Forum » Problemi človeštva » Žitije Donalda Trampa
Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi
Cervantes ::
Zadeva je brez dvoma vredna pozornosti.
Žrtije, wulfenštajn in ruske kololizije, na te stvari že dolgo opozarja pacmanko in drugi razlakani strokovnjaki..
Škoda, da ne berete njegovih pastov, marikaj je kristalno jasno.
Žrtije, wulfenštajn in ruske kololizije, na te stvari že dolgo opozarja pacmanko in drugi razlakani strokovnjaki..
Škoda, da ne berete njegovih pastov, marikaj je kristalno jasno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Pac-Man ::
Amb Eisen is a former WH ethics czar...seems, ahem, relevant
Fake nationalists, on the payroll of a hostile foreign power = no big vote-getter in politically mature countries.
Amb Eisen is a former WH ethics czar...seems, ahem, relevant
Harassment by most powerful man in world of witness against him in obstruction case raises poss witness tampering liability, see 18USC 1512b
I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very 'cowardly!'
Fake nationalists, on the payroll of a hostile foreign power = no big vote-getter in politically mature countries.
Le Pen's far-right surge loses momentum in France"Populist nationalists" beholden to a hostile foreign power who give the cabinet to Goldman Sachs are totally fake. You know that...right?
janex ::
Ta si je zaslužila batino, bele/judove ženske NE SMEJO imeti dredloksov, ker ni kulturno primerno! Dredi so izum črne rase, bledoličniki nehajte krast!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
D3m ::
Prijazni možakar, ki nam je dal autobahn.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
janex ::
A, kul. Sem se sedaj spomnu da ima moj dedek njegovo sliko obešeno doma na steni.
EDIT: mislim da je imel tudi nekaj s kajakaštvom, vsaj dedek zmeri omenja neke kajake in plin?
EDIT: mislim da je imel tudi nekaj s kajakaštvom, vsaj dedek zmeri omenja neke kajake in plin?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: janex ()
Unknown_001 ::
Ta si je zaslužila batino, bele/judove ženske NE SMEJO imeti dredloksov, ker ni kulturno primerno! Dredi so izum črne rase, bledoličniki nehajte krast!
You are full of shit. V resnici drede izvirajo iz starega egipta.
Prijazni možakar, ki nam je dal autobahn.
Pa Folcvagen !!!
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Unknown_001 ()
aycabron ::
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Prijazni možakar, ki nam je dal autobahn.
Pa Folcvagen !!!
Pa stigmo na Nacionalizmu. Socializm ja pa čist ok. SMH.
Pac-Man ::
Listening to Sessions during cabinet meeting; he does sound senile. So it might be every time he met Sisslyak he thought it was first time.
Listening to the Cabinet Meeting with eyes wide open.
This is North Korea.
Each secretary is "I can't thank you enough for your leadership"
I grew up under communism. What I hear today from the Cabinet Meeting is spooking me. This is cult to personality of the saddest kind.
What in the actual fuck was that? Holy shit, that was the most surreal thing I've ever seen in my country.
Mattis notably did not. He said it was an honour to represent the men and women of the armed services but didn't suck up.
Like Putin's Cabinet Meetings, the only reason for this one was to show who the alpha dog is and who the bitches are
Komentarji na
Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever
Donald Trump did something very different in his Cabinet meeting Monday.
First, he reviewed the various alleged successes of his first 143 days and made this remarkable claim: "Never has there been a president....with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have."
But, that wasn't even close to the weirdest part of the Cabinet meeting!
Once Trump finished touting his administration's accomplishments, he turned to several of his newly-minted Cabinet secretaries like Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Each of those Cabinet secretaries lavished praise on Trump, which he accepted without comment but with a broad smile.
At first, I thought Trump was just going to have the new members of the Cabinet spend a few minutes praising him. NOPE! It soon became clear that Trump planned to have every Cabinet member speak. And when I say "speak" what I really mean is "praise Trump for his accomplishments, his foresight, his just being awesome."
You think I am exaggerating. I am not. Here's what White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said about Trump: "We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda."
Ponavadi je bil največji dick faktor pri ZDA in njihovih predsednikih ogromen ego in samozavest serijsko. Precejkrat upravičeno, problemi so se pojavili, ko so se precenili. Trumpovo šopirjenje pa izhaja iz GLOBOKIH kompleksov. Žalostno.
