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Žitije Donalda Trampa

Žitije Donalda Trampa

Temo vidijo: vsi
15 / 32

tikitoki ::

Kle zaostajate, nazicji so out, sedaj vladajo kuscarji!!!

janex ::

SimplyMiha ::

Dajte znižajte no nivo nazaj na Trumpa.

RedDrake ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Kaj če imajo dokaze, prisluhi pa niso ameriški, ampak so jih pridobili evropski partnerji?

Kaj če so MH17 sestrelili nato überstealth lovci s top-of-the-line opremo?
Kaj če ...?

Ko bodo dokazi na mizi, lahko gre zgodba naprej.
Do takrat pa je samo dobro izhodišče za metanje dreka v politične nasprotnike.
Jaz tudi lahko preko par proksijev kontaktiram WaPo in jim zagotovim, da imam neovgrljive dokaze, da Trumpo govori tekoče rusko in je na kriptirani liniji s Putko 24/7. Če to naredim iz par "virov", bodo verjetno stvar objavili, res bo pa glih ene tolk, kot votla Zemlja ...

Truga ::

MH17 je sestrelil BUK.

RedDrake ::

Truga je izjavil:

MH17 je sestrelil BUK.

Sem mislil, da ste liberalci v povprečju pametnejši.
No, ja, gremo počasi:
- MH17 je sestrelil F-99XAC z termoptično kamuflažo in 100% radarsko absorbcijo (NOPE! to vemo, ker obstajajo posredni in neposredni dokazi, da ga je sklatil ruski BUK)
- Trump(ova ekipa) je sodelovala z RF za hackanje DNC-ja (NOPE! to vemo, ker zaenkrat razen anonimnih virov, ni niti d od dokaza, še več, FBI šef je izjavil, da je večino navedb teh virov navaden BS ...)

Ko začne nekdo z "Kaj če pa <insert something less likely, bordering on conspiracy theory levels>?", pač vemo koliko je ura.

Grasping at straws ...

Pac-Man ::


Risch said: "You sought out both Republican and Democrat senators to tell them that, hey, I don't know where this is coming from, but this is not the -- this is not factual. Do you recall that?"

"Yes," Comey confirmed.

"In the main, it was not true," Comey added. "And, again, all of you know this, maybe the American people don't. The challenge -- and I'm not picking on reporters about writing stories about classified information -- is that people talking about it often don't really know what's going on. And those of us who actually know what's going on are not talking about it. And we don't call the press to say, 'Hey, you got that thing wrong about this sensitive topic.' We just have to leave it there."


The Times published a detailed followup around 5 p.m. on Thursday.

It noted that "multiple news outlets have since published accounts that support the main elements of The Times's article, including information about phone calls and in-person meetings between Mr. Trump's advisers and Russians, some believed to be connected to Russian intelligence."

Part of the dispute might be about the definition of Russian "intelligence officers."

Čllanek govori o "American intelligence and law enforcement agencies". Tu sta še vsaj NSA in CIA, ki imata bolj verjetno v rokah tovrstne prisluhe. FBI se ukvarja z domačo sceno.

Truga ::

RedDrake je izjavil:

Truga je izjavil:

MH17 je sestrelil BUK.

Sem mislil, da ste liberalci v povprečju pametnejši.
No, ja, gremo počasi:
- MH17 je sestrelil F-99XAC z termoptično kamuflažo in 100% radarsko absorbcijo (NOPE! to vemo, ker obstajajo posredni in neposredni dokazi, da ga je sklatil ruski BUK)
- Trump(ova ekipa) je sodelovala z RF za hackanje DNC-ja (NOPE! to vemo, ker zaenkrat razen anonimnih virov, ni niti d od dokaza, še več, FBI šef je izjavil, da je večino navedb teh virov navaden BS ...)

Ko začne nekdo z "Kaj če pa <insert something less likely, bordering on conspiracy theory levels>?", pač vemo koliko je ura.

Grasping at straws ...


dice7 ::

RedDrake je izjavil:

Paco, včeraj je Comey direkt povedal, da je večino poročanja z anonimni viri bila praktično popolna izmišljotina.
Prosim nehaj uporabljati, vse, kar ni official.
Si že skoraj na nivoju Orgonskih topov, Nazi postojanke na antarktiki, votle zemlje in podobnih, "unofficial" resnic.

