Forum » Igre » Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Ghost007 ::
Jaz sem probal simple assault na najtezjem brez posebne strategije. Ni skoro izvedljivo ker strelajo kar skoz travo. Edino kolko tolko je z avtom šlo se zapelati v neko malo vas pa jih pokositi skoz okna ce te slucajno ni v čelo trofo. Snyc shoot sem kar dosti uporabljal ampak to je tudi samo za enga. Pol se pa predolgo reloada v assault situaciji. Ziher bi pa to prej igral kot one bedne tropkse GTAje. Pozabo ime trenutno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

oo7 ::
Evo najavljena open beta za Ghost Recon: Wildlands. Točen datum še ni znan ampak, ker bo igra izšla čez 1 mesec bo najbrž kar kmalu.

oo7 ::
Open beta od 23-27 Februarja
Open beta will be available to download on PC, PS4, and Xbox One without prior need to register or redeem keys anywhere. The open beta goes live on Thursday, February 23 and will remain online all the way through Monday, February 27.
Open beta will be available to download on PC, PS4, and Xbox One without prior need to register or redeem keys anywhere. The open beta goes live on Thursday, February 23 and will remain online all the way through Monday, February 27.

oo7 ::
GDC 2017 Flash Forward: 'Ghost Recon Wildlands': Terrain Tools and Technology
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Trailer: Official TV Spot [US]
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Trailer: Official TV Spot [US]

kitl76 ::
Evo probal Open beta se mi zdi kot mešanica Watch Dogs 2 in Far Cry. Igra zelo grafično lepa open world sistem in pa tudi sam combat je zelo dober. Prva ocena je 5.

Berserker ::
Igraj, dokler ocena ne pade na vsaj 3.
Sicer kaj dejansko se v tej igri počne? Hodiš od točke do točke in čistiš postojanke? Še The Division je bolj smiseln za igranje.
Sicer kaj dejansko se v tej igri počne? Hodiš od točke do točke in čistiš postojanke? Še The Division je bolj smiseln za igranje.

oo7 ::
Closed beto sem igral na PS4 pa mi strelanje ni ravno šlo dobro tako, da bom zdaj sprobal open beto na Pc-ju.

oo7 ::
Moje mnenje.
Mapa je res lepa in razgibana zdaj v open beti so odklenili še en predel, ki v closed beti ni bil odklenjen.
Gameplay mi je všeč sploh preklaplanje med prvo in tretjo osebo.
Vožnja avta mi je zaenkrat čudna drugače pa če gređ po brezpotju se avto obnaša zelo čudno.
Tudi meni se zdi, da bi igra znala postati hitro dolgočasna če je samo osvobajanje ozemlja.
Jaz zaenkrat nisem za nakup bom počakal na razprodajo.
Mapa je res lepa in razgibana zdaj v open beti so odklenili še en predel, ki v closed beti ni bil odklenjen.
Gameplay mi je všeč sploh preklaplanje med prvo in tretjo osebo.
Vožnja avta mi je zaenkrat čudna drugače pa če gređ po brezpotju se avto obnaša zelo čudno.
Tudi meni se zdi, da bi igra znala postati hitro dolgočasna če je samo osvobajanje ozemlja.
Jaz zaenkrat nisem za nakup bom počakal na razprodajo.

kitl76 ::
Kot Just Cause 3 samo z lepšo grafiko. Za vozila je pa gamepad.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kitl76 ()

oo7 ::

opeter ::
Mene tole spominja na Mercenaries serijo.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

kitl76 ::
Mene pa čedalje bolj na Just Cause 3 pa ne vem zakaj. Grafika mi je pa noro dodelana.
Kako se preklopi v FPS?
Kako se preklopi v FPS?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kitl76 ()

oo7 ::

Machete ::
Mene pa čedalje bolj na Just Cause 3 pa ne vem zakaj. Grafika mi je pa noro dodelana.
Kako se preklopi v FPS?
-Predvidevam, da nimaš BF1 npr..
-Preklopi samo, ko nameriš. Zgolj 1st p. pogled ne obstaja afaik.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Machete ::
Aha ok. Ja meni je grafika pač normalna za 2017. OK. Daleč pa od noro dodelane.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Machete ::
Mene kar meče v SP. Igram s kolegoma coop in me kar vrže v SP v en team z AI. V nastavitvah imam sklopljeno tisto opcijo, da ti lahko nekaj predlaga boljši connection game al neki. Še koga premetava? Recimo ok kakšno uro, potem me pa v pol ure disconnecta ali migrira 6x ..
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Ghost007 ::
Sej je ok igra. Watchdogs z Army settingsom. Bom enrkat na sellu verjetno kupo ker nujno rabims steam verzijo. Zdaj tak se imam ARMa 2 in 3 za prespilat.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

grobijan ::
Precej ponavljajoča zadeva. Predvsem me pa zanima koliko contenta bodo spremenili v plačljive DLCje..

kitl76 ::
Tako kot sem rekel kopija Just Cause 3 z nadgradnjo grafike. Take igre so mi zelo všeč zato bo ta verjetno pristala v moji zbirki originalnih iger. Je pa res tudi JC 3 se je ponavljal.

