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zmaugy ::
A veš po čem se še razlikujejo od redneckov? Po tem da so običajno pametnejši in bolj uspešni. Kar pomeni, da bojo znanje o orožju pojedli za zajtrk. Do zdaj se jim zgolj ni bilo treba ubadati s tem, zdaj so dali to na spisek.
In gre po vodi edina uporabna stvar, v kateri so (bili) rednecki boljši.
Ja, ja, pazite se jeznih SJWjev!!!
Saj je hecno vse skupaj. Pet minut. Ampak v bistvu se ve, kakšni ljudje se prerinejo v zgornji del prehranjevalne verige. In zdaj si nabavljajo orožje.

Matako ::
A veš po čem se še razlikujejo od redneckov? Po tem da so običajno pametnejši in bolj uspešni. Kar pomeni, da bojo znanje o orožju pojedli za zajtrk. Do zdaj se jim zgolj ni bilo treba ubadati s tem, zdaj so dali to na spisek.
In gre po vodi edina uporabna stvar, v kateri so (bili) rednecki boljši.
Ja, ja, pazite se jeznih SJWjev!!!
Saj je hecno vse skupaj. Pet minut. Ampak v bistvu se ve, kakšni ljudje se prerinejo v zgornji del prehranjevalne verige. In zdaj si nabavljajo orožje.![]()
Živeti na račun drugih (davkoplačevalcev, sorodnikov) je le na videz "zgornji del prehranjevalne verige". Toliko časa dokler se tolerira - naceljni smo dobri, potrpežljivi ljudje. A tudi naše potrpljenje ni neskončno ...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matako ()

ZaphodBB ::
Boš moral bit malo bolj specifičen. Misli ne berem.
Res? Jaz sem pa dobil občutek, da imaš ravno ti sposobnost branja misli. :)
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Pac-Man ::
Še več detajlov o škandaloznem poročilu
in o FISA odločbah. To je prava zgodba.
Če se stvari konkretno ne spremenijo, bo Trump odpoklican. Postopek je preprost - navadna večina v kongresu in 2/3 v senatu. Vzrok po želji, lahko tudi zato, ker ne zna jest pice.
Ne gre za sodni proces, ampak predstavniki ljudstva samo ugotovijo, da nekdo ni sposoben/primeren zadanim nalogam.
Claims about a Russian blackmail tape were made in one of a series of reports written by a former British intelligence agent, understood to be Christopher Steele.
As a member of MI6, he had been posted to the UK's embassy in Moscow and now runs a consultancy giving advice on doing business in Russia. He spoke to a number of his old contacts in the FSB, the successor to the KGB, paying some of them for information.
They told him that Mr Trump had been filmed with a group of prostitutes in the presidential suite of Moscow's Ritz-Carlton hotel. I know this because the Washington political research company that commissioned his report showed it to me during the final week of the election campaign.
The BBC decided not to use it then, for the very good reason that without seeing the tape - if it exists - we could not know if the claims were true.
One Russian specialist told me that Vladimir Putin himself sometimes says there is kompromat on him - though perhaps he is joking. The specialist went on to tell me that FSB officers are prone to boasting about having tapes on public figures, and to be careful of any statements they might make.
A former CIA officer told me he had spoken by phone to a serving FSB officer who talked about the tapes. He concluded: "It's hokey as hell."
Mr Trump and his supporters are right to point out that these are unsubstantiated allegations.
in o FISA odločbah. To je prava zgodba.
On 15 October, the US secret intelligence court issued a warrant to investigate two Russian banks. This news was given to me by several sources and corroborated by someone I will identify only as a senior member of the US intelligence community. He would never volunteer anything - giving up classified information would be illegal - but he would confirm or deny what I had heard from other sources.
"I'm going to write a story that says…" I would say. "I don't have a problem with that," he would reply, if my information was accurate. He confirmed the sequence of events below.
Last April, the CIA director was shown intelligence that worried him. It was - allegedly - a tape recording of a conversation about money from the Kremlin going into the US presidential campaign.
It was passed to the US by an intelligence agency of one of the Baltic States. The CIA cannot act domestically against American citizens so a joint counter-intelligence taskforce was created.
Lawyers from the National Security Division in the Department of Justice then drew up an application. They took it to the secret US court that deals with intelligence, the Fisa court, named after the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. They wanted permission to intercept the electronic records from two Russian banks.
Their first application, in June, was rejected outright by the judge. They returned with a more narrowly drawn order in July and were rejected again. Finally, before a new judge, the order was granted, on 15 October, three weeks before election day.
Neither Mr Trump nor his associates are named in the Fisa order, which would only cover foreign citizens or foreign entities - in this case the Russian banks. But ultimately, the investigation is looking for transfers of money from Russia to the United States, each one, if proved, a felony offence.
A lawyer- outside the Department of Justice but familiar with the case - told me that three of Mr Trump's associates were the subject of the inquiry. "But it's clear this is about Trump," he said.
The investigation was active going into the election. During that period, the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Harry Reid, wrote to the director of the FBI, accusing him of holding back "explosive information" about Mr Trump.
Mr Reid sent his letter after getting an intelligence briefing, along with other senior figures in Congress. Only eight people were present: the chairs and ranking minority members of the House and Senate intelligence committees, and the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties in Congress, the "gang of eight" as they are sometimes called. Normally, senior staff attend "gang of eight" intelligence briefings, but not this time. The Congressional leaders were not even allowed to take notes.
It is an extraordinary situation, 10 days before Mr Trump is sworn into office, but it was foreshadowed during the campaign.
During the final presidential debate, Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump a "puppet" of Russia's leader, Vladimir Putin. "No puppet. No puppet," Mr Trump interjected, talking over Mrs Clinton. "You're the puppet. No, you're the puppet."
In a New York Times op-ed in August, the former director of the CIA, Michael Morell, wrote: "In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr Putin had recruited Mr Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation."
Michael Hayden, former head of both the CIA and the NSA, simply called Mr Trump a "polezni durak" - a useful fool.
The background to those statements was information held - at the time - within the intelligence community. Now all Americans have heard the claims. Little more than a week before his inauguration, they will have to decide if their president-elect really was being blackmailed by Moscow.
Če se stvari konkretno ne spremenijo, bo Trump odpoklican. Postopek je preprost - navadna večina v kongresu in 2/3 v senatu. Vzrok po želji, lahko tudi zato, ker ne zna jest pice.
Ne gre za sodni proces, ampak predstavniki ljudstva samo ugotovijo, da nekdo ni sposoben/primeren zadanim nalogam.

