Forum » Zvok in slika » OLED TV
Temo vidijo: vsi
profdoktor ::
Ti si bolan s tem Philipsom in 20 različnimi accounti na forumu. Jaz iz principa ne bi kupil Philips, če bi mi ga nekdo priporočal iz 20 različnih lažnih računov na forumu. Zakaj se skrivaš? Stopi pred ljudi z imenom in priimkom in potem prodajaj Philips, ne pa da mutiš tu iz lažnih računov in se sam s sabo pogovarjaš na forumu.
krepki ::
V čem je razlika med LG B8 in LG C8 razen v ceni?
andrej69 ::
profdoktor je izjavil:
Ti si bolan s tem Philipsom in 20 različnimi accounti na forumu. Jaz iz principa ne bi kupil Philips, če bi mi ga nekdo priporočal iz 20 različnih lažnih računov na forumu. Zakaj se skrivaš? Stopi pred ljudi z imenom in priimkom in potem prodajaj Philips, ne pa da mutiš tu iz lažnih računov in se sam s sabo pogovarjaš na forumu.
A imaš ti psihične težave..?
V čem je razlika med LG B8 in LG C8 razen v ceni?
Tukaj si lahko pogledaš.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Dimnik ()
profdoktor ::
LG je boljši od Philipsa. Philips je boljši od drugih znamk samo v kategoriji ožemalniki citrusov.
fpbs ::
andrej69 ::
fpbs ::
Točno se ve, kakšna je razlika med Alpha9 in Alpha7 procesorjem. Sem pa prepričan, da ti tega ne veš.
andrej69 ::
Točno se ve, kakšna je razlika med Alpha9 in Alpha7 procesorjem. Sem pa prepričan, da ti tega ne veš.
Mene ne zanima kar piše na specifikacijah, temveč to kaj je procesor sposoben prikazat v realnosti:)) Tukaj pa še ta procesor, vedno zaostaja za Philips in Sony procesorjema..
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: profdoktor ()
andrej69 ::
Citat iz testa.
The video postprocessing of the new Alpha 9 video processor may not be as impressive as the Sony X1 4K HDR or Philips P5, but it does improve the internal processing of the image. This is a clearer, more accurate, with much less noise than OLE TVs of older generations. Another major advantage of this C8 is obviously the readability in the dark, because LG managed the feat to do even better than the Panasonic EZ950 on this point! And that, it changes the deal, the contrast so powerful proposed by the Oled takes here all its meaning!
Ko pa bo Philips plasiral na tržišče povsem nov P5 procesor, pa bo pojedel ta Lg procesor:))Enostavno Lg kakor tudi Samsung nista sposobna razviti slikovni procesor, ki bi bila na nivoju Philips, Sony, Panasonic procesorjem..! To je dejstvo:))
The video postprocessing of the new Alpha 9 video processor may not be as impressive as the Sony X1 4K HDR or Philips P5, but it does improve the internal processing of the image. This is a clearer, more accurate, with much less noise than OLE TVs of older generations. Another major advantage of this C8 is obviously the readability in the dark, because LG managed the feat to do even better than the Panasonic EZ950 on this point! And that, it changes the deal, the contrast so powerful proposed by the Oled takes here all its meaning!
Ko pa bo Philips plasiral na tržišče povsem nov P5 procesor, pa bo pojedel ta Lg procesor:))Enostavno Lg kakor tudi Samsung nista sposobna razviti slikovni procesor, ki bi bila na nivoju Philips, Sony, Panasonic procesorjem..! To je dejstvo:))
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Dimnik ()
DamjanB52 ::
AV Planet ga že ima: pozna razlika med Alpha 9 Processorjem in Alpha 7?OLEDa B8 z Alpha7 pa (pri nas) še ni na tržišču.
DamjanB52 ::
Mediamarket tudi: Planet ga že ima: pozna razlika med Alpha 9 Processorjem in Alpha 7?OLEDa B8 z Alpha7 pa (pri nas) še ni na tržišču.
DamjanB52 ::
55" C8 je samo 5% dražji, težko najdeš logiko zakaj kupiti B8.Tja .. poleg minimalne cene mogoče še dizajn (minimalen, totalno črn rob, simpl podstavek), ki ga sicer še nisem preveril v živo .. se pa sprašujem, zakaj, o zakaj, noben ne ponuja mat črno stojalo, ki ne bi odsevalo zaslon?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: DamjanB52 ()
DamjanB52 ::
Kaj, nobenih komentarjev? Na komercijalo se sicer ne razumem, tole pa zgleda kot zatrtje proste konkurence .. - ni več v prodaji ..
cekr ::
Kaj, nobenih komentarjev? Na komercijalo se sicer ne razumem, tole pa zgleda kot zatrtje proste konkurence .. - ni več v prodaji ..
