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Estonska digitalna ekonomija

Pac-Man ::
Okej, gre praktično za PR članek, ampak vsaj tisti del o nadzoru dostopanja do lastnih podatkov kaže na inovativnost in razmislek, ki ne vem, če smo ga pri nas zmožni. Namedrop blockchaina je prav tako zanimiv. Tako da ne bom preveč presenečen, če nas v naslednjem desetletju v razvitosti prehiti še kaka država. Ajzenpon in lakirnica pač nista presežka v globalnem merilu.
In just over two decades, Estonia has become one of the world’s most digitally innovative and efficient countries. In fact, Estonians conduct all their civic responsibilities online. Offices and paper forms have become obsolete as state-issued digital identities allow all citizens to carry out any financial or government transaction from their laptops or cellphones. And that gives them an edge when it comes to cybersecurity.
In 2007, Estonia was in the middle of a political fight with Moscow over plans to remove a Soviet war memorial from a park in Tallinn. Suddenly, it was hit with three weeks of D-DoS (designated denial of service) attacks.
As a result, the internet shut down as websites were bombarded with traffic. Russia denied any involvement, but Estonia didn’t believe it.
“War is the continuation of policy by other means,” Estonian president Kersti Kaljulaid told a NATO cyber-conference in Tallinn in June 2017. “Ten years on, it is clear that the decision made by Estonia not to withdraw but stay and fight for the security of our cyberspace was indeed the right one.”
In Estonia, people are not afraid of cyber warfare, nor are they afraid of sharing personal data across public and private institutions. Go to a hospital, and the nurse or doctor can call up your entire health records from any doctor you ever visited without the need to call their offices and asking them to send files.
While all your private data is online, only you can give permission for any data to be accessed. And you can check who has accessed what. If a doctor you don’t know has viewed your records, it will be traceable, and you can have them sacked. As one software developer Quartz spoke to said, “You become your own Big Brother.”
Data is protected through a framework known as X-road, which helps exchange decentralized data between big government databases. X-road has built-in security measures that encrypt traffic and time-stamps so that the data cannot be manipulated. Taimar Peterkop, from Estonia’s Information System Authority, says that the security measures built into E-identity databases are all but impenetrable by outsiders. “Estonia takes data integrity very seriously because our society is so digitized,” he says. “If someone manipulates citizens’ data, that’s a challenge for us. We use blockchain-based technology to ensure the data is as it should be.”
In just over two decades, Estonia has become one of the world’s most digitally innovative and efficient countries. In fact, Estonians conduct all their civic responsibilities online. Offices and paper forms have become obsolete as state-issued digital identities allow all citizens to carry out any financial or government transaction from their laptops or cellphones. And that gives them an edge when it comes to cybersecurity.
In 2007, Estonia was in the middle of a political fight with Moscow over plans to remove a Soviet war memorial from a park in Tallinn. Suddenly, it was hit with three weeks of D-DoS (designated denial of service) attacks.
As a result, the internet shut down as websites were bombarded with traffic. Russia denied any involvement, but Estonia didn’t believe it.
“War is the continuation of policy by other means,” Estonian president Kersti Kaljulaid told a NATO cyber-conference in Tallinn in June 2017. “Ten years on, it is clear that the decision made by Estonia not to withdraw but stay and fight for the security of our cyberspace was indeed the right one.”
In Estonia, people are not afraid of cyber warfare, nor are they afraid of sharing personal data across public and private institutions. Go to a hospital, and the nurse or doctor can call up your entire health records from any doctor you ever visited without the need to call their offices and asking them to send files.
While all your private data is online, only you can give permission for any data to be accessed. And you can check who has accessed what. If a doctor you don’t know has viewed your records, it will be traceable, and you can have them sacked. As one software developer Quartz spoke to said, “You become your own Big Brother.”
Data is protected through a framework known as X-road, which helps exchange decentralized data between big government databases. X-road has built-in security measures that encrypt traffic and time-stamps so that the data cannot be manipulated. Taimar Peterkop, from Estonia’s Information System Authority, says that the security measures built into E-identity databases are all but impenetrable by outsiders. “Estonia takes data integrity very seriously because our society is so digitized,” he says. “If someone manipulates citizens’ data, that’s a challenge for us. We use blockchain-based technology to ensure the data is as it should be.”

Smrekar1 ::
Okej, gre praktično za PR članek, ampak vsaj tisti del o nadzoru dostopanja do lastnih podatkov kaže na inovativnost in razmislek, ki ne vem, če smo ga pri nas zmožni.
Smo, vprašanje je bolj koliko to doprinese k državi. To, da moraš v povprečju na tri leta osebno odnesti nek formular tudi ni kritična zavora gospodarstva. Ne me narobe razumeti, fino bi bilo, če bi lahko vse opravil od doma ali še od kje drugje, ampak to tudi ni nek presežek, ki bi naredil državo bistveno bolj konkurenčno.

vostok_1 ::
Zanimivo branje.
Kaj vse se, da naredit, če je pravi fokus.
Za SLO e-gov sceno, pa lahko zgolj povem, da bi lahko mirne volje postavil vse tiste, ki so odobrili končne produkte, pred strelski vod.
Tako bolano nepregledno. Pogosto buggy. Nekomfortno narejeno.
Par zadev mogoče še gre, ampak preostanek, še posebej če si na kaki bolj obskurni strani pa ti naredi diarejo.
Kaj vse se, da naredit, če je pravi fokus.
Za SLO e-gov sceno, pa lahko zgolj povem, da bi lahko mirne volje postavil vse tiste, ki so odobrili končne produkte, pred strelski vod.
Tako bolano nepregledno. Pogosto buggy. Nekomfortno narejeno.
Par zadev mogoče še gre, ampak preostanek, še posebej če si na kaki bolj obskurni strani pa ti naredi diarejo.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

jnovak ::
Lahko pa na zadevo gledaš:Okej, gre praktično za PR članek, ampak vsaj tisti del o nadzoru dostopanja do lastnih podatkov kaže na inovativnost in razmislek, ki ne vem, če smo ga pri nas zmožni.Smo, vprašanje je bolj koliko to doprinese k državi. To, da moraš v povprečju na tri leta osebno odnesti nek formular tudi ni kritična zavora gospodarstva. Ne me narobe razumeti, fino bi bilo, če bi lahko vse opravil od doma ali še od kje drugje, ampak to tudi ni nek presežek, ki bi naredil državo bistveno bolj konkurenčno.
Slovenija je tudi na tej poti - morda je štartala, morde se še ogreva, ampak prej ali slej bo morala slediti (edino, če bo čakala še stoletje, da to ne bo več aktualno in bo prešaltala direktno na višji nivo ;)). In dokler tega ne narediš, se težko lotiš nadaljnjih korakov, izzivov. Tako da ja, to posledično ovira konkurenčnost države.
Hkrati ovira tudi s stališča slabega zgleda ostalim državljanom / podjetnikom. Povprečen človek se hitro zadovolji s povprečnostjo. In potem se neha razmišljati in gledati naprej. Torej, dokler je država zaostala, to prenaša tudi na svoje državljane (ne na vse, ampak večji del prebivalstva pa pade sem notri).
Napreduješ, če si obdan z boljšimi od sebe, ne s slabšimi. Zato tudi mlade, nadebudne športnike, matematike, whatever actually, pošljejo v višje, naprednejše selekcije, da lahko napredujejo. Nikjer ni sistema, ki bi 10 letnega nadebudnega košarkarja iz svoje generacije poslali med 5 letnike in pričakovali, da bo napredoval ;)
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