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Žitije Donalda Trampa
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Smrekar1 ::
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Norce imaš na obeh straneh, samo eno je neko pismo uredniku, drugo predsednik ZDA.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Pac-Man ::
in to
in to
Pay close attention to that "identify the country" nugget in the statement. Lots of talk today that 5eyes about to release bad dirt on Trump
ZaphodBB ::
Pay close attention to that "identify the country" nugget in the statement. Lots of talk today that 5eyes about to release bad dirt on Trump
Tojto Paco!!! Dans ga bomo pa res!
Haha tale Trump odiseja zdej že počasi spominja na Kunstlja.
Cervantes ::
Pay close attention to that "identify the country" nugget in the statement. Lots of talk today that 5eyes about to release bad dirt on Trump
Tojto Paco!!! Dans ga bomo pa res!
Haha tale Trump odiseja zdej že počasi spominja na Kunstlja.
Točno to mi je sinulo par minut nazaj!
Great minds think alike!
Pac-Man ::
Any minute now.....
Vse gre po programu. Sprosti se.
You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history - led by some very bad and conflicted people! #MAGA
Despite the phony Witch Hunt going on in America, the economic & jobs numbers are great. Regulations way down, jobs and enthusiasm way up!
I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt
ZaphodBB ::
Ajde tole ni direkt povezano s Trampom... Ampak ste vsi prafi "antifašisti" tukaj na kupu...
Dajte mi razložit tole, zakaj Mutti brani fašizem!?!?!?! Hitro pošljite kolesarja-aššašina, to je nedopustno. Očitno je Merklova lutka ot Putina!?!?!?!
Dajte mi razložit tole, zakaj Mutti brani fašizem!?!?!?! Hitro pošljite kolesarja-aššašina, to je nedopustno. Očitno je Merklova lutka ot Putina!?!?!?!
Pac-Man ::
Spet GOP media guy. (Tudi) zato se zavlačuje, nima smisla metat karte na mizo, če ni politične volje za donijevo odstranitev. Pripraviš primer in ga daš ven, ko politična volja je.
V torek so v Georgiji nadomestne volitve, če zmaga demokrat se zna vklopit turbo.
As much as Trump is off the rails, a few real-talk reminders.
Trump is a million, zillion miles from impeachment. Closer than he was, but still almost impossibly far away. The House -- as I've told you 100 times -- would not impeach him if he was seen on video taking sacks of blood-stained money. Second big area; his approval has dropped meaningfully with even Republicans, but it's getting down to the hard floor given the current hard-edged political division between parties. The House guys are *nervous* but not nervous enough. They still entertain a fantasy that the base is enough, and "this is fine." His GOP approval number was in the 85% range. Now it's in the 77% range. Some outliers show more of a drop.
And among likely Rs it's still very sticky. So that's why impeachment isn't likely any time soon. Now, if you DO get into the low 30s, the self-preservation instinct might kick in with House guys. We'll see. But Democrats who think the election is *solely* about how great impeachment is ought to think harder. cf 1998.
in še komentarji ter nasploh, različni avtorji
Certainly. I'm only looking at the field as of today.
They're already preparing for that possibility.
Don't resign, Rosenstein. Make him fire you.
Watch this closely, esp the testimony from electronic voting security experts, including Prof. @jHalderm. He's one of the best in the field.
Suddenly, the Rebekah Mercer shanking him looks not so smart. This is also a venue into so many wonderlands of discovery.
Giles-Parscale was always a red flag. Crossover vendor w/close personal ties to the family & no relevant political experience, consuming implausibly large %s of total campaign expenditure for reasons no one can quite explain. Always something fishy about G-P. It was a flimsy operation that had to more than double its staff just to meet the demands of this one account, a very odd circumstance frequently noted by the local San Antonio press, which never (so far as I know) followed up.
A little bird tells me that a certain White House staff member whose name rhymes with Beeve Stannon is crapping diamonds over Parscale.
Exclusive: Trump personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, has hired his own counsel: Stephen Ryan, of McDermott, Will & Emery.- source w knowledge
Marc Kasowitz, Trump's Russia probe lawyer, is facing 2 ethics complaints over his reported advice to W.H. staffers.
