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Fallout: New Orleans

Fallout: New Orleans

oo7 ::

Zaenkrat so samo govorice ampak bile so tudi za Fallout 4 :P

Fallout 4 je izšel leta 2015 in na Fallout 5 bo treba čakati še vsaj minimalno 5 let tako, da se lahko zgodi, da vmes izdajo Fallout : New Orleans tako kot so izdali med Fallout 3 in Fallout 4 igro Fallout New Vegas.

Če se bo zgodil New orleans upam, da ga delajo pri Obsidianu :)

Fallout: New Orleans Trademarked In Europe

A new trademark filing in Europe for Fallout: New Orleans sparks fan imaginations at the potential of a new game in the series from Obsidian Entertainment.

According to a recent filing with the European Union Intellectual Property Office, a new trademark has been filed for something called Fallout: New Orleans. Much of the information is missing due to the examination period being under way, but fans can see a logo with the familiar lightning bolt in the ‘o’ of the word Fallout, along with the New Orleans subtitle.


Bethesda Won't Comment on Fallout: New Orleans Rumours :\

In an interview with Metro, VP of PR and marketing Pete Hines simply stated that "we don't comment on trademarks and rumours," when asked about New Orleans. When pressed for any more information, Hines added: "whenever anyone asks about trademarks we don't ever say, 'Yes, that's us' or 'No, it's not'. Whether it's real or it's not real."


Nekaj se mora dogajat :)
Pri Bethesdi itak vedno zavlačujejo, do konca tako kot so pri Fallout 4.

YesMan ::

Upam, da res. Še bol pa upam, da bo, kot si rekel, zadeva padla v roke Obsidianu, ker potem bomo skoraj garantirano dobli RPG igro, ne pa podpovprečno prvoosebno streljačino :P

Berserker ::

Obsidian je trenutno uradno zaposlen s F2P tankovsko igro Armored Warfare,rpg igro Tyranny in Pillars of Eternity 2.

oo7 ::

Pillars of Eternity 2 or a new Fallout? Obsidian teases "Project Louisiana"


Izi ::

To je brez dvoma najava za Pillars of Eternity 2.

oo7 ::



oo7 ::

Ve se, da bodo pri Bethesdi naredili igro Fallout 5

Se pa govori tudi o drugi igri prvo se je govorilo o Fallout New Orleans danes se pa govori o Fallout New Vegas 2 ? :)

A New Fallout Game Might Be Coming; Rumor That It's New Vegas 2 Or Van Buren

There have been talks on the internet that a new Fallout game might be in the works and possibly slated for release some time in the future! The rumors have been circling around a possibility of a New Vegas 2 as the latest addition in the series. There is also a chance that we might be getting something new like Fallout: Van Buren that was cancelled a long time ago.

This rumor about a new Fallout game comes from one of the biggest names in video game development, Chris Avellone. Chris being the executive of Obsidian Entertainment, the studio that has provided us with time-less gems such as Fallout: New Vegas, Baldur's Gate and Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith lords, recently hinted something on Facebook that might be a tease at something Fallout related coming out very soon.


oo7 ::

Chris Avellone Teases a New Fallout - Could it Be Fallout: New Orleans?


Tole sliko naj bi imel Chris Avellone na facebooku.

Zgleda podoben Vault boyu :)

Upam, da gre za Fallout :\:\

oo7 ::

Je pa tudi možno, da samo proslavlja ker pred kratkim je bilo 20 let od prve Fallout igre.

tikitoki ::

Se mal poslabsajo to igro in bo bolje, da jo Kar ukinejo.

oo7 ::

Kot kaže gre za igro Fallout z naslovom Fallout 76.

oo7 ::

Fallout 76 - Official Teaser Trailer

Kot kaže se bo dogajalo v West Viriginiji ?

oo7 ::

Malo me skrbi, ker nekaj pišejo, da bi lahko bil celo MMO ;(( upam, da ni res upam.

ahac ::

Izgleda, da Fallout 76 ni New Orleans (niti ni od Obsidiana) tako, da si zasluži svojo temo:
Fallout 76
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