Matako ::
Spet preveč investirate. Ste niste nič naučili iz "trdega pristanka" novembra?
Ja, mogoče bo Donnie odpoklican. Fajn!
Ampak... mogoče pa tudi ne bo. Kaj pa potem? Ste pripravljeni tudi na to hipotetično možnost?
Vazelin je zaenkrat še dostopen po razumnih cenah.
Ja, mogoče bo Donnie odpoklican. Fajn!
Ampak... mogoče pa tudi ne bo. Kaj pa potem? Ste pripravljeni tudi na to hipotetično možnost?
Vazelin je zaenkrat še dostopen po razumnih cenah.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Matako ()

xxxul ::

Pac-Man ::
Bo pa potrebnega še kaj več kot izjave enga bivšega angleškega vohuna inu neki dokumenti neznanega izvora. Usefull fool kot praviš...
Mattis trenutno priča

zmaugy ::
A veš po čem se še razlikujejo od redneckov? Po tem da so običajno pametnejši in bolj uspešni. Kar pomeni, da bojo znanje o orožju pojedli za zajtrk. Do zdaj se jim zgolj ni bilo treba ubadati s tem, zdaj so dali to na spisek.
In gre po vodi edina uporabna stvar, v kateri so (bili) rednecki boljši.
Ja, ja, pazite se jeznih SJWjev!!!
Saj je hecno vse skupaj. Pet minut. Ampak v bistvu se ve, kakšni ljudje se prerinejo v zgornji del prehranjevalne verige. In zdaj si nabavljajo orožje.![]()
Živeti na račun drugih (davkoplačevalcev, sorodnikov) je le na videz "zgornji del prehranjevalne verige". Toliko časa dokler se tolerira - naceljni smo dobri, potrpežljivi ljudje. A tudi naše potrpljenje ni neskončno ...
Nekdo, ki je pripravljen zažirati druge brez slabe vesti, bo - če bo treba - za ohranitev svojega načina življenja brez slabe vesti pripravljen tudi na kaj hujšega. Ker v bistvu ne zna nič drugega, bo ko bo sila, pripravljen na vse, da preživi.
Takšni se zdaj v ZDA oborožujejo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()

xxxul ::
To je to == impeachment? Resno?
“There are 100 United States senators. ... I would say that 99 percent of us believe that the Russians did this, and we’re going to do something about it,” Graham told CNN’s Jim Sciutto on “The Situation Room” on Tuesday.

mtosev ::
resno vprašanje kolk je verjetno, da bo Trump odpoklican
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ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Pac-Man ::
Ne. Impeachment je pljuvanje po vseh segmentih ameriške politične, obrambne in ekonomske mašinerije, nepoznavanje političnih procesov in malo morje etičnih problemov, ki bodo skoraj zagotovo rezultirali v lepem razlogu za odpoklic.