V torek so v Georgiji nadomestne volitve, če zmaga demokrat se zna vklopit turbo.
As much as Trump is off the rails, a few real-talk reminders.
Trump is a million, zillion miles from impeachment. Closer than he was, but still almost impossibly far away. The House -- as I've told you 100 times -- would not impeach him if he was seen on video taking sacks of blood-stained money. Second big area; his approval has dropped meaningfully with even Republicans, but it's getting down to the hard floor given the current hard-edged political division between parties. The House guys are *nervous* but not nervous enough. They still entertain a fantasy that the base is enough, and "this is fine." His GOP approval number was in the 85% range. Now it's in the 77% range. Some outliers show more of a drop.
And among likely Rs it's still very sticky. So that's why impeachment isn't likely any time soon. Now, if you DO get into the low 30s, the self-preservation instinct might kick in with House guys. We'll see. But Democrats who think the election is *solely* about how great impeachment is ought to think harder. cf 1998.
in še komentarji ter nasploh, različni avtorji
Certainly. I'm only looking at the field as of today.
I wouldn't say never be impeached but removal from office seems impossible at the moment,but field after mid terms will look different.
Firstly Dem House much more likely to find grounds for impeachment. They may even have enough political skill to draft them to not look entirely political. (Depending on available evidence).
Secondly Senate, though likely to remain Rep in 2018 becomes much more precarious as many GOPers defending seats in 2020. They may be faced with either abandoning Trump or facing consequences. Now they don't. I assume want to take Trump on as independent, so primarying Trump becomes tricky, and very risky. Potentially impeaching him gets them out of a hole. If President Pence seems more viable at top of the ticket, they could yet jump ship. But it's all unchartered waters so who knows!
They're already preparing for that possibility.
GA6 goes to Ossoff and it'll be a race for the exits.
Don't resign, Rosenstein. Make him fire you.
I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt
Watch this closely, esp the testimony from electronic voting security experts, including Prof. @jHalderm. He's one of the best in the field.
Just in: Senate Intel Committee to hold open hearing on US election security and Russian "interventions" next week.
Suddenly, the Rebekah Mercer shanking him looks not so smart. This is also a venue into so many wonderlands of discovery.
House Russia probe wants to talk to Trump digital director// Brad Parscale @ Wikipedia
Giles-Parscale was always a red flag. Crossover vendor w/close personal ties to the family & no relevant political experience, consuming implausibly large %s of total campaign expenditure for reasons no one can quite explain. Always something fishy about G-P. It was a flimsy operation that had to more than double its staff just to meet the demands of this one account, a very odd circumstance frequently noted by the local San Antonio press, which never (so far as I know) followed up.
A little bird tells me that a certain White House staff member whose name rhymes with Beeve Stannon is crapping diamonds over Parscale.
Exclusive: Trump personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, has hired his own counsel: Stephen Ryan, of McDermott, Will & Emery.- source w knowledge
Marc Kasowitz, Trump's Russia probe lawyer, is facing 2 ethics complaints over his reported advice to W.H. staffers.
xxxul ::
Ajde tole ni direkt povezano s Trampom... Ampak ste vsi prafi "antifašisti" tukaj na kupu...
Dajte mi razložit tole, zakaj Mutti brani fašizem!?!?!?! Hitro pošljite kolesarja-aššašina, to je nedopustno. Očitno je Merklova lutka ot Putina!?!?!?!
its all about $$$
The Senate bill, approved on Thursday by a margin of 98-2, includes new sanctions against Russia and Iran. Crucially, it foresees punitive measures against entities that provide material support to Russia in building energy export pipelines.
Vprasanje pa je; ali bo Trump to podpisu?
Cervantes ::
Za Trumpa ne vem, pač pa Evropa že pizdi.
Hvala za izčrpen paste.
Linkov še zmeri ne znaš limat?
Hvala za izčrpen paste.
Linkov še zmeri ne znaš limat?
