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Rainbow Six Siege

oo7 ::
Rainbow Six Siege free to play this weekend on PC and Xbox One
Rainbow Six Siege is going to be available for PC and Xbox One players for free, as part of a new, long weekend promotion.
It kicks off today at 1:00pm EDT/5pm GMT/ 6pm BST on PC, and should be already available on Xbox One at the time of writing. PC players have until l:00pm EDT/5pm GMT/ 6pm BST on Monday, August 1 to take advantage, and Xbox One players have until 3am EDT/7am GMT/ 8am BST on the same day.
On PC, you just need to download Uplay if you don't already have it, and click on the Rainbow Six Siege "Free Weekend" banner. For Xbox One, a download link should be available on the game's store page.
As an added bonus, the Siege's standard and gold editions will be on sale for 50 percent off on the Xbox Games Store as well as Uplay. This offer ends on Sunday, July July 31.
Rainbow Six Siege is going to be available for PC and Xbox One players for free, as part of a new, long weekend promotion.
It kicks off today at 1:00pm EDT/5pm GMT/ 6pm BST on PC, and should be already available on Xbox One at the time of writing. PC players have until l:00pm EDT/5pm GMT/ 6pm BST on Monday, August 1 to take advantage, and Xbox One players have until 3am EDT/7am GMT/ 8am BST on the same day.
On PC, you just need to download Uplay if you don't already have it, and click on the Rainbow Six Siege "Free Weekend" banner. For Xbox One, a download link should be available on the game's store page.
As an added bonus, the Siege's standard and gold editions will be on sale for 50 percent off on the Xbox Games Store as well as Uplay. This offer ends on Sunday, July July 31.

Polenta ::
Iscem team za go4r6. Sicer smo samo trije za enkrat. Kdo je zainterisiran naj me doda na uplayu: Polenta_FTW

Seljak ::
Jaz imam to igro in bi se včasih šel malce tega skupnega razbijanja oken in vrat 
Aja,jaz sem mr.badass79

Aja,jaz sem mr.badass79
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Seljak ()

oo7 ::
Rainbow six siege starter edition je 14,99 eur na Steamu
What is the Rainbow Six Siege PC Starter Edition?
The Starter Edition...
- Provides full access to the Rainbow Six Siege game for 15€ / ?11.99 with a different system for unlocking operators (see below).
- Instantly unlocks up to 4 Operators.
- Requires additional grinding to unlock the remaining 16 original Operators (Operators are unlockable for 12,500 Renown, compared to 500-2,000 renown in the Standard Edition)
What content is available?
You have access to the full game. All content is available, including:
- All Modes: Multiplayer, Terrorist Hunt and Situations.
- All Operators & Post-Launch Operators.
- All 11 original Maps & free Post-Launch Maps
- All Game Modes: Bomb, Secure Area, Hostage
- All weapons & attachments
- Full progression (no level cap)
- Same servers / matchmaking as Standard Edition
- Etc.
What content is not available?
Since the Starter Edition is the full game, you have access to all of its content. However, Operators will require more grinding to unlock than is required in the Standard Edition.
Se splača vzeti to Starteredition?
What is the Rainbow Six Siege PC Starter Edition?
The Starter Edition...
- Provides full access to the Rainbow Six Siege game for 15€ / ?11.99 with a different system for unlocking operators (see below).
- Instantly unlocks up to 4 Operators.
- Requires additional grinding to unlock the remaining 16 original Operators (Operators are unlockable for 12,500 Renown, compared to 500-2,000 renown in the Standard Edition)
What content is available?
You have access to the full game. All content is available, including:
- All Modes: Multiplayer, Terrorist Hunt and Situations.
- All Operators & Post-Launch Operators.
- All 11 original Maps & free Post-Launch Maps
- All Game Modes: Bomb, Secure Area, Hostage
- All weapons & attachments
- Full progression (no level cap)
- Same servers / matchmaking as Standard Edition
- Etc.
What content is not available?
Since the Starter Edition is the full game, you have access to all of its content. However, Operators will require more grinding to unlock than is required in the Standard Edition.
Se splača vzeti to Starteredition?

next3steps ::
Seveda. Princip je isti kot v beti, čeprav final releasa nisem nikoli igral. Igraš 4 karaktarje in do tačas, da odkleneš petega, se vsaj nekaj od teh 4 karakterjev naučiš igrati.

oo7 ::
Rainbow Six Siege will be supported with new content for another year
The past year has been an incredible journey, and we are excited to have you join us for another full year of content!
The past year has been an incredible journey, and we are excited to have you join us for another full year of content!

next3steps ::
Ubisoft v prihodnosti ne bo več tako rakotvoren

oo7 ::
Rainbow Six Siege Free Weekend
PC -- From 1 PM ET, through 4 PM ET on February 5
PS4 -- From 1 PM ET, through 1 PM ET on February 6
Xbox One -- From 3:01 AM ET on February 2 through 2:59 AM ET on February 6
PC -- From 1 PM ET, through 4 PM ET on February 5
PS4 -- From 1 PM ET, through 1 PM ET on February 6
Xbox One -- From 3:01 AM ET on February 2 through 2:59 AM ET on February 6

scipascapa ::
o moj bog, sem sprobal vikend free na steamu, 5 minut in je šlo dol. jajca, da ni večjih.

