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Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3

6 / 10

oo7 ::

Shadow666 je izjavil:

Kakšen vam je kaj DS3 napram 1 in2?
Meni je pomoje najljubši, igra se lepo, nobenih problemov na compu (prejšna igral na PS).
Zgodba je ok oz zaokroženje vseh skupaj. Zajebanost je pa še vedno na istem nivoju, ko prideš enkrat tja na Dragon pass al kva je že, boh pomagi :D Sem švical ^^ Sem 104 SL in mislim da bom počasi po 35 urah šel v NG =)

Po pravici povedano so mi vse tri igre odlične če bi moral izbirati potem bi izbral Dark souls 3. Grafika je res lepa lokacije so zelo lepe gameplay odličen sploh se pozna, da ima elemnte Bloodborna, ker je lik hitrejši.
Bi pa rekel, da mi je mogoče Dark souls 3 malo lažja kot DS2 ali DS1 mogoče zato, ker igram z gamepadom pri DS2 in DS1 sem se lomil na miški in tipkovnici.
Edina pripomba, ki jo imam pri Dark souls 3 je ista kot pri Dark souls 2 to je online še vedno je lag in druge težave.

oo7 ::

Evo pa sem preigral :)

Pri prvem igranju sem prišel do levela 129 in porabil sem 80 ur. Sem že začel NG+ ampak zdaj bom igral bolj umirjeno ravno toliko, da bom vzdrževal formo predno prideta DLC-ja. V dark souls 2 so bili trije DLc-ji in vsi trije dobri pri Dark souls 3 pa bosta samo dva eden pride komaj enkrat pozimi drugi pa šele 2017.

Drugače pa FENOMENALNA igra tako kot celotna Dark souls franšiza. Pravijo, da Dark souls 3 je zadnja Dark souls igra in, da hočejo narediti nekaj novega čeprav je rekel šef teh iger Hidetaka Miyazaki, da nikoli ne reči nikoli torej je še upanje za Dark souls 4>:D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Level 1 vs zadnji šef

SL1 Soul of Cinder - No Rolling, Blocking or Parrying

se pravi, da je vse šefe in celo igro preigral na level 1 to pa je mojster 8-)

oo7 ::

Jao jao to pa je en hud heker;(

An AC-130 in Dark Souls 3...

oo7 ::

Kotaku: For people who have already finished Dark Souls 3, can you give any tease for the DLC? How do you intend to surprise players?

Miyazaki: I'm not sure I can provide "information" without spilling the "surprise" [laughs]. The only thing I can say now is that we're planning two DLCs for Dark Souls 3. The first is scheduled for release in autumn of 2016, and the second is scheduled for early 2017. We're actually still working on the first one. Content-wise, it builds off of the previous titles and will be featuring a new area, enemies, gear, and story. The game story revolves around a new location which I believe will offer a different feel from Dark Souls 3. Please stay tuned!

oo7 ::

Dark Souls 3 Beaten on a Dance Pad! (Soul of Cinder Final Boss)


oo7 ::

Prvi DLC izide 26 oktobra letos drugi pa enkrat 2017.

Več bo znano jutri :)

oo7 ::

Dark Souls III - Ashes of Ariandel DLC Announcement Trailer | PS4, XB1, PC

Hohoho tole zgleda čist hudo komaj čakam pa kot kaže bo bolj zimski DLC :)

DLC izide 25 oktobra :)

oo7 ::

Dark Souls III Ashes of Ariandel - PS4/PC/XB1 - Divert thine eyes (Gameplay)

Je to v trailerju volk iz prvih Dark Soulsov :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

scipascapa ::

deluje mi volk in nashandra iz ds2?

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

deluje mi volk in nashandra iz ds2?

Dark Souls Guide 025 - BOSS - SIF is very, very cool. - Hidden Forest Bonfire

Tudi velja za enega najbolj priljubljenega šefa v Dark Souls seriji

oo7 ::

Še kdo igra?

Jaz sem spet začel malo igrati po 3 mesecih, da dobim malo občutek nazaj za prihajajoči DLC Ashes of Ariandel.

Sem šel malo farmati duše in sem opazil, da so povišali št duš pri padlem sovražniku?

scipascapa ::

igraš z istim karakterjem, si že vzel dlc?