Listening to Sessions during cabinet meeting; he does sound senile. So it might be every time he met Sisslyak he thought it was first time.
Listening to the Cabinet Meeting with eyes wide open.
This is North Korea.
Each secretary is "I can't thank you enough for your leadership"
I grew up under communism. What I hear today from the Cabinet Meeting is spooking me. This is cult to personality of the saddest kind.
What in the actual fuck was that? Holy shit, that was the most surreal thing I've ever seen in my country.
Mattis notably did not. He said it was an honour to represent the men and women of the armed services but didn't suck up.
Like Putin's Cabinet Meetings, the only reason for this one was to show who the alpha dog is and who the bitches are
Komentarji na
Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever
Donald Trump did something very different in his Cabinet meeting Monday.
First, he reviewed the various alleged successes of his first 143 days and made this remarkable claim: "Never has there been a president....with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have."
But, that wasn't even close to the weirdest part of the Cabinet meeting!
Once Trump finished touting his administration's accomplishments, he turned to several of his newly-minted Cabinet secretaries like Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Each of those Cabinet secretaries lavished praise on Trump, which he accepted without comment but with a broad smile.
At first, I thought Trump was just going to have the new members of the Cabinet spend a few minutes praising him. NOPE! It soon became clear that Trump planned to have every Cabinet member speak. And when I say "speak" what I really mean is "praise Trump for his accomplishments, his foresight, his just being awesome."
You think I am exaggerating. I am not. Here's what White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said about Trump: "We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda."
Ponavadi je bil največji dick faktor pri ZDA in njihovih predsednikih ogromen ego in samozavest serijsko. Precejkrat upravičeno, problemi so se pojavili, ko so se precenili. Trumpovo šopirjenje pa izhaja iz GLOBOKIH kompleksov. Žalostno.
Listening to Sessions during cabinet meeting; he does sound senile. So it might be every time he met Sisslyak he thought it was first time.
Listening to the Cabinet Meeting with eyes wide open.
This is North Korea.
Each secretary is "I can't thank you enough for your leadership"
I grew up under communism. What I hear today from the Cabinet Meeting is spooking me. This is cult to personality of the saddest kind.
What in the actual fuck was that? Holy shit, that was the most surreal thing I've ever seen in my country.
Mattis notably did not. He said it was an honour to represent the men and women of the armed services but didn't suck up.
Like Putin's Cabinet Meetings, the only reason for this one was to show who the alpha dog is and who the bitches are
Komentarji na
Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever
Donald Trump did something very different in his Cabinet meeting Monday.
First, he reviewed the various alleged successes of his first 143 days and made this remarkable claim: "Never has there been a president....with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have."
But, that wasn't even close to the weirdest part of the Cabinet meeting!
Once Trump finished touting his administration's accomplishments, he turned to several of his newly-minted Cabinet secretaries like Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Each of those Cabinet secretaries lavished praise on Trump, which he accepted without comment but with a broad smile.
At first, I thought Trump was just going to have the new members of the Cabinet spend a few minutes praising him. NOPE! It soon became clear that Trump planned to have every Cabinet member speak. And when I say "speak" what I really mean is "praise Trump for his accomplishments, his foresight, his just being awesome."
You think I am exaggerating. I am not. Here's what White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said about Trump: "We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda."
Ponavadi je bil največji dick faktor pri ZDA in njihovih predsednikih ogromen ego in samozavest serijsko. Precejkrat upravičeno, problemi so se pojavili, ko so se precenili. Trumpovo šopirjenje pa izhaja iz GLOBOKIH kompleksov. Žalostno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
belo mleko ::
Trump ne popušča, začenja se nova era delavstva. Z razliko od beta kripto rudarjev gre v tem primeru za prave alpha rudarje.
jype ::
Why so beta, adijo?
belo mleko je izjavil:
Trump ne popuščaSliši se kot težka diagnoza, kjer običajna zdravila niso pomagala.
belo mleko je izjavil:
v tem primeru za prave alpha rudarje.A, že vem, kaj pomeni alpha: "Minimum wage employee."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
jype ::
belo mleko ::
Minimum wage, mogoče. Gre za ljudi, ki je Barack Hussein Obama po pariškem sporazumu vrgel na cesto zato da je razveselil svojo hollywoodsko kliko. Rudarska delovna mesta so šla na Kitajsko, ameriškemu delavcu pa so ostali kuponi za hrano in uničeno dostojanstvo. Trump, zavetnik delavcev, to popravlja.
jype ::
Kje so aretacije v ZDA? Vsaj Oliverja in Colberta bi zdaj že morali zapreti?