Pac-Man ::
Mattis trenutno priča
Zelo prijateljsko, dokler ni prišel na vrsto Lindsey Graham in preklopil na JAG odvetnika. Je Jeruzalem izraelska prestolnica ipd. itd., tam 2h50m v streamu.
Mattis je pred nominacijo izjavil, da mu je v vojaški karieri ameriški odnos do Izraela večkrat zelo otežil sodelovanje z muslimanskimi partnerji.

xxxul ::

Pac-Man ::
resno vprašanje kolk je verjetno, da bo Trump odpoklican
Kar se mene tiče sta edini možnosti, da ni odpoklican
1) če ostro spremeni kurz
2) če bo res blazno popularen predsednik
Trenutno dela na tem, da bo sprt s celotnim Washingtonom, za impechment se moraš zamerit samo polovici kongresa in 2/3 senata. Pomaga, če ti lahko računajo, da jim volivci glasu ne bodo šteli v minus.

jype ::
Matako> Ja, ja, pazite se jeznih SJWjev!!!
Ti se kar smej. Enkrat, ko boš še posebej slabe volje, v rikverc preberi besedo "partizan".
ZaphodBB> Res?
Tvoja naivnost ne pozna meja:
No, po drugi strani ti je pa svetli vzor demokratične države končno ustregel z "neregresivno" zakonodajo:
Ti se kar smej. Enkrat, ko boš še posebej slabe volje, v rikverc preberi besedo "partizan".
ZaphodBB> Res?
Tvoja naivnost ne pozna meja:
No, po drugi strani ti je pa svetli vzor demokratične države končno ustregel z "neregresivno" zakonodajo:

tiborrr ::
Malo smeha ne škodi :)
U2 Won't Release New Album Because Of Donald Trump
January 10, 2017| by Brian Anderson
Wow, the election of Donald Trump keeps getting better and better. Not only do we get to keep our guns and the money we earn, but preachy liberal soft-rock band U2 is shelving their new album. Citing Trump as the reason, the group is holding off on releasing their new material. This is so much bigger a gift than when the gave away (forced) their last album to everyone for free.
Don't test the captain's validity or his vulnerability!

Zagor_tenay ::
U2 Won't Release New Album Because Of Donald Trump
Pa kaj te bedne figure iz šov biznisa res mislijo, da so neke moralne avtoritete, da jih morajo normalni ljudje upoštevati. Nekoč v starem Rimu so imeli glasbeniki in igralci isti družbeni status kot prostitutke. Upam, da bo Trump te nore pevce in igralce postavil nazaj na tisto družbeno mesto kamor spadajo, to je med prostitutke.

Matako ::
Zagor_tenay je izjavil:
U2 Won't Release New Album Because Of Donald Trump
Pa kaj te bedne figure iz šov biznisa res mislijo, da so neke moralne avtoritete, da jih morajo normalni ljudje upoštevati. Nekoč v starem Rimu so imeli glasbeniki in igralci isti družbeni status kot prostitutke. Upam, da bo Trump te nore pevce in igralce postavil nazaj na tisto družbeno mesto kamor spadajo, to je med prostitutke.
Ko zabavljači, naključni godci in liki, ki se žogajo dobijo kolikor toliko solidno plačo, kaj kmalu pozabijo, da je njihov edini razlog za obstoj, da nas zabavajo. Nobenega drugega smisla ni.
To je tudi zaradi tega, ker tok denarja ni neposreden. Glede tega si je ena profica precej bolj na jasnem, ker so transakcije direktnejše in jasnejše.

Vanich ::
Obamina psica ugriznila deklico v obraz.
I like that title a lot. In ne - to ni bila Michele - she is a he.
Lahko bi bila edino Clintonka - ampak ona je bolj cunt kot pa bitch, čeprav je pa res, da je oboje.
I like that title a lot. In ne - to ni bila Michele - she is a he.
Lahko bi bila edino Clintonka - ampak ona je bolj cunt kot pa bitch, čeprav je pa res, da je oboje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Vanich ()

Cervantes ::
Spet preveč investirate. Ste niste nič naučili iz "trdega pristanka" novembra?
Ja, mogoče bo Donnie odpoklican. Fajn!
Ampak... mogoče pa tudi ne bo. Kaj pa potem? Ste pripravljeni tudi na to hipotetično možnost?
Vazelin je zaenkrat še dostopen po razumnih cenah.
Ma dej źe nehi s tem arhaičnim kolomazom al vazelinom al kaj že.
Danes so IN dosti bolj napredni mazilni preparati.
Grow up, get a life!