ZaphodBB ::
Vprasanje pa je; ali bo Trump to podpisu?
Bil bi epic troll. Pomojem, da bo. Ker so za njega politično same zmage. Hkrati, pa jih s tem evropske kolonije dobijo opozorilno s časopisom po smrčku.
Če jih je tako skrbela Rusija - menda ne bodo sedaj pizdakali, ko bo privil Rusijo?
PaX_MaN ::
Ajde tole ni direkt povezano s Trampom... Ampak ste vsi prafi "antifašisti" tukaj na kupu...
Dajte mi razložit tole, zakaj Mutti brani fašizem!?!?!?! Hitro pošljite kolesarja-aššašina, to je nedopustno. Očitno je Merklova lutka ot Putina!?!?!?!
Germoney braucht money, jawohl!
xxxul ::
Vprasanje pa je; ali bo Trump to podpisu?
Bil bi epic troll. Pomojem, da bo. Ker so za njega politično same zmage. Hkrati, pa jih s tem evropske kolonije dobijo opozorilno s časopisom po smrčku.
Če jih je tako skrbela Rusija - menda ne bodo sedaj pizdakali, ko bo privil Rusijo?
Med kampanjo je skoz govoru da je treba izboljšati vezi z rusijo, mislim da je sanju zmanjšanje sankcij, zdej pa tole + kolko si lahko prvošči še dodatno jeziti evropske zaveznike?
na drugi strani pa ce ne podpise ga bodo takoj obtožl da ma vezi z rusijo.
Vsekakor bo spet zanimivo.
ZaphodBB ::
Med kampanjo je skoz govoru da je treba izboljšati vezi z rusijo, mislim da je sanju zmanjšanje sankcij, zdej pa tole + kolko si lahko prvošči še dodatno jeziti evropske zaveznike?
na drugi strani pa ce ne podpise ga bodo takoj obtožl da ma vezi z rusijo.
Vsekakor bo spet zanimivo.
A ti si pod izboljšanje odnosov razlagaš, da se bo kralj klanjal kmetu?
vostok_1 ::
Trump se zgleduje po Putinu in uporablja isto taktiko, katero mu je vrjetno slednji kar predlagal.
Bi reku da je ne vidite. Je pa izredno učinkovita.
Bi reku da je ne vidite. Je pa izredno učinkovita.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
ZaphodBB ::
Trump se zgleduje po Putinu in uporablja isto taktiko, katero mu je vrjetno slednji kar predlagal.
Bi reku da je ne vidite. Je pa izredno učinkovita.
Če sem te prav razumel je bil Putin že celo Trumpovo kariero njegov svetovalec?
No to pa je dolgo in plodno sodelovanje! Res sta si zvesta.
jype ::
Great minds think alike!Mhm, demenca je ugotovljiva pri obeh.
zakaj Mutti brani fašizem!?!?!?!Ker je CDU konzervativna krščanska desnica, jasno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
Pac-Man ::
Mueller se ne heca, ne vem kateri del že.
A veteran federal prosecutor recruited onto special counsel Robert Mueller's team is known for a skill that may come in handy in the investigation of potential ties between Russia and U.S. President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign team: persuading witnesses to turn on friends, colleagues and superiors.
Andrew Weissmann, who headed the U.S. Justice Department's criminal fraud section before joining Mueller's team last month, is best known for two assignments - the investigation of now-defunct energy company Enron and organized crime cases in Brooklyn, New York - that depended heavily on gaining witness cooperation.
Kathryn Ruemmler, who served as White House counsel under former President Barack Obama, said Weissmann is willing to take risks to secure witness testimony that other prosecutors might not. Ruemmler worked with Weissmann on the Justice Department's Enron task force that investigated the massive corporate fraud that led to the company's 2001 collapse.
Ruemmler recalled that Weissmann had a hunch that former Enron treasurer Ben Glisan would be willing to talk despite already having pleaded guilty without agreeing to cooperate. So Weissmann had U.S. marshals bring Glisan before the grand jury from prison, Ruemmler said.
