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Acer prenosnik kupljen v Computeruniverse ne dela

Acer prenosnik kupljen v Computeruniverse ne dela

trojnis252 ::

Pozdravljeni vsi!

Gre se za prenosnik Acer Aspire VN7-571G-5050, kupil sem ga pri Computeruniverse prejšnji teden. Včeraj sem ga uporabljal, danes zjutraj pa tudi. Pred eno uro, ko sem ga hotel vklopiti se ni hotel. Lučke na tipkovnici in power led se na hitro prižgejo (manj kot 1 sekunda) in to je to. Ventilator se ne vključi.
Zdaj me pa zanima kaj naj naredim? Kako poteka reklamacija izdelkov pri Computeruniverse, če ima kdo že izkušnje s tem?

lp Luka

opeter ::

Je akumulator napolnjen?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

greatdrakon ::

Computer universe ne komplicira z garancijo. Dobiš novo stvar. Je pa v mojem primeru vedno malo trajalo kot drugje (npr. 3 tedne za menjavo sicer starejšega telefona).

shadeX ::

Najprej odklopi baterijo in poskusi samo z adapterjem.

solatko ::

Verjetno si imel prenosnik v spanju in se ne zna zbuditi. Izklopi baterejo, napajalni kabel in drži tipko power kakšno minuto, da se pobrišejo zadeve, ki bremenijo RAM in Bios.

Po navadi prenosnik potem normalno zalaufa.
Ob instalaciji so vse nastavitve na spanje, tako na bateriji, kot na elektriki.
Zadeve naštimaj v upravljalcu energije in daj vsaj power gumb na izklop sistema ali shutdown.
Delo krepa človeka

trojnis252 ::

Akumulator je integriran in se ga ne da odstraniti. Ima pa na zadnji strani neko tipko, ki naj bi odklopila baterijo, sem jo držal eno minuto pa ni nič drugače. V spanju pa ne vem, če je. Včeraj sem ga samo na hitro sprobal, ko je imel še linux, danes sem pa windowse posnel, ga ugasnil na tipki, čez eno uro prižgal in ni več delal.
Najverjetneje ga bom kar nazaj poslal. Čudno mi je že bilo, ko touchpad ni hotel delati pri inštalaciji windowsov.

greatdrakon je izjavil:

Computer universe ne komplicira z garancijo. Dobiš novo stvar. Je pa v mojem primeru vedno malo trajalo kot drugje (npr. 3 tedne za menjavo sicer starejšega telefona).

Kako pa pošljem stvar nazaj? Navaden paket na njihov naslov in to je to?

SaXsIm ::

Kaj ko bi vprašal njih, hm?

mancini ::


to pa je že nekaj drugega

ti si zamenjal OS, potem je verjetno napaka pri tebi

če ne znaš rešiti sam, nesi nekomu ki se spozna
šele na to pošlji nazaj

Zheegec ::

Zakaj bi bil OS kriv, da se sploh ne prižge?
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

greatdrakon ::

trojnis252 je izjavil:

Akumulator je integriran in se ga ne da odstraniti. Ima pa na zadnji strani neko tipko, ki naj bi odklopila baterijo, sem jo držal eno minuto pa ni nič drugače. V spanju pa ne vem, če je. Včeraj sem ga samo na hitro sprobal, ko je imel še linux, danes sem pa windowse posnel, ga ugasnil na tipki, čez eno uro prižgal in ni več delal.
Najverjetneje ga bom kar nazaj poslal. Čudno mi je že bilo, ko touchpad ni hotel delati pri inštalaciji windowsov.

greatdrakon je izjavil:

Computer universe ne komplicira z garancijo. Dobiš novo stvar. Je pa v mojem primeru vedno malo trajalo kot drugje (npr. 3 tedne za menjavo sicer starejšega telefona).

Kako pa pošljem stvar nazaj? Navaden paket na njihov naslov in to je to?

We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems with a product purchased from us.

In the following you’ll find all information necessary to perform a return:

Shipping method
Please send the item to be returned in a parcel, postage paid and sufficiently insured. Please use a shipping method that includes at least an identcode or tracking number, so it can be traced if necessary.

