Forum » Igre » Call of Duty WWII (2017)
Call of Duty WWII (2017)

TOP ::
Sem gledal filmčke vidim grafa nič posebnega na MP sam kot igra izgleda uredu 2 SV naredi svoje.

TOP ::
Evo sem kupil igro in meni je odlična,končno spet 2sv.Res grafika nič posebnega sam igralnost je meni odlična,zvok je res dober in ko padeš not je res super.

qwertyy ::
Igra se igra super, ampak ima kup buggov.
Dostikrat se spawnam kot spectator in traja kakšno minuto, da pridem ven iz tega.
Premalo map in vse so zelo majhne.
80% časa, ko zapustim en lobby, več ne morem v novega, ker ima server neke probleme z povezavo.
Hitboxi so tako tako, zato večinoma igram harcore.
Dostikrat se spawnam kot spectator in traja kakšno minuto, da pridem ven iz tega.
Premalo map in vse so zelo majhne.
80% časa, ko zapustim en lobby, več ne morem v novega, ker ima server neke probleme z povezavo.
Hitboxi so tako tako, zato večinoma igram harcore.

oo7 ::
Activision's decision to return the Call of Duty franchise to its World War 2 setting has paid off for the company, with Call of Duty: WWII topping the US video game sales charts for November 2017.
Not only did it come out on top for November, according to The NPD Group, but Call of Duty: WWII is now the best selling game of 2017. It's also the best selling game of the last 12 months.
Ni slabo igra zunaj komaj dober mesec in že najbolje prodajana igra v letu 2017.
Activision's decision to return the Call of Duty franchise to its World War 2 setting has paid off for the company, with Call of Duty: WWII topping the US video game sales charts for November 2017.
Not only did it come out on top for November, according to The NPD Group, but Call of Duty: WWII is now the best selling game of 2017. It's also the best selling game of the last 12 months.
Ni slabo igra zunaj komaj dober mesec in že najbolje prodajana igra v letu 2017.

Heavy ::
Tankovska misija mi je bila dobra ni mi bila všeč tista z letali.
Prejšnji CoDi so imeli te segmente dosti boljše izpeljane. Da ne govorimo o kontrolah, bolj sem se mučil z lastnim tankom kot pa z sovraniki. Pa da ne omenjam, kako ne upa 75mm M2 prebit pz4 na 20 metrov spredaj... ampak če dobivaš ruske brzostrelke na d-day... zgodovinska natančnost


Predator X ::
Tankovska misija mi je bila dobra ni mi bila všeč tista z letali.
Prejšnji CoDi so imeli te segmente dosti boljše izpeljane. Da ne govorimo o kontrolah, bolj sem se mučil z lastnim tankom kot pa z sovraniki. Pa da ne omenjam, kako ne upa 75mm M2 prebit pz4 na 20 metrov spredaj... ampak če dobivaš ruske brzostrelke na d-day... zgodovinska natančnost![]()
Jah, CoD bi moral recoil, dmg pa tu mal več samega destructiona

