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Shadow of War (Shadow of Mordor 2)

Shadow of War (Shadow of Mordor 2)


oo7 ::

We all know Monolith Productions have been working for an unnannounced project for almost two years and it seem quite logical this will be Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor 2, but we have hadn’t an official announcement yet. Today we found a clue which made us believe that the sequel of the critical acclaimed game is nearly to be announced. On famous stunt Lauren Mary Kim‘s Curriculum Vitae we found Shadow of Mordor 2 in the last line of Motion Capture section.

Shadow of Mordor 2 Shows Up on Stunt Actor's Resume: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/shadow...

Prvi del Shadow of Mordor mi je bil dober tako, da bom z veseljem tudi drugega preigral :)
  • spremenil: ahac ()


komaj čakam nadaljevanje =)

oo7 ::

Shadow Of Mordor Sequel Leaked, Revealed As Shadow Of War

Shadow of War supposedly releases this August.


Moderator če lahko popravite naslov v Shadow Of War. Hvala :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

Ghost007 ::


Tr0n ::

22. avgust.

oo7 ::

Zelo dober trailer :D ampak aaahhh bom raje tiho :))

22 avgust USA
25 avgust Evropa

yoco ::

Grem še enkrat prvo igro preigrat :D
Upam, da ne bo kakšnega delaya!

oo7 ::

Prvi del je bil dober sploh pa studijo Monolith Productions dela dobre igre :)

Men osebno njihove najboljše igre.

2000 - The Operative: No One Lives Forever

2001 - Aliens versus Predator 2

2002 - No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way

2005 F.E.A.R.

2005 Condemned: Criminal Origins

oo7 ::


OS: Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update for Windows 7
Processor: Intel i5- 2550K, 3.4 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 670 | Radeon HD 7950
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 60 GB available space


OS: Windows 10 version 14393.102 or higher required
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770, 3.4 GHz
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 970 or GeForce 1060 | Radeon R9 290X or Radeon RX 480
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 60 GB available space


tole se bo lepo na 4k igral :)

ahac ::

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

yoco ::

Tole zgleda noro hudo! :)

scipascapa ::

lepo samo cene.

oo7 ::

Opa kar nekaj novih moči, ki jih ni bilo v prvem delu :)

Tr0n ::

opeter ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Prvi del je bil dober sploh pa studijo Monolith Productions dela dobre igre :)

Jaz bi omenil še igro Shogo: M.A.D. Vsaj meni je bila odlična igra in jo še rade volje kadarkoli "zakurblam". S pomočjo dgVoodooja dela tudi na vsemogočih in nemogočih novejših konfiguracijah.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Kehgart ::

yoco ::

Nisem nikjer zasledil, a bo igra imela "open world"?

scipascapa ::


oo7 ::

Samo šefovske boje morajo popraviti z prvega dela pa bo zakon drugače pa zgleda zelo dobro :)

oo7 ::

Shadow of War: Making the City of Minas Ithil - IGN First

oo7 ::

Shadow of War: Unlocking the Predator Skill Tree

Hudo :)

oo7 ::

Shadow of War: Weapons and Gear Detailed


oo7 ::

MIDDLE EARTH Shadow of War Open World Trailer


oo7 ::

Igra bo malo zamudila. Igra bi morala iziti avgusta 2017 pa so jo prestavili na 10 oktober 2017.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

veqlargh ::

Kar naj si vzamejo čas.

oo7 ::

Middle-earth: Shadow of War -- Story Trailer

Tr0n ::

Meh, amirite?

oo7 ::

Shadow of War - E3 2017 Cinematic Footage

oo7 ::

MIDDLE EARTH: Shadow Of War 4K Gameplay E3 2017


oo7 ::

Shadow of War New Gameplay (Dragon Boss Fight)


scipascapa ::

1ka GOTY je 5,99$ na US PSN.

oo7 ::

SHADOW OF WAR Shelob SPIDER Story Trailer

oo7 ::

Oh ja :))

'Shadow of War' Brings a Key First to Lord of the Rings: A Black Character

Baranor isn't just important for this story, but for the entire world of the Lord of the Rings. In the second edition of the Fellowship of the Ring, Tolkien said that he hated when comparisons were made between his story and events that happened around the world, or between his characters and real historical figures. But it's almost impossible not to notice that the narrative behind the Lord of the Rings echoes or reflect much that we see in our own society. Unsurprisingly, Tolkien's works were called racist by scholars and critics, such as the journalist John Yatt, in an article published in the Guardian.

