russian Kinzhal missile due to its technical characteristics, a senior source in the Ministry of Defense said.
"The fact is that the flight speed of the Kinzhal missile exceeds the maximum combat modes of anti-aircraft missile systems supplied by the West to the Kyiv regime, including the Patriot," the agency's interlocutor explained.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
⚡️⚡️The first full-fledged photo of the kamikaze drone, which was developed by the 🇺🇦Ukrainian concern "Ukroboronprom" The declared range is 1000 kilometers
⚡️⚡️The first full-fledged photo of the kamikaze drone, which was developed by the 🇺🇦Ukrainian concern "Ukroboronprom" The declared range is 1000 kilometers
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fikus_ ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Wot? Ruski hipersonični izstrelek je padel na kavč v dnevni sobi in uničil pol kavča?
Kira beda.
Naš manjši pes zna raztrgati kavč bolje in močneje od hipersoničnega izstrelka.
Te slike nisem jaz objavljal!
Tako da to pripisi komu drugemu.
Kličko verjetno kaže te ostanke
Dve ušesi za obešanje.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()
Sheteentz ::
psyop na psyop na psyop
Operation Desert Storm, underway
Če nič drugega, se elitnejše ukrajinske sile vlečejo proti Bahmutu ali so pa že tam.
Death is but a moment, cowardice is a lifetime of affliction.
Lesoto ::
Kličko verjetno kaže te ostanke
Dve ušesi za obešanje.
Smo že včeraj obdelali, da ni:
mackilla ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Wot? Ruski hipersonični izstrelek je padel na kavč v dnevni sobi in uničil pol kavča?
Kira beda.
Naš manjši pes zna raztrgati kavč bolje in močneje od hipersoničnega izstrelka.
Te slike nisem jaz objavljal!
Tako da to pripisi komu drugemu.
Kličko verjetno kaže te ostanke
Dve ušesi za obešanje.
Na tule imaš še en diagram,ki kaže,da ni dveh stopenj. Maš pa še bojno glavo
luli ::
Mislim, da prihaja čas, ko bo Putana spil kakšen čajček ali pa zgubil ravnotežje pred oknom.
Rambutan ::
Kličko verjetno kaže te ostanke
Dve ušesi za obešanje.
Smo že včeraj obdelali, da ni:
To ni ista bomba kot včeraj BETAB-500, ta je FAB-500.
Sicer pa zanimivo, kako hitro ste ovrgli tezo da je Kličkova bomba BETAB-500, nikakor pa nočete verjeti, da to ni Kinžal. Normalni ljudje bi utihnili, redki bi prizali napako, samo "slava Ukrajini" verniki pa si še naprej kopljete jamo, pa še z analogijami z bananami se smešite. Vmes se pa že cel internet smeji Kličkotu, še NOEL je brisal svoje twite