Nehaj siriti fake news

Comey shot down one media report but confirmed a bunch of others

janex ::

dice7 je izjavil:

RedDrake je izjavil:

Paco, včeraj je Comey direkt povedal, da je večino poročanja z anonimni viri bila praktično popolna izmišljotina.
Prosim nehaj uporabljati, vse, kar ni official.
Si že skoraj na nivoju Orgonskih topov, Nazi postojanke na antarktiki, votle zemlje in podobnih, "unofficial" resnic.

Nehaj siriti fake news

Comey shot down one media report but confirmed a bunch of others

Tako ja Dice, povej mu, greva oba skupaj na ves glas!

Neobstoj naci postojank na Antarktiki je FAKE NEWS!

No fascist, no kkk!
No fascist, no kkk!
No fascist, no kkk!
No fascist, no kkk!
Nazis go home!
Hillarj 2020!

RedDrake ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Nehaj siriti fake news

Comey shot down one media report but confirmed a bunch of others

Lahko nehaš kar sam.
Comey ni potrdil niti ene same stvari o navezi Rusija-Trumpo.
Samo leake, ki se tičejo odnosa Trumpo-Comey-Sessions. Ok?
Leak je pa bil najverjetneje kar on sam.
Lahko pa nehaš tudi ti biti fake news in mi najdeš, katere navedbe, ki jih Paco rad vleče ven (se pravi, da je Trump ekipa praktično del FSB-ja), je Comey potrdil. Z linki prosim.

Truga ::

RedDrake je izjavil:

Comey ni potrdil niti ene same stvari o navezi Rusija-Trumpo.

Zgleda si ti poslusal en drug hearing kot jaz

RedDrake ::

Quote it, please.
P.S.: Sem prebral del hearinga. Eni delamo stvari z visoko dodano vrednostjo, in nimamo časa viset na netu 24/7, drugi pa študirajo po faksih, kjer se pade več ali manj samo po štengah.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: RedDrake ()

janex ::

Truga je izjavil:

RedDrake je izjavil:

Comey ni potrdil niti ene same stvari o navezi Rusija-Trumpo.

Zgleda si ti poslusal en drug hearing kot jaz

Jaz sem slišal da je Linčova rekla Comeju kako ne sme govoriti da je Klintonova pod preiskavo. Torej bosta sedaj Linčova in Klintonova šli v zapor?

Truga ::


xxxul ::

Comney je zanikal eno stvar, ker pa drugih ni zanika=must be true >:D

D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Unknown_001 ::

To nam manjka
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?


jype ::

A ljudi, ki v katoliški diktaturi protestirajo proti islamizaciji?

Unknown_001 ::

jype je izjavil:

A ljudi, ki v katoliški diktaturi protestirajo proti islamizaciji?

Samoponosa in samoiniciative. Ne bit tok črnogled jurč. V vsaki stvari je nekaj dobrega.

Btw. Trenutno teče zbiranje podpisov referenduma za drugi tir. Poglej kakšna anemija je v državi. Folk boli kurac kaj se dogaja zato pa se nič ne premakne.
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?


jype ::

Unknown_001 je izjavil:

Btw. Trenutno teče zbiranje podpisov referenduma za drugi tir. Poglej kakšna anemija je v državi. Folk boli kurac kaj se dogaja zato pa se nič ne premakne.
Hvala bogu. Referendum proti železnici? To bi lahko pričakoval od nadrealistov, ne pa od ljudi, ki sami sebe jemljejo resno.

Unknown_001 ::

jype je izjavil:

Unknown_001 je izjavil:

Btw. Trenutno teče zbiranje podpisov referenduma za drugi tir. Poglej kakšna anemija je v državi. Folk boli kurac kaj se dogaja zato pa se nič ne premakne.
Hvala bogu. Referendum proti železnici? To bi lahko pričakoval od nadrealistov, ne pa od ljudi, ki sami sebe jemljejo resno.

Ni problem železnica. Problem je v izvedbi celega plana. Investicija je nenormalno draga in zadeva smrdi.

Meanwhile profesorji ljubljanske univerze sestavijo boljši in cenejši projekt.

Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?


