Forum » Igre » Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3

oo7 ::
A new patch for the PC version of #DarkSouls3 has been released.
This patch brings technical fixes for issues related to the 1.15.1 patch.
Please apply the 1.35 regulation patch before enjoying the game.
Thank you for your cooperation.
This patch brings technical fixes for issues related to the 1.15.1 patch.
Please apply the 1.35 regulation patch before enjoying the game.
Thank you for your cooperation.

oo7 ::
You can now play Dark Souls 3 in first-person mode
DARK SOULS III [FPS] - Mod Release Trailer
DARK SOULS III [FPS] - Mod Release Trailer

oo7 ::
V izdelavi MOD za igro Dark Souls 3 - Dark Souls: Archthrones. MOD bo prequel igri Dark Souls 3
Izid MOD-a še ni znan bo pa drugo leto na voljo DEMO
Nekaj slik
Zadnjič omenjeni MOD Archthrones je danes dobil 15 minutni gameplay :)
Dark Souls Archthrones: Gameplay Showcase
Tole zgleda zelo dobro :)
Velik MOD za igro Dark Souls 3 - Dark Souls: Archthrones dobi septembra letos DEMO :)
Demo Teaser - Dark Souls: Archthrones

oo7 ::
Dark Souls 3 overhaul mod, Ominous Wish
This is the first of a short sequence of videos showing updates in maps, textures, model modifications, scenery and lighting.
Kdaj izide MOD Ominous wish še ni znano je pa tukaj prvi trailer.
This is the first of a short sequence of videos showing updates in maps, textures, model modifications, scenery and lighting.
Kdaj izide MOD Ominous wish še ni znano je pa tukaj prvi trailer.

oo7 ::
The Dark Souls 3 prequel MOD dobi 15 marca DEMO
In Dark Souls Archthrones, players will be able to access its five worlds via the Nexus of Embers. Players will encounter numerous bosses, and they will also be able to find some allies. Additionally, the mod will have a reimagined version of Lothric and other Dark Souls locales.
Demo Release Date - Dark Souls: Archthrones
In Dark Souls Archthrones, players will be able to access its five worlds via the Nexus of Embers. Players will encounter numerous bosses, and they will also be able to find some allies. Additionally, the mod will have a reimagined version of Lothric and other Dark Souls locales.
Demo Release Date - Dark Souls: Archthrones

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
A Dark Souls 3 Remaster is Currently in the Works - Rumor

Zmajc ::
DS3 zgleda praktično identično kot Elden Ring po kvaliteti grafike, edino kar ne podpira so 4k resolucije na konzolah.
Sploh ne vem čemu ta remaster služi razen da milkajo fane.
Sploh ne vem čemu ta remaster služi razen da milkajo fane.

Magic1 ::
Verjetno zato ker najlažje naredijo. Dodajo teksture za 4K in imajo za 80EUR igro. Verjetno so že Demon souls remaster naredili na nadgradnji DS3 pogona. Praktično imajo zelo malo dela.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Magic1 ()

oo7 ::

jijetelu ::
Mah, kao Sony kupuje Kadodawa in posledično FromSoft, kar je ze drek od dreka ... Sony je postal tako gnojišče za gaming, k Blizzard 15 let nazaj

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Dark Souls 3 Visual Overhaul is out now!
MOD - DS3 Visual Overhaul
Features of this mod:
Modified reflectance maps to fix overly metallic look
Ported better SSAO from Armored Core 6
Improved pointlights by modifying their falloff
dynamic shadows added
hero lighting removed from player and enemies
local lights removed in the environment
disables in game AA, TAA done through reshade (preset in downloads)
exposure tweaks by using the auto exposure system
remove vignette
disable colorgrading (more colorful)
adjusting lightmap usage of normalmaps
removes LOD pop-in and texture pop-in
MOD - DS3 Visual Overhaul
Features of this mod:
Modified reflectance maps to fix overly metallic look
Ported better SSAO from Armored Core 6
Improved pointlights by modifying their falloff
dynamic shadows added
hero lighting removed from player and enemies
local lights removed in the environment
disables in game AA, TAA done through reshade (preset in downloads)
exposure tweaks by using the auto exposure system
remove vignette
disable colorgrading (more colorful)
adjusting lightmap usage of normalmaps
removes LOD pop-in and texture pop-in

oo7 ::
Dark Souls 3 Seamless Co-op: Release
Co-op MOD -
Mod which removes all multiplayer boundaries and allows for connections to persist after death.
Play with friends from the tutorial to the very end of the game, with synchronised progress, and no resummoning or interruptions. Invasions are optional and active by default.
You can adjust the multiplayer scaling of the enemies to your liking.
Co-op MOD -
Mod which removes all multiplayer boundaries and allows for connections to persist after death.
Play with friends from the tutorial to the very end of the game, with synchronised progress, and no resummoning or interruptions. Invasions are optional and active by default.
You can adjust the multiplayer scaling of the enemies to your liking.