Jst ::
Ker sem slišal, da je ta "del" CoD prinesel nekaj svežine, sem igro kupil in sem pozitivno presenečen. Prejšnji CoD je imel tako grde robove, ki jih niti najvišje možne nastavitve niso odpravile. Kako za vraga pa ta igra nima takšnih nazobčenih robov? (Retorično vprašaje.) Da ne omenjam čudnih slowdown-ov v prejšnjem CoD. (Preigral sem samo prvo misijo.) Ta igra pa teče na 1070 precej dobro in s kar stabilnimi FPSji. Grafika je lepa, ni pa nekaj posebnega. Mi je pa tematika (WW2) zelo všeč, čeprav bi lahko odprli wikipedijo in pogledali katera orožja so imeli. Da so med-kiti spet "in" mi je všeč. Edina stvar, ki me moti, je to, da ne moreš hkrati uporabljati gamepada in tipkovnice+miške.
Torej, po prvi misiji, se mi zdi, da je to po dolgih letih nadpovprečen COD. Ne nadpovprečna igra, ampak glede na standard COD serije, je ta malo višje. Tako po prvi misiji.
Imam pa neko napako. Loading je tako dolg, da je očitno nekaj narobe. Igra je na SSDju. RAM se hitro nafila, VRAM na grafi se ustavi malo nad 7GB in tudi ko je intro filma misije konec in je zaslon črn, te številke stojijo že nekaj časa, spodaj desno pa "Loading". Loading česa? Nove 388.71 WHQL sem na čisto namestil, preden sem prvič zagnal igro (danes). V ozadju nič ne obremenjuje CPUja,... Čudno pač.
Torej, po prvi misiji, se mi zdi, da je to po dolgih letih nadpovprečen COD. Ne nadpovprečna igra, ampak glede na standard COD serije, je ta malo višje. Tako po prvi misiji.
Imam pa neko napako. Loading je tako dolg, da je očitno nekaj narobe. Igra je na SSDju. RAM se hitro nafila, VRAM na grafi se ustavi malo nad 7GB in tudi ko je intro filma misije konec in je zaslon črn, te številke stojijo že nekaj časa, spodaj desno pa "Loading". Loading česa? Nove 388.71 WHQL sem na čisto namestil, preden sem prvič zagnal igro (danes). V ozadju nič ne obremenjuje CPUja,... Čudno pač.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

oo7 ::
Jaz imam GTX 970 in dela dobro edino pri SP pri eni od snežnih misij pa mi je Pc čisto pokleknil.

oo7 ::
Call of Duty: WWII has already made $1 billion in sales
The good news for Activision doesn't end there, as the publisher also noted in a press release sent to GamesBeat that Destiny 2 is the No. 2 best-selling game of the year based on revenue.
The good news for Activision doesn't end there, as the publisher also noted in a press release sent to GamesBeat that Destiny 2 is the No. 2 best-selling game of the year based on revenue.

kajetan ::
boste presedlali iz bf1 na tole? mene je kar presenetilo - priznam nisem imel pojma da prihaja nova COD igra :D pa še WW2 je. Treba probat obvezno!

Jst ::
Včeraj sem po prvi misiji napisal zgornji post, nato pa odigral še naslednjo misijo in probal MP.
Ker je WW2 tema, ter nekaj pristopov, ki so se mi dopadli, sem bil pozitivno presenečen. A sedaj, ko pogledam nazaj, so SP misije oz. mape, na katerih se dogaja SP, so zelo omejene in "railroad style" napredovanje, kot smo ga poznali v vseh zadnjih 10+ COD. Tako da razen WW2 teme in stila grafike, mi igra več ni nadpovprečna (a COD serijo). Mogoče je malo bolj spolirana, kot prejšnje verzije, ni pa nič posebnega. Brez "Ameriškega herojskega prikaza vojakov v vojni" tudi niso mogli. Lahko bi prikazali kruto realnost WW2, a ker so tako poenostavili vse, AI neumen oz. ga sploh ni, kakšnega "dinamičnega" dogajanja tudi ni... Pač, povprečna COD verzija pika 2017.
Ker je WW2 tema, ter nekaj pristopov, ki so se mi dopadli, sem bil pozitivno presenečen. A sedaj, ko pogledam nazaj, so SP misije oz. mape, na katerih se dogaja SP, so zelo omejene in "railroad style" napredovanje, kot smo ga poznali v vseh zadnjih 10+ COD. Tako da razen WW2 teme in stila grafike, mi igra več ni nadpovprečna (a COD serijo). Mogoče je malo bolj spolirana, kot prejšnje verzije, ni pa nič posebnega. Brez "Ameriškega herojskega prikaza vojakov v vojni" tudi niso mogli. Lahko bi prikazali kruto realnost WW2, a ker so tako poenostavili vse, AI neumen oz. ga sploh ni, kakšnega "dinamičnega" dogajanja tudi ni... Pač, povprečna COD verzija pika 2017.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

oo7 ::
Saj kampanija pri COD-u je bila vedno linearna. Cutsceni so res dobro narejeni. Ja Američani so vedno heroji kaj čmo