Zgodovina sprememb…

jype ::

Unknown_001 je izjavil:

Ni problem železnica. Problem je v izvedbi celega plana. Investicija je nenormalno draga in zadeva smrdi.
Drži. Referendum je obsceno neprimeren instrument za reševanje težav s korupcijo.

Unknown_001 je izjavil:

Meanwhile profesorji ljubljanske univerze sestavijo boljši in cenejši projekt.
V teoriji ni razlike med teorijo in prakso.

Unknown_001 ::

jype je izjavil:

V teoriji ni razlike med teorijo in prakso.

Nisi si niti pogledal posnetka.
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?



jype ::

Ne vem, če bo dočakal 2020.

Cervantes ::

jype je izjavil:

Ne vem, če bo dočakal 2020.

Seveda bo.
In drugi mandat tudi.
In Luna je na Antarktiki.
In obratno.
In Paco je nehal pastat angleške citate.
Življenje je lepo!

Cervantes ::

Kot Generalni sekratar Združene Nacioanal-komunistične stranke Okupirane Evrope, vam zagtovljam, resnica je samo ena.
Priporočam šesturno meditacijo na to temo, v vertikalno-invertiranem položaju.

jype ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Seveda bo.
Tovariš Trump ima resne zdravstvene težave.

konspirator ::

House votes to kill Dodd-Frank. Now what?

Ali prevod: kockanje bank se lahko nadaljuje.
Finančna kriza 2007/08 bo ob novem poku balona izgledala kot peresno lahka nedolžna snežinka.

Zgodovina sprememb…

dice7 ::

Delavski razred ze komaj caka

Pac-Man ::

Fanfic za vse "Ampak Hillary. Ampak 3. svetovna." fane. Dolg, vmes prekinjen, thread.

Malenkost tin foil, ampak bistvo bi znalo držat.



Nov. 9: When the cortisol kicked in halfway through the dark, I got my first signals: Holy. Fuck. They'd. Been. Planning. This. For. Years.
Me: WTF. This can't be happening.
"They got the drop on us. They had some shit they kept hidden. And some Americans were in on it."
"What the hell? We didn't just let..."
"They have us surrounded. These hacks went way beyond what anyone expected."
I got about one hour of sleep every day going forward, for a while. Ryan and McConnell grinned these scared grins.
Obama left for Europe. Barack Obama immediately went on a tour of NATO countries after the election, exactly how nobody does.
Hillary smiled politely. Bill, too.
Ultralefty douchebros: You think the Clintons are simultaneously Satanic corporatists, who politely, quickly left The Game?
F**king morons.
The following week, Trump broke every tradition. He did NOT immediately go to the State Department to call our allies in order.
Trump did NOT go right after State over to the Pentagon to shake hands and assure the Peaceful Transition of Power.
He waited. FOR ORDERS.
BTW, how GODDAMNED IRRITATING IS IT that the Media, with it's DC bureaus and money, couldn't figure out when this went so off the rails? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THAT YOU DIDN'T KNOW THIS WAS A SIGN OF TOTAL ABNORMALITY? You wanted to go to Mar-a-Lago? WHAT THE FUCK?
No, Trump - LIKE NO PRESIDENT EVER DOES - hung out at Trump Tower and had meetings with Putin cum sponge Nigel Farage, Marine LePen, others. They made like a 3 second phone call to Office of Management and Budget - America's Checkbook - and didn't call back FOR WEEKS.WTAF???
But the media - including Sudden Skeptics Joe & Mika - planned to Prepare for the Trump Era! Because, well, I guess this is it! Normalcy!


I heard that, while this was a long-shot, the plan was to have Trump and Flynn dismantle America, from the IC on down to every institution. IC has to go first - they know too much, obviously. And that itself seems insane. But. Hey. If America believes this is legit...why not? If America's predictable, normalcy-creating, profit-making media makes it out to be normal, hell, maybe even THIS scenario might work? I don't believe Russian intel thought it was likely - but hey, if we sneak one by the goalie, that's the Go-Ahead Goal! Advantage, Russia! There's strategy and tactics. You set a strategy to subvert, and you plan for as many tactical scenarios as possible. Then you improvise.


In that week, everybody had been so stunned, nobody had really done much but listen. Nobody was talking back to this TREASON.

Then, McCain.

