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For Honor

For Honor


Pesimist ::

ne vem za kaj sem dal. Pomoje za ps4, maybe tudi za xbox vendar majn verjetno. Zelel bi pa pc ofcurse.

oo7 ::

Sem pogledal na mail še vedno ni ključa za beto;(( pa tudi v Uplay pod games nimam nikjer For Honor bete.

Drugače pa beta se začne : The closed beta starts on January 26 at 3PM CET/ 2PM GMT and wraps ups on January 30 at 2AM CET/ 1AM GMT.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

polpo ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Sem pogledal na mail še vedno ni ključa za beto;(( pa tudi v Uplay pod games nimam nikjer For Honor bete.

Drugače pa beta se začne : The closed beta starts on January 26 at 3PM CET/ 2PM GMT and wraps ups on January 30 at 2AM CET/ 1AM GMT.

Ker kot je bilo že rečeno ne dobiš sploh ključa.
Sam sem dobila ta navodila na mail:
How to access the Closed Beta on Uplay PC
You can now download the For Honor Closed Beta on your Uplay Launcher.
Open your Uplay PC Client
It opens on the "my games" section where you should find the game
Click on the For Honor Closed Beta icon
Download the game and prepare for the battle

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: polpo ()

Tr0n ::

Uplay? Yuck!

Pesimist ::

sej menda ni garnacije da bodo vsi dobili anyway. Jaz sem registriro vceraj en username na PC. Drugi pa je menda za PS4. In na dobenem nimam bete ali keya.

Ce je sploh nebom imel moznosti sprobat je ne mislim kupit. Razen ce dobiva same 9+ ocene.
Ze za to ekr fighting isistem zgleda slabse kot assasin creed. Animacije in konekcije med udarci.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pesimist ()

oo7 ::

polpo je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Sem pogledal na mail še vedno ni ključa za beto;(( pa tudi v Uplay pod games nimam nikjer For Honor bete.

Drugače pa beta se začne : The closed beta starts on January 26 at 3PM CET/ 2PM GMT and wraps ups on January 30 at 2AM CET/ 1AM GMT.

Ker kot je bilo že rečeno ne dobiš sploh ključa.
Sam sem dobila ta navodila na mail:
How to access the Closed Beta on Uplay PC
You can now download the For Honor Closed Beta on your Uplay Launcher.
Open your Uplay PC Client
It opens on the "my games" section where you should find the game
Click on the For Honor Closed Beta icon
Download the game and prepare for the battle

Ja jaz sploh nisem dobil nič na email. Pa sem danes še enkrat poslal prošnjo za Beto preko Uplay-a pa mi je javilo - You're already registered for the Beta

No tole je moj Uplay in moje igre, ki jih imam in ni nikjer For honor.

polpo ::

Kot je napisal @Pesimist, možno, da nisi bil (še) izbran.

ahac ::

Saj ni open beta, ampak je
Open beta: dostop dobijo vsi, ki se prijavijo.
Closed beta: dostop dobijo le izbrani (lahko random, lahko čisto po izbiri developerjev)

Verjetno je prijavljenih veliko več kot jih bodo sprejel.
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

sentiš ::

Sej vsak ki dobi invite za beto lahko povabi 2 kolega.

sentiš ::

Ubisoft je dal beta key, ki se lahko uporabi 500x: GM3M3G9D92C6
Če kdo nima, naj proba, če še deluje.

"Here it is: GM3M3G9D92C6
You'll need to redeem it here www.forhonorgame.com/betaredeem
Log in with your Uplay account, select the platform you wish to play on, and redeem the code above to unlock your access to the Closed Beta. You will get your access key and more information by email. Please note that if you play on PC the game will automatically be added to your Uplay library."

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sentiš ()

grandioso74 ::

Dobil za x1, vendar me prejšnjič gejm ni navdušil.

Pesimist ::

neh ce ne dobim keja je odlocitev simple. Nabavim pac Nioh.

Pa oni 500xtni zgori je ze zcuzan :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pesimist ()

Gamelife ::

Če bi kdo rad probal beto, naj mi javi na zs.

Pesimist ::

mam zaj beto, sfehto na twitch kanalu https://www.twitch.tv/forhonorgame

da vidimo te kaki je feeling.
Orginal ce bi sicer imel raje na ps4 zarad majn cheaterjev ceprav imam 1080gtx.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pesimist ()

oo7 ::

Če bi kdo rad kodo za BETO jo lahko dobi tukaj - http://www.gameswelt.de/for-honor/gewin...

