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Mad Max: The Wasteland

oo7 ::
Mad Max: The Wasteland film že uradno najavljen na strani IMDB
Režiser filma bo seveda nihče drug kot Dr. George Miller in Tom Hardy bo zaigral v vlogi Max-a kaj več trenutno še ni znano.
Komaj čakam na še eno divjo vožnjo
Režiser filma bo seveda nihče drug kot Dr. George Miller in Tom Hardy bo zaigral v vlogi Max-a kaj več trenutno še ni znano.
Komaj čakam na še eno divjo vožnjo

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Mad Max Sequels: Tom Hardy Wants Back in the Driver's Seat
Its been nearly a year since Mad Max: Fury Road mastermind George Miller confirmed he's working on the Mad Max sequels, stating, "It won't necessarily be next, but I have two more stories." Now, Tom Hardy has revealed to TheWrap that he's also still game to strap himself back into a nitro truck and scream through the wasteland once more.
Its been nearly a year since Mad Max: Fury Road mastermind George Miller confirmed he's working on the Mad Max sequels, stating, "It won't necessarily be next, but I have two more stories." Now, Tom Hardy has revealed to TheWrap that he's also still game to strap himself back into a nitro truck and scream through the wasteland once more.

oo7 ::
Kot kaže se bo tudi mad Max Wasteland film zavlekel
samo upam, da ne toliko časa kot se je Fury Road.
Mad Max: Fury Road sequel held up over financial dispute
Miller is in dispute with Warner Bros over the earnings from the last movie, to the point where his production company - Kennedy Miller Mitchell - is heading to court over the matter.
Mad max filmi in koliko časa je nastajal Fury road
(1979) Mad Max
(1981) Mad Max 2 Road warrior
(1985) Mad max 3 Thunderdome
(1995) George Miller re-acquired the rights to future Mad Max films from Warner Bros
(1998) The idea for a fourth instalment occurred to Miller
(2001) The film was set to shoot in 2001 through 20th Century Fox, but was postponed because of the September 11 attacks that same year
(2001) The American dollar collapsed against the Australian dollar, and our budget ballooned", Miller said.
(2003) Miller announced that a script had been written for a fourth film, and that pre-production was in the early stages.
(2003) The project was given the green light to begin filming in the Australian desert in May 2003 with a budget of US$100 million, but the location was ruined by rainfall. Mad Max 4 entered then a hiatus in light of security concerns related to its Namibian shoot because of tightened travel and shipping restrictions at the onset of the Iraq War.
(2007) Miller again confirmed his intention to make another Mad Max at the 2007 Aurora filmmaker initiative. However, he stated that he thought Gibson would not be interested in the film because of his age. Heath Ledger was reportedly considered for the lead before his death in 2008
(2009) It was reported that location scouting was underway for Mad Max 4. After exploring the possibility of an animated 3D film, Miller decided instead to shoot a 3D live action film. By this time, production had moved to Warner Bros.
(2010) Hardy announced that he would play the title role
(2010) Miller announced plans to shoot two Mad Max films back-to-back, entitled Mad Max: Fury Road and Mad Max: Furiosa.
(2011) Filming was moved from Broken Hill back to Namibia, after unexpected heavy rains caused wildflowers to grow in the desert, inappropriate for the look of the film.
(2015) Mad Max : Fury Road
(????) Mad Max: Wasteland - upajmo, da bo hitreje kot Fury road :)

Mad Max: Fury Road sequel held up over financial dispute
Miller is in dispute with Warner Bros over the earnings from the last movie, to the point where his production company - Kennedy Miller Mitchell - is heading to court over the matter.
Mad max filmi in koliko časa je nastajal Fury road
(1979) Mad Max
(1981) Mad Max 2 Road warrior
(1985) Mad max 3 Thunderdome
(1995) George Miller re-acquired the rights to future Mad Max films from Warner Bros
(1998) The idea for a fourth instalment occurred to Miller
(2001) The film was set to shoot in 2001 through 20th Century Fox, but was postponed because of the September 11 attacks that same year
(2001) The American dollar collapsed against the Australian dollar, and our budget ballooned", Miller said.
(2003) Miller announced that a script had been written for a fourth film, and that pre-production was in the early stages.
(2003) The project was given the green light to begin filming in the Australian desert in May 2003 with a budget of US$100 million, but the location was ruined by rainfall. Mad Max 4 entered then a hiatus in light of security concerns related to its Namibian shoot because of tightened travel and shipping restrictions at the onset of the Iraq War.
(2007) Miller again confirmed his intention to make another Mad Max at the 2007 Aurora filmmaker initiative. However, he stated that he thought Gibson would not be interested in the film because of his age. Heath Ledger was reportedly considered for the lead before his death in 2008
(2009) It was reported that location scouting was underway for Mad Max 4. After exploring the possibility of an animated 3D film, Miller decided instead to shoot a 3D live action film. By this time, production had moved to Warner Bros.
(2010) Hardy announced that he would play the title role
(2010) Miller announced plans to shoot two Mad Max films back-to-back, entitled Mad Max: Fury Road and Mad Max: Furiosa.
(2011) Filming was moved from Broken Hill back to Namibia, after unexpected heavy rains caused wildflowers to grow in the desert, inappropriate for the look of the film.
(2015) Mad Max : Fury Road
(????) Mad Max: Wasteland - upajmo, da bo hitreje kot Fury road :)