Zanimivo, da sploh nima več Sonyev.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum [Zilog Z80A - 3.5 MHz, 48kB, dvojni kasetofon,
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
leiito ::
55" C8 je samo 5% dražji, težko najdeš logiko zakaj kupiti B8.Tja .. poleg minimalne cene mogoče še dizajn (minimalen, totalno črn rob, simpl podstavek), ki ga sicer še nisem preveril v živo .. se pa sprašujem, zakaj, o zakaj, noben ne ponuja mat črno stojalo, ki ne bi odsevalo zaslon?
Stojalo na C7 je brušen aluminij sive barve in ne odseva zaslona, prepričan sem, da enako velja za ostale tivije, taki amaterji pa spet niso pri LGju, zihr je in material in kot, da ne odseva zaslona + zaslon sam, vsaj na OLEDih ima AR premaz in že sam od sebe odseva minimalno.
Pri mediamarket, pa najbrž še komu, stock variira, najbolj popularnih modelov nimajo ves čas na zalogi, enkrat sem pri njih naročil X900 in bil že na poti v Celovec, ko so ugotovili, da ga nimajo več. Slovenski posredniki imajo vedno vse na lagerju, ker grejo itak šele po naročilu dejansko kupiti tivi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: leiito ()
edi45 ::
profdoktor je izjavil:
Kateri OLED do 1100 EUR je trenutno best buy?
Drugace si najbolj moder od vseh, zdaj pa taksna glupa vprasanja? Samo en OLED je za taksno ceno in to neko 1080p sranje od LG
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: fpbs ()
DamjanB52 ::
Hmm .. na B8 vidim na 2:07 precej lep odsev :55" C8 je samo 5% dražji, težko najdeš logiko zakaj kupiti B8.Tja .. poleg minimalne cene mogoče še dizajn (minimalen, totalno črn rob, simpl podstavek), ki ga sicer še nisem preveril v živo .. se pa sprašujem, zakaj, o zakaj, noben ne ponuja mat črno stojalo, ki ne bi odsevalo zaslon?
Stojalo na C7 .. ne odseva zaslona, prepričan sem, da enako velja za ostale
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: DamjanB52 ()
DamjanB52 ::
leiito ::
To bo najbrž težko, da bojo imeli vse modele side by side in tudi če, bojo težko replicirali tvojo specifiko vsebin in načina gledanja. Na neki točki pač zaupamo ekspertom in če so pri tem bolj ali manj enakega mnenja, namreč da je 66" C8 best buy za tivije višjega razreda, še toliko bolj. Jaz sem tudi več mesecev bral forume in študiral tivije in gledal videe in na koncu kupil to, kar sem hotel na začetku, C7, mar bi raje hodil v hribe.
neo5468 ::
profdoktor je izjavil:
Kateri OLED do 1100 EUR je trenutno best buy?
Noben. 55inch b7 je v bigbangu 1400€.
Tomson ::
LG 65C8 za 2.900€ ni bestbuy (65B8 za 2.700€ je bližje), bestbuy je LG 65B7 za 2.100€, kakšen procent slabši overall, a 30% cenejši ...
LG 55EG9A7V FHD OLED za 898€ ali v Slo za 1.100€ ...
LG 65C8 za 2.900€ ni bestbuy (65B8 za 2.700€ je bližje), bestbuy je LG 65B7 za 2.100€, kakšen procent slabši overall, a 30% cenejši ...