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

igraš z istim karakterjem, si že vzel dlc?

Ja igram z istim likom. DLC sem pa že kupil izide pa 25 oktobra. Ti?

scipascapa ::

mah, ga verjetno ne bom, ker bo itaq prišel DARK SOULS 3 GOTY in ne želim spet zapravljat denarja za DLCje....bi pa igral :P

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

mah, ga verjetno ne bom, ker bo itaq prišel DARK SOULS 3 GOTY in ne želim spet zapravljat denarja za DLCje....bi pa igral :P

Dark souls 2 so imeli 3 DLC-je Dark Souls 3 pa bodo imeli samo dva samo upam, da bosta velika :)

oo7 ::

Dark Souls III Ashes of Ariandel - PS4/PC/XB1 - Choose your allegiance (PvP Trailer) (English)

Še 12 dni ;)

oo7 ::

Dark Souls 3 getting big patch this week - will make Poise more effective, more

Adjusted poise values across the board. Poise is now more effective for heavier weapons and armor.
Improved regular attack animations of hammer category weapons.
Improved regular attack animations of greatsword category weapons.
Improved regular attack animations of axe category weapons.
Improved regular attack animations of fist category weapons.
Improved the "Neck Swipe" weapon skill animation of scythe category weapons.
Fixed a bug where strong attacks performed using whips would not deal additional ?damage when fully charged.
Fixed a bug where strong attacks performed using the Pickaxe would consume stamina multiple times per attack.
Adjusted the "Onislayer" weapon skill hitbox timings for Onikiri and Ubadachi.
Adjusted the hitbox timings of the claw category weapon skill "Leaping Slash".
Fixed a bug where rolling attacks on Astora's Greatsword could not be parried.
Improved the "Wrath of the Gods" weapon skill animation for Wornir's Holy Sword.
Improved the "Blind Spot" weapon skill animation for Corvian Greatknife and Handmaiden's Dagger.
Improved the "Shield Splitter" weapon skill animation for Mail Breaker and Irithyll Rapier.
Improved the "Wolf Leap" weapon skill animation for Old Wolf Curved Sword.
The weapon skill of Old King's Great Hammer "Molten Perseverence" will now release lava on both hits.
Improved the "Darkdrift" weapon skill animation for Darkdrift.
Reduced effectiveness of rolling attack animations on Gotthard Twinswords while dual wielding.
Increased effectiveness of the sorcery "Pestilent Mercury".
Improved the cast animation of miracle "Lifehunt Scythe".
Increased poison and toxic buildup of the pyromancies "Poison Mist" and "Toxis Mist", respectively.
Increased durability damage buildup of the pyromancy "Acid Surge".
Increased duration of the "Warcry" weapon skill.
Fixed a bug where the player's lock-on target would automatically change even if "Toggle auto lock-on" was set to "OFF".
Fixed a bug where the leader board for Darkmoon Knights would display incorrect statistics.
Fixed a bug where the fog wall near Holy Knight Hodrick would sometimes not disappear during multiplayer even after defeating him.
Fixed a bug where Orbeck of Vinheim would sometimes die before the player purchased all his spells.
Fixed a bug where Patches and Greirat would never return if sent to steal after defeating all bosses.
Fixed a bug where female characters were subject to counter damage during certain movement animations.
Fixed a bug where equipping Vordt's Great Hammer or Irithyll Straight Sword in the left hand would cause enchantments to disappear from weapons in the right hand.
Fixed a bug where two-handing certain weapons would cause the stealth effect on Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring to not work correctly.
Fixed a bug where Hornet Ring was not working for claw category weapons.
Fixed a bug where dash attacks could not be performed using Farron Greatsword.
Fixed a bug where strong attacks using Lothric Knight Sword were not dealing thrust type damage.
Fixed a bug where dash attacks using Onikiri and Ubadachi were not dealing thrust type damage.
Addressed other game balance issues and fixed other flaws.

