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Primerjava vojaške tehnike

Primerjava vojaške tehnike

Temo vidijo: vsi
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Mr.B ::

Drama.... Jaz imam višje vire. PS, vsak zapis je drug vir

Vice Admiral Mat Winter stated on Wednesday that the cost of the F-35s is still too high and that if more savings can't be squeezed out of the manufacturing process, the aircraft could become unaffordable.

The public accounts committee said other military purchases would be put at risk if the multibillion-pound cost of the 138 stealth aircraft and two new aircraft carriers went over budget.

Right now, we can't afford the sustainment costs we have on the F-35. And we're committed to changing that," Lord told reporters at a Jan. 31 roundtable, adding that the plane is the "most significant" program in the Department of Defense.

To better inform our target glide path, I want to know what it truly costs to produce the aircraft," said Navy Vice Admiral Mat Winter, program executive officer for the Pentagon's F-35 joint program office.

The number of quality escapes and what we call production line defects needs to get better,Winter told reporters during a roundtable Wednesday.

Lockheed Martin "could be more cooperative" on the negotiations, he said. "They could be more collaborative ... they choose not to. It's a negotiating tactic." It's far too early to think about imposing a "unilateral" deal, as happened on Lot 10, Winter said. That was and is "a last resort," he added.

Zanimivost :
He said no, that the concurrency-era aircraft are being brought up to combat standards. Of course, some of them are already more than eight years old, thanks to concurrency and the many problems that arose because of it.
Osem let, jih delajo, pa niso battle ready ?

Budget : skoraj 20 mijard za boj poroti teroristomn
There are four components. First is the $597.1 billion base budget for the Department of Defense.

Second is the overseas contingency operations for DoD to fight the Islamic State group ($88.9 billion).

Third is the total of other agencies that protect our nation. These expenses are $181.3 billion. They include the Department of Veterans Affairs ($83.1 billion), the State Department ($28.3 billion), Homeland Security ($46 billion), FBI and Cybersecurity in the Department of Justice ($8.8 billion) and the National Nuclear Security Administration in the Department of Energy ($15.1 billion).

The last component is $18.7 billion in OCO funds for the State Department and Homeland Security to fight ISIS.

On February 9, 2018, Congress passed a spending bill that appropriates $700 billion for the defense base budget and overseas contingency operations. Congress will delineate spending for each of the other departments by March 2018.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

In update :
The service is investing nearly $10 billion over the next five years, $2.7 billion more than previously planned, for the Next Generation Air Dominance system, which will likely include a fighter to replace current fifth-generation platforms like the F-35 and Lockheed's F-22.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Cervantes ::

Pravzaprav komaj čakam, tele gobice.
Da terminalno zbrišejo pest po imenu human race s tega planeta, ki ni nič kriv.
Oziroma je, ker je pomagal zbreedat to ničvredno krvoločno vrsto po imenu homo sapiens. (Sapiens? Sapiens? Moj morski prašiček je bolj sapiens od te zalege)
Ko berem ta warmongerska prepucavanja mi gre na kozlanje.
Pobijte se že enkrat in nam dajte mir!

Pac-Man ::

Nova ruska hipersonična raketa s sposobnostjo manevriranja? Na Mig-31 obešen Iskander.


One of the weapons touted in Putin's speech was an air-launched hypersonic anti-ship missile launched from the belly of a massive MiG-31 Foxhound. Upon closer examination, one of our commenters "Idunknown" noted that it looked exactly like an Iskander ballistic missile. We took a closer look and after doing a proportional/dimensional analysis of the missile in relation to the Foxhound we came to the same conclusion. In fact, the missile doesn't even look that highly modified, although it's exhaust fairing, which drops off during launch, throws off the Iskander's signature profile a bit at first glance.
The Iskander and its newest variant, the Iskander-M, are not air breathing missiles. They use solid rocket fueled motors to propel them on their ballistic arcs. Yet Russia claims its new hypersonic missile has a flight profile like that of a cruise missile.


The hard maneuvers shown in the computer generated footage appears much more like that of an anti-ship cruise missile than a ballistic missile. And some outlets have reported that the system uses an air-breathing ramjet engine for sustained cruise, not a rocket engine. But there is no evidence of this, and by all the imagery we have it looks like this is indeed an air-launched Iskander ballistic missile that may have some additional targeting capabilities, like being able to hit moving ships at sea.


An air-launched ballistic missile is a relevant capability that dramatically expends the reach (by roughly four times), deployability, and flexibility over existing Iskander missiles. But if this missile does indeed have anti-ship capabilities, that's a huge leap in capability for Russia's already incredibly dense anti-ship missile arsenal.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

SimplyMiha ::

s tega planeta, ki ni nič kriv.