Just shy of four weeks later, there were those tracking that No, This Was Not Right, and a Resistance was forming up. Among Resistance, those who knew This Was All Bent were clamoring, Why Won't Obama Save Us? We Are Lost! And I got writing one time. And I was frustrated that nobody else was following this, so I started, "Hey Guys," et cetera. But now, we're at the Beginning of the End. This Story is about to come out. But here's the crazy thing. So far, people have just accepted that there IS a story at all.


The media is still treating this as Maybe a Normal DC Thing, Let's Maybe Talk Watergate As the Extreme?

Nope. Missed it. This Is History. This is Real History, that thing you can't predict or understand in the moment because it's so f**king insane. That kind. The real kind. Because, like I said when I started, the most insane story I've ever heard, the one on Nov 9, has come true.

Except: Comey.

This most insanely vicious and ambitious intel Op worked - amazingly - as planned except for a couple things:
1. Our IC is really good.
2. Our allies' ICs are good too. So, you see, National Security institutions are there to protect the Security of the Nation. And did.

See, Russia DID manage to position all of its compromised assets and unleash all of its hacks- including the Snowden tools - simultaneously. Russia managed to massage the Alt-Right and Douche-Left along with its crooked real estate guys, attorneys, and politicos. Brilliant. And America's politicians mostly likely to fuck their nation for their own benefit did so with gusto. And Media helped! Like planned! The craziest, most aggressive op ever - mostly designed to get a little respect for Vlad - accidentally worked. Too well.

But there were TOTALLY right about some Americans' microeconomic incentives, from crooked Reps to asshole ideologue journalists. NICE WORK!

Just one problem: COMEY.

Did I say one? I meant COMEY, CLAPPER, YATES, and the rest of...INTRODUCING...THE ENTIRE F**CKING DEEP STATE! And by Deep State I mean Dork State, the people in boring offices with skills you've been able to forget about, who keep an eye on things. See, like always, the Russians innovate this covert stuff out of necessity, and we innovate defense because of the Russians. Same as ever. And you see, because the Deep State has been so good at their jobs, the media has been able to f**k up NatSec stories. Isn't that fun? 🤗 So: once more with feeling, since the Media can't do its f**king job without handholding and STILL can't quite do it - here's a preview.

This whole thing was going to end up with Bobby Three Sticks or somebody else Completely Independent to Unfuck This Situation. The IC and law enforcement have been like sous-chefs working for Chef Bobby - chopping garlic, making stock, etc. ORDER UP, BITCHES! DID SOMEBODY ORDER 200-1000 PLATES OF AMERICAN JUSTICE? WELL GET ME ALL THE COOKS AND SERVERS YOU GOT. HOPE YOU'RE HUNGRY! Because we've got espionage, money laundering, and more statutes broken than we have kids coming out of law school - which is unexpected!

See, this is the big secret- hope you're sitting down.

A whole bunch of people apparently heard this was coming. And picked the wrong team. We'll know in the coming months just who, but suffice it to say that there were those who were sold this long shot as The Big Fix.
That in itself is an Intel Op: tell some people, Oh Shit, There Is This Can't-Miss Plan, SHHH and see which dipshits jump at it. You know, take a nobody Congresscritter like Devin Nunes and tell him that if he Plays Along, he can be a Big Deal, and not a cowpoke.
And then when he realizes he picked wrong, holy f**k it's funny.
Man, when Flynn - who's nuts, BTW - gets pinched, they all realize that It Didn't Go How They Said.
Also, Rudy had this in with people who were gonna shank Hillary, Chaffetz was in, and the Russians have Big Computer Skills! Can't miss! And don't worry, The Fix, Like, Can't Miss. FBI is maybe even in! (Which is why Comey had such a straight face for a while.)But. Oops.
FBI wasn't in. And Mike got pinched. Sessions recused. Nunes jumped pantsless out of his Uber. And Russia...offered to send us Snowden. 🤣😎
See. There's apparently audio of Ryan. And others. And...Well, the real story isn't even hinted at yet. Which is why this is nuts.
My God, it's so adorable to see skeptics start to realize they better hedge bets. And the "conspiracy" articles? Pathetic.
For those not yet on the boat, I say, "Relax!" You missed the boat. It left and you were on it. It's OK. Nobody needs you. Anymore.
For the rest of us, actually tuned in, OMG HERE IS WHAT'S COMING: Full exposure of the worst people in our society! SQUEEEEE!!!