opeter ::
Če se bo to spet vleklo kot žvečilna, se zna zgodit, da bo Miller že pod rušo ... upajmo, da ne.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
George Niller je leta 1995 dobil nazaj pravice za Mad Maxa upam, da os še vedno pri njem, da nima kaj WB spet pri pravicah, ker George si lahko najde drugo hišo :)

Zmajc ::
Očitno vse ne bo tako gladko ... Miller se tožaka z Warnerjem glede neplačanih bonusov z prvega dela.

oo7 ::
Mad Max: Fury Road Lawsuit is Holding Up Movie Sequels
New details have emerged on the Mad Max: Fury Road lawsuit that is holding back potential sequels. Mad Max creator and director George Miller first conceived of Fury Road in the early 2000's and was even set to film an early version of the movie with original star Mel Gibson in 2003. That version of the production collapsed, however, yet Miller struggled for nearly a decade to get the movie produced.
New details have emerged on the Mad Max: Fury Road lawsuit that is holding back potential sequels. Mad Max creator and director George Miller first conceived of Fury Road in the early 2000's and was even set to film an early version of the movie with original star Mel Gibson in 2003. That version of the production collapsed, however, yet Miller struggled for nearly a decade to get the movie produced.

oo7 ::
Is Mad Max 5 Finally Starting to Rev Up Its Engines?
Could we finally, at long last, be getting Mad Max 5? That's a very real possibility, according to an encouraging new rumor floating around.
Je že čas, da se Miller in WB nehajo tožarit in posnamejo Mad Max 5. Mad Max Fury Road film, ki je dobil 6 oskrajev si zasluži nadaljevanje
Could we finally, at long last, be getting Mad Max 5? That's a very real possibility, according to an encouraging new rumor floating around.
Je že čas, da se Miller in WB nehajo tožarit in posnamejo Mad Max 5. Mad Max Fury Road film, ki je dobil 6 oskrajev si zasluži nadaljevanje

oo7 ::
Mad Max Sequels Are Going to Happen, Says Director George Miller
"There are two stories, both involving Mad Max, and also a Furiosa story,"
"There are two stories, both involving Mad Max, and also a Furiosa story,"

vostok_1 ::
Milking every drop...
Če bi mi tam sredi 90' rekel, kakšen bo sitrep holivudske cinematografije leta 2020. Bi debelo gledal.
Why God? How did i offend you? I apologize.
Če bi mi tam sredi 90' rekel, kakšen bo sitrep holivudske cinematografije leta 2020. Bi debelo gledal.
Why God? How did i offend you? I apologize.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: vostok_1 ()

Izi ::
Če torej strnemo vso to zmešnjavo kupa informacij:
- Dobili bomo 3 Mad Max filme.
- V dveh bo imel glavno vlogo Mad Max v enem pa Furiosa.
- Prvi od teh bo Mad Max: The Wasteland, kjer bo glavni Mad Max.
- Maxa bo spet igral Tom Hardy
- Mad Max: The Wasteland bo Prequel.
- V enem filmu bomo videli Vuvalini oziroma The Many Mothers. To je tista skupina žensk, ki smo jih videli v Fury Road, s katerimi je mladost preživela Furiosa. Eno izmed njih, Valkyrie, bomo spet srečali.
- V enem filmu bomo menda izvedeli tudi zgodbo tistega slepega in nemega kitarista z ognjeno kitaro.
- Tisti film s Furioso bo menda tudi Prequel.
- Dobili bomo 3 Mad Max filme.
- V dveh bo imel glavno vlogo Mad Max v enem pa Furiosa.
- Prvi od teh bo Mad Max: The Wasteland, kjer bo glavni Mad Max.
- Maxa bo spet igral Tom Hardy
- Mad Max: The Wasteland bo Prequel.
- V enem filmu bomo videli Vuvalini oziroma The Many Mothers. To je tista skupina žensk, ki smo jih videli v Fury Road, s katerimi je mladost preživela Furiosa. Eno izmed njih, Valkyrie, bomo spet srečali.
- V enem filmu bomo menda izvedeli tudi zgodbo tistega slepega in nemega kitarista z ognjeno kitaro.
- Tisti film s Furioso bo menda tudi Prequel.