Obamina psica ugriznila deklico v obraz.
I like that title a lot. In ne - to ni bila Michele - she is a he.
Lahko bi bila edino Clintonka - ampak ona je bolj cunt kot pa bitch, čeprav je pa res, da je oboje.
Pepca, ni še vsaka, ki ti sesuje Srbijo, tudi Cunt ali Bitch.
Manire, prosim!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()

Vanich ::
Če je pa res! Pa dobro veš da je, pa manire gor ali dol!
In tukaj so tudi že prve slike, upamo da, zadnjih zločinov obaminega predsednikovanja.
Punčka je seveda bela, prav tako seveda črna psica ima pa afro frizuro. Sami klišeji. Slučaj? I don't think so, hehehheh.
In tukaj so tudi že prve slike, upamo da, zadnjih zločinov obaminega predsednikovanja.
Punčka je seveda bela, prav tako seveda črna psica ima pa afro frizuro. Sami klišeji. Slučaj? I don't think so, hehehheh.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Vanich ()

xxxul ::
Če začne Matako o lubrikantih pisat bi še kdo mislu da avto popravlja 
Ko napiše vazelin je pa vsem jasno kak pa kej---

Ko napiše vazelin je pa vsem jasno kak pa kej---

[D]emon ::
Pepca*Kardelj pa gobezda na harvardskem nivoju...

Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

Pac-Man ::
Kar se mene tiče sta edini možnosti, da ni odpoklican
1) če ostro spremeni kurz
2) če bo res blazno popularen predsednik
Trenutno dela na tem, da bo sprt s celotnim Washingtonom, za impechment se moraš zamerit samo polovici kongresa in 2/3 senata. Pomaga, če ti lahko računajo, da jim volivci glasu ne bodo šteli v minus.
Zaenkrat Trump vztraja na začrtani smeri, jagodni izbor zadnjega dne
@CNN is in a total meltdown with their FAKE NEWS because their ratings are tanking since election and their credibility will soon be gone!
Congrats to the Senate for taking the first step to #RepealObamacare- now it's onto the House!
It now turns out that the phony allegations against me were put together by my political opponents and a failed spy afraid of being sued....
Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both Democrats and Republicans - FAKE NEWS! Russia says nothing exists. Probably...//vsak ki spremlja Ukrajino in Sirijo ve, koliko gre Rusiji verjeti na besedo :)
released by "Intelligence" even knowing there is no proof, and never will be. My people will have a full report on hacking within 90 days! //"intelligence" očitno niso "his people". Kdo torej so? FSB? :)
What are Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the F.B.I. Based on the information they had she should never.....
have been allowed to run - guilty as hell. They were VERY nice to her. She lost because she campaigned in the wrong states - no enthusiasm!
Ne vem, če sem kdaj videl bolj užaljenega zmagovalca.
Je rekordno nepopularen bodoči predsednik
Gallup Presidential transition approval (net):
Trump -7
Obama +71
Bush +36
Clinton +50
Trump dropped 13 pts in month among Independents
Potem je ušlo
Schindler je apoplektičen
Flynn is a traitor. Nothing to discuss.
Americans have been executed for much less
New National Security Advisor spends a lot of time on the phone with top Russians. Why? America has been betrayed. Fight while you can.
Flynn and his son have both been on the Kremlin's payroll. Verified by top-level NATO intel. They're traitors who deserve a traitor's fate.
This is the most important story in months. Proof that Trump is a wholly owned Kremlin franchise. Tell everyone.
You know who monitors phone calls. IC has had enough. Kremlin buttboi traitor can't fill the shoes of Washington, Lincoln, FDR, JFK, Reagan.
Why so many calls to the Russian Embassy, @GenFlynn? Is this because the Kremlin paid you or your neo-Nazi son?
When @IgnatiusPost speaks, Langley's 7th floor lips are moving. Zero disrespect, just a fact. They are taking traitor Trump out now.
Biggest deal about last night's Flynn story is that as career MI he surely knows calls to the RUEMBDC are intercepted. He didn't care.
PEOTUS is angry at the opposition and his own party, basically everyone.His only friend is the KGB thug in the Kremlin.Welcome to 2017.
Sam nebi šel v toliko drame. Mali je precej očitno relativno nesposoben, saj dela kot očetov osebni pomočnik, stari je pa pobral ruski $$, dokler ga je lahko.
Še malo rumenega. Madžarka obtožuje Trumpa, da jo je l. 2013 v Moskvi povabil v svojo sobo. Kar nasprotuje njegovim trditvam, da je celo svoje varnostnike, profesionalce, opozoril, naj v Rusiji ne počeno nič kočljivega. Ker ve, da so kamere povsod.
Hungarian celebrity Kata Sarka claims President-elect Donald J. Trump invited her over to his hotel room in Moscow in 2013 at a party following that year’s Miss Universe beauty pageant, Hungarian online news portal reported yesterday, citing a story from tabloid paper Blikk from the end of last year.
Sarka first talked about the alleged event last May on “Kasza Taxi”, a Hungarian show focusing on local celebrities being interviewed during a car ride.
“He asked me who I was and what I was doing in Moscow. He was kind; he gave me his business card with his private phone number and invited me over to his room. I was surprised but, obviously, I did not take it seriously,” the celebrity claimed. (...) She also said that Trump is “not her type”.
V kolikor dama ne laže, imajo Rusi komprimat o Trumpu. Miljavžent procentov. Zagotovo se ni sposoben obranit uslug FSB escort servicea.
Samo za zabavo, komentarji z
Note that the model, Kata Sarka, told her story back in May, long before Trump kompromat was a Thing....seems credible
Wasn't Trump just telling the world he's totally aware of how Russian hotel rooms are wired so be a good boy? Was I imagining that?
So either Trump is a pathological liar (very possible) or he knowingly makes sex videos for the FSB. No 3rd option anymore.
Apparently Trump's legendary germophobia goes away when he lands in Russia. Is there an FSB spray? Could PEOTUS be a medical case-study?
I really don't care about Trump grabbin' pussy -- but if he did in Russia, which he JUST denied ever doing, or even contemplating....
Trump is a germophobe like gluten-free hippies who would take any drug from a total stranger at a party are "health conscious"