Vse izpolnite in obkljukajte razen na novice se vam ni treba naročati in potrdite potem pa dobite email in kodo potem pa orate kodo samo še potrditi.

Vse kar potrebujete je Uplay.

Pesimist ::

Meh.... to the game :\
Mislim da preferira nioh big time.

Slabi dve uri zapravo v spilu z player vs AI. Za drugo ocitno serveri v pizdi.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pesimist ()

oo7 ::

Grafika je zelo dobra.

Gameplay je težak sploh, ker je potrebno menjavati obrambo levo desno in zgoraj. Sem igral proti AI in so me je skoraj vedno zmleli.

No mene ta igra zanima zaradi single playerja tako, da ne bom hitel z nakupom. Predvsem me zanima koliko ur je dolg single player.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

sentiš ::

Kje je vaš PVP duh? Ne moreš to igrat proti AI in single player :))

Pesimist ::

ce ne dela druga. Serveri so stabilni ko zlomlene jajce. Nisem najso nasprotnikov niti v duel modu. lol

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pesimist ()

Pesimist ::

delay uplay? ze vec kot uro nemrem loginat v uplay client.

next3steps ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Grafika je zelo dobra.

Gameplay je težak sploh, ker je potrebno menjavati obrambo levo desno in zgoraj. Sem igral proti AI in so me je skoraj vedno zmleli.

No mene ta igra zanima zaradi single playerja tako, da ne bom hitel z nakupom. Predvsem me zanima koliko ur je dolg single player.

Če hoče kdo hardcore sabljačino za PC, naj proba Blade Simphony

sentiš ::

Sem prekinila moje prednaročilo igre. Je samo še 2 tedna do izida, ampak meni ne deluje, da so sploh kaj spremenili od prejšnjega zaprtega alfa testiranja. Nič. Networking sploh ne deluje tako kot treba, ni nobenega magičnega Peer2peer sistema, kot so napovedovali.

Škoda, ker mi je igra všeč. Mogoče bodo pa čez kako leto končno popravili vse kot je treba, da ne bo treba od 1 ure igranja 45 minut porabit zaradi napak v povezljivosti, napak v matchmakingu in ponovnih zagonov igre.

oo7 ::

Try these workarounds if you can’t launch the For Honor beta on PC

Workaround 1

Run Uplay in Admin mode: right-lick on the Uplay icon > Properties > Compatibility and choose ‘Run this programme as an admin’
Workaround 2

Disable anti-virus software or add the game and Uplay to the list of exclusions
If you’re running BitDefender you’ll need to disable ‘Active Threat Control’, if adding the game to the exclusion list doesn’t fix it
Workaround 3

If you’re running on an Intel integrated GPU, try forcing the dedicated GPU instead: under the “Manage 3D Settings” tab in the Nvidia control panel, navigate to your game’s .exe and specify which GPU to use from there.
Workaround 4

Ensure the game is installed on your C: drive
Workaround 5

Try launching the game from an entirely new Windows system profile
Workaround 6

Try unplugging your controller/non-essential peripherals then launch the game again (you can reconnect it after launching the game)
Try temporarily disabling any software linked to the controllers.


For Honor beta: all known issues on PC, Xbox One and PS4 and how to fix them

For Honor PC known issues
General Issues

[PC] Easy AntiCheat – Impossible to launch the game
Easy AntiCheat sometimes displays an error message. Afterwards the game doesn´t launch at all or just closes after the intro videos.
Workaround: Use the “Verify File Integrity” option in Uplay PC client. Open your For Honor – Closed Beta game page, click “Properties”, and in the “Local files” section select “Verify files”.
[PC] Easy AntiCheat – Easy AntiCheat sometimes displays an error message with error code 10018
Easy AntiCheat sometimes displays an error message with error code 10018.
Workaround: Close the game, check that all game processes have ended correctly (or close them using Task Manager), and restart the game.
Close the game and restart Uplay PC client.
[PC] Game does not launch when BitDefender is enabled
Game does not launch when BitDefender “Active Threat Control” is enabled.
Workaround: Disable BitDefender “Active Threat Control”.
FAQ link
[PC] The game will occasionally not fully quit
Workaround: Player must go into Task Manager and end the ForHonor process.
[PC] User may be unable to quit to desktop
User may be unable to quit to desktop after getting a “connection has been lost” error message while being idle on matchmaking.
Workaround: Player must restart the game.
[PC] Player’s progression is not saved before launching a multiplayer game
If the player reboots the game before a multiplayer match, their progression will be lost (Faction, Emblem, and Tutorial).
Workaround: Player must launch at least one multiplayer game.
Connectivity & Online Issues