LG 55EG9A7V FHD OLED za 898€ ali v Slo za 1.100€ ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tomson ()
DamjanB52 ::
To bo najbrž težko, da bojo imeli vse modele side by side in tudi če, bojo težko replicirali tvojo specifiko vsebin in načina gledanja ..Se strinjam, v kakšnem BB to niti ne pričakujem, rabim pa vsaj ogled v živo, za osnovni vtis .. zvok se pa itak ne da preverit - ene ocene bolj hvalijo C8, druge AF8. Ker pa pretežno gledam SD in HD, in včasih 1440p, me zanima: kako si zadovoljen s skaliranjem C7 na UHD? Vincent ga zelo pohvali pri AF8, zlasti za SD, ne vem pa, če je vredno razlike v ceni .. Imam še precej SD materijala (disk, DVD, arhiva na DVD-RAM), in pričakujem, da bo zasijal v novi luči :)
Tomson ::
Dejstvo je, da je uspcaling boljši pri AF1/AF8. Ne za veliko, je pa. Če imaš veliko SD vsebin je AF1/AF8 sigurno boljša opcija, vprašanje pa je, če ti teh nekaj % boljšega uspcalinga upraviči 35% višjo ceno. Če si lahko privoščiš, se ti ne bo poznalo na financah, go for it, sicer raje prihrani 500€ ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
mojster1 ::
To bo najbrž težko, da bojo imeli vse modele side by side in tudi če, bojo težko replicirali tvojo specifiko vsebin in načina gledanja ..Se strinjam, v kakšnem BB to niti ne pričakujem, rabim pa vsaj ogled v živo, za osnovni vtis .. zvok se pa itak ne da preverit - ene ocene bolj hvalijo C8, druge AF8. Ker pa pretežno gledam SD in HD, in včasih 1440p, me zanima: kako si zadovoljen s skaliranjem C7 na UHD? Vincent ga zelo pohvali pri AF8, zlasti za SD, ne vem pa, če je vredno razlike v ceni .. Imam še precej SD materijala (disk, DVD, arhiva na DVD-RAM), in pričakujem, da bo zasijal v novi luči :)
Tukaj si poglej teste..
fpbs ::
Ali mogoče kdo ve v čem je razlika med 65C8L in 65C8PLA:,-1
Bei Material mit 720p oder besser ist die Bildqualität einfach der Wahnsinn. Der Upscaler macht einen sehr guten Job. Und auch altes 576i Material von DVD oder SD TV vom Satellit sieht noch ganz gut aus. Der Funktionsumfang ist überragend. Es gibt nicht viele Konkurrenten, bei denen 4k HDR bei Amazon Prime oder 4k Dolby Vision bei Netflix auf Anhieb funktionieren. Andere warten ewig auf die Firmwareaktualisierung, die das mit dem Kauf bezahlte Feature endlich nachliefern soll.,-1
mojster1 ::
DamjanB52 ::
Upscaling je boljši pri AF1/AF8. Če imaš veliko SD vsebin je sigurno boljša opcija, vprašanje pa je, če ti teh nekaj % boljšega upscalinga upraviči 35% višjo ceno. Če si lahko privoščiš, go for it, sicer raje prihrani 500€ ...Dilema, ja .. če bi bila razlika 15, ajde 20 %, bi se lažje odločil .. nakar grem gledat norveške teste - hvala, Mojster1 - in mi Google translate pove, za 65" verzijo, da "If we start with Standard mode .. the colors are very drawn to blue, while the light in the display is far from correct. As a result, you'll be left with a picture with a powerful blowjob" .. pa si mislim, mogoče je pa svojga dnarja vreden :)
andrej69 ::
The Alpha 9 picture processing improvements mainly apply to [Vivid] mode unfortunately.
The new processor is a bit disappointing. Only Vivid mode received the better processing. The other modes didn't get much of anything. Posterization in near black detail hasn't improved much in the main viewing modes. Here's hoping LG will improve the other picture modes with a firmware update to take advantage of the new processor.
The video postprocessing of the new Alpha 9 video processor may not be as impressive as the Sony X1 4K HDR or Philips P5, but it does greatly improve the internal processing of the image. This is clearer, more precise with much less residual noise than OLE TVs of older generations. Another major advantage of this C8 is obviously the readability in the dark, because LG managed the feat to do even better than the Panasonic EZ950 on this point! And that, it changes considerably the deal, the contrast so powerful proposed by the Oled takes here all its meaning!
The new processor is a bit disappointing. Only Vivid mode received the better processing. The other modes didn't get much of anything. Posterization in near black detail hasn't improved much in the main viewing modes. Here's hoping LG will improve the other picture modes with a firmware update to take advantage of the new processor.
The video postprocessing of the new Alpha 9 video processor may not be as impressive as the Sony X1 4K HDR or Philips P5, but it does greatly improve the internal processing of the image. This is clearer, more precise with much less residual noise than OLE TVs of older generations. Another major advantage of this C8 is obviously the readability in the dark, because LG managed the feat to do even better than the Panasonic EZ950 on this point! And that, it changes considerably the deal, the contrast so powerful proposed by the Oled takes here all its meaning!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: andrej69 ()
DamjanB52 ::
V čem je razlika med 65C8L in 65C8PLA: razlik je že v tabeli: dražji model ima Miracast (A/V iz računalnika ali telefona na TV preko WiFi), HbbTV (fensi teletekst s slikami) in DLNA klient
fpbs ::
The Alpha 9 picture processing improvements mainly apply to [Vivid] mode unfortunately.