BuDi79 ::

ahac ::
- Dobili bomo 3 Mad Max filme.Že samo enega imajo težavo posnet, George Miller pa ni več mlad.
- V enem filmu bomo menda izvedeli tudi zgodbo tistega slepega in nemega kitarista z ognjeno kitaro.Še ena od "things no one asked for", ko zmanjka idej...
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

jype ::

vostok_1 ::
To je bilo obdobje, ko se je kreativnost kar sama kazala.
Danes pa mora biti vse "planirano", "polirano" itd.
To je bilo obdobje, ko se je kreativnost kar sama kazala.
Danes pa mora biti vse "planirano", "polirano" itd.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::
Film Furiosa me ne zanima popolnoma nič.
Max Rockatansky + V8 + Wasteland + veliko dobre akcije = to je vse kar hočem od filma.
George Miller se stara zato pa naj mu WB pusti snemati. Ker če enkrat dobi kdo drug to franšizo v roke bo reebot pa remake in bo šlo vse skupaj v...
Max Rockatansky + V8 + Wasteland + veliko dobre akcije = to je vse kar hočem od filma.
George Miller se stara zato pa naj mu WB pusti snemati. Ker če enkrat dobi kdo drug to franšizo v roke bo reebot pa remake in bo šlo vse skupaj v...

jype ::

oo7 ::
Furiosa je bila dobra v Fury road in to je to. The end :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

2dark ::
- Maxa bo spet igral Tom Hardy
Fuuuckckckckckckckckkkkkkk arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Sej tip je dober igralec samo vloga Maxa mu pa ne paše.
Že v Furry Road je bil en privesek. Tudi, če ga ne bi bilo v filmu ga ne bi nihče pogrešil.
Furiosa je bila dobra v Fury road in to je to. The end :)
Naj dobi svoj film, ker je ženska Bad Ass.. Hardy je odigral Max-a lame.. Mel je Mel in tuaj zamenjave ni in je ne bo nikoli.
Film Furiosa me ne zanima popolnoma nič.
Max Rockatansky + V8 + Wasteland + veliko dobre akcije = to je vse kar hočem od filma.
George Miller se stara zato pa naj mu WB pusti snemati. Ker če enkrat dobi kdo drug to franšizo v roke bo reebot pa remake in bo šlo vse skupaj v...
Ja. In kaj je Miller naredil v Furry Road? Razvlekel je sceno s tankerjem na celoten film. Tukaj ni nobene izvirnosti.
Naj bo remake, ker bi osebno raje videl, da bi se zgodba dogajala točno po prvem delu, se pravi, ko civilizacija še obstaja, max je še vedno policaj.... Peska imam preko glave.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 2dark ()

oo7 ::
George Miller je v intervjuju povedal, da marca 2020 začne v Avstraliji snemati film Three Thousand Years of Longing. Že med snemanjem tega filma bo začel tudi z pre-produkcijo nadaljevanja filma Max Max Fury Road.
Za zamudo nadaljevanja filma je seveda krivo to, da sta se studijo in Miller tožila zaradi denarja od filma Mad Max Fury road ampak kot kaže so dosegli nek dogovor, da se vse skupaj premika naprej.
Za zamudo nadaljevanja filma je seveda krivo to, da sta se studijo in Miller tožila zaradi denarja od filma Mad Max Fury road ampak kot kaže so dosegli nek dogovor, da se vse skupaj premika naprej.

oo7 ::
Tole je še Miller povedal v intervjuju - "One thing I can tell you; it's not [another 'Fury Road']. It's a movie that is very strongly visually, but it's almost the opposite of 'Fury Road.' It's almost all interior and there's a lot of conversation in it. There are action scenes, but they are by the by and I guess you could say it's the anti-Mad Max." 
No ja dohtar že ve kaj dela. Kot kaže bo naslednji Mad Max malo manj akcijski in imel več zgodbe. Upam nekaj v stilu prvega Mad Max-a ;)