Ghost007 ::
JC jaz ne maram. Prevec nerelaisticno.
Je pa problem z AI. Zdi se mi da so totalni debili. Kolkokrat me gre ressurectat sredi firefigta ko 3 na tbe strelajo in kompletno ignorirajo napadalce. Ali pa gre v open napadat 3 nasprotnike. Cover jim je prakticno tujka v figtu.
Je pa problem z AI. Zdi se mi da so totalni debili. Kolkokrat me gre ressurectat sredi firefigta ko 3 na tbe strelajo in kompletno ignorirajo napadalce. Ali pa gre v open napadat 3 nasprotnike. Cover jim je prakticno tujka v figtu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

grobijan ::
Frend se skrije za vogal, js distractam AI z granato iz kontra smeri, takoj ko eksplodira granata, AI začne streljat frenda skritega v coverju.

kitl76 ::
A imaš gamepad? Meni samo ghelikopter dela težave ostala vozila in plovila pa ne.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kitl76 ()

Machete ::
Mene zadeva ni niti približno prepričala. Mogoče za 10eur.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Machete ()

F474N ::
Sem igral open beto in moram reči da je mapa res ogromna, a problem nastane da je vožnja z vsemi vozili katastrofalna!
Grafika odlična vendar rabiš zelo dober računalnik. Gameplay dober, prav tako AI. Lahko bi bilo več zgodbe, nekako mi jo manjka.
Ali je vredna denarja, rekel bi da žal ne.
Grafika odlična vendar rabiš zelo dober računalnik. Gameplay dober, prav tako AI. Lahko bi bilo več zgodbe, nekako mi jo manjka.
Ali je vredna denarja, rekel bi da žal ne.

kitl76 ::
Ne vem vsi tarnate nad vožnjo. Jaz vozim z gamepad-om pa se zadeva lepo obnaša. Meni je pa nasprotno kot tebi igra vredna denarja in bo verjetno prva i"draga" igra po JC3. No še prej bom pa kak mesec počakal morda me pa le Partis preseneti


F474N ::

oo7 ::

kitl76 ::
Tudi jaz sem zaradi tega prodal Xbox One in si kupil nov PC. Samo pri PC-ju je ta prednost, da lahko kombiniraš miš tipkovnico in gamepad.

grobijan ::
Po closed beti sem še mislil kupit. Po open beti sem pa videl da mislijo samo eno in isto nabijat, pa sem se premislil.

Machete ::
Po closed beti sem še mislil kupit. Po open beti sem pa videl da mislijo samo eno in isto nabijat, pa sem se premislil.
Enako. Tole je DOA.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

oo7 ::
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Trailer: Narco Road DLC - Expansion 1
In Narco Road, Ghost Recon Wildlands' first of two DLC expansions, your mission will be to infiltrate El Invisible's crazy gang of smugglers, work your way up the ranks to gain his trust and bring El Invisible to justice.
In Narco Road, Ghost Recon Wildlands' first of two DLC expansions, your mission will be to infiltrate El Invisible's crazy gang of smugglers, work your way up the ranks to gain his trust and bring El Invisible to justice.

kitl76 ::
Sem čakal crackano verzijo pa je še kar ni tako, da sem si celo po dolgem času privoščil original.


oo7 ::

kitl76 ::
Meni je odlična tako kot mi je bil Watch Dogs 2. Očitno ima folk dosti proti Ubisoftu pa samo pljuvajo.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Ker se gre ravno o Ubisoftu.
Vivendi Will Reportedly Pursue A Ubisoft Takeover This Year
Ubisoft may be faced with a hostile takeover attempt before the end of the year.
Reuters reports that, in the midst of declining share prices and consternation among investors who are unsure of the company's direction, Vivendi will become more aggressive with acquisitions this year. The French media conglomerate has its eyes on more than just elements of the games industry, but Ubisoft is said to be one of its first targets, along with Havas, an advertising company it already owns 60% of.
Speaking about Ubisoft and Havas, a source told Reuters, "Vivendi is moving to the second phase; everything will take place this year." Another source said that, while Vivendi would have a limit on how much it'd be willing to spend, "The logical thing would be to buy Ubisoft."
Ubisoft and its CEO, Yves Guillemot, have expressed their vehement opposition to Vivendi's maneuvering. Guillemot has suggested a takeover would cost Ubisoft its agility and ability to take risks.
Vivendi, which once owned Activision, acquired the mobile game developer Gameloft last year. Gameloft was founded by Michel Guillemot, the brother of Yves Guillemot.
Vivendi - Vivendi @ Wikipedia
Industry - Mass media
Founded 14 December 1853; 163 years ago
Founder Napoleon III (by Imperial decree)
Vivendi Will Reportedly Pursue A Ubisoft Takeover This Year
Ubisoft may be faced with a hostile takeover attempt before the end of the year.
Reuters reports that, in the midst of declining share prices and consternation among investors who are unsure of the company's direction, Vivendi will become more aggressive with acquisitions this year. The French media conglomerate has its eyes on more than just elements of the games industry, but Ubisoft is said to be one of its first targets, along with Havas, an advertising company it already owns 60% of.
Speaking about Ubisoft and Havas, a source told Reuters, "Vivendi is moving to the second phase; everything will take place this year." Another source said that, while Vivendi would have a limit on how much it'd be willing to spend, "The logical thing would be to buy Ubisoft."
Ubisoft and its CEO, Yves Guillemot, have expressed their vehement opposition to Vivendi's maneuvering. Guillemot has suggested a takeover would cost Ubisoft its agility and ability to take risks.
Vivendi, which once owned Activision, acquired the mobile game developer Gameloft last year. Gameloft was founded by Michel Guillemot, the brother of Yves Guillemot.
Vivendi - Vivendi @ Wikipedia
Industry - Mass media
Founded 14 December 1853; 163 years ago
Founder Napoleon III (by Imperial decree)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
The second DLC for Ghost Recon: Wildlands is called Fallen Ghosts, and it's arriving in the next few weeks -- May 30 for season pass holders and June 6 for everyone else.
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