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John Bolton - nov svetovalec za nacionalno varnost

John Bolton - nov svetovalec za nacionalno varnost

Pac-Man ::

Gospod je en najbolj odgovornih za manipulacijo obveščevalnih podatkov in vojno v Iraku l. 2003. Zdaj se želi spravit na Severno Korejo in Iran.
Bog (senat, kongres, oswaldov vnuk, kdorkoli?) nam pomagaj.


Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the battle-tested Army officer tapped as President Trump’s national security adviser last year to stabilize a turbulent foreign policy operation, will resign and be replaced by John R. Bolton, a hard-line former United States ambassador to the United Nations, White House officials said Thursday.


Bolton has said the United States should declare war on both North Korea and Iran. He was credibly accused of manipulating US intelligence on weapons of mass destruction prior to the Iraq war and of abusive treatment of his subordinates. He once “joked” about knocking 10 stories off the UN building in New York.


His track record in government, connections to anti-Muslim groups, and stated views in op-eds and public speeches all suggest that he will push Trump to take extremely dangerous positions on issues like North Korea, Iran, and ISIS.

“I operate on the assumption that John Bolton should be kept as far away from the levers of foreign policy as possible,” says Christopher Preble, the vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute. “I think I would rest easy if he was dog catcher in Stone Mountain, Georgia. But maybe not.”


Bolton was, prior to this appointment, a marginal figure in Washington foreign policy circles since his departure from the Bush administration. But he got himself one of the top jobs in the country because of his savvy work in the world of conservative media and advocacy groups.

As a result, American foreign policy may be soon be shaped by someone who seems to truly believe that war is the answer to the world’s most pressing problems.


In May 2001, Bush appointed him to be undersecretary of state for arms control, basically the top diplomat focusing on weapons of mass destruction.


Bolton took the hardest of possible lines. He forcefully argued that Iraq had WMDs — “we are confident that Saddam Hussein has hidden weapons of mass destruction,” as he put in one 2002 speech.


He was involved in shaping US intelligence in the runup to the war — and not in a good way. In 2002, Bolton’s staff prepared a speech alleging that Cuba had an active biological weapons program. This wasn’t true, and the State Department’s lead bioweapons analyst at the time would not sign off on the claim. Per the analyst’s sworn testimony to Congress, Bolton then called the analyst into his office, screamed at him, and then sent for his boss. In this conversation, per the Washington Post’s David Ignatius, he derisively referred to the analyst as a “munchkin” and attempted to get him transferred to a different department.


John Prados, a fellow at George Washington University’s National Security Archives, came to an even broader conclusion in a study of declassified Bush administration documents: Bolton bears a significant amount of blame for the politicized intelligence used to justify the decision to attack Iraq.


None of this got Bolton fired. In fact, it got him promoted: In March 2005, President Bush nominated him to be US ambassador to the UN, one of the most important diplomatic positions in the entire government.

Bolton’s Senate confirmation hearing turned into a vicious fight, largely over his role in shaping the faulty prewar intelligence about Iraq. But his management style, as exemplified by the munchkin incident, also became a huge issue. When Ford was called to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he bluntly said Bolton’s personality should disqualify him from holding high office. Ford called him a “bully” who “kisses up and punches down,” among other things.


Put another way, his job is to manage the information that comes to the president and then present a clear-eyed and accurate assessment of what’s happening and how to respond to it. Yet Bolton’s history suggests a long and storied history of cherry-picking intelligence to support his preferred hawkish policies.

“Bolton is so much of an ideologue,” says Eoyang. “ that I don’t think he would accurately portray consequences [of policy options] to the president.”


Bolton’s record in the Bush administration and general hawkishness made him a marginal figure in Washington foreign policy conversations. So after leaving, he cannily aligned himself with Fox News and other influential groups on the right, like the counter-jihadists, who saw him as an experienced and credible commentator.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
  • zaklenilo: zee ()

Zheegec ::

Bolton še vedno zagovarja vojno v Iraku... Leta 2018. Še idioti, kot so John McCain, Lindsey Graham in pa Hillary Clinton so že leta nazaj morali priznati, da je bil Irak napaka.

Kdo bo prva tarča? Jaz stavim na Iran, čeprav Severna Koreja je tudi v igri. In pa Rusija, seveda.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

PaX_MaN ::

Če po enem letu ni nihče bil tarča, četudi so zblazneli levi warmongerji to napovedovali vsako sekundo, tudi po ostalih sedmih letih nihče ne bo.
:deal with it already:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

Pac-Man ::

Rusija verjetno ne. So mu pihali na dušo.


Incoming White House national security adviser John Bolton recorded a video used by the Russian gun rights group The Right to Bear Arms in 2013 to encourage the Russian government to loosen gun laws.


Russian politician Alexander Torshin helped establish The Right to Bear Arms and cultivate ties with American gun rights groups including the NRA. As a Putin ally, Torshin served as the deputy speaker of Russia's parliament for more than a decade, and also spent time on Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee, a state body that includes the director of Russia's internal security service.

The Bolton video appears to be another plank in a bridge built by Russia to conservative political organizations inside the United States.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zheegec ::

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

Če po enem letu ni nihče bil tarča, četudi so zblazneli levi warmongerji to napovedovali vsako sekundo, tudi po ostalih sedmih letih nihče ne bo.
:deal with it already:

Tarč je veliko - UN: Civilian casualties in Afghanistan from US air strikes have risen more than 50% since last year



"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Pac-Man ::

Ali pač?


John Bolton said Thursday that the chemical poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter in England fits into the larger pattern of Russia and similar regimes making peaceful promises and then lying about them.


"It's an act of defiance. It's saying to London and the other western capitals, 'what are you gonna do about it?' Well, I think there should be a very strong answer to that," he said, arguing the time has come for real "deterrence" that Vladimir Putin will understand.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zheegec ::

Če bi Bolton hotel vojno z Rusijo bi imel podporo v obeh strankah v US kongresu. Precej "pametna" strategija.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Zheegec ::

I met John Bolton in an airport three years ago. In the course of a two minute chat, he told me he favored a unilateral US strike on Iran.


Bolton told me in our conversation that he hoped to work under a president with no foreign policy experience, someone who could be easily moved


New NatSec Adviser John Bolton is an unhinged neocon warmonger, including on Russia. Oversaw US withdrawal from ABM treaty in 2002, reviving US-Russia arms race. Wants more US weapons/NATO membership for Ukraine. Maybe liberals can stop begging Trump to be "tougher" on Putin now?


"The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was an arms control treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union on the limitation of the anti-ballistic missile systems used in defending areas against ballistic missile-delivered nuclear weapons."
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zheegec ()

zee ::

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