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Kako najlažje naročiti iz

akulp ::
Govorim seveda o zadevah, ki jih ne pošiljajo v SLO.:)
Konkretno bi rad tole, ker je bistveno ceneje, kot na DE/IT:,, tukaj ni težav. Izbereš pickup location, narociš, greš iskat. Preizkušeno, brez težav.
Kako pa naj naročim iz .com?
Govorim seveda o zadevah, ki jih ne pošiljajo v SLO.:)
Konkretno bi rad tole, ker je bistveno ceneje, kot na DE/IT:,, tukaj ni težav. Izbereš pickup location, narociš, greš iskat. Preizkušeno, brez težav.
Kako pa naj naročim iz .com?

Tilen ::
This may be because:
Dimensional shipping limits - standard shipping to these regions are limited by the overall shipping size which include a maximum length or girth of 108 inches and maximum weight of 70 lbs.
Large and/or oddly shaped items may not be eligible for shipping.
Hazmat - certain hazmat items (including but not limited to lithium batteries) are restricted from shipping to these areas.
Restricted Product - Products offered for sale on must comply with all laws and regulations and with Amazon's policies. For more information see Restricted Products.
Address type - certain address types preclude shipping speeds, due to carrier capabilities.
Amazon may be restricted from shipping to your country due to government import/export requirements.
You are shipping to a U.S. freight forwarder but your order contains items that are restricted from exportation.
Amazon may be restricted from shipping to your country or location due to manufacturer restrictions or warranty issues.
You may have chosen an offer from a seller who doesn't offer international shipping. Try looking for another seller.
You may have chosen an offer from a seller who doesn't offer shipping to your address due to the nature of the product (Perishable, Heavy/Bulky, Hazmat). Try looking for another seller or a similar product.
Dimensional shipping limits - standard shipping to these regions are limited by the overall shipping size which include a maximum length or girth of 108 inches and maximum weight of 70 lbs.
Large and/or oddly shaped items may not be eligible for shipping.
Hazmat - certain hazmat items (including but not limited to lithium batteries) are restricted from shipping to these areas.
Restricted Product - Products offered for sale on must comply with all laws and regulations and with Amazon's policies. For more information see Restricted Products.
Address type - certain address types preclude shipping speeds, due to carrier capabilities.
Amazon may be restricted from shipping to your country due to government import/export requirements.
You are shipping to a U.S. freight forwarder but your order contains items that are restricted from exportation.
Amazon may be restricted from shipping to your country or location due to manufacturer restrictions or warranty issues.
You may have chosen an offer from a seller who doesn't offer international shipping. Try looking for another seller.
You may have chosen an offer from a seller who doesn't offer shipping to your address due to the nature of the product (Perishable, Heavy/Bulky, Hazmat). Try looking for another seller or a similar product.

Se ne splača.
Nemški Amazon:
Ring 2 + Echo Dot - 139,00€ (z Echo Dot stane enako kot samo Ring 2)
Echo Show 5 - 59,99€
Skupaj te pride 200€, na US Amazonu pa Ring+Echo Show stane 127€. Temu moraš potem prišteti (v kolikor ti uspe naročiti) še stroške pošiljanja (enih 20-30€ minimalno) ter 22% DDV + stroške carinjenja (5-10€).
(127 + dostava) * 1,22 + carina = 200€
Recimo da je carinski postopek 10€, da prideš na 200€ so lahko stroški pošiljanja max. 28€, sicer si že v minusu (s tem da iz DE Amazona dobiš še zraven Echo Dot, ki stane vsaj 20€ (če ujameš akcijo).
Nemški Amazon:
Ring 2 + Echo Dot - 139,00€ (z Echo Dot stane enako kot samo Ring 2)
Echo Show 5 - 59,99€
Skupaj te pride 200€, na US Amazonu pa Ring+Echo Show stane 127€. Temu moraš potem prišteti (v kolikor ti uspe naročiti) še stroške pošiljanja (enih 20-30€ minimalno) ter 22% DDV + stroške carinjenja (5-10€).
(127 + dostava) * 1,22 + carina = 200€
Recimo da je carinski postopek 10€, da prideš na 200€ so lahko stroški pošiljanja max. 28€, sicer si že v minusu (s tem da iz DE Amazona dobiš še zraven Echo Dot, ki stane vsaj 20€ (če ujameš akcijo).
"Only physical beauty is the foundation for a true higher culture of
the mind and spirit as well. Only sun and steel will show you the path."
Beauty is absolutely terrifying to people because it highlights what is ugly.
the mind and spirit as well. Only sun and steel will show you the path."
Beauty is absolutely terrifying to people because it highlights what is ugly.

akulp ::
Se ne splača.
Nemški Amazon:
Ring 2 + Echo Dot - 139,00€ (z Echo Dot stane enako kot samo Ring 2)
Echo Show 5 - 59,99€
Skupaj te pride 200€, na US Amazonu pa Ring+Echo Show stane 127€. Temu moraš potem prišteti (v kolikor ti uspe naročiti) še stroške pošiljanja (enih 20-30€ minimalno) ter 22% DDV + stroške carinjenja (5-10€).
(127 + dostava) * 1,22 + carina = 200€
Recimo da je carinski postopek 10€, da prideš na 200€ so lahko stroški pošiljanja max. 28€, sicer si že v minusu (s tem da iz DE Amazona dobiš še zraven Echo Dot, ki stane vsaj 20€ (če ujameš akcijo).
Cja, ja. Maš prav.
Sem šel vmes malo računat, ja. Sej logično, da potem v EU postavijo take cene, tudi sami preračunajo. :)
kako se lahko naroci izdelek iz, ki ga na pošiljajo v slovenijo?
Imaš t.i. pickup lokacije. Je pa res, da ni možno za vse izdelke. Preveri, je precej govora o tem.
Recimo tule je mogoče največ na kupu:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: akulp ()

scipascapa ::

akulp ::
Za ceno tega zvončka, dandanes dobiš 4 kvalitetne IP kamere.
In potem? Imam IP kamero, ki kaže na vohd že zdaj. Ampak, je oddaljena, tudi če bi imela 2-way audio, ne pride v poštev Uporabljam pa za smart home Alexa sistem v povezavi s Shelly-ji.
Pa preden mi odgovoriš upoštevaj, da sem že poskusil sledeče:
- motion cone v povezavi z opozorili na telefonu
- Alexo in IFTT
- želim, da se lahko pogovarjam s človekom.
Trenutno imam za zvonec Alexa button, ampak mi manjka slika in možnost pogovora ...

c3p0 ::
A, ti se bi pogovarjal. Lahko skombiniraš kamere s kakim AE klonom:

akulp ::
A, ti se bi pogovarjal.
Pogovarjal...mislim, ta funkcija nam je večkrat manjkala na daljavo, ko zvoni poštar, da se zmeniš, da ti nekje pusti paket, pa ko otrok zvoni, ker bi samo vprašal, kdaj mora notri, itd... Skratka, če že kupujem to, ne bi bilo slabo, da ima 2-w audio, ja.
Ja, te klone sem gledal že precej, pa se kar ne morem odločiti, če se mi splača "tvegat" za 10-20 EUR razlike. Ring je saj precej preizkušena zadeva, čeprav tudi ni ravno pohvaljena povsod. Ampak, tisti trije, ki ga imajo in so moji znanci, so zelo zadovoljni.
Poleg tega pa še težko klon, ki je Alaexa compatible. Sicer spet takoj rabim HA ali kaj podobnega ...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: akulp ()
Vredno ogleda ...
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