Baranor is the greatest sign that Monolith is learning how to revamp this universe in ways that even the films did not. As Salisbury described Baranor, he explained that it's very important to create "a character that's well-rooted in the [Middle-earth] universe" but it's also important to design a character that reflects the perspectives of the world nowadays, in a body of work that deserved to be updated.


oo7 ::

SHADOW OF WAR Monsters Trailer (Xbox One X/PS4/PC)

Alien123 ::

al se samo meni zdi, da tole zgleda malo bolj cheap vizualno?

oo7 ::

SHADOW OF WAR Live Action Teaser Trailer

oo7 ::

SHADOW OF WAR Live Action Extended Trailer


ahac ::

Developer išče izgovore za lootboxe, ampak jih ne najde:

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Tr0n ::

Izgovor = money.

Nothing to see here, move along.

m0f0x ::

Bo spet fajn pogledat Angry Joe rant review.

oo7 ::

Prve ocene - http://opencritic.com/game/4213/middle-...

God is a Geek 10.0 / 10.0
Game Informer 9.5 / 10.0
COGconnected 94 / 100
Game Rant 90 / 100
IGN 9.0 / 10.0
GamesRadar+ 90 / 100
Critical Hit 9.0 / 10.0
Spaziogames 9.0 / 10.0
Shacknews 9 / 10
GamingBolt 9.0 / 10.0
Hobby Consolas 90 / 100
Wccftech 8.9 / 10.0
Xbox Achievements 85%
DualShockers 8.5 / 10.0
IGN Italy 8.3 / 10.0
TheSixthAxis 8 / 10
PlayStation Universe 8.0 / 10.0
USgamer 80 / 100
M3 8 / 10
Gadgets 360 8 / 10
Push Square 8 / 10
Twinfinite 4.0 / 5.0
Polygon 7.5 / 10.0
PC Gamer 73 / 100
Stevivor 7.0 / 10.0
GameSpot 7 / 10

Tr0n ::

Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Review Thread

A greatly expanded and improved action game let down by a dreadful story. - Eurogamer

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Ciklamen ::

A spet bo slab story, kot je bil v Shadow of Mordor? :(
- End of the Post ->

Tr0n ::

Akcija, akcija in akcija I guess. :)

oo7 ::

Clueless Gamer: "Shadow Of War" With Kumail Nanjiani - CONAN on TBS

oo7 ::

Ta igra na PC-ju zasede skoraj 100 GB

Middle-earth: Shadow of War is a 97.7GB download on PC

Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Fighting in The Arena (4K)

Igra izide jutri

ahac ::

Večina teh 100GB so še zaprti lootboxi. ;)
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

ahac je izjavil:

Večina teh 100GB so še zaprti lootboxi. ;)

Sem mislil kupiti ob izidu pa sem se premislil bom nabavil kasneje.

oo7 ::

Ta mesec izide kar nekaj iger, ki bi jih rad preigral ampak privoščil si bom samo eno ostale pa čez čas, ker imam itak še nekaj drugih starejših za preigrati.

10 oktober - Shadow of War (Shadow of Mordor 2) bom počakal na razprodajo

13 oktober - The Evil Within prvi del mi ni bil všeč mogoče enkrat drugega na razprodaji

17 oktober - Elex to igro bom po vsej verjetnoti kupil ob izidu ampak čakam na kakšen opis :)

24 oktober - Destiny 2 še ne vem moti me, ker ni na Steamu

27 oktober - Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus verjetno kasneje

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

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