Jst ::
Malo dvoumno (in raztreseno) sem napisal, ker sem samo "izlil" nekaj misli in jih probal povezati med sabo, da bi se bralo, kot normalen post.
Ko sem začel igrati in videl plažo, se mi je zdela "igralna površina" večja kot smo navajeni za COD. Nato pri čiščenju Bunkerjev sem imel občutek, da niso linearni in da je prisotna večja svoboda.
Oboje se je izkazalo za "trik" ali drugače povedano: navdušila me je WW2 tema, mapa prve misije se mi je zdela večja in bolj svobodna, kot je v resnici in zato sem imel prevelika pričakovanja pri nadaljevanju (druga misija), a me je ta misija "postavila na trdna tla" in videl, da ni nič drugačnega kot pri ostalih COD.
Za MP, ki sem ga probal danes, sem pa še malo zmeden. Prvič: Zadnji COD, ki sem ga kupil, je bil vsaj tri leta nazaj in vsi perki in dodatki, ki si jih dobival, so bili za starega - "UT99-style SKILLZ MATTERS" - katastrofa. Drugič: igral sem samo slabo uro, tako da nisem dovolj igral, da bi lahko karkoli ocenil.
Ko sem začel igrati in videl plažo, se mi je zdela "igralna površina" večja kot smo navajeni za COD. Nato pri čiščenju Bunkerjev sem imel občutek, da niso linearni in da je prisotna večja svoboda.
Oboje se je izkazalo za "trik" ali drugače povedano: navdušila me je WW2 tema, mapa prve misije se mi je zdela večja in bolj svobodna, kot je v resnici in zato sem imel prevelika pričakovanja pri nadaljevanju (druga misija), a me je ta misija "postavila na trdna tla" in videl, da ni nič drugačnega kot pri ostalih COD.
Za MP, ki sem ga probal danes, sem pa še malo zmeden. Prvič: Zadnji COD, ki sem ga kupil, je bil vsaj tri leta nazaj in vsi perki in dodatki, ki si jih dobival, so bili za starega - "UT99-style SKILLZ MATTERS" - katastrofa. Drugič: igral sem samo slabo uro, tako da nisem dovolj igral, da bi lahko karkoli ocenil.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Jst ::
Ravnokar sem malo igral po tednu dni in vmes se mi zdi, da se je (vsaj) enkrat posodobilo (steam), če se ne motim in sedaj nimam problemov z "loading". Sedaj je ultra fast. Ko je konec cut-scene, v sekundi začne.
MP pa tudi sedaj dela relativno hitro.
Največ sem igral Free-For-All in Hardpoint. Prejšnji MP COD, ki sem ga igral, je že Ghost, če se ne motim in zame je bil Ghost K.A.T.A.S.T.R.O.F.A. WW2 pa se mi zdi, da je MP spet postal malo bolj "SKILLZ MATTER" špil. Moram igrati še druge načine, ker se mi zaenkrat MP gameplay kar dopade. Upam, da to niso samo začetniška opažanja in da potem ne dobiš kakšno neumno "kill-all" nagrado. Ko skočiš, mi je všeč, da je natančnost znižana, ampak z SMGji premalo. Upam, da znižajo to natančnost v kakšnem popravku, ker je neumna in v zaprtih prostorih zelo moti.
Anyway, po MW sagi, se mi zdi, da je to končno nadpovprečen COD, če gledamo celo serijo zadnjih 10 let.
MP pa tudi sedaj dela relativno hitro.
Največ sem igral Free-For-All in Hardpoint. Prejšnji MP COD, ki sem ga igral, je že Ghost, če se ne motim in zame je bil Ghost K.A.T.A.S.T.R.O.F.A. WW2 pa se mi zdi, da je MP spet postal malo bolj "SKILLZ MATTER" špil. Moram igrati še druge načine, ker se mi zaenkrat MP gameplay kar dopade. Upam, da to niso samo začetniška opažanja in da potem ne dobiš kakšno neumno "kill-all" nagrado. Ko skočiš, mi je všeč, da je natančnost znižana, ampak z SMGji premalo. Upam, da znižajo to natančnost v kakšnem popravku, ker je neumna in v zaprtih prostorih zelo moti.
Anyway, po MW sagi, se mi zdi, da je to končno nadpovprečen COD, če gledamo celo serijo zadnjih 10 let.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

oo7 ::
Call of Duty: WWII Is Biggest Digital Launch of PlayStation History; Activision Announces Results