Kje so aretacije v ZDA? Vsaj Oliverja in Colberta bi zdaj že morali zapreti?
belo mleko je izjavil:
Minimum wage, mogoče. Gre za ljudi, ki je Barack Hussein Obama po pariškem sporazumu vrgel na cesto zato da je razveselil svojo hollywoodsko kliko. Rudarska delovna mesta so šla na Kitajsko, ameriškemu delavcu pa so ostali kuponi za hrano in uničeno dostojanstvo. Trump, zavetnik delavcev, to popravlja.Check your facts.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
Unknown_001 ::
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Prijazni možakar, ki nam je dal autobahn.
Pa Folcvagen !!!
Pa stigmo na Nacionalizmu. Socializm ja pa čist ok. SMH.
Socializem je mogoče ok, če gledaš skozi rozi očala in na to kaj imaš od teg TRENUTNO. Kaj pa imaš dolgoročno je pa druga zgodba. Mogoče dolgoročno boš ti lepo skoz prišel, tvoji potomci pa ne tako zelo lepo. Pravljica ki ne traja dolgo.
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Unknown_001 ()
Pac-Man ::
Rep. Mike Quigley has introduced the Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement (COVFEFE) Act.
Rep. Mike Quigley has introduced the Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement (COVFEFE) Act.
jype ::
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Socializem je mogoče ok, če gledaš skozi rozi očala in na to kaj imaš od teg TRENUTNONe. Socializem je OK, kadar je transparenten.
Unknown_001 ::
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Socializem je mogoče ok, če gledaš skozi rozi očala in na to kaj imaš od teg TRENUTNONe. Socializem je OK, kadar je transparenten.
Please go on. I am listening.
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?
dice7 ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Trump ne popušča, začenja se nova era delavstva. Z razliko od beta kripto rudarjev gre v tem primeru za prave alpha rudarje.Obama je ustvaril 150k delovnih mest - po tem ko je ze prenehal biti POTUS
Pac-Man ::
next3steps ::
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Socializem je mogoče ok, če gledaš skozi rozi očala in na to kaj imaš od teg TRENUTNONe. Socializem je OK, kadar je transparenten.
Please go on. I am listening.
chajna namba wan!
Unknown_001 ::
next3steps je izjavil:
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Socializem je mogoče ok, če gledaš skozi rozi očala in na to kaj imaš od teg TRENUTNONe. Socializem je OK, kadar je transparenten.
Please go on. I am listening.
chajna namba wan!
Honzuuu aiiii knadđooooooo hon ron činkpinkponk čong čang šlang ?
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
belo mleko ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Trump ne popušča, začenja se nova era delavstva. Z razliko od beta kripto rudarjev gre v tem primeru za prave alpha rudarje.Obama je ustvaril 150k delovnih mest - po tem ko je ze prenehal biti POTUS
? Dvomim. Clintonova potrebuje kakšnih 10 ljudi, ki skrbijo za aparate, ki jo držijo pri življenju.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
janex ::
Obama je ustvaril 150k delovnih mest - po tem ko je ze prenehal biti POTUS
LOL. Pozabil si navesti kaj so to za ene službe ki jih je ustvaril, vem se zgodi.
Verjetno kaj v stilu višji pomočnik za doseganje enakopravnosti obarvanih ras, zasebni tajnik za samske obarvane mamice, učitelji za obarvane IQ81 študente... skratka fiktivne službe, tako kot v Švediastanskem kalifatu kjer so sirijski raketni znanstveniki zaoposleni v javni upravi za nadzor nad ohranjevalnikom zaslona.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
janex ::
jype ::
ZaphodBB ::
Unknown_001 je izjavil:
Socializem je mogoče ok, če gledaš skozi rozi očala in na to kaj imaš od teg TRENUTNONe. Socializem je OK, kadar je transparenten.