Other prosecutors might have feared Glisan's testimony could contradict their theory of the case, Ruemmler said, but Weissmann's gamble paid off when the former executive became a key witness.
"He's not afraid to lose, and that is sometimes an unusual quality," Ruemmler said of Weissmann.
Critics have said say Weissmann's hardball approach can lead to prosecutorial overreach. A number of Enron convictions were overturned on appeal, and Skilling's 24-year sentence was later reduced by 10 years.
Defense lawyer Tom Kirkendall, who represented clients related to the Enron case, said the task force intimidated witnesses and misinterpreted the law.
But Sam Buell, a former prosecutor who was a member of the Enron task force, called such criticism routine in high-stakes cases.
Before his work relating to Enron, Weissmann served as a federal prosecutor in the organized crime bureau in Brooklyn. In 1997, he and trial partner George Stamboulidis brought down one of the country's most powerful mob bosses, Vincent "the Chin" Gigante, with the help of turncoat witnesses.
"We cut our teeth in the organized crime section," said Stamboulidis, now in private practice. "And the only way you can make those cases is to get people to cooperate, even when the oath of Omerta (a Mafia code of silence and non-cooperation with authorities) was strong and in full play."
A veteran federal prosecutor recruited onto special counsel Robert Mueller's team is known for a skill that may come in handy in the investigation of potential ties between Russia and U.S. President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign team: persuading witnesses to turn on friends, colleagues and superiors.
Andrew Weissmann, who headed the U.S. Justice Department's criminal fraud section before joining Mueller's team last month, is best known for two assignments - the investigation of now-defunct energy company Enron and organized crime cases in Brooklyn, New York - that depended heavily on gaining witness cooperation.
Kathryn Ruemmler, who served as White House counsel under former President Barack Obama, said Weissmann is willing to take risks to secure witness testimony that other prosecutors might not. Ruemmler worked with Weissmann on the Justice Department's Enron task force that investigated the massive corporate fraud that led to the company's 2001 collapse.
Ruemmler recalled that Weissmann had a hunch that former Enron treasurer Ben Glisan would be willing to talk despite already having pleaded guilty without agreeing to cooperate. So Weissmann had U.S. marshals bring Glisan before the grand jury from prison, Ruemmler said.
Other prosecutors might have feared Glisan's testimony could contradict their theory of the case, Ruemmler said, but Weissmann's gamble paid off when the former executive became a key witness.
"He's not afraid to lose, and that is sometimes an unusual quality," Ruemmler said of Weissmann.
Critics have said say Weissmann's hardball approach can lead to prosecutorial overreach. A number of Enron convictions were overturned on appeal, and Skilling's 24-year sentence was later reduced by 10 years.
Defense lawyer Tom Kirkendall, who represented clients related to the Enron case, said the task force intimidated witnesses and misinterpreted the law.
But Sam Buell, a former prosecutor who was a member of the Enron task force, called such criticism routine in high-stakes cases.
Before his work relating to Enron, Weissmann served as a federal prosecutor in the organized crime bureau in Brooklyn. In 1997, he and trial partner George Stamboulidis brought down one of the country's most powerful mob bosses, Vincent "the Chin" Gigante, with the help of turncoat witnesses.
"We cut our teeth in the organized crime section," said Stamboulidis, now in private practice. "And the only way you can make those cases is to get people to cooperate, even when the oath of Omerta (a Mafia code of silence and non-cooperation with authorities) was strong and in full play."
Mueller se ne heca, ne vem kateri del že.
A veteran federal prosecutor recruited onto special counsel Robert Mueller's team is known for a skill that may come in handy in the investigation of potential ties between Russia and U.S. President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign team: persuading witnesses to turn on friends, colleagues and superiors.
Andrew Weissmann, who headed the U.S. Justice Department's criminal fraud section before joining Mueller's team last month, is best known for two assignments - the investigation of now-defunct energy company Enron and organized crime cases in Brooklyn, New York - that depended heavily on gaining witness cooperation.
Kathryn Ruemmler, who served as White House counsel under former President Barack Obama, said Weissmann is willing to take risks to secure witness testimony that other prosecutors might not. Ruemmler worked with Weissmann on the Justice Department's Enron task force that investigated the massive corporate fraud that led to the company's 2001 collapse.