tiborrr ::
Eno tehnično vprašanje, resno, brez zajebancije za Smrekarja in Pac-Mana:
Čemu tak fanatizem okoli dogajanja v ZDA in čemu takšen anti-rusizem? Ne razumem, zakaj bi se nek državljan RS toliko obremenjeval z postanjem proti-ruskih vsebin na nekem tehnološkem forumu, ki ga berejo tako ali tako samo Slovenci? Določene strani v tej temi, v temi o Ukrajini in v temi o Siriji izgledajo kot monologi, kjer se post za postom brez vmesnih odgovorov/kontriranja objavlja nove vsebine.
Pa prosim - brez zamere - ni to nikakršna kritika kogarkoli izmed vaju, ampak iskreno vprašanje.
Čemu tak fanatizem okoli dogajanja v ZDA in čemu takšen anti-rusizem? Ne razumem, zakaj bi se nek državljan RS toliko obremenjeval z postanjem proti-ruskih vsebin na nekem tehnološkem forumu, ki ga berejo tako ali tako samo Slovenci? Določene strani v tej temi, v temi o Ukrajini in v temi o Siriji izgledajo kot monologi, kjer se post za postom brez vmesnih odgovorov/kontriranja objavlja nove vsebine.
Pa prosim - brez zamere - ni to nikakršna kritika kogarkoli izmed vaju, ampak iskreno vprašanje.
Don't test the captain's validity or his vulnerability!

konspirator ::
Pac-Man je imho iz strani ZDA ambasade plačan po sporočilu/besedah, zato njegovo trolanje ne preneha.
No, če dela zastonj je Useful idiot @ Wikipedia .
No, če dela zastonj je Useful idiot @ Wikipedia .
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: konspirator ()

Scaramouche ::
Eno tehnično vprašanje, resno, brez zajebancije za Smrekarja in Pac-Mana:
Čemu tak fanatizem okoli dogajanja v ZDA in čemu takšen anti-rusizem? Ne razumem, zakaj bi se nek državljan RS toliko obremenjeval z postanjem proti-ruskih vsebin na nekem tehnološkem forumu, ki ga berejo tako ali tako samo Slovenci? Določene strani v tej temi, v temi o Ukrajini in v temi o Siriji izgledajo kot monologi, kjer se post za postom brez vmesnih odgovorov/kontriranja objavlja nove vsebine.
Pa prosim - brez zamere - ni to nikakršna kritika kogarkoli izmed vaju, ampak iskreno vprašanje.
Ljudje izberejo stran, eni sovražijo vse kar je slovansko(Srbe,Ruse) in na podlagi tega branijo USA tudi ko ne delajo prav.
Nekateri so proti globalizaciji ali pa so rusofili(Srbi ki tukaj živijo,anti konglomeristi)
oboji se odzivajo s čustvi in ko gre narobe glasi rek;
A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still