Jst ::
Žalostno, da je tako malo inovacije v MP pognalo igro tako visoko, medtem, ko - vsaj meni - nekaj časa igraš MP, postane dolgočasno.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Jerry000 ::
Žalostno, da je tako malo inovacije v MP pognalo igro tako visoko, medtem, ko - vsaj meni - nekaj časa igraš MP, postane dolgočasno.
Ne znajo. Igral Beta in jo imam dost :). Sem nazaj na CSGO...ista igra vendar nekaj majo da se je ne naveličaš in da je dejansko dober FPS

Jerry000 ::
CSGO mi pa sploh ni všeč zato ko te ubijejo moraš čakat na naslednjo rundo.
Maš tudi druge načine, teathmatch ;). Ti igraš pa bomb scenario oziroma classic.

jizzer ::
Nabavil v akciji za XO. Čeprav mi je headquaters sistem kar všeč in nasploh, neke nove malenkosti so (zadnje igral BO1), pa me enostavno razjezi obseg igre. BF1 mi je prevelik, ampak spet COD je pa premali, mislim wtf 12 igralcev? Mape tak male da jih v 15 sekundah prešprintaš, kar mi gre na živce ker še nisem na controler način igranja navajen in gre prehitro (prvi COD na controlerju) ...
Da niti ne omenjam da ni rusov, vojaki govorijo samo angleščino (nisem se slišal se koga dret "Achtung, achtung" ?), igra se v londonu (?) wtf? Ampak s tem sem se itak že prej strinjal
Kaj te vem če bi dal 70€ za to bi mi bil kar bed, na teh 40 pa bom probal čimprej pozabit.
Da niti ne omenjam da ni rusov, vojaki govorijo samo angleščino (nisem se slišal se koga dret "Achtung, achtung" ?), igra se v londonu (?) wtf? Ampak s tem sem se itak že prej strinjal

Kaj te vem če bi dal 70€ za to bi mi bil kar bed, na teh 40 pa bom probal čimprej pozabit.

Machete ::
Ja, res so kritično male mapce.
Kot zanimivost, ker mi nekaj časa ni bilo jasno, če ti FPSji dropajo pod 60 npr. imaš naslednjo rundo lock 30, če imaša vsync on.
Kot zanimivost, ker mi nekaj časa ni bilo jasno, če ti FPSji dropajo pod 60 npr. imaš naslednjo rundo lock 30, če imaša vsync on.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Machete ()

Jerry000 ::
Zato pa pravim, COD1, COD2 in COD4 so bili majka, od tam naprej je samo strmoglavilo. COD1 mi je še vedno epic, legendarna, narejena z dušo in za skill.

fireX88 ::
Zato pa pravim, COD1, COD2 in COD4 so bili majka, od tam naprej je samo strmoglavilo. COD1 mi je še vedno epic, legendarna, narejena z dušo in za skill.
brez nepotrebnih DLC-jev, lootboxov in kozmetičnimi dodatki!!

next3steps ::
Da. Enostavno narejene, večkrat nesmiselno, brez nekega competitiva v mislih in še večkrat kot ne reciklirane. Je pa fun špil. Ne ravno 50EUR fun, a vseeno fun.