The new processor is a bit disappointing. Only Vivid mode received the better processing. The other modes didn't get much of anything. Posterization in near black detail hasn't improved much in the main viewing modes. Here's hoping LG will improve the other picture modes with a firmware update to take advantage of the new processor.
The video postprocessing of the new Alpha 9 video processor may not be as impressive as the Sony X1 4K HDR or Philips P5, but it does greatly improve the internal processing of the image. This is clearer, more precise with much less residual noise than OLE TVs of older generations. Another major advantage of this C8 is obviously the readability in the dark, because LG managed the feat to do even better than the Panasonic EZ950 on this point! And that, it changes considerably the deal, the contrast so powerful proposed by the Oled takes here all its meaning!
"Alpha 9 can do a number of things in terms of video processing. Some processes are meant to improve poor sources, while others are means to improve motion in a number of ways. We have seen it in action and while we generally prefer to turn all of these enhancement circuits off to make sure that the TV reproduces the most accurate pictures, the Alpha 9 does a good job in many areas. In one demo, LG pitted it against Sony’s acclaimed X1 Extreme to demonstrate that LG TVs now have better motion interpolation and motion detail clarity..
We are, however, more excited about other aspects of the new processor, specifically that now supports High Frame Rate or HFR video, meaning video in up to 120 frames per second. For certain types of content (i.e. sports) HFR can improve on motion clarity to such as degree that it is hard to understand how we have ever accepted anything less. The bad news is that HFR is supported only via streaming and USB. We had a slim hope that LG had planned some kind of HDMI 2.1 firmware update – which is required to do 4K HFR via HDMI –but the company is adamant that HDMI 2.1 will not show up in its TVs until 2019"
DamjanB52 ::
Še vira za zgornja citata:
andrej69 ::
Sony KD-65AF8 v LG OLED65C8: Video performance
This brings us to the BIG QUESTION: which TV has the best picture? It's not simple. From HD to 4K, SDR to HDR, not to mention the thorny issue of motion handling, this is a multifaceted discussion.
So let's break it down a bit. For some time to come, the majority of content you'll watch will be HD rather than UHD. So the presentation of 1080p content on a 2160p panel is crucial.
The AF8 is built around Sony's X1 Extreme image processor. This has a host of image refinement built-in, including Object Based HDR Remastering with Dynamic Contrast Enhancement which does a spectacular job with Standard Dynamic Range material. This works brilliantly well, adding HDR theatrics to everyday programmes, and remarkably doesn't introduce any element of artifice.
LG's C8 features the brand's new Alpha 9 processor. It's also astonishingly powerful, but it's dynamic upscaling of SDR material really isn't as satisfying as the Sony.
Things are rather less clear cut when it comes to 4K HDR presentation. Both TVs have comparable compatibility (HDR10, HLG, Dolby Vision), plus some theme variations which shouldn't influence your buying decision.
Their HDR delivery is also similar. OLED screen peak brightness varies according to the size and duration of HDR highlights. Comparative measurements are typically conducted using windows of white on black, at 10 and 5 per cent screen sizes. In truth, neither is really indicative of how a specular highlight will actually appear on a screen in a movie of TV show, as they're usually much smaller and fleeting (think car headlights, fireworks, Dwayne Johnson's teeth). But at least the measurement offers a method of comparison.
I got out my 'special equipment' and measured a peak of around 777 cd/m2 (aka 'nits') with a 10 per cent window, on our C8 sample, rising to a peak of 840 with a 5 per cent window.
By way of contrast, the Sony AF8 offered 776 cd/m2, but managed to peak at 900 cd/m2 (with Peak Luminance set to High) in the smaller window.
The near black performance of both sets, that's to say their ability to resolve detail in low luminance areas, is largely indistinguishable.
To be honest, side by side, this nitpicking doesn't amount to much. Both screens look absolutely sensational with native 4K HDR content and brilliantly tone map material mastered beyond their reach.
Perhaps a more clear cut differential can be found in their motion handling abilities. While both the AF8 and C8 offer variable levels of clever interpolation, Motionflow and TruMotion respectively, the Sony consistently delivers cleaner fast motion.