xxxul ::
konspirator je izjavil:
Pac-Man je imho iz strani ZDA ambasade plačan po sporočilu/besedah, zato njegovo trolanje ne preneha.
No, če dela zastonj je Useful idiot @ Wikipedia .
smrekar1 je v nekem postu to celo zapisal da kao dela za USA (v zajebanciji tko da ne resno jemat).
Za Pac-Man pa poglej kdaj je naredu račun, v kateri temi se je najprej razpisoval, pa ti bo hitr jasno (not USA), ampak Trumpa glih tko ne marajo ;).

xxxul ::
Tam (vseh portalih) kjer so najmočnejši linki mrbit?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: xxxul ()

Pac-Man ::
Če greš gledat moja sporočila zelo malo pišem, večinoma citiram, za to je več razlogov, med drugim mi vzame relativno malo časa. Nekateri imajo čikpavze, jaz pa to.
@rusija pa takole - da v sosednjo državo pretihotapiš sistem zračne obrambe, sestreliš potniško letalo, za to obtožiš isto sosednjo državo in hkrati ZAHTEVAŠ spoštovanje mednarodne skupnosti, kot nekakšna velesila, pri meni ne gre skozi. Sorči, požri se, če te moti.
@rusija pa takole - da v sosednjo državo pretihotapiš sistem zračne obrambe, sestreliš potniško letalo, za to obtožiš isto sosednjo državo in hkrati ZAHTEVAŠ spoštovanje mednarodne skupnosti, kot nekakšna velesila, pri meni ne gre skozi. Sorči, požri se, če te moti.

tiborrr ::
Hvala za razlago. Sedaj razumem tvoja stališča, a ne vidim poante v tem početju. Vsakomur svoje, kjane?
Hvala za razlago. Sedaj razumem tvoja stališča, a ne vidim poante v tem početju. Vsakomur svoje, kjane?
Don't test the captain's validity or his vulnerability!

xxxul ::
@Pac-Man piši kar želiš, gre se samo za to da se razume da to ni neko objektivno mnenje. @tiborr je dubu odgovor kako pa kaj

Pac-Man ::
So mnenja sploh lahko objektivna? Čisto po definiciji? IMHO samo dejstva.
In če napišem, da je nekdo apoplektičen, ga prodajam kot močno objektivnega?
V zadnjih dneh/tednih sem se močno obesil na Schindlerja ker je zelo zanimiv vir. Ex NSA analitik, doktorat iz zgodovine, spisal je par knjig,
sodeloval v kakem dokumentarcu,
pozna sceno in je svoje vedenje pripravljen deliti s širnim svetom.

konspirator ::
Sem prepričan, da obstaja tudi članek
Why Trump can't win election
Hangover ja vse "trumpofane" se nadaljuje.
Why Trump can't win election
Hangover ja vse "trumpofane" se nadaljuje.

mtosev ::
kolk ljudi tu misli, da bo Trump zdržal 4leta? jaz ne vem, a upam, da ne bo zdržal
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

jype ::
konspirator> Sem prepričan, da obstaja tudi članek
Ah, Trumpu se boste njegovi občudovalci zagotovo pustili nategnit, v to nihče ne dvomi.
Kar pravimo je to, da Trump ne more izpolniti svojih obljub - ampak itak njegov tipičen volilec ne zmore ohranjati pozornosti dovolj dolgo, da bi lahko od njega karkoli terjal.
Ah, Trumpu se boste njegovi občudovalci zagotovo pustili nategnit, v to nihče ne dvomi.
Kar pravimo je to, da Trump ne more izpolniti svojih obljub - ampak itak njegov tipičen volilec ne zmore ohranjati pozornosti dovolj dolgo, da bi lahko od njega karkoli terjal.

nightrage ::
Eno tehnično vprašanje, resno, brez zajebancije za Smrekarja in Pac-Mana:
Čemu tak fanatizem okoli dogajanja v ZDA in čemu takšen anti-rusizem? Ne razumem, zakaj bi se nek državljan RS toliko obremenjeval z postanjem proti-ruskih vsebin na nekem tehnološkem forumu, ki ga berejo tako ali tako samo Slovenci? Določene strani v tej temi, v temi o Ukrajini in v temi o Siriji izgledajo kot monologi, kjer se post za postom brez vmesnih odgovorov/kontriranja objavlja nove vsebine.
Pa prosim - brez zamere - ni to nikakršna kritika kogarkoli izmed vaju, ampak iskreno vprašanje.
Zelo strikten odgovor in za moje pojme 100% pravilen.