Jerry000 ::
Zato pa pravim, COD1, COD2 in COD4 so bili majka, od tam naprej je samo strmoglavilo. COD1 mi je še vedno epic, legendarna, narejena z dušo in za skill.
brez nepotrebnih DLC-jev, lootboxov in kozmetičnimi dodatki!!
Točn tko

iMastery ::
Hej. Igra kdo aktivno WW2 PC MP? Je kdo zainterisiran, za kaksno druzenje, oz. da skup kaksno odigramo?

oo7 ::
Call of Duty WWII's Second DLC Pack Is 'The War Machine', Adds Aerial Dogfighting
Egypt: For the first time in Call of Duty: WWII, we're bringing players to the battlefields of Northern Africa and the Egyptian pyramids. Players fight in and around the ancient ruins at Giza with landmarks that you're sure to recognise. The map features an interior temple in the centre that heats up during intense Domination matches with more open exterior lanes to either side. There's something for everyone, as all ranges and playstyles have a place to call home here.
Dunkirk: Players face off on the sands and beachfront boardwalk of the French sea-side city of Dunkirk. This map features a large, open and dangerous beach area flanked by tight interiors through the buildings lining the beach-front. Sniping can be effective here, though aggressive running and gunning can also pay off, so keep sharp and watch your angles and surroundings to win the day.
V2: Welcome to V2 - a rocket development and test site located in rural Germany. V2 is a tight, ultra-fast paced map that never lets up for a moment. The launch tower sits at the map centre, providing a focal point and an opportunity to grab an elevated sightline on unsuspecting opponents. Short-to mid-range engagements are dominant here, with fast and furious gameplay throughout - don't blink!
Operation Husky
Operation Husky, whose namesake referred to the Allied invasion of Sicily, is centered on an Allied action to retrieve intelligence on the locations of sensitive German targets in the ports of Palermo and Naples. In this exciting new War mode offering, players will gather intel, transmit it to HQ, and then take to the skies to clear the area of enemy fighter planes in order to make way for Allied bombers.
The Shadowed Throne
The Shadowed Throne brings our heroes into the heart of Nazi Germany to confront a desperate and evil regime. Berlin is burning, and Doktor Straub's monstrous army is hellbent on purging his city of the Allied invaders. Join Marie, Drostan, Olivia, and Jefferson on their descent into madness in a city warped with terror, blood, and war, as Nazi Zombies steps out from the shadows of history.
Egypt: For the first time in Call of Duty: WWII, we're bringing players to the battlefields of Northern Africa and the Egyptian pyramids. Players fight in and around the ancient ruins at Giza with landmarks that you're sure to recognise. The map features an interior temple in the centre that heats up during intense Domination matches with more open exterior lanes to either side. There's something for everyone, as all ranges and playstyles have a place to call home here.
Dunkirk: Players face off on the sands and beachfront boardwalk of the French sea-side city of Dunkirk. This map features a large, open and dangerous beach area flanked by tight interiors through the buildings lining the beach-front. Sniping can be effective here, though aggressive running and gunning can also pay off, so keep sharp and watch your angles and surroundings to win the day.
V2: Welcome to V2 - a rocket development and test site located in rural Germany. V2 is a tight, ultra-fast paced map that never lets up for a moment. The launch tower sits at the map centre, providing a focal point and an opportunity to grab an elevated sightline on unsuspecting opponents. Short-to mid-range engagements are dominant here, with fast and furious gameplay throughout - don't blink!
Operation Husky
Operation Husky, whose namesake referred to the Allied invasion of Sicily, is centered on an Allied action to retrieve intelligence on the locations of sensitive German targets in the ports of Palermo and Naples. In this exciting new War mode offering, players will gather intel, transmit it to HQ, and then take to the skies to clear the area of enemy fighter planes in order to make way for Allied bombers.
The Shadowed Throne
The Shadowed Throne brings our heroes into the heart of Nazi Germany to confront a desperate and evil regime. Berlin is burning, and Doktor Straub's monstrous army is hellbent on purging his city of the Allied invaders. Join Marie, Drostan, Olivia, and Jefferson on their descent into madness in a city warped with terror, blood, and war, as Nazi Zombies steps out from the shadows of history.