Transparenten pa ne more bit ker ne deluje. In posledično so komunisti dolžni lagat o čisto vsem kar se v sistemu dogaja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ZaphodBB ()
jype ::
ZaphodBB ::
kingsix ::
Holy shit...kaj dejansko še kdo tukaj brani Trumpa? rofl
Holi šit, a tu dejansko še kdo vrjame CNN?
Torej domneva, da so CNN "fake news" popolnoma opravičuje Trumpa? Potem naenkrat več ni bedak? A tako gre to?
hmmm...sounds legit.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kingsix ()
janex ::
Torej domneva, da so CNN "fake news" popolnoma opravičuje Trumpa?
A to misliš ker ne pusti vsem meksikanom da grejo živet v Ameriko na socialo?
Ali ker je proti Putinu/Asadu (to vem da te ne moti)?
Ali ker je priporočil kristjana za šefa FBI?
Ali ker je CNN poslal sedet v oslovsko klop?
Ali ker ne pomaga muslimanom pri jihadu nad Ameriko?
Ali ker je znižal prispevke za holokavst muzeje?
Moraš biti bolj specifičen, drugače je težko vedet na kaj namiguješ.
PS: Levičarji komot prodate vse svoje imetje in denar nakažete ubogim mehiškim/sirijskim ženskam in otrokom. Ne vem zakaj tega ne storite, če pa trdite da je naša dolžnost pomagat, holokavst.......
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
spyker123 ::
Nisem za trumpa, vendar se mi zdi normalno, da se bo potegnil za službe američanov. Zakaj bi nekaj proizvajali ali kopali v indiji koromandiji, če lahko doma izkorišča naravne resurse..če ne drugo, vsaj ne bodo delali osnovnošolci v fabrikah, kot to delajo na kitajskem in indiji..Povprečen američan je fizični delavec, ne pa raketni znanstveniki, kot so to sirijci in afganistanci v nemčiji..šalo na stran, vsaka mu čast, da si je upal reči ne pariškemu sporazumu in gledati najprej na lastno gospodarstvo, potem šele na drugo..
janex ::
Zakaj bi nekaj proizvajali ali kopali v indiji koromandiji, če lahko doma izkorišča naravne resurse..če ne drugo, vsaj ne bodo delali osnovnošolci v fabrikah, kot to delajo na kitajskem in indiji.
HALO? A ne veš da smo belci dolžni priskrbeti VSE! vključno s službami za obarvane rase? Namesto da bi indijec delal, bo sedaj umrl od lakote. Naciji dobro veste da ljudje z obarvano kožo niso sposobni lastnega preživetja, zato pa hočete sebično sami opravljati svoje delo, namesto da bi ga opravil 6 letni kitajec in bi tako globalisti imeli večje dobičke!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
kingsix ::
Torej domneva, da so CNN "fake news" popolnoma opravičuje Trumpa?
A to misliš ker ne pusti vsem meksikanom da grejo živet v Ameriko na socialo?
Ali ker je proti Putinu/Asadu (to vem da te ne moti)?
Ali ker je priporočil kristjana za šefa FBI?
Ali ker je CNN poslal sedet v oslovsko klop?
Ali ker ne pomaga muslimanom pri jihadu nad Ameriko?
Ali ker je znižal prispevke za holokavst muzeje?
Moraš biti bolj specifičen, drugače je težko vedet na kaj namiguješ.
PS: Levičarji komot prodate vse svoje imetje in denar nakažete ubogim mehiškim/sirijskim ženskam in otrokom. Ne vem zakaj tega ne storite, če pa trdite da je naša dolžnost pomagat, holokavst.......
-Glde travel bana mu nekako ne uspeva a ne? Več kot očitno mu ni znano kakšne pristojnosti oz. "moč" ima kot predsednik. Torej ne pozna niti osnov svojega dela.
No, saj to so tudi že pvoedali njegovi zagovorniki - tako, ga sedaj branijo...češ, da pač nima pojma. Če ti nimaš pojma v službi, kako dolgo boš imel to službo?