mjolnir ::
o moj bog, sem sprobal vikend free na steamu, 5 minut in je šlo dol. jajca, da ni večjih.
A si jih fasal ane

next3steps ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
o moj bog, sem sprobal vikend free na steamu, 5 minut in je šlo dol. jajca, da ni večjih.
Sorry, ker ni kol of djuti

next3steps ::
Oh, pol pa sorči ker ni Battlefoeld. Insurgency in Red Orchestro poznaš?
Pa morda še Verdun ...
Pa morda še Verdun ...

kitl76 ::
Sem tole inštaliral pa mi dovoli samo prvo misijo igrat. A MP ne dela? Je pa res, da mi ni še vse dol potegnilo.

next3steps ::
Treba do konca dol cuknit. Je pa vsekakor bolje, da nubi igrate sprva samo misije, da se navadite na stil igre. Ni to CoD, kjer samo laufaš in streljaš. Čeprav teci i streljaj v tej igri istotako obstaja, je za to potrebno že malce več veščin.

oo7 ::
Men je edino škoda, ker Rainbow six Siege nima kampanije
Škoda, ker niso dokončali igre Rainbow Six: Patriots

Škoda, ker niso dokončali igre Rainbow Six: Patriots

lonewolf_ ::
Mi lahko kdo razloži zakaj imam rubber bandanje 1-3x na minuto? NAT type je ok, v zadnjem času nisem nič spreminjal.. pa zelo dosti se dogaja tega kar je v tem posnetku razvidno v prvih 13 sekundah...... jao. Ping je bil ~60, je pa res, da občasno izgubim kak paketek, če pingam, recimo 5 paketkov v eni uri. To ne bi smel bit problem?
R7 5700G + NH-U12P SE2 | Ballistix 2x8Gb 3000MHz
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S
Mortar Titanium | P1 500GB | Exos 3TB | SSD MX500 1TB
beQuiet 700W Gold | Fractal Design Define S

oo7 ::
Mi lahko kdo razloži zakaj imam rubber bandanje 1-3x na minuto? NAT type je ok, v zadnjem času nisem nič spreminjal.. pa zelo dosti se dogaja tega kar je v tem posnetku razvidno v prvih 13 sekundah...... jao. Ping je bil ~60, je pa res, da občasno izgubim kak paketek, če pingam, recimo 5 paketkov v eni uri. To ne bi smel bit problem?
Če kaj pomaga -

next3steps ::

Goingpewpew ::
Če je kdo zainteresiran za igranje, naj mi piše na privat. Trenutno variiramo v številu vendar bi bilo super imeti polno ekipo. Vsi smo leveli nad 100, igramo pa tako ranked kot casual. Edini pogoj je, da je starost vsaj okoli 20 let.

oo7 ::
Rainbow Six Siege has 20M registered players and 2.3M play everyday

Ghost007 ::
kero edicijo te buyas dans ko je tolko addon navleke?
jaz ponavadi vedno osnovne spile jemlem in ne deluxe+ crap.
Samo ce playeri ne migrirajo na nov content vsakih 6mescev?
jaz ponavadi vedno osnovne spile jemlem in ne deluxe+ crap.
Samo ce playeri ne migrirajo na nov content vsakih 6mescev?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

destroyer2k ::
kero edicijo te buyas dans ko je tolko addon navleke?
jaz ponavadi vedno osnovne spile jemlem in ne deluxe+ crap.
Samo ce playeri ne migrirajo na nov content vsakih 6mescev?
Standart edition vzami. Samo started edition ne vzeti ker tam je preveč za grindat. Če boš špilal mi pošlji ZS.

oo7 ::

Ghost007 ::
nicee. Da probam uplay vs steam verzijo. Uplay vedno cheaper samo grozni problemi z remote play.

oo7 ::
Shotguns & Spines Make For A Deadly Ride In Operation Blood Orchid DLC | Rainbow Six Siege Gameplay

oo7 ::
Nekaj mi ni jasno. Ce vzamem kar year 2 edicijo. Dobim vse unlockano?
Tukaj si preberi.

Ghost007 ::
bom vzel standard ze zato da mam kaj za unlockat. 
na cdkey je 15EUR, na uplay in steam pa 24EUR. Medtem da na uplay dobis se 24EUR store credita. Kerega sicer ne rabim. Zato se mi cdkey opcija zdi najbolsa.
Edino zdaj ce hocem Steam edicijo ali uplay nevem. Ponavadi imam rajsi stuff na steamu library...

na cdkey je 15EUR, na uplay in steam pa 24EUR. Medtem da na uplay dobis se 24EUR store credita. Kerega sicer ne rabim. Zato se mi cdkey opcija zdi najbolsa.
Edino zdaj ce hocem Steam edicijo ali uplay nevem. Ponavadi imam rajsi stuff na steamu library...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

Ghost007 ::
ultra hd texture mi pa nikakor ne uspe instalirati iz stema.
ok zgleda da sem premalo free diska mel
ok zgleda da sem premalo free diska mel
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ghost007 ()

mihapc123 ::
Iščem resne igralce, da bi skupaj igrali. Dodajte me na uplay-u: mihapc123. Sem še bolj začetnik ampak poznam mape in vem igrati.

oo7 ::
Rainbow Six Siege: Operation White Noise - New Operators | Trailer
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

perolord ::
A kdo igra tole zadevo na PC, tako, dnevno kakšna urca,dve.. za vikende malo več..
A obstaja kakšen slovenski klan? Namreč jaz igram sam in sem res noter padu... trenutno lvl 58.
A kdo igra tole zadevo na PC, tako, dnevno kakšna urca,dve.. za vikende malo več..
A obstaja kakšen slovenski klan? Namreč jaz igram sam in sem res noter padu... trenutno lvl 58.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: perolord ()