Forum » Igre » Call of Duty : Modern Warfare [4] (2019)
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare [4] (2019)

oo7 ::
LEAK: Modern Warfare 4 To Be Call of Duty’s 2019 Release
One of Gaming INTEL’s exclusive sources has said that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 will be the next title, by Infinity Ward, to release in 2019.
Our sources stated that Call of Duty would release as a “fully fledged” Call of Duty title, with a campaign that is already being worked on, the customary Call of Duty Multiplayer experience and the return of its Zombies mode. This source also said that Battle Royale was being discussed for Modern Warfare 4, but at that point, it was merely discussions.
One of Gaming INTEL’s exclusive sources has said that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 will be the next title, by Infinity Ward, to release in 2019.
Our sources stated that Call of Duty would release as a “fully fledged” Call of Duty title, with a campaign that is already being worked on, the customary Call of Duty Multiplayer experience and the return of its Zombies mode. This source also said that Battle Royale was being discussed for Modern Warfare 4, but at that point, it was merely discussions.
- spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::
NFL Players Reveal Next 'Call of Duty' is 'Modern Warfare 4'

oo7 ::
The next Call of Duty will be revealed before the end of June
Čisto možmo, da bo ;)
zdej pa rabmo sam se mw2 remaster :)
Čisto možmo, da bo ;)

ahac ::
Igra se imenuje "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" brez številke 4.
Call of Duty 2019 is called...
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
I'm not joking.
I can confirm this is true, and that it's hilarious. The first one was "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" so obviously the fourth one is "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare." Video games are absurd
Slo-Tech Discord -

ahac ::
Pametno razmišljajo: Če so vse CoD igre enake, zakaj bi vsako leto spreminjal ime?

Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- odbrisal: ahac ()

ahac ::
Official Call of Duty(R): Modern Warfare(R) - Reveal Trailer
Preorder je že na
Izide 25.10.2019
more edit:
To je prvi CoD s crossplay PC + PS4 + Xbox One.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::
Se pravi gre za reebot. Igra naj bi imela nov pogon. No zdaj morajo pokazati samo še gameplay.

opeter ::
Čakajte, a to je potem dejansko reštart prvega Modern Warfare? Zakaj?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

opeter ::
Kaj si pa pričakoval od ameriškega propagandnega stroja?

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

abyssus ::
Od kje informacija, da bo nov engine?
Sicer pa; pri Infinite Warfare so v prvem trailerju tudi pokazali COD4:Remaster (na koncu trailerja), tukaj pa tega ni bilo.
Sicer pa; pri Infinite Warfare so v prvem trailerju tudi pokazali COD4:Remaster (na koncu trailerja), tukaj pa tega ni bilo.

oo7 ::
Od kje informacija, da bo nov engine?
Sicer pa; pri Infinite Warfare so v prvem trailerju tudi pokazali COD4:Remaster (na koncu trailerja), tukaj pa tega ni bilo.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare finally has a new engine, with 4K and raytracing
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be the first game in the series to run on a brand-new engine in 14 years.
‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’ Crossplay Is A Dam-Breaking Moment For the Industry

oo7 ::
Menda boš igral pol kampanije kot arabski vojak. Samo upam, da je kot terorist v beli čeladi.

oo7 ::
This trailer doesent do it justice. I got to see the scenes a few wks ago. It s reboot. A bit slower, more tactical. Door breaching. Scary, realistic death animations. Close quarters. They re going full-edgy with the campaign. To me it felt like No Russian The game.
No Russian je misija v igri COD MW2 kjer na letališču streljaš na civiliste.
No Russian je misija v igri COD MW2 kjer na letališču streljaš na civiliste.

abyssus ::
Saj si ne upajo naredit takšne igre, kot je bila ta misija, glede na to, kakšen backlash bi bil v modernem svetu. :)
Glede na napisano me res zanima, kakšen bo multiplayer. Skoraj si težko predstavljam, da si Activison upa karkoli spremeniti v njihovi preverjeni formuli. :)
Glede na napisano me res zanima, kakšen bo multiplayer. Skoraj si težko predstavljam, da si Activison upa karkoli spremeniti v njihovi preverjeni formuli. :)

oo7 ::
Bomo videli čez 1 teden :)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare impressions -- Taking war in a frightening direction
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare impressions -- Taking war in a frightening direction

oo7 ::
Glede na to, da bo v roku 1 leta ali dveh nova generacija next gen konzol me ne čudi, da bo nov pogon po vseh teh letih. Me pa prav zanima kakšen bo.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will let you shoot through walls and other cover
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will let you shoot through walls and other cover

D3m ::
Glede na to, da bo v roku 1 leta ali dveh nova generacija next gen konzol me ne čudi, da bo nov pogon po vseh teh letih. Me pa prav zanima kakšen bo.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will let you shoot through walls and other cover
To smo že delali v vojski....what else is new?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

oo7 ::
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare isn't "pulling its punches - we've had playtesters cry"