oo7 ::
Big Call Of Duty: WW2 Update Is Out On PS4, Xbox One, And PC
Call of Duty: WWII Patch Notes
Additional Primary Attachment
Second Pistol Attachment and swap weapons faster
While aiming down sights, have less idle sway
Move faster while aiming
Fire guns while sprinting and diving
Reload while sprinting
Climb over obstacles faster and no damage from falling
Sprint faster over time
Take significantly less explosive & fire damage
Immune to Shell Shock and Tactical Equipment
Increased bullet penetration through surfaces
Greatly reduced flinch when shot
Invisible to enemy Recon Aircraft and controlled streaks
Killed enemy death locations hidden
No name or reticle change when enemies aim at you
Silent movement
Double Lethal and Tactical and enhanced equipment use
Munitions replenish from killed enemies and over time
Improved Tacticals & Easier to destroy War buildables
Equipment damage paints enemies on mini-map
Mini-map indicator & scrambler of close hostiles
Enemy movements are easier to hear
Kills and assists grant Intel Ping of nearby enemies
Easier to spot targets & increased mini-map coverage
Loadout Selection Changes
LMG Bipod and Sniper Sharpshooter are automatically available when using an LMG or Sniper
Remaining Division Skills (weapon class attachments) are selectable in CAC (and no longer given by division)
Each Division has a fourth perk and their levels have been adjusted and rebalanced
All players have unlimited sprint and sprint speed is slightly slower
3 Primary Attachments for all loadouts
One piece of both Lethal and Tactical equipment for all loadouts
Launchers can be equipped for all loadouts
The Rifle Grenade is an available attachment for all rifles
The Suppressor is an available attachment for all pistols
The Pistol Suppressor has a 15% range reduction vs. the SMG Suppressor's 30% range reduction
The following Basic Trainings are cut and no longer selectable: Primed and Bang
Prestige tokens spent on these are refunded and associated challenges are auto-completed
The following Basic Trainings are newly added: Blitzkrieg and Clandestine
Blitzkrieg: Streaks are earned by Kills (instead of Score). Bonus: Streaks are improved and select a fourth Streak.
Clandestine: Slain enemies drop Intel Packs that reveal nearby hostiles. Bonus: Intel ping at the start of each life
Resistance/Infantry Shifts
Moved "Second pistol attachment and swap weapons faster" to Infantry to align with its marksmanship focus
Filled gap in Resistance with "Enemy movements are easier to hear" to align with its counter-intelligence focus
Weapon/Mechanic Tuning Changes
Global sprint speed reduced (to account for Unlimited Sprint)
1.3x instead of previously 1.4x
Reduced Launcher effectiveness against players
Panzerschreck nerfed damage and projectile speed
Bazooka buffed radius, buffed projectile speed and nerfed damage
Bazooka should more reliably give hitmarkers than before and increased projectile speed should make it better than Panzer against streaks.
Frag and Sticky grenade max damage nerfed
~10% max damage reduction to account for all players having both Lethal and Tactical and address existing complaints of grenade spam
Shellshock and Earthquake effects from Lethal Equipment significantly reduced
Reduced effect radius and duration to address existing complaints and account for all players having both Lethal and Tactical
Tactical Equipment strength adjusted
All tacticals without Expeditionary III got a small nerf
Smoke lasts 10 seconds (previously: 14 seconds; Expeditionary III: 14 seconds)
Signal Flare lasts 3.5 seconds (previously: 5 seconds; Expeditionary III: 5.5 seconds)
Stun effects last between 1.75-3.5 seconds (previously: 2-4 seconds; Expeditionary III: 2.5-4.25 seconds)
Tabun Gas deals 1 dmg every 1 second 5 times (previously: 10 dmg every 1 second 5 times; Expeditionary III: 5 dmg every 0.625 seconds 8 times)
The following Basic Trainings have had their benefits changed:
Energetic: Adds "Increased sprint speed." Removes "Sprint again sooner"
Forage: Adds "Resupply bullets over time." Adds "Extra magazines." Removes "Swap weapons faster."
Ordnance: Adds "Killed enemies drop Streak packs that fill your meter". Removes "Re-roll your own care packages".