No ja dohtar že ve kaj dela. Kot kaže bo naslednji Mad Max malo manj akcijski in imel več zgodbe. Upam nekaj v stilu prvega Mad Max-a ;)

2dark ::
Upam, da bo v prihajajočem Mad Maxu imel veliko večjo vlogo Tom hardy, ker je bil v prvem potisnjen na stran. Bo pa zanimivo videt, kam bodo zgodbo vlekli. Se bo dogajal po Furry Road? Pred Furry Road, ko še svet ni šel v full apokaliptic mode? Osebno bi rad, da se zgodba dogaja nekje med prvim in drugim maksom, ko je svet bil še normalen in da se vozi naokoli v V8.

Vazelin ::
Zelo pričakujem nadaljevanje TOP 10 filma tega desetletja

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

2dark ::

Vazelin ::
Če se tako spomnim nazaj je bil verjetno Fury Road ena boljših kinematičnih izkušenj v lajfu. Res tisto "o fak a res"
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

jype ::
Ne verjamem ti. Močni ženski liki ti niso všeč, si že pozabil?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Horas ()

2dark ::

2dark ::

oo7 ::
Upam, da bo v prihajajočem Mad Maxu imel veliko večjo vlogo Tom hardy, ker je bil v prvem potisnjen na stran. Bo pa zanimivo videt, kam bodo zgodbo vlekli. Se bo dogajal po Furry Road? Pred Furry Road, ko še svet ni šel v full apokaliptic mode? Osebno bi rad, da se zgodba dogaja nekje med prvim in drugim maksom, ko je svet bil še normalen in da se vozi naokoli v V8.
Miller ima načrte še za tri Mad Max filme. Dva Fury road sequela in enega z Furioso. Je pa čas ja, da V8 poleg Max-a ima spet glavno vlogo.

2dark ::

Izi ::
Mad Max 5 film naj bi začeli snemati to jesen.
Se morda ve vsaj okvirno, kakšna bo zgodba?
Mad Max: The Wasteland bo Prequel. Dogajal se bo približno eno leto pred začetkom Fury Road.
Zgodba The Wasteland bo skoncentrirana na Maxa in bo menda precej žalostne sorte.
Furiose ne bo v tem filmu (Bo pa Max v Furiosinem filmu).
Max bo imel svoj V8 Interceptor

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Izi ()

oo7 ::
Mad Max 5 film naj bi začeli snemati to jesen.
Se morda ve vsaj okvirno, kakšna bo zgodba?
Mad Max: The Wasteland bo Prequel. Dogajal se bo približno eno leto pred začetkom Fury Road.
Zgodba The Wasteland bo skoncentrirana na Maxa in bo menda precej žalostne sorte.
Furiose ne bo v tem filmu (Bo pa Max v Furiosinem filmu).
Max bo imel svoj V8 Interceptor![]()
To so novi podatki o zgodbi ali še stari ?

Vazelin ::
Komaj čakam tole če bodo ohranili slog fury road. Nekam najboljšega prejšnjega desetletja
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

2dark ::
Mad Max 5 film naj bi začeli snemati to jesen.
Se morda ve vsaj okvirno, kakšna bo zgodba?
Mad Max: The Wasteland bo Prequel. Dogajal se bo približno eno leto pred začetkom Fury Road.
Zgodba The Wasteland bo skoncentrirana na Maxa in bo menda precej žalostne sorte.
Furiose ne bo v tem filmu (Bo pa Max v Furiosinem filmu).
Max bo imel svoj V8 Interceptor![]()
Upam, da nima veze tole s tisto zgodbo iz stripa, ker potem je vse skupaj brez veze.
Max bo imel svoj V8 Interceptor![]()
Tak avto je res izjemno uporaben za vožnjo po puščavi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 2dark ()

oo7 ::
Max bo imel svoj V8 Interceptor![]()
Tak avto je res izjemno uporaben za vožnjo po puščavi.
To si narobe citiral tega nisem jaz napisal:)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

2dark ::
Max bo imel svoj V8 Interceptor![]()
Tak avto je res izjemno uporaben za vožnjo po puščavi.
To si narobe citiral tega nisem jaz napisal:)
Vidim. Pa sej ni bila direkt replika tebi, pač na avto sam.
V8 bi moral biti takšen kot je bil v igri s povišanim podvozjem, offroad gumami.

2dark ::

Vazelin ::
Saj potihem vsi vemo, da film ne bo niti blizu Fury Road. Enostavno tak film pride enkrat na generacijo
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...