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Call of Duty Modern Warfare will have branching dialogue and performance depending on your actions
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Is the Most Divisive Game of E3 - E3 2019
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Is the Most Divisive Game of E3 - E3 2019

oo7 ::
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Gameplay Will Be Revealed Soon
Upam, da čim prej, ker me res že orng firbec matra če je res tako kot No Russian.
Upam, da čim prej, ker me res že orng firbec matra če je res tako kot No Russian.

oo7 ::
Modern Warfare's new engine will make weapons and characters more realistic than ever

oo7 ::
Jutri bodo prvič pokazali gameplay :)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer Gameplay Reveal Happening Tomorrow, 2v2 "Gunfight" Mode First Look
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer Gameplay Reveal Happening Tomorrow, 2v2 "Gunfight" Mode First Look

Seba22 ::
Wtf a se zajebavajo al kaj?Kaj za vraga sem zdaj gledal?Kaj je to?Niso sem že mislo da bo končno kaj pametniga po mw2 pa nebo nič nebo iz tega
Asus ROG B650E|Ryzen 7800X3D|DDR5 32GB|NVMe SSD 3TB|EKWB AIO 360|RTX 4080
Dell Alienware 27" 1440p GSYNC Ultimate|CAN-AM Renegade 1000cc 2022
Dell Alienware 27" 1440p GSYNC Ultimate|CAN-AM Renegade 1000cc 2022
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Seba22 ()

Seba22 ::
To na videu je gunfight ja,ampak ne govorim o tem ampak igra nasplošno po tem kar je blo za videt.Pa še o nekem kao "novem" enginu je blo govora,grafika pa zgleda ko mw2 lol.Se vem da ni samo vse v grafiki,ampak smo v letu 2019.Če bo tak končen produkt bog pomagaj upam da se motim
Asus ROG B650E|Ryzen 7800X3D|DDR5 32GB|NVMe SSD 3TB|EKWB AIO 360|RTX 4080
Dell Alienware 27" 1440p GSYNC Ultimate|CAN-AM Renegade 1000cc 2022
Dell Alienware 27" 1440p GSYNC Ultimate|CAN-AM Renegade 1000cc 2022
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Seba22 ()

oo7 ::
Grafika naj bi bila dobra naj bi bila...
tudi v videu pravi... bomo videli.
Mene najbolj zanima kampanija.

Mene najbolj zanima kampanija.

Seba22 ::
Nevem meno to kar sem tule vido niti malo ni impresioniralo.Bomo kaj več vidli in rekli 1 avgusta ko bo full reveal
Asus ROG B650E|Ryzen 7800X3D|DDR5 32GB|NVMe SSD 3TB|EKWB AIO 360|RTX 4080
Dell Alienware 27" 1440p GSYNC Ultimate|CAN-AM Renegade 1000cc 2022
Dell Alienware 27" 1440p GSYNC Ultimate|CAN-AM Renegade 1000cc 2022
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Seba22 ()

Machete ::
Kaj vi sploh pričakujete? Tole je čisti cod oz Cod by the book.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

abyssus ::
Dajmo najprej malce počakat, ker tale reveal je bil krneki. Neko cviljenje in vse skup. Sicer pa ja, najprej oh in ah ker je nov engine pa nova mehanika, sedaj pa jim ni všeč, ker je preveč "taktično", "prepočasi" in ne vem kaj še vse. Zgleda pa bolj ali manj tak kot COD, mogoče je bolj podoben Ghost-u.
Najprej počakamo, potem hejtamo. :)
Najprej počakamo, potem hejtamo. :)

oo7 ::
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer Supports up to 100 Players, Open Beta Dates Set
Mene najbolj zanima kampanija. Upam, da kmalu pokažejo trailer.
Mene najbolj zanima kampanija. Upam, da kmalu pokažejo trailer.

m0f0x ::
Je sprobal kdo Alpha 2 v 2? 
Jaz sem in ni tak švoh. Sprva sem sicer kar hitro ugasnil, ker FPS in gamepad ni moja vrlina, ko pa sem izvedel, da podpira miško in tipkovnico, sem pa spet prižgal, čeprav sem še vedno bil kdaj pa kdaj grdo poharan. Morda pa le bo kaj iz tega. Upam, da bo še kaki drugi game mode, ko bo beta na voljo.

Jaz sem in ni tak švoh. Sprva sem sicer kar hitro ugasnil, ker FPS in gamepad ni moja vrlina, ko pa sem izvedel, da podpira miško in tipkovnico, sem pa spet prižgal, čeprav sem še vedno bil kdaj pa kdaj grdo poharan. Morda pa le bo kaj iz tega. Upam, da bo še kaki drugi game mode, ko bo beta na voljo.
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