[Crash in-game] Random crashes
This is a Closed Beta therefore players might experience random crashes throughout the game.
Workaround: Re-start the game. A crash log is automatically sent for investigation.
[PC] Disconnections
Disconnections were reported most often during the loading of a multiplayer match or at the end of a multiplayer match.
Workaround: Re-enter the matchmaking flow or re-start the game if needed.
[PC] Matchmaking Group Issues
Group leader who is the host of the session is sometimes unable to rejoin the same session.
Workaround: Depending on which screen the player is stuck, try backing out into the main menu or restarting the game.
[PC] NAT Type Group Issues
Groups with more than 1 Strict NAT are not recommended as they will not be able to reach matchmaking.
Workaround: Preferably invite friends with open or moderate NAT types.
[PC] Mixed Region Group Connectivity Issues
Users might encounter connectivity issues when grouping with players from other regions.
Workaround: It’s not recommended to create mixed region groups.

[PC] uPlay Achievement
‘Achievement Unlocked’ pop up with blank thumbnail is displayed on Closed Beta build.
[PC] Duel rewards (1v1 VS AI)
User is presented with a pop-up stating that the Rewards will be added automatically when the response comes in. Rewards are not always sent in real time.
[PC] Group leader is kicked from the group
Group leader is kicked from the group after leaving the session with “quit with group” option.
Workaround: Currently no work around.
[PC] Host kicked from the group
After playing a “Custom Match” in a group, if the host selects “Change Options” in the post-match screen, he/she will leave the group.
Workaround: Currently no work around.
For Honor PS4 and Xbox One known issues
General Issues

[XB1] Returning players from Closed Alpha do not need to redeem the Closed Beta Key.
Press the XONE button in the center of the controller to access your Games & Apps section.
Select the Closed Alpha build and re-download it if previously deleted.
The game will auto-update to the Closed Beta build without a need for the provided key.
[XB1] Users cannot log in without changing “share content” privacy setting.
Workaround: Sharing content privacy, located under “Xbox Live privacy” > “Safety account settings” > must be set to «everybody»
[XB1 & PS4] Player’s progression is not saved before launching a multiplayer game.
If the player reboots the game before a multiplayer match, their progression will be lost (Faction, Emblem, and Tutorial)
Workaround: Player must launch at least one multiplayer game.


sentiš je izjavil:

Sem prekinila moje prednaročilo igre. Je samo še 2 tedna do izida, ampak meni ne deluje, da so sploh kaj spremenili od prejšnjega zaprtega alfa testiranja. Nič. Networking sploh ne deluje tako kot treba, ni nobenega magičnega Peer2peer sistema, kot so napovedovali.

Škoda, ker mi je igra všeč. Mogoče bodo pa čez kako leto končno popravili vse kot je treba, da ne bo treba od 1 ure igranja 45 minut porabit zaradi napak v povezljivosti, napak v matchmakingu in ponovnih zagonov igre.

Tudi jaz bom počakal kakšno leto ali dve pa še cenejša bo takrat.

scipascapa ::


Pesimist ::

Domination mode se mi ne dopade. Za duel ni vredu spil. Brawl pa rabis frienda. Tak da jaz nix od tega nimam.

Za duel ni nareto, ker lahko drugi player menja karakter pa te pwna, medtem ko si ga z prejsnim ti pwno. Brezveze skratka.

Mislim da bo to muha enodnevnica. Obupal se sicer ne bom. Ampak za enrkat se mi zdi slabse kot Chivalary medival warfare.

Sicer stane le 40€ trenutno pri cdkey.com

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pesimist ()

Rusty77 ::

Čakal sem 2 meseca da končno sprobam špil in sem ga včeraj in danes špilal ene 5ur skupaj in nekako mi ne potegne špil. Mam rad medieval stuff in zgleda kul tud combat je kr zabaven ampak mislim da bi se zelo hitro naveličal špila in bi mi bilo škoda 60eu. Pa kar precej sem salty ko zgubljam haha. Mislim da bom kar počakal da vidim kako bo z igro v naslednjih mesecih po izidu. Dominion se mi zdi beden in minioni se mi zdijo kot da so bolj v napoto kot pa kaj drugega. 2vs2 je zabavno če igraš s frendom a le v primwru če je opponent honorable in počaka da se dokonča fight. 1vs1 je fajn ampak se hitro naveličaš, no vsaj jaz sem se.