All things considered, I think the Sony cumulatively edges it here, with its better HD upscaling performance being the most crucial 'real world' difference.
Sony KD-65AF8 v LG OLED65C8: Verdict
And the winner is...
So there you have it. Looked at one way, our scorecard has the rivals standing dead even, with three rounds apiece. The Sony AF8 owns Design, Video Performance and Audio, while LG dominates Connectivity, Smart Platform and Gaming.
Of course, the ultimate winner depends largely on how we weight each category and for me design and image quality with TV and movies are surely the most important factors. On that basis, although the LG is a more fully-featured TV, the Sony claims top spot. If you're a hardcore gamer, you might reach a different conclusion.
So Sony wins, but neither of these TVs is going to make you look like a loser when people see them in pride of place in your lounge, as both offer astounding levels of performance. The real differentiator - gauche and vulgar though it may be to mention it - is how big a discount you can secure on the RRP for each...
This brings us to the BIG QUESTION: which TV has the best picture? It's not simple. From HD to 4K, SDR to HDR, not to mention the thorny issue of motion handling, this is a multifaceted discussion.
So let's break it down a bit. For some time to come, the majority of content you'll watch will be HD rather than UHD. So the presentation of 1080p content on a 2160p panel is crucial.
The AF8 is built around Sony's X1 Extreme image processor. This has a host of image refinement built-in, including Object Based HDR Remastering with Dynamic Contrast Enhancement which does a spectacular job with Standard Dynamic Range material. This works brilliantly well, adding HDR theatrics to everyday programmes, and remarkably doesn't introduce any element of artifice.
LG's C8 features the brand's new Alpha 9 processor. It's also astonishingly powerful, but it's dynamic upscaling of SDR material really isn't as satisfying as the Sony.
Things are rather less clear cut when it comes to 4K HDR presentation. Both TVs have comparable compatibility (HDR10, HLG, Dolby Vision), plus some theme variations which shouldn't influence your buying decision.
Their HDR delivery is also similar. OLED screen peak brightness varies according to the size and duration of HDR highlights. Comparative measurements are typically conducted using windows of white on black, at 10 and 5 per cent screen sizes. In truth, neither is really indicative of how a specular highlight will actually appear on a screen in a movie of TV show, as they're usually much smaller and fleeting (think car headlights, fireworks, Dwayne Johnson's teeth). But at least the measurement offers a method of comparison.
I got out my 'special equipment' and measured a peak of around 777 cd/m2 (aka 'nits') with a 10 per cent window, on our C8 sample, rising to a peak of 840 with a 5 per cent window.
By way of contrast, the Sony AF8 offered 776 cd/m2, but managed to peak at 900 cd/m2 (with Peak Luminance set to High) in the smaller window.
The near black performance of both sets, that's to say their ability to resolve detail in low luminance areas, is largely indistinguishable.
To be honest, side by side, this nitpicking doesn't amount to much. Both screens look absolutely sensational with native 4K HDR content and brilliantly tone map material mastered beyond their reach.
Perhaps a more clear cut differential can be found in their motion handling abilities. While both the AF8 and C8 offer variable levels of clever interpolation, Motionflow and TruMotion respectively, the Sony consistently delivers cleaner fast motion.
All things considered, I think the Sony cumulatively edges it here, with its better HD upscaling performance being the most crucial 'real world' difference.
Sony KD-65AF8 v LG OLED65C8: Verdict
And the winner is...
So there you have it. Looked at one way, our scorecard has the rivals standing dead even, with three rounds apiece. The Sony AF8 owns Design, Video Performance and Audio, while LG dominates Connectivity, Smart Platform and Gaming.
Of course, the ultimate winner depends largely on how we weight each category and for me design and image quality with TV and movies are surely the most important factors. On that basis, although the LG is a more fully-featured TV, the Sony claims top spot. If you're a hardcore gamer, you might reach a different conclusion.
So Sony wins, but neither of these TVs is going to make you look like a loser when people see them in pride of place in your lounge, as both offer astounding levels of performance. The real differentiator - gauche and vulgar though it may be to mention it - is how big a discount you can secure on the RRP for each...
