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Evangeličani po ameriško

Pac-Man ::
Tole je vredno delit. Lepo pojasnjeno zakaj predstavljajo rak rano za ZDA in svet in en glavnih razlogov, da reeeees nisem maral Bušija kot predsednika ZDA.
It seems the MSM (and probably a lot of ppl)are having trouble understanding the recent Jerusalem embassy move, since pretty much everybody thinks it’s a bad idea. As someone who grew up in the kind of Evangelical household hes trying to reach, I can help shed light on this. As a “true believer”growing up (until I learned to think for myself), I’m well versed in the dogma. This dog whistle rang loud and clear to me. As I explain it, you'll see how dangerous Evangelicals are to all of us should they ever get in power (looking at you, Mike Pence).
To start, it helps to understand the mindset of such people. For most of us, Earth is a precious and wondrous place. The only home we’ll likely ever have, and as such, one that needs to be protected for ourselves and those that come after us.(On a side note, I wanted to link to Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot, which perfectly encapsulates this sense of responsibility and wonder most of us feel towards Earth) ----->
For Evangelicals (and I’m obviously generalizing, clearly exceptions will abound) Earth is a cesspool of sin, blasphemy,and Godlessness. It’s fate was sealed when Eve bit into the apple at Lucifer's urging (Goddammit Eve. You could have eaten from ANY other tree. Women, amirite?) For them, Earth is merely a placeholder, an arena we are expected to prove our worth to God so that we can live with Him in paradise for eternity. Needless to say, people with this belief about Earth and our role in it do not have the same values about protecting it as the rest of us.
With that in mind, how does that apply to Trump’s decision? Well, one of the fundamental beliefs of this group is that the Book of Revelation is literally true (or at least, their interpretation of it, as the entire thing is basically one huge metaphor). This interpretation states that before the Rapture happens (where all the Good Guys get to go to heaven, leaving us heathens to suffer 7 years of the Great Tribulation) certain events must happen. The first is the resurrection of the Jewish state, Israel, which happened in 1947. The next major one is that Jews must rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount. This is the event they’re all waiting for. The Big One. The problem is, the Temple Mount is currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock, a major Muslim shrine built well over 1000 years ago. While “Moving America’s embassy to Jerusalem” is not one of the prophecies from Revelations, the broadly accepted interpretation of it is that this event is a precursor to the destruction of the Dome of the Rock and the rebuilding of the Temple.
While the rest of the world scratches their heads at this move by Trump, Evangelicals are in rapturous ecstasy, as they truly believe that Trump is ushering in their End Times prophecy, and they are not long for this decrepit and forsaken world, soon to be in paradise forever. These people will never forsake Trump, regardless of what happens. It is obvious Trump is getting high level advice from Evangelical advisors. Such a well crafted dog whistle is way too precise to have been thought up by such a blunt instrument as Trump.
Buuuuut that brings us to the darker parts of the prophecy. Rebuilding of the Temple Mount is the final event that happens before the Final Event: Armageddon. A massive war the likes of which has never been seen, where all the nations of the world duke it out in glorious combat. In the context of the modern age, such a war would clearly involve copious use of nuclear weapons. This is the event Evangelicals are seeking. I repeat: Evangelicals aren’t just WAITING for this war. They actively SEEK it. The End Times that they’ve been waiting their whole lives for NEEDS this war,and it’s so close they can taste it. This is why it is so dangerous for Evangelicals (or those that pander to them) to be anywhere near the levers of power,especially in the world’s foremost nuclear power. They are an existential threat to all of us. We need leaders who FEAR a civilization ending nuclear war, not seek one.
It seems the MSM (and probably a lot of ppl)are having trouble understanding the recent Jerusalem embassy move, since pretty much everybody thinks it’s a bad idea. As someone who grew up in the kind of Evangelical household hes trying to reach, I can help shed light on this. As a “true believer”growing up (until I learned to think for myself), I’m well versed in the dogma. This dog whistle rang loud and clear to me. As I explain it, you'll see how dangerous Evangelicals are to all of us should they ever get in power (looking at you, Mike Pence).
To start, it helps to understand the mindset of such people. For most of us, Earth is a precious and wondrous place. The only home we’ll likely ever have, and as such, one that needs to be protected for ourselves and those that come after us.(On a side note, I wanted to link to Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot, which perfectly encapsulates this sense of responsibility and wonder most of us feel towards Earth) ----->
For Evangelicals (and I’m obviously generalizing, clearly exceptions will abound) Earth is a cesspool of sin, blasphemy,and Godlessness. It’s fate was sealed when Eve bit into the apple at Lucifer's urging (Goddammit Eve. You could have eaten from ANY other tree. Women, amirite?) For them, Earth is merely a placeholder, an arena we are expected to prove our worth to God so that we can live with Him in paradise for eternity. Needless to say, people with this belief about Earth and our role in it do not have the same values about protecting it as the rest of us.
With that in mind, how does that apply to Trump’s decision? Well, one of the fundamental beliefs of this group is that the Book of Revelation is literally true (or at least, their interpretation of it, as the entire thing is basically one huge metaphor). This interpretation states that before the Rapture happens (where all the Good Guys get to go to heaven, leaving us heathens to suffer 7 years of the Great Tribulation) certain events must happen. The first is the resurrection of the Jewish state, Israel, which happened in 1947. The next major one is that Jews must rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount. This is the event they’re all waiting for. The Big One. The problem is, the Temple Mount is currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock, a major Muslim shrine built well over 1000 years ago. While “Moving America’s embassy to Jerusalem” is not one of the prophecies from Revelations, the broadly accepted interpretation of it is that this event is a precursor to the destruction of the Dome of the Rock and the rebuilding of the Temple.
While the rest of the world scratches their heads at this move by Trump, Evangelicals are in rapturous ecstasy, as they truly believe that Trump is ushering in their End Times prophecy, and they are not long for this decrepit and forsaken world, soon to be in paradise forever. These people will never forsake Trump, regardless of what happens. It is obvious Trump is getting high level advice from Evangelical advisors. Such a well crafted dog whistle is way too precise to have been thought up by such a blunt instrument as Trump.
Buuuuut that brings us to the darker parts of the prophecy. Rebuilding of the Temple Mount is the final event that happens before the Final Event: Armageddon. A massive war the likes of which has never been seen, where all the nations of the world duke it out in glorious combat. In the context of the modern age, such a war would clearly involve copious use of nuclear weapons. This is the event Evangelicals are seeking. I repeat: Evangelicals aren’t just WAITING for this war. They actively SEEK it. The End Times that they’ve been waiting their whole lives for NEEDS this war,and it’s so close they can taste it. This is why it is so dangerous for Evangelicals (or those that pander to them) to be anywhere near the levers of power,especially in the world’s foremost nuclear power. They are an existential threat to all of us. We need leaders who FEAR a civilization ending nuclear war, not seek one.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
- zaklenilo: zee ()
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