Ruemmler recalled that Weissmann had a hunch that former Enron treasurer Ben Glisan would be willing to talk despite already having pleaded guilty without agreeing to cooperate. So Weissmann had U.S. marshals bring Glisan before the grand jury from prison, Ruemmler said.
Other prosecutors might have feared Glisan's testimony could contradict their theory of the case, Ruemmler said, but Weissmann's gamble paid off when the former executive became a key witness.
"He's not afraid to lose, and that is sometimes an unusual quality," Ruemmler said of Weissmann.
Critics have said say Weissmann's hardball approach can lead to prosecutorial overreach. A number of Enron convictions were overturned on appeal, and Skilling's 24-year sentence was later reduced by 10 years.
Defense lawyer Tom Kirkendall, who represented clients related to the Enron case, said the task force intimidated witnesses and misinterpreted the law.
But Sam Buell, a former prosecutor who was a member of the Enron task force, called such criticism routine in high-stakes cases.
Before his work relating to Enron, Weissmann served as a federal prosecutor in the organized crime bureau in Brooklyn. In 1997, he and trial partner George Stamboulidis brought down one of the country's most powerful mob bosses, Vincent "the Chin" Gigante, with the help of turncoat witnesses.
"We cut our teeth in the organized crime section," said Stamboulidis, now in private practice. "And the only way you can make those cases is to get people to cooperate, even when the oath of Omerta (a Mafia code of silence and non-cooperation with authorities) was strong and in full play."
Se poiskus iz obupa to postsaja že patetično.
Donald trump in Melania trump bosta krlajevala v beli hiši do leta 2024
ZaphodBB ::
dice7 ::
To, da ne razumes ukrepov, se ne pomeni, da se le ti ne izvajajo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()
dice7 ::
vostok_1 ::
Seveda niso samo muslimani sposobni terorističnih napadov.
A še vam ni jasno, da ko se popušča skrajni levici v alliance z Islamisti, se bo tudi desnica prej ali slej prebudila.
Najraje bi videl, da se vas take leve in desne sorte, extremiste vseh barv, preseli nekam, recimo na atlandito, pa tam pusti da mate svojo žurko.
Stop ruining it for everybody else, please. Ktnxbye
A še vam ni jasno, da ko se popušča skrajni levici v alliance z Islamisti, se bo tudi desnica prej ali slej prebudila.
Najraje bi videl, da se vas take leve in desne sorte, extremiste vseh barv, preseli nekam, recimo na atlandito, pa tam pusti da mate svojo žurko.
Stop ruining it for everybody else, please. Ktnxbye
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
jype ::
A še vam ni jasno, da ko se popušča skrajni levici v alliance z Islamisti, se bo tudi desnica prej ali slej prebudila.Zate še vedno nismo čisto ziher, a si skrajna desnica ali islamski fundamentalist. No, razlika je res infinitezimalna. Za ZaphodBBja pa že vemo, on sovraži vse tiste komponente islama, ki niso fašistične.
Najraje bi videl, da se vas take leve in desne sorte, extremiste vseh barv, preseli nekam, recimo na atlandito, pa tam pusti da mate svojo žurko.No, pa sej se loh prostovoljno izseliš, meje so baje odprte tudi za ekstremiste.
Bodimo realni in si priznajmo, da je Trump najboljše kar se je zgodilo Ameriki v zadnjih 50 letih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
jype ::
Problem v Ameriki je kongres. Donald trump bi moral imeti več moči, da bi izepljal svoje refome kongres ga drži nazaj.
jype ::
vostok_1 ::
A še vam ni jasno, da ko se popušča skrajni levici v alliance z Islamisti, se bo tudi desnica prej ali slej prebudila.Zate še vedno nismo čisto ziher, a si skrajna desnica ali islamski fundamentalist. No, razlika je res infinitezimalna. Za ZaphodBBja pa že vemo, on sovraži vse tiste komponente islama, ki niso fašistične.
