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Ebay, prosim za pomoč

Ebay, prosim za pomoč

sabina78 ::

Nimam izkušenj s prodajo na Ebayu, imam pa kar nekaj lepih stvari, za katere bi lahko tam iztržila več kot pri nas, zato sem se odločila za registracijo. Vse lepo in prav, vnesem predmet za prodajo in mi ga odstranijo z obrazložitvijo, da je diskriminatoren oz. žaljiv. V tem primeru gre za originalno nemško čelado iz 2. svetovne vojne. A na Ebayu jih je malo morje. Ne razumem??? Drugi primer: Dam v prodajo staro bodalo in mi ga odstranijo z obrazložitvijo, da gre za orožje. Ja, ok, recimo. Ampak zakaj takih in podobnih predmetov potem na Ebaju najdem juhuhu veliko. A ima kdo izkušnje in mi lahko to razloži, kaj delam narobe??
Hvala in lep pozdrav.

Machete ::

Dobro preglej razlike med temi, ki jih je 'malo morje' in tvojimi oglasi. Mogoče najdeš neko razliko, kjer trčiš ob ebay pravila.

most knives can be sold on eBay. However, some styles of knives are prohibited.

Not allowed
Items that are not permitted include, but are not limited to:

Historical Holocaust-related items, including reproductions such as:
Uniforms and personal belongings of concentration camp prisoners
Jewish identification (armbands, Star of David)
Holocaust photos that depict dead bodies, executions, or other violent or degrading scenes
Nazi-issued documents (passports, travel papers)
Historical Nazi-related items, including reproductions such as:
Uniforms, uniform components, weapons, or other items that bear Nazi symbols, whether visible or covered
Listings and products in which images are edited or cropped to try and hide Nazi symbols
De-Nazified items (items that originally had Nazi symbols that have been removed)
Items that were owned by, affiliated with, or books written by Nazi leaders such as:
Joseph Goebbels
Hermann Goering
Rudolf Hess
Reinhard Heydrich
Heinrich Himmler
Adolf Hitler
1936 Olympic medals
Any item made after 1933 that bears a swastika (e.g., jewelry, clothing, rugs, fabrics), unless listed in the allowed section above. We are sensitive that the swastika is commonly and legitimately used in religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. However, given the highly offensive nature of the Nazi swastika, we have decided to not allow any non-historic items bearing a swastika.
Media identified as Nazi propaganda or that otherwise promote hatred or racial supremacy including historic and current items
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  • spremenil: Machete ()

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