DamjanB52 ::
Sony KD-65AF8 v LG OLED65C8: Video performancepri čemer je cena v funtih ista:
... The Sony AF8 owns Design, Video Performance and Audio, while LG dominates Connectivity, Smart Platform and Gaming ...
andrej69 ::
Če gledamo velikost 65" sta najboljša opcija Philips 873 in Sony AF8:)Ker LG C8 ni nič ceneje.. Kakor pa je razvidno iz večine testov, sta še P5 in X1 Extreme procesorja še vedno najboljša na tržišču, seveda poleg Panasonica, ki pa ni toliko konkurenčen zaradi cene.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: andrej69 ()
fpbs ::
Mislim, da gre tu bolj za nepravilnost vpisa podatkov, da to ni razlika.V čem je razlika med 65C8L in 65C8PLA: razlik je že v tabeli: dražji model ima Miracast (A/V iz računalnika ali telefona na TV preko WiFi), HbbTV (fensi teletekst s slikami) in DLNA klient
Če gledamo velikost 65" sta najboljša opcija Philips 873 in Sony AF8:)Ker LG C8 ni nič ceneje.. Kakor pa je razvidno iz večine testov, sta še P5 in X1 Extreme procesorja še vedno najboljša na tržišču, seveda poleg Panasonica, ki pa ni toliko konkurenčen zaradi cene.Philips 873 lahko primerjaš samo s C7.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fpbs ()
clancy ::
Če je slika tam, tam recimo nekje primerljiva, meni precej prevaga tole:
za LG 55C8:
"More interesting, the TV turns on in less than 5 seconds thanks to the option "Fast restart" and, above all, consumes less than one watt in standby, even with this option enabled. In addition, the first start is extremely fast (about 6 s), especially compared to that of Android TVs that require about 45 s. The extinction is instantaneous."
edi45 ::
Če je slika tam, tam recimo nekje primerljiva, meni precej prevaga tole:
za LG 55C8:
"More interesting, the TV turns on in less than 5 seconds thanks to the option "Fast restart" and, above all, consumes less than one watt in standby, even with this option enabled. In addition, the first start is extremely fast (about 6 s), especially compared to that of Android TVs that require about 45 s. The extinction is instantaneous."
dobro to je čista laž, saj nismo leta 90 da bi se televizije prižigale skoraj minuto.
andrej69 ::
Če je slika tam, tam recimo nekje primerljiva, meni precej prevaga tole:
za LG 55C8:
"More interesting, the TV turns on in less than 5 seconds thanks to the option "Fast restart" and, above all, consumes less than one watt in standby, even with this option enabled. In addition, the first start is extremely fast (about 6 s), especially compared to that of Android TVs that require about 45 s. The extinction is instantaneous."
Android je lahko precej hitrejši, če narediš nastavitve.. In je zelo blizu LG-ja in Samsunga kar se tiče zagona sistema..
Tomson ::
lol, ja, tale s 45sec je pa precej iz trte zvita! Za primer, preizkušeno na TVju, model Sony XF9005 na Androidu za prižig (od pritiska na tipko do slike na TVju) potrebuje natančno 5s ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
dj_uro ::
ne merit do prikaza slike... ampak do popolnega funkcioniranja televizorja... meni se na primer stari (cca 3,4 leta) Philips prižiga do funkcije, da lahko preklapljam med programi vsaj 20 sek...
DamjanB52 ::
leiito ::
Sem si snel eno od tekem sv. prvenstva v 4k HDR 50FPS, wow, kaj smo narobe naredili, da ne moremo tudi mi gledat fuzbala v HDRju in brez reklam, kot Angleži, in da bo mera polna, plačujejo skoraj isti znesek za obvezno "naročnino", z njihovo kupno močjo, to je kršenje gledalčevih pravic, da so Japonci že na 8K, mi pa še vedno na 720p.
cekr ::
Ne pretiravaj. Žogobrc je zaradi mene v 16K pa bo še zmeraj brezvezno ritje po travi, ki ni vredno 480i.
RTVSlo prenosi so v 1080i, nemški pa v 720p.
RTVSlo prenosi so v 1080i, nemški pa v 720p.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum [Zilog Z80A - 3.5 MHz, 48kB, dvojni kasetofon,
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
Spock83 ::
Zakaj je na slo-techu toliko takih odgovorov jaz to ne rabim, meni je brez veze...
Pač veliko ljudi, če bi se lahko privoščilo oz. imelo možnost bi gledalo v 4K itd. Vsi smo si različni. OLED pa tudi lepo pokaže zeleno barvo ;)
Pač veliko ljudi, če bi se lahko privoščilo oz. imelo možnost bi gledalo v 4K itd. Vsi smo si različni. OLED pa tudi lepo pokaže zeleno barvo ;)