Launched: Adds "Additional launcher ammunition". Removes "Only way to take a Launcher".
Concussed: Adds "Take two pieces of Lethal & Tactical equipment". Removes "presetting what the equipment is".
Instincts: Adds "Immune to Shell Shock and Tactical Equipment". Esports-only change to remove "warning when targeted off-screen" benefit (with the intention for this BT to be unbanned by MLG and used in competitive to counter Tacticals).
Incendiary Shells attachment buffed
Gives Additional Shells (7 for Combat Shotgun; 8 for all other shotguns)
Range reduction of Shells buffed to -10% from -15%
Sped up loading of shells for Combat Shotgun
M30 Rifle Bullet ammo buffed
Gives Additional Bullets (8 bullets instead of previous 6)
LMG Bipod Buffed
Increased fire rate while mounted (+9% which is equal to Rapid Fire attachment for LMGs [which stacks])
Firing while mounted initially draws ammo from reserve then once exhausted draws from current clip (removing the need to reload).
Sniper Sharpshooter Duration Buffed
Hold breath increased to 10 seconds from 4 seconds. Promotes using snipers the "proper" way rather than quickscoping.
Buffed "Take Significantly less fire & explosive damage" from Armored
80% reduction from fire and explosive damage (previously was 65% reduction)
"Reduced idle sway" from Infantry III & Scoped now affects snipers
30% reduction for Snipers; vs. all other weapon classes' 65% reduction
This does stack with Ballistic Calibration attachment
Buffed "Move faster while aiming" from Infantry IV and Scoped
Maintained separation between weapon classes (Sniper < LMG < Rifle < SMG < Pistol / Shotgun)
LMGs mostly got their ADS firing speed buffed since that was previously very slow even with Infantry IV
Snipers got a smaller buff than other weapon classes since it isn't beneficial to move too fast
Pistols and Shotguns already equaled non-ads speed with Infantry IV so they were not adjusted
Call of Duty: WWII Patch Notes
Additional Primary Attachment
Second Pistol Attachment and swap weapons faster
While aiming down sights, have less idle sway
Move faster while aiming
Fire guns while sprinting and diving
Reload while sprinting
Climb over obstacles faster and no damage from falling
Sprint faster over time
Take significantly less explosive & fire damage
Immune to Shell Shock and Tactical Equipment
Increased bullet penetration through surfaces
Greatly reduced flinch when shot
Invisible to enemy Recon Aircraft and controlled streaks
Killed enemy death locations hidden
No name or reticle change when enemies aim at you
Silent movement
Double Lethal and Tactical and enhanced equipment use
Munitions replenish from killed enemies and over time
Improved Tacticals & Easier to destroy War buildables
Equipment damage paints enemies on mini-map
Mini-map indicator & scrambler of close hostiles
Enemy movements are easier to hear
Kills and assists grant Intel Ping of nearby enemies
Easier to spot targets & increased mini-map coverage
Loadout Selection Changes
LMG Bipod and Sniper Sharpshooter are automatically available when using an LMG or Sniper
Remaining Division Skills (weapon class attachments) are selectable in CAC (and no longer given by division)
Each Division has a fourth perk and their levels have been adjusted and rebalanced
All players have unlimited sprint and sprint speed is slightly slower
3 Primary Attachments for all loadouts
One piece of both Lethal and Tactical equipment for all loadouts
Launchers can be equipped for all loadouts
The Rifle Grenade is an available attachment for all rifles
The Suppressor is an available attachment for all pistols
The Pistol Suppressor has a 15% range reduction vs. the SMG Suppressor's 30% range reduction
The following Basic Trainings are cut and no longer selectable: Primed and Bang
Prestige tokens spent on these are refunded and associated challenges are auto-completed
The following Basic Trainings are newly added: Blitzkrieg and Clandestine
Blitzkrieg: Streaks are earned by Kills (instead of Score). Bonus: Streaks are improved and select a fourth Streak.
Clandestine: Slain enemies drop Intel Packs that reveal nearby hostiles. Bonus: Intel ping at the start of each life