- Seveda mora priporočit novega šefa FBI, ko pa je Comeya odpustil, ker ga ni nehal preiskovat
- Glede muslimanov... a v S.A. pa se je vseeno šel klanjat in kao sklepat posle (čeprav jih ni)
PS. Se ne opredeljujem kot levičar... Vseeno pa vem, da je Trump enako fit for president kot povprečen 5. šolček.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kingsix ()
janex ::
-Glde travel bana mu nekako ne uspeva a ne? Več kot očitno mu ni znano kakšne pristojnosti oz. "moč" ima kot predsednik. Torej ne pozna niti osnov svojega dela.
No, saj to so tudi že pvoedali njegovi zagovorniki - tako, ga sedaj branijo...češ, da pač nima pojma. Če ti nimaš pojma v službi, kako dolgo boš imel to službo?
- Seveda mora priporočit novega šefa FBI, ko pa je Comeya odpustil, ker ga ni nehal preiskovat
- Glede muslimanov... a v S.A. pa se je vseeno šel klanjat in kao sklepat posle (čeprav jih ni)
PS. Se ne opredeljujem kot levičar... Vseeno pa vem, da je Trump enako fit for president kot povprečen 5. šolček.
Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration Is Both Legal and Constitutional
Former FBI Director James Comey has confirmed something that Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed - that he is not personally under investigation.
To da se jim je klanjal v SA lepo dokaže da ni islamofob ampak samo noče islamizacije USA in šarije ki zahteva da infideli plačujejo muslimanom vse, podobno kot imamo v Evropi danes in tisoč let nazaj.
Morda nisi levičar, morda si še za levičarja preveč butast.
kingsix ::
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kingsix ()
janex ::
jype ::
janex ::
Pac-Man ::
Doni se poigrava z idejo, da bi "You're fired!" rekel še Muellerju.
Trump fired Comey. Now he's floating firing Mueller. That a lot of political capital expended to kill an investigation that's TOTALLY FAKE.
DIRNSA Rogers gave the SSCI a short-notice classified brief last night. #NSA sources say it's connected 2 AG Sessions' SSCI appearance 2day.
Can't imagine what took so long. Actually, I can.
Reality Loser may just be the dumbest person to ever hold TS/SCI.
"I'm gonna leak TS/SI+ to a Kremlin front to convince them that Russian espionage is bad."
So much #WINNING
Tole pa za umetniški učinek. Avtor je republikanski PR doktor.
Fire Mueller. Do it. Fire Mueller.
Do it, because it's time for the final divorce between the clickservatives and any pretense they believe in the rule of law. Let's just *get it the fuck ON* and end this shabby pretense that we still live in a nation of laws. So clickservatives, Trump fellators, fanboys, grunting MAGA mouthbreathers, SING OUT now. I really want to know. Is there anything he can do that strikes your conscience? Is there any sin, any excess, any affront?
No? GOOD. That makes it easy for all of us. Just go ALL IN. Get a TRUMP logo tramp stamp. Name your kids after him. Pledge fealty for you and all the generations of your offspring. Stop pussyfooting around the edges. Come right out and say it; all you care about his that he pisses off people you hate. So come on...Pledge loyalty and obedience to Trump, not America or the Constitution. You're already SO CLOSE. Call for Mueller to be fired, Comey to be imprisoned, Wilson to be eaten by wild dogs. You're already filled with atavistic lust for the purge, the long knives, the broken glass, the whiff of grapeshot. You excuse EVERYTHING because duh librul media or whatever bullshit fantasy you believe he fulfills. Go all the way!
So, let's just have the supine, ten-dollar hooker clickservatives write a million "But Comey" gruntpieces for a little fig leaf. So you can pretend there's a reason for letting Trump's utterly obvious corruption slide, not just an excuse. So fire Mueller. Call for it. Be on the record. While you're at it, call for permanent immunity for Trump for all crimes. Why not? He'll piss off the media, and that's worth everything, right? What's a little authoritarianism in exchange?
Ohhhh, I know. You're SO MAD someone in the media or culture doesn't agree with Esoteric Trumpism in every detail. Is Trump honest? Is he a conservative? Is he a Constitutionalist? Does he believe in the rule of law? Who cares? He makes duh rawr. Embrace his utter fucking degeneracy and third-world generalissimo act. It's the new you! Ride with it! Trump juche is real conservatism. It's the real path for the GOP. Forget laws and principles, and just vow eternal loyalty.