See, these Russian bastards shopped a lot of potential traitors. Not just in America, either. Canada, UK, France, and elsewhere. POLITICAL PEARL HARBOR, some called it. Because it was, in espionage terms, like going from B-52 bombs to Fat Man and Little Boy. Hats off to the RIS, they do clever work. So clever that it will probably end with Russia's economy collapsing and Putin's end, but still.

They not only used their most powerful, unexpected cyberwarfare tools on the West, but unleashed decades of kompromat. Full court press. And HOLY SHIT DID IT WORK. Boys, you had us scared for a while. Clapper, too. Comey, too. MI6, too. DGSE, too. YOU SCARED US, YOU GUYS!
See, you crooked Russian Chekist fuckbags, you had us, for a moment, thinking that Putin was something better than a spy with a gas station. But. You're not. Putin's not. You're no better. We are. Democracy is. NATO IS. FUCK YOU GUYS, HOPE YOU HAD FUN. Just like all the Star Wars end with a guy flying through a trench to blow shit up, I end threads with LOVE AND AFFIRMATION FOR OUR VALUES.

I want to thank you for testing America's IC and revealing it one of our best, most professional, and essential institution. Thank you.
I want to thank dumpster-licking Russian spies for showing America how elections must be verified more carefully, to improve our democracy.
I want to thank Vladimir Putin for personally using HIS assets to Rotorooter out America's most cravenous ass-faced traitors. Thanks, homie!
I'd like to send a shout out to Russia's information warriors for finally pushing annoying assbags at FoxNews into outright treason. Woohoo!
I'd like to thank Donald Trump - who will die in prison - for showing us why Civics needs to be in EVERY HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM!
And to sum up, I'd like to thank America's traitors and their Russian handlers for making me cry on the floor in my living room. I don't think I ever knew how much I loved this country, its people, and our (flawed, hypocritical) system before I thought I'd lose it. Because I didn't think, Oh, I'll just move to Canada, though I adore the place. See, the world needs America. The Real America. The Real America may be mostly a concept and a dream, one to perfect, one that obviously still has massive fissures and hideous problems. But The Real America is the one yet to exist, the country where people take refuge, one where they root their dreams of the future. America is not the only country in the world. It's not the "best" country. But it's irreplaceable. It's an R&D lab for the future. This is a place that discovers new ideas, a country that supports human rights precisely because of its complex, stained history. America doesn't have an ethnicity (sorry, alt-right dicks) - it has a set of ideas and beliefs about A More Perfect Union. All may belong. Can't do that in Norway. Can't do it in Scotland or Thailand or Singapore. But you can do it in America. We Will Keep This Country.


That's all America has: a bunch of awesome ideas from flawed dudes who didn't live them either. That's why we have a future. Because, if we fight when those Awesome Ideas are threatened, then every day, we get closer to A More Perfect Union. We've all received the test of our lives. I'm PROUD to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those who said I WILL KEEP THIS REPUBLIC, HELL YEAH. So my friends - we're at the beginning of the end of the treason, and the beginning of our next chance to Do Better.
You ready?
First, it's going to get WAY F**KED UP and people are going to throw tantrums over ideology and it could get super rough, even. You'll probably hear How Bad This MIGHT Have Gotten and get scared out of your minds. But we're way better off than we were Nov 14. Now, it's time to protect freedom, cherish our neighbors, strengthen our resolve, and seize the future with strong and active faith. It's a sweet summer night in America.

God Bless America, and all nations, not one single person left out.

Love you all.

Pac-Man ::

Dana (R-CA), ameriški Putin & Assad fan #1:

Dana, ameriški ISIS fan #1:


On Thursday, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) praised the recent Islamic State attack in Tehran as a “good thing” and suggested that maybe the United States should work with the militant organization.


“So that’s like Joe Stalin was a horrible guy, we must never associate with horrible guys like that, even against Hitler,” he said, talking over Levitt. “And so maybe it’s a good idea to have radical Muslim terrorists fighting each other. I’ll leave it at that.”


It’s no surprise that Rohrabacher is so anti-Iran he is willing to praise the Islamic State for conducting an attack in the country. The congressman is a vocal supporter of regime change as well as a huge advocate of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), a cult-like group known for human rights abuses which wants to overthrow the Iranian government and which was classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government until 2012.