Resistance/Infantry Shifts
Moved "Second pistol attachment and swap weapons faster" to Infantry to align with its marksmanship focus
Filled gap in Resistance with "Enemy movements are easier to hear" to align with its counter-intelligence focus
Weapon/Mechanic Tuning Changes
Global sprint speed reduced (to account for Unlimited Sprint)
1.3x instead of previously 1.4x
Reduced Launcher effectiveness against players
Panzerschreck nerfed damage and projectile speed
Bazooka buffed radius, buffed projectile speed and nerfed damage
Bazooka should more reliably give hitmarkers than before and increased projectile speed should make it better than Panzer against streaks.
Frag and Sticky grenade max damage nerfed
~10% max damage reduction to account for all players having both Lethal and Tactical and address existing complaints of grenade spam
Shellshock and Earthquake effects from Lethal Equipment significantly reduced
Reduced effect radius and duration to address existing complaints and account for all players having both Lethal and Tactical
Tactical Equipment strength adjusted
All tacticals without Expeditionary III got a small nerf
Smoke lasts 10 seconds (previously: 14 seconds; Expeditionary III: 14 seconds)
Signal Flare lasts 3.5 seconds (previously: 5 seconds; Expeditionary III: 5.5 seconds)
Stun effects last between 1.75-3.5 seconds (previously: 2-4 seconds; Expeditionary III: 2.5-4.25 seconds)
Tabun Gas deals 1 dmg every 1 second 5 times (previously: 10 dmg every 1 second 5 times; Expeditionary III: 5 dmg every 0.625 seconds 8 times)
The following Basic Trainings have had their benefits changed:
Energetic: Adds "Increased sprint speed." Removes "Sprint again sooner"
Forage: Adds "Resupply bullets over time." Adds "Extra magazines." Removes "Swap weapons faster."
Ordnance: Adds "Killed enemies drop Streak packs that fill your meter". Removes "Re-roll your own care packages".
Launched: Adds "Additional launcher ammunition". Removes "Only way to take a Launcher".
Concussed: Adds "Take two pieces of Lethal & Tactical equipment". Removes "presetting what the equipment is".
Instincts: Adds "Immune to Shell Shock and Tactical Equipment". Esports-only change to remove "warning when targeted off-screen" benefit (with the intention for this BT to be unbanned by MLG and used in competitive to counter Tacticals).
Incendiary Shells attachment buffed
Gives Additional Shells (7 for Combat Shotgun; 8 for all other shotguns)
Range reduction of Shells buffed to -10% from -15%
Sped up loading of shells for Combat Shotgun
M30 Rifle Bullet ammo buffed
Gives Additional Bullets (8 bullets instead of previous 6)
LMG Bipod Buffed
Increased fire rate while mounted (+9% which is equal to Rapid Fire attachment for LMGs [which stacks])
Firing while mounted initially draws ammo from reserve then once exhausted draws from current clip (removing the need to reload).
Sniper Sharpshooter Duration Buffed
Hold breath increased to 10 seconds from 4 seconds. Promotes using snipers the "proper" way rather than quickscoping.
Buffed "Take Significantly less fire & explosive damage" from Armored
80% reduction from fire and explosive damage (previously was 65% reduction)
"Reduced idle sway" from Infantry III & Scoped now affects snipers
30% reduction for Snipers; vs. all other weapon classes' 65% reduction
This does stack with Ballistic Calibration attachment
Buffed "Move faster while aiming" from Infantry IV and Scoped
Maintained separation between weapon classes (Sniper < LMG < Rifle < SMG < Pistol / Shotgun)
LMGs mostly got their ADS firing speed buffed since that was previously very slow even with Infantry IV
Snipers got a smaller buff than other weapon classes since it isn't beneficial to move too fast
Pistols and Shotguns already equaled non-ads speed with Infantry IV so they were not adjusted

iMastery ::
Za tazadni post ne, je samo update, divisions so spremenili + nova orozja dodali.
En post prej, pa mores doplacat dlc ali pa season pass, ki vkljucuje vse dlcje.
En post prej, pa mores doplacat dlc ali pa season pass, ki vkljucuje vse dlcje.
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