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Death Stranding

Death Stranding

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edi45 ::

Sem ga dobil letos od moje za božič za PS5 directors cut. Še vedno je zapakiran, ker sem nekaj druga prvo moral dokončati. Moram probati, sem ga samo kakšno uro igral na ps4, par let nazaj:))

oo7 ::

Death Stranding 2 Will Be Titled "On The Beach"

Več informacij o igri v naslednjih dveh tednih.

oo7 ::

Death Stranding 2: On The Beach (DS2) - Gameplay Trailer | State of Play 2024

Kojima pa ima domišljijo >:D to so neke hude nore gobe :)

Kayzon ::

Haha gledal vceraj ponoci in je wtf celih 10 min,res da nisem se igral enke sam fak kojima,je prevec v svoji riti not :))

oo7 ::

Ja saj trailerji od Kojime so vsi dolgi in WTF :)

Kayzon ::

Iscem besedo kako bi opisal kojimo in mislim da ga najbolj opise beseda "pretentious".

Pithlit ::

Kayzon je izjavil:

Iscem besedo kako bi opisal kojimo in mislim da ga najbolj opise beseda "pretentious".

Ja? Lahko razložiš zakaj?
Life is as complicated as we make it...

Zmajc ::

Tip je pač kot Steve Jobs, zna lepo zapakirat in prodat svoje ideje. Enim njegove igre ne bodo nikoli pasale, drugi pa ga majo za genija.

Zna pa definitivno povedat unikatne zgodbe in igre z povprečnim gameplayem zapakirat na način da so kul a noben hud presežek.

oo7 ::

Kayzon je izjavil:

Iscem besedo kako bi opisal kojimo in mislim da ga najbolj opise beseda "pretentious".

Glede na wikipedijo bi ta beseda bila auteur :)

Hideo Kojima is a Japanese video game designer. He is regarded as an auteur of video games.

An auteur is an artist with a distinctive approach, usually a film director whose filmmaking control is so unbounded and personal that the director is likened to the "author" of the film, thus manifesting the director's unique style or thematic focus.[

Pithlit ::

Mene res zanima zakaj "pretentious". Sicer sem kar ziher da nekdo ne ve kaj ta beseda sploh pomeni ampak... lahko se motim.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

oo7 ::

Death Stranding 2's filming and recording is complete, but now it's entering an "adjustment phase" that'll last for over a year


This means it likely won't launch until the latter half of 2025

oo7 ::


scipascapa ::

Zgleda super.

oo7 ::

DEATH STRANDING 5th Anniversary Comment from Hideo Kojima

oo7 ::

As Death Stranding 2: On the Beach gets rated in South Korea and Hideo Kojima appears to tease a new trailer, a release date seems more likely than ever

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