Forum » Loža » Paypal in avtomatska konverzija
Paypal in avtomatska konverzija
shubell ::
Ko kopuješ preko spleta v tujih valutah in plačuješ preko paypala si imel včasih opcijo, da plačaš z kreditno kartico v originalni valuti. Sedaj pa je paypal to opcijo izključil. Obstaja opcija na ebayju izbrati za vsak nakup "brez konverzije" a opt-out opcije ni več.
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- premaknil iz Problemi človeštva: AndrejO ()
PgSurfer ::
Paypal pravi takole:
Complete the following additional steps when you send a payment:
Click Other Conversion Options on the Review Your Payment page.
Choose Bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice. Select this option to ensure that your credit card is charged in the currency you want.
When you choose this option, you won't know which foreign exchange rate has been applied to the transaction until you receive your card statement. Your card issuer will determine the foreign exchange rate to apply to the transaction.
Complete the following additional steps when you send a payment:
Click Other Conversion Options on the Review Your Payment page.
Choose Bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice. Select this option to ensure that your credit card is charged in the currency you want.
When you choose this option, you won't know which foreign exchange rate has been applied to the transaction until you receive your card statement. Your card issuer will determine the foreign exchange rate to apply to the transaction.
blackbfm ::
Saj zato pa ne uporabljaj tega servisa, ker smrdi na daleč. PP je živ gnoj.
Dej ne nabijaj. Paypal dobro resuje dolocene placilne probleme..
Je pa razumljivo da hoce pp delat konverzije, ker interno preknjizit neke cifre jih nic ne stane..tu pa se moras sam mal pobrigat kaj in kako
Vredno ogleda ...
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