Shipping costs
In case of a revocation of a purchase with a value of 40,- Euro or lower, the shipping costs for the return shipment are at your expense. Otherwise computeruniverse will bear the expenses for a STANDARD POST shipment (if you select some sort of express shipping, the difference is at your expense) within 6 months after purchase date. Please let us have a photocopy of the receipt for the postage paid, so we can refund the disbursed amount. Please note that we will NOT accept parcels that have been sent unstamped or C.O.D.

Please always include a short letter regarding your preferred course of action and a photocopy of the invoice (if at all possible; otherwise please state at least customer number and/or invoice number). If you’re sending in defective merchandise, it will always make sense to also include a detailed error description, any previous correspondence with us or the original manufacturer of the product and all existing reference and RMA numbers. In case of doubt we’d have to subsequently request them from you, which may needlessly delay the processing of your return.

Please note that packing the merchandise in an additional neutral box for shipping is absolutely essential. A deterioration or damaging of the product or its original packaging caused by a lack of a proper packaging will usually result in a reduction of any credit received or billing of the damage. Should the merchandise have been delivered without additional packaging in the first place, packing it in an additional box and/or wrapping is of course not necessary.

Your return will be processed immediately after we’ve received it and will be forwarded to the manufacturer for guarantee handling.

Best regards

shadeX ::

Dober info za naprej :)

trojnis252 ::

SaXsIm je izjavil:

Kaj ko bi vprašal njih, hm?

Sem jim danes pisal pa še ni odgovora.

greatdrakon je izjavil:

trojnis252 je izjavil:

Akumulator je integriran in se ga ne da odstraniti. Ima pa na zadnji strani neko tipko, ki naj bi odklopila baterijo, sem jo držal eno minuto pa ni nič drugače. V spanju pa ne vem, če je. Včeraj sem ga samo na hitro sprobal, ko je imel še linux, danes sem pa windowse posnel, ga ugasnil na tipki, čez eno uro prižgal in ni več delal.
Najverjetneje ga bom kar nazaj poslal. Čudno mi je že bilo, ko touchpad ni hotel delati pri inštalaciji windowsov.

greatdrakon je izjavil:

Computer universe ne komplicira z garancijo. Dobiš novo stvar. Je pa v mojem primeru vedno malo trajalo kot drugje (npr. 3 tedne za menjavo sicer starejšega telefona).

Kako pa pošljem stvar nazaj? Navaden paket na njihov naslov in to je to?

We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems with a product purchased from us.

In the following you’ll find all information necessary to perform a return:

Shipping method
Please send the item to be returned in a parcel, postage paid and sufficiently insured. Please use a shipping method that includes at least an identcode or tracking number, so it can be traced if necessary.

Shipping costs
In case of a revocation of a purchase with a value of 40,- Euro or lower, the shipping costs for the return shipment are at your expense. Otherwise computeruniverse will bear the expenses for a STANDARD POST shipment (if you select some sort of express shipping, the difference is at your expense) within 6 months after purchase date. Please let us have a photocopy of the receipt for the postage paid, so we can refund the disbursed amount. Please note that we will NOT accept parcels that have been sent unstamped or C.O.D.

Please always include a short letter regarding your preferred course of action and a photocopy of the invoice (if at all possible; otherwise please state at least customer number and/or invoice number). If you’re sending in defective merchandise, it will always make sense to also include a detailed error description, any previous correspondence with us or the original manufacturer of the product and all existing reference and RMA numbers. In case of doubt we’d have to subsequently request them from you, which may needlessly delay the processing of your return.

Please note that packing the merchandise in an additional neutral box for shipping is absolutely essential. A deterioration or damaging of the product or its original packaging caused by a lack of a proper packaging will usually result in a reduction of any credit received or billing of the damage. Should the merchandise have been delivered without additional packaging in the first place, packing it in an additional box and/or wrapping is of course not necessary.

Your return will be processed immediately after we’ve received it and will be forwarded to the manufacturer for guarantee handling.

Best regards

Najlepša ti dala!

trojnis252 ::

Sem jim prenosnik poslal, piše v sledenju da je bil prevzet 16.8. Zdaj me pa zanima koliko časa traja, da oni to zrihtajo oziroma zabeležijo, da so moj izdelek dobili? Na mojem profilu še zmeraj pod Returns piše Goods not yet received. Sem jim včeraj mail poslal, če so dobili, pa še ni odgovora.

Thuban ::

hja mal boš moral počakat.
I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

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