Before the patch goes live, servers will go down for maintenance across all platforms. Online play will be unavailable during these times:


JST - 2016-10-21: 17:00--19:00
PDT - 2016-10-21: 01:00--03:00
CEST - 2016-10-21: 10:00--12:00
PlayStation 4

JST - 2016-10-21: 10:00--12:00
PDT - 2016-10-21: 18:00--20:00
CEST - 2016-10-21: 03:00--05:00
Xbox One

JST - 2016-10-21: 10:00--16:00
PDT - 2016-10-21: 18:00--00:00
CEST - 2016-10-21: 03:00--09:00

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Dark Souls III - Ashes of Ariandel Launch Trailer | PS4, XB1, PC

DLC Ashes of Ariandel je že zunaj.

scipascapa ::

težak DLC, ker sem v NG+ jao jao.

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

težak DLC, ker sem v NG+ jao jao.

Tudi jaz sem v NG+ se strinjam težak DLC. tisti veliki vojaki sploh z šlitom so težki :)

Kater level si?

scipascapa ::

185 pomoje samo nekaj delam narobe :P

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

185 pomoje samo nekaj delam narobe :P

Kaj pa naj bi delal narobe?

scipascapa ::

oprema, orožje.

Gregex ::

Zaenkrat nč težkega, edini problem je, da sem iz forme. Nisem igral pol leta nič in sem uletu direktno na dlc.

scipascapa ::

pa si v NG+ ali normalno?

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

oprema, orožje.

Saj to lahko menjaš kolikor hočeš razen če si prodal ampak itak v Ng+ dobiš spet opremo in orožje.

oo7 ::

NG+7 Fists Only Sister Friede, Father Ariandel and Blackflame Friede


oo7 ::

Igro končal z Dlc-jem vred in vsemi šefi v 70 minutah >:D

Jaz sem v 70 minutah najbrž ubil komaj prvega šefa :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

Roadkill ::

Čist simpl špil. Sam naravnost tečeš in te vsi sovražniki falijo. Brezveze. :))

Jupito ::

Najboljši heker vseh časov :)):

DKS test black fantom reference, Miyazaki bobble head, ninja flip, monastery scimitar, Solaire... :))
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was.
Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird
and scary to me. It'll happen to you!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jupito ()

oo7 ::

PC Gamer

Best Setting 2016: Dark Souls 3

No gaming world captured us as completely as Lothric in 2016.


oo7 ::

Dark Souls 3 Second DLC To Be Called City Of The Dead, Might Be Set In Londor - Rumor :D


oo7 ::

28 Marec 2017 izide drugi DLC - The Ringed City

Dark Souls III The Ringed City - PC/PS4/X1 - At World's End (DLC 2 announcement trailer) (English)

YesMan ::

Huhuhu :D Vrhunsko!

scipascapa ::

kje najceneje za PC? :)

scipascapa ::


pri nas 29,99€

angleži preko chrome hola pa imajo 19,99 funta = 23,50€

je kaj narobe če preko hola vzamem?

scipascapa ::


Dark Souls 3 The Fire Fades (PS4)


Ghost007 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:


pri nas 29,99€

angleži preko chrome hola pa imajo 19,99 funta = 23,50€

je kaj narobe če preko hola vzamem?

Ce ti uspe plačati. Paypal odpade.

oo7 ::

Dark Souls III - PC/PS4/XB1 - The Ringed City Gameplay

oo7 ::

Malo novega gameplaya

oo7 ::

Dark Souls III - PC/PS4/X1 - New Arena: Grand Roof

Dark Souls III - PC/PS4/X1 - New Arena: Dragon Ruins

Še 11 dni >:D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Dark Souls III The Ringed City - PC/PS4/X1 - The Close of the Age of Fire (Launch Trailer)


oo7 ::

Jutri Dark Souls III The Ringed City :D

scipascapa ::

že na yt, zgleda pa kar dolg dlc.

BivšiUser2 ::

Bossov je hvalabogu več kot AoA? Do zdaj sem jih videl tri.
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

scipascapa ::

3 + 1 opcijsko :)

oo7 ::

Nisem pa še nikjer zasledil ob kateri uri se odklene DLC mogoče kdo ve?

kitl76 ::

Na Partisu je že odklenjen.

oo7 ::

Če sem prav videl če hočeš igrati Ringed city moraš, da imeti končano igro Dark souls 3 jaz sem pa trenutno NG+2 ampak sem že bolj proti koncu.

Ko preigram Dark souls 3 bom šel igrati Dark souls 1 pa sem malo pozabil je v Dark souls 1 kaj fantomov, ki ti lahko pomagajo če se ti kje zatakne?
6 / 10

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