Rohrabacher, who has been has been previously called “Putin’s favorite congressman,” has also brushed off human rights abuses by the Russian government, calling them “baloney.”

Ne vem kaj se mu je zgodilo, ampak ni čisto gladek.

jype ::

konspirator je izjavil:

House votes to kill Dodd-Frank. Now what?
Hotl ste Trumpa, zdej ga pa mate.

Pac-Man ::

Hmm, politični problem.


The Republican Future

(...)among Americans 18 to 34, Donald Trump's job approval was 19 percent approve, 67 percent disapprove, an amazing -48 percent.


Now we are not knee-jerk respecters of youth. We give no greater weight to the opinions of the young than to those of the old. In fact, we're inclined to give them less, as the young lack experience, and experience is a great teacher. We would even go so far as to say that the overvaluation of the sentiments of the young may be one of the curses of our age.

On the other hand, one would have to be blind not to see the political risk for Republicans and conservatives in these numbers. First impressions matter. Most people don't change their political views radically from the ones they first hold. For young Americans today, Donald Trump is the face of Republicanism and conservatism.

They don't like that face. And the danger, of course, is that they'll decide their judgment of Trump should carry over to the Republican party that nominated him and the conservative movement that mostly supports him. If he is indeed permitted to embody the party and the movement without challenge, the fortunes of both will be at the mercy of President Trump's own fortunes.
Perhaps the danger is exaggerated. One could argue, after all, that the worst-case scenario for Trump's first term is Nixon's second. Yet the Republican party and the conservative movement recovered quickly from that, didn't they?

Well, those of us who made the case for Nixon in the fall of 1972 on college campuses, who cast our first vote for him that November, who were tempted to rationalize his behavior for at least a while as Watergate unfolded, and who couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow as he resigned amid victory whoops from his critics in 1974 remember those years all too well. They weren't the easiest of years to be on the right.

But we also remember that the new and exciting conservative columnists in the Washington Post and the New York Times, George Will (in his early 30s) and Bill Safire (in his early 40s), were tough on Nixon. We remember that one of the most prominent conservative Republican senators, James Buckley, who had won dramatically as a Conservative third-party candidate in New York in 1970, did not join other Republicans in rallying to Nixon's defense.


In sum, we remember that young Americans could look at the Republican party and the conservative movement and see fresh faces and other voices than those of Richard Nixon and his defenders.

One might add that dozens of those defenders in Congress were wiped out in the 1974 midterm elections. One could also note that the subsequent GOP comeback was made easier by the fact that Spiro Agnew had resigned, so that Nixon was succeeded by a vice president who had been in office for only a few months and who wasn't particularly identified with him.


Can they do the same from Donald Trump? It's urgent that Republicans and conservatives begin to try. The future of the Republican party and of conservatism depend on their standing for loyalties and principles more fundamental than the fortunes of Donald Trump.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

jype ::

Smrekar1 ::

Unknown_001 je izjavil:

Ni problem železnica. Problem je v izvedbi celega plana. Investicija je nenormalno draga in zadeva smrdi.

Sploh smrdi če pogledaš zakaj naj bi bila dražja. Najprej pogledajo ceno projekta, se zgrozijo, nato vzamejo načine financiranja te vsote in jih prištejejo k ceni.

To je tako kot da bi rekel da te štruca kruha stane 4EUR: 2EUR plačaš in trgovina dobi 2EUR. Ampak ker so tile manipulatorji ki ciljajo na manj inteligentne in nižje izobražene vedo, da si lahko privoščijo take očitne manipulacije. Podobno kot Trump, ki bi želel zmanjašti javno porabo za 2 bilijona dolarjev, to porabiti za zmajnšanje davkov in obenem še zmanjšal proračunsko luknjo za to vsoto. Glupi ameri mu niso nasedli, imamo pa kar precej nič manj prizadetih slovencev.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

janex ::

Jaz mam Drumpfa dost! Kaj sedaj pa kar misli da bo šparal pri holokavst muzejih!!!!!?!?!?