So fire Mueller. Call for it. Be on the record. Let's just get it done, because I'm sure you're tired of all these petty laws and norms and guardrails that stop Kim Jong Don from truly Making the Democratic Peoples Republic of Trumperica Great Again. Teach your kids that the laws are for people other than the President. That's Donald Trump was rid of those troublesome priests. Embrace unlimited state power, the end of legal accountability, and the ruthless will to power was the only metric of leadership.
What could possibly go wrong?
Trump fired Comey. Now he's floating firing Mueller. That a lot of political capital expended to kill an investigation that's TOTALLY FAKE.
DIRNSA Rogers gave the SSCI a short-notice classified brief last night. #NSA sources say it's connected 2 AG Sessions' SSCI appearance 2day.
Can't imagine what took so long. Actually, I can.
Short notice yet not a short briefing, over two hours.
Reality Loser may just be the dumbest person to ever hold TS/SCI.
Wow, Reality Winner leaked to the Intercept to try to persuade @ggreenwald to stop dismissing the Russia scandal
"I'm gonna leak TS/SI+ to a Kremlin front to convince them that Russian espionage is bad."
So much #WINNING
Jesus. And we're surprised that the Intercept burned her? 😳//Intercept je šel z dokumenti direktno do NSA.
Tole pa za umetniški učinek. Avtor je republikanski PR doktor.
Fire Mueller. Do it. Fire Mueller.
Do it, because it's time for the final divorce between the clickservatives and any pretense they believe in the rule of law. Let's just *get it the fuck ON* and end this shabby pretense that we still live in a nation of laws. So clickservatives, Trump fellators, fanboys, grunting MAGA mouthbreathers, SING OUT now. I really want to know. Is there anything he can do that strikes your conscience? Is there any sin, any excess, any affront?
No? GOOD. That makes it easy for all of us. Just go ALL IN. Get a TRUMP logo tramp stamp. Name your kids after him. Pledge fealty for you and all the generations of your offspring. Stop pussyfooting around the edges. Come right out and say it; all you care about his that he pisses off people you hate. So come on...Pledge loyalty and obedience to Trump, not America or the Constitution. You're already SO CLOSE. Call for Mueller to be fired, Comey to be imprisoned, Wilson to be eaten by wild dogs. You're already filled with atavistic lust for the purge, the long knives, the broken glass, the whiff of grapeshot. You excuse EVERYTHING because duh librul media or whatever bullshit fantasy you believe he fulfills. Go all the way!
So, let's just have the supine, ten-dollar hooker clickservatives write a million "But Comey" gruntpieces for a little fig leaf. So you can pretend there's a reason for letting Trump's utterly obvious corruption slide, not just an excuse. So fire Mueller. Call for it. Be on the record. While you're at it, call for permanent immunity for Trump for all crimes. Why not? He'll piss off the media, and that's worth everything, right? What's a little authoritarianism in exchange?
Ohhhh, I know. You're SO MAD someone in the media or culture doesn't agree with Esoteric Trumpism in every detail. Is Trump honest? Is he a conservative? Is he a Constitutionalist? Does he believe in the rule of law? Who cares? He makes duh rawr. Embrace his utter fucking degeneracy and third-world generalissimo act. It's the new you! Ride with it! Trump juche is real conservatism. It's the real path for the GOP. Forget laws and principles, and just vow eternal loyalty.
So fire Mueller. Call for it. Be on the record. Let's just get it done, because I'm sure you're tired of all these petty laws and norms and guardrails that stop Kim Jong Don from truly Making the Democratic Peoples Republic of Trumperica Great Again. Teach your kids that the laws are for people other than the President. That's Donald Trump was rid of those troublesome priests. Embrace unlimited state power, the end of legal accountability, and the ruthless will to power was the only metric of leadership.
What could possibly go wrong?
ZaphodBB ::
Trump juche. Super besedna zveza. Mislim, da se bo ZaphodBB preimenoval v Trump Jucheja.
Me veseli, da imam brezplačno najemnino v tvoji glavi. Vidiš, da si pravi cuck.
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