Najraje bi videl, da se vas take leve in desne sorte, extremiste vseh barv, preseli nekam, recimo na atlandito, pa tam pusti da mate svojo žurko.No, pa sej se loh prostovoljno izseliš, meje so baje odprte tudi za ekstremiste.
Cute taktika. Kdo te je je naučil, Che Guevara al Mao?
Sicer pa je ta letni čas lepo vreme dol, kr hitro na pot predlagam.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()
Problem v Ameriki je kongres. Donald trump bi moral imeti več moči, da bi izepljal svoje refome kongres ga drži nazaj.Quite the little fascist, aren't you?
Big fascists will be very pleased with you.
Samo navajam dejstva, ki še kako držijo. donald trump ima enega najboljših programov ampak ga držijo nazaj tisti, ki hočejo skoditi ameriki se pravi demokrati.
Kaj ti pomaga tak kongres če so notri politiki tipa john Mccain, ki je največji podpornik Isis-a. donald trump se hoče boriti proti isisu mckejn mu pa meče polena pod noge pa Lindsy grahm in podobni norci.
jype ::
Cute taktika. Kdo te je je naučil, Che Guevara al Mao?Kdo od nas se zavzema za univerzalno spoštovanje človekovih pravic?
Sicer pa je ta letni čas lepo vreme dol, kr hitro na pot predlagam.
Kdo pravi, da je človekove pravice treba upogniti, če so v napoto represivnim organom?
Vemo, kdo je zmagal.
donald trump se hoče boriti proti isisuTrump _je_ ISIS.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
vostok_1 ::
Cute taktika. Kdo te je je naučil, Che Guevara al Mao?Kdo od nas se zavzema za univerzalno spoštovanje človekovih pravic?
Sicer pa je ta letni čas lepo vreme dol, kr hitro na pot predlagam.
Kdo pravi, da je človekove pravice treba upogniti, če so v napoto represivnim organom?
Vemo, kdo je zmagal.
donald trump se hoče boriti proti isisuTrump _je_ ISIS.
Da, tudi Stalin je želel najboljše za ljudi.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
jype ::
Da, tudi Stalin je želel najboljše za ljudi.Tako kot May, Trump, Le Pen in vostok_1?
Obama + hillary+ Mccain podpirajo IsisTrumpa podpirajo? Prvič slišim.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
PaX_MaN ::
Quite the little fascist, aren't you?
Big fascists will be very pleased with you.
Trump _je_ ISIS.
No, pa sej se loh prostovoljno izseliš, meje so baje odprte tudi za ekstremiste.
Kdo je fašist je kristalno jasno. To niso ADIJOOOOO, Zaphod, ali vostok, temveč levičarji kova jype, kar je trobil že Adams.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()
vostok_1 ::
Da, tudi Stalin je želel najboljše za ljudi.Tako kot May, Trump, Le Pen in vostok_1?
Obama + hillary+ Mccain podpirajo IsisTrumpa podpirajo? Prvič slišim.
Tisti prvi trije so taki tepci, da tudi če bi bil desničar jih ne bi podprl. Četrti pa je kr kul in ga podpiram, da.
Po drugi strani, iz tebe se cedijo boljševiške sluzi.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Ah ja Bernie Sanders je bil pa daleč najslabši kandidat v tej volilnio tekmi. Pljuval je čez Klintonovo rekel, da ona ne more postati predsednica potem pa je dobil $$$$$ na račun potem jo je pa podprl in častil navadna prodana leva duša izdal je vse sam sebe in volilce. Tipičen politik, ki bi za denar prodal še lastno mater.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
jype ::
Kdo je fašist je kristalno jasno. To niso ADIJOOOOO, Zaphod, ali vostok, temveč levičarji kova jype, kar je trobil že Adams.To je normalen odziv na napad na zahodno civilizacijo. Republikance je treba uničiti, sicer bodo oni uničili civilizacijo.
Lol.Je rekel tip, ki ga skrbi, kako "avto zgleda od zadaj".
Ah jaFake news is strong with you.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 267832 (227851) | OmegaBlue |