Pesimist ::

kontroler mi pa nedela skoz moonlight. WTF. To je prvi spil ki ne dela.
razen ce to fuksa
# List of supported device types:

sicer logiceh 310 je kau xbox360 compatible pad. Localno ga sploh nisem probo ce dela.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pesimist ()

dolenc ::

Mogoče si xinput mode izklopu

Pesimist ::

ne. local dela samo skoz moonlight ne dela. To dvomim da bo fixano sploh.

Ghost007 ::

čudni balanc imajo heroti. Najbolj pametno je izbrati tistega, ki ti leži. Jaz lahko samo z prvim vikingom in vitezom ubijam.

ahac ::

Možno, da bo tudi open beta (če ta email ni fake):

February 9th-12th is the Open beta, where you can pledge your sword to Knights, Vikings, or Samurai, then fight for your faction alongside your favorite generals!

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Ghost007 ::


Ekstremno nizke cene? https://uk.gamesplanet.com/game/for-hon...
EDIT: Zgleda da ni EU davka vračunanega. Paypal pravi 39EUR

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

oo7 ::

ahac je izjavil:

Možno, da bo tudi open beta (če ta email ni fake):

February 9th-12th is the Open beta, where you can pledge your sword to Knights, Vikings, or Samurai, then fight for your faction alongside your favorite generals!

Sem dobil email od Ubisofta in bo open beta.

sentiš ::

Je smešno, ko ljudje branijo igro in buge in napake, da je šele v beti, smo pa 14 dni pred izidom.

bajsibajsi ::

Rusty77 je izjavil:

Čakal sem 2 meseca da končno sprobam špil in sem ga včeraj in danes špilal ene 5ur skupaj in nekako mi ne potegne špil. Mam rad medieval stuff in zgleda kul tud combat je kr zabaven ampak mislim da bi se zelo hitro naveličal špila in bi mi bilo škoda 60eu...

Chivalry dobis za evro ali dva. Polna bugov, a zabavna, MP igra.

oo7 ::

For Honor Trailer: Season Pass & Post Launch (DLC)

oo7 ::

Clueless Gamer Super Bowl Edition: "For Honor" - CONAN on TBS


oo7 ::

For Honor open beta now available to pre-load

For Honor - In the Battle 360° Trailer [UK]

Ghost007 ::

na steamu je tut. Odlična priložnost da vidim ce ima steam boljši support.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

sentiš ::

Steam je samo posrednik, igraš še vedno na Uplayu.

Ghost007 ::

ni nujno. Kompatibilno morajo nareet da deluje inhome streaming, steamlinnk, steam controller, steam input. Oz vsaj probati. Watchdogs 2 uplay ne dela. Steam verzije pa nebom kupo da probam. Bo pa zaj for honor free test.

Zaradi te za kurc anti cheat protekcije.

Imam sicer workarounde tudi za watch dogs 2 vendar bi bilo fino da jih ne bi rabil.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

Ghost007 ::

je pa to dilema ko dobis 60EUR base game na stemu ali 68EUR gold game pri CDKey.com Uplay edicija. Tako da upam da se steam verzija odziva isto crap.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

next3steps ::

Če ti je EAC zanič, pol sta VAC in BattlEye istotako zanič

Ghost007 ::

zanič je če onemogoča nekaj kaj ni cheat.. Totalno zanič!
Battleye in VAC nimata problemov z tem.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

kitl76 ::

Kdaj se začne Alpha ob 12h?

Ghost007 ::


kitl76 ::


sundance ::

Eno vprašanje, ali je komu uspelo igrat igro z gamepadom na pc, gamepadom, ki ni uradno potrjen. Probavam z x360ce emulatorjem, sem opzail par tem na tujih forumih, da folk ne more multiplayer igrat ker ga anicheat prohragm zazna kot 3party neki.
No meni še do te točne ne uspe priti enostavno igra ne zazna controlerja, tudi v sami igri pod setting niti ne najdem opcije, da spremeniš keyboard in mouse v controler. Ne vem možmo, da sm tudi sam mal jolbe v glavnem, za vsako info hvala.
Stvar je, da mi je igra kr kul sam z miško res ni dobr filing igrat, blocking parrying se mi zdi slab z miško.

Tr0n ::

Heh, Ubi login je down, ne mores niti downloadat nic.


Ghost007 ::

Na PS4 deluje dosti bolse kot PCju. Na PCju redko koncam igro pa nonstop rdeci NAT. Kljub DMZ.

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