Lawmakers push back on Trump's proposed $3M cut to Holocaust museum

dice7 ::

Sicer je pa moral Trump ukreniti nekaj, da lahko alternativna desnica za kratek cas pozabi na ostale njegove povezave z Izraelom *wink wink*

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dice7 ()

Smrekar1 ::

dice7 je izjavil:

ZDA imajo križce zaenkrat pri točkah 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13 in 14. Pri točkah 3 in 10 ima vprašaj, pri ostalih se lahko pogovarjamo o kljukici.

Za primerjavo, Rusija kljukice pri vseh točkah.

janex ::

^D3m širi fake news!

Prva jutranja doza za smrkarja1 je to:

Pac-Man ::

Bi kdo kokice?


The attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia plan to file a lawsuit on Monday alleging that foreign payments to President Donald Trump's businesses violate the U.S. constitution, according to a source familiar with the situation.

Trump already faces a similar lawsuit that was brought in January by plaintiffs including a ethics non-profit group.

However, the case from two Democratic attorneys general could stand a better chance in court as the first government action over allegations that Trump, a Republican, violated the constitution's so-called emoluments clause.


AG Racine told Reuters in a March interview that the District of Columbia has suffered particular harm because it subsidized the construction of hotels that are now impacted by foreign payments to Trump properties.

That puts the district in a "unique position" to file legal claims over the emoluments clause, Racine said.

ZaphodBB ::

Bi kdo kokice?

Tvoje kokice so fatamorgana.

RedDrake ::

Vedno bo nekaj novega.
Muh Russia je šel po gobe.
Muh Obstruction nima osnove za karkoli.
Muh Corruption je trenutno aktualen. Do prihodnjega tedna. Potem pa nekaj novega.
In tako bo minilo 4 ali 8 let.
Zgodilo se bo pa točno 0.
Saj Obamo so tudi minirali Birtherji, pa Tea party, pa ...
In zgodilo se je točno 0.

Btw, dice7, Demsi imajo enako število kljukic, njihove volitve so zgoljufane, in oni kontrolirajo medije.
Sicer, tudi sexisti so, skoraj zagotovo, glede na to, da ne želijo vpoklica za ženske v vojsko in 50/50 kvot za ženske v gozdarski/metalurški/ipd ... industriji.
"Intelektualcev" in umetnosti pa res ne prezirajo. Torej, ena kljukica stran od fašizma, ali pa dve.
Full dobra izbira ...
Realnost je, da danes živimo precej bližje pravemu fašizmu kot recimo 20 let nazaj, tudi če so na oblasti socialdemokrati. Krasni novi svet pač nezadržno prihaja.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: RedDrake ()

jype ::

janex ::

jype je izjavil:

WOW, si me pa sedaj res prepričal v tvoj prav! Šit, za dokaz je prilepil sliko videoigrice, kako bi sploh ugovarjal takim argumentom?!

Iatromantis ::

ADIJOOO je izjavil:

Lol - 139 days in. 1322 days to go. That's 9.5% of the way through this Presidential term so far.

Vprašanje, če bo Rusija Trumpov žebelj (bo prej kakšen emoluments clause) - bodo pa Rusija in nedavni leakani dokumenti vplivali na avtorizacijo enega pomembnejših programov ameriških vohunov - sekcije 702.

Wow, Sen. Graham (!!) to reporters on 702 spying renewal: "I'm not going to reauthorize a program that could be politically manipulated."

dice7 ::

RedDrake je izjavil:

Btw, dice7, Demsi imajo enako število kljukic, njihove volitve so zgoljufane, in oni kontrolirajo medije.
Sicer, tudi sexisti so, skoraj zagotovo, glede na to, da ne želijo vpoklica za ženske v vojsko in 50/50 kvot za ženske v gozdarski/metalurški/ipd ... industriji.
"Intelektualcev" in umetnosti pa res ne prezirajo. Torej, ena kljukica stran od fašizma, ali pa dve.
Full dobra izbira ...
Realnost je, da danes živimo precej bližje pravemu fašizmu kot recimo 20 let nazaj, tudi če so na oblasti socialdemokrati. Krasni novi svet pač nezadržno prihaja.
Fasizem se ne odpravi z se vec fasizmom, ceprav si to zelis

janex ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Fasizem se ne odpravi z se vec fasizmom, ceprav si to zelis

CIS scum ne pusti ženskam delati v kamnolomu! Edini način da se te fašiste ustavi je s silo!
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