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: nightrage ()

Karaya 52 ::

Pac-Man ::
No, takole:
Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement regarding his review of the classified intelligence report on Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections.
Yeah, bitches!!!!!!!!
Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement regarding his review of the classified intelligence report on Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections.
“I have now read the highly classified intelligence report on Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections. I analyzed the report from my perspective as a computer science major and as a Member of the National Security Subcommittee of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee."
"Here is my reaction: there is clear and convincing evidence to support the conclusions of the intelligence community as set forth in the unclassified version of the report. Russian hacking of Americans and American political organizations during the 2016 U.S. presidential election was multifaceted and brazen, with the goals of undermining faith in the U.S. democratic process and harming Secretary Clinton's electability. Putin and the Russian government developed a clear preference for Trump.”
“I believe Trump is actively misleading Americans when he says the Russians did not attempt to help his election chances and denigrate Secretary Clinton’s electability. Cyber espionage against American political organizations and cyber intrusions into our electoral boards are not partisan issues, they are American issues. I call on every Member of Congress who has been briefed on or read the classified report to tell Trump that he needs to tell the truth to the American people. At stake is not just our national security, but the very fabric of our democracy.”
Trump's Inaugural committee announces some more entertainers: Toby Keith, Jon Voight, Jennifer Holliday, Lee Greenwood, 3 Doors Down
Yeah, bitches!!!!!!!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
The man behind the dossier is a former British spy, Christopher Steele, who is now a corporate intelligence consultant. In 2010, Steele helped deliver information about FIFA to the FBI that eventually led to indictments of many current and former officials of the soccer governing body, as well as the ouster of longtime FIFA president Sepp Blatter.

Pac-Man ::
Morda najslabši. Do 20. januarja 2017.
On Thursday night, as the former spy was in hiding, having fled his home in the south-east of England, former colleagues rallied to defend him. One described him as “very credible” – a sober, cautious and meticulous professional with a formidable record.
The former Foreign Office official, who has known Steele for 25 years and considers him a friend, said: “The idea his work is fake or a cowboy operation is false – completely untrue. Chris is an experienced and highly regarded professional. He’s not the sort of person who will simply pass on gossip.”
The official added: “If he puts something in a report, he believes there’s sufficient credibility in it for it to be worth considering. Chris is a very straight guy. He could not have survived in the job he was in if he had been prone to flights of fancy or doing things in an ill-considered way.”
That is the way the CIA and the FBI, not to mention the British government, regarded him, too. It’s not hard to see why.
A Cambridge graduate, Steele was one of the more eminent Russia specialists for the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). The Guardian understands that he focused on Soviet affairs after joining the agency, and spent two years living in Moscow in the early 1990s.
Over a career that spanned more than 20 years, Steele performed a series of roles, but always appeared to be drawn back to Russia; he was, sources say, head of MI6’s Russia desk. When the agency was plunged into panic over the poisoning of its agent Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, the then chief, Sir John Scarlett, needed a trusted senior officer to plot a way through the minefield ahead – so he turned to Steele. It was Steele, sources say, who correctly and quickly realised that Litvinenko’s death was a Russian state “hit”.
He decided to quit the service in 2009.
As the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, exerted influence in all kinds of spheres, so Steele’s background made him hot property. Though he could not travel to Russia, he appears to have maintained his contacts and made new ones, using old-school techniques: going out, meeting people, shaking hands, making friends – and paying for information.
It is unlikely that Steele would have had direct contact with the unnamed Kremlin officials who allegedly gave sensitive information on the president-elect. In fact, it’s believed the former spy hasn’t been able to visit Russia for more than 20 years. Rather, Steele would have tapped up his network of sources deep inside the country, some of them dating from his time there and others cultivated later, British officials suggested.
In turn, these individuals will have had sources of their own. Steele would likely have subcontracted some of his Trump investigation to trusted intermediaries in Moscow, who will have reported back to him via secure channels.
This method of intelligence collection may explain the odd language anomaly in the Trump dossier that emerged into the public eye late on Tuesday. In a September briefing note, Steele mentions the Alpha-Group, a reference to the consortium headed by the powerful oligarch Mikhail Fridman. The more usual English spelling is Alfa.
Almost certainly, a native Russian speaker wrote the original material, correctly transliterating the Russian “f” as “ph”. It was Steele’s job to collate, evaluate and verify this material before passing it to his American client Fusion GPS, a Washington-based political research firm. The company had been hired originally by one of Trump’s early Republican opponents before the contract was taken up by senior Democrats.
MI6 has been privately warning that Putin, unchallenged by the west, has grown in confidence and, of course, that the Kremlin has targeted Trump. It would be odd if it hadn’t. The consensus among British securocrats is that “Putin is a wolf … and he preys on the weakest sheep.”
But intelligence is not evidence, and Steele would have known, better than anyone, that the information he was gathering was not fact and could be wrong. In the smoke-and-mirrors world of counterespionage, there are few certainties.
Še 7 dni in končno se bo spokal najslabši predsednik v zgodovini Amerike![]()
Morda najslabši. Do 20. januarja 2017.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

oo7 ::
Pa ja no saj vemo, da je Vladimir Putin the big boss
ampak Putin hoče mir zato je predsednik Trump če bi zmagala crooked Kilalry bi bila vojna.

Pac-Man ::
Kot sem že napisal, odstranitev predsednika ZDA je precej enostaven postopek.
Impeachment @ Wikipedia
Verjamem, da bo po 20. januarju obilo priložnosti. Nisem edini.
Impeachment @ Wikipedia
The Constitution defines impeachment at the federal level and limits impeachment to "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" who may be impeached and removed only for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". Several commentators have suggested that Congress alone may decide for itself what constitutes a "high crime or misdemeanor", especially since Nixon v. United States stated that the Supreme Court did not have the authority to determine whether the Senate properly "tried" a defendant. In 1970, then-House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford defined the criterion as he saw it: "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."
At the federal level, the impeachment process is a two-step procedure. The House of Representatives must first pass, by a simple majority of those present and voting, articles of impeachment, which constitute the formal allegation or allegations. Upon passage, the defendant has been "impeached". Next, the Senate tries the accused. In the case of the impeachment of a president, the Chief Justice of the United States presides over the proceedings. (...) To convict the accused, a two-thirds majority of the senators present is required. Conviction removes the defendant from office. Following conviction, the Senate may vote to further punish the individual by barring him or her from holding future federal office, elected or appointed. Conviction by the Senate does not bar criminal prosecution. Even after an accused has left office, it is possible to disqualify the person from future office or from certain emoluments of his prior office (such as a pension).
Verjamem, da bo po 20. januarju obilo priložnosti. Nisem edini.

oo7 ::
At most extreme, could the new president be impeached and how?
We are currently a very long way from this point, but not so far to prevent speculation about whether Trump could be impeached. Were Trump's team to be found to have conspired with the Kremlin to distort the 2016 presidential election, that would certainly fall into the impeachable category. But, again, it is entirely unsubstantiated. To take a flight of fancy, what if it were substantiated? That would again come down to a question of politics. No US president has ever been forced out of office by impeachment (Richard Nixon resigned before the vote; Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were acquitted by the Senate). Any such procedure would have to be prepared and approved by a majority of the House of Representatives, and then passed to the Senate for a two-thirds majority vote. As the Republicans hold the reins in both chambers, it would take an almighty severing of ties between Trump and his own party to even get close to such a place.
What would happen if Trump was impeached?
In the event that Trump was impeached, convicted by Senate and removed from office, Vice President-elect Mike Pence would take the oath of office and become president in his place.
If both Trump and Pence were impeached at the same time - which is a highly unlikely scenario - the Speaker of the House, Mr Ryan, would become president.
Samo, da ne bo Killary in, da gre podpornik Isis-a Obama v pokoj
to je najbolj važno.
We are currently a very long way from this point, but not so far to prevent speculation about whether Trump could be impeached. Were Trump's team to be found to have conspired with the Kremlin to distort the 2016 presidential election, that would certainly fall into the impeachable category. But, again, it is entirely unsubstantiated. To take a flight of fancy, what if it were substantiated? That would again come down to a question of politics. No US president has ever been forced out of office by impeachment (Richard Nixon resigned before the vote; Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were acquitted by the Senate). Any such procedure would have to be prepared and approved by a majority of the House of Representatives, and then passed to the Senate for a two-thirds majority vote. As the Republicans hold the reins in both chambers, it would take an almighty severing of ties between Trump and his own party to even get close to such a place.
What would happen if Trump was impeached?
In the event that Trump was impeached, convicted by Senate and removed from office, Vice President-elect Mike Pence would take the oath of office and become president in his place.
If both Trump and Pence were impeached at the same time - which is a highly unlikely scenario - the Speaker of the House, Mr Ryan, would become president.
Samo, da ne bo Killary in, da gre podpornik Isis-a Obama v pokoj

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
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