Seveda planet, ki nas je vzredil, ni kriv ničesar.

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Isotropic ::

mislim da so ameri nekaj nezadovoljni z naraščanjem stroškov f-35.
navy se ga bo otepala (zato so investirali v advanced super hornet, pospešili bodo pa f/a-xx), marinci bodo pa vzeli vse, kar bodo lahko (b in tudi C verzijo), ker vejo, da se sicer lahko poslovijo od marine air (bi vse prevzela navy). verjetno jim bo pa odločitev (če se bo uresničila) uničila praktično ves budget (vzdrževanje).

pa še
na kratko, ti avioni sedaj še niti pod razno niso production avioni. za stealth rabiš čiste linije.
mi je žal, da nimam LM delnic.

Zgodovina sprememb…

7982884e ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Pravzaprav komaj čakam, tele gobice.
Da terminalno zbrišejo pest po imenu human race s tega planeta, ki ni nič kriv.
Oziroma je, ker je pomagal zbreedat to ničvredno krvoločno vrsto po imenu homo sapiens. (Sapiens? Sapiens? Moj morski prašiček je bolj sapiens od te zalege)
Ko berem ta warmongerska prepucavanja mi gre na kozlanje.
Pobijte se že enkrat in nam dajte mir!

dej svoje kvazi-intelektualne edgy izpade pisi v drugih temah

Mr.B ::

Hm, ni resno je odlično za ekonomijo. prihranili bomo 1100 delovnih mest... podtaki niso iz leta 2014:|
No k realnosti..

F35 tema..
Sedaj se kažejo razlogi, zakaj ni toliko B2, B1, F22 in podobnih stelth zadev.
Vsa zgodba okoli steltha kot kaže je v premazu, ki je tako toksičen, da letala ne smejo leteti v bližini gosto naseljenih mest... In gasilne brigade morajo biti direkt na metu, stendbay, jost in kase. ...
Na primer :
As a stealth aircraft designed to be invisible to radar detection systems, the F-35 receives frequent coats of a special composite material that poses additional challenges should the plane catch fire.
The smoke produced from a burning F-35 would contain microscopic fibers and plastics known by the Air Force to be carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic. According to a number of military studies, such materials could inflict permanent lung and neural damage, and even death, if inhaled.
Depending on the seriousness of a possible crash, the time of day and the direction of the wind, this toxic smoke could be carried into parts of Burlington, South Burlington and Williston.
There are multiple Air Force studies produced over the years detailing the serious health effects from inhaling smoke from these composite materials.
Based on my extensive experience in this area, I am aware of no stealth-coated aircraft that are based in heavily populated neighborhoods in the United States," Sprey said in an affidavit filed as part of an unsuccessful federal case challenging the Burlington basing. "The F-117, the F-22, the B-2 are all operated out of bases that are outside of heavily populated areas. The other Air Guard sites proposed for the F-35 are all outside of heavily populated areas.
Using available federal safety guidelines for the toxic chemical chlorine, the weapons expert Pierre Sprey estimated that a serious F-35 crash could create a 10-mile toxic radius if a crash were to occur during the day. At night, under different atmospheric conditions, smoke could travel even farther, up to 40 miles by Sprey's estimate.

Al pa tale : The plane's Engine Ice Protection System -- which would almost certainly be crucial for New England flights -- was also found to be faulty. Facing problems, the military appears to have abandoned the ice program altogether, instead "changing the technical orders to require pilots to shut down the aircraft if icing conditions are encountered on the ground."
No tisoč napak,,,
In January, the Department of Defense's operational test and evaluation director issued a scathing report that identified more than 1,000 deficiencies with the plane's functionality. The F-35 cannot reliably shoot straight, or deploy its bomb-aiming mechanisms correctly, the report found. It said pilot ejection safety also remains an issue, and the plane has serious cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Fanjte gre se za službe :
Next year, the Air Force is scheduled to begin replacing the current fleet of 18 F-16s with 18 more-advanced, significantly louder F-35s. While community groups have opposed the program, state and local leaders continue to enthusiastically back the basing decision, arguing it will preserve up to 1,100 jobs.

Pozabi stelth, uporabi mic. Letalo je 4x glasnejše od F16...
The F-35 has a maximum sound level that is 21dBA higher on takeoff and 22dBA higher on landing. Under that rule of thumb provided in the EIS we can consider that the first 10dB of the 21dB is perceived as a doubling of the loudness from the F-16 level. The second 10dB of the 21dB is perceived as a doubling from that doubling, or four times louder than the F-16. OK, there is an additional 1 or 2 dBA difference. So we can say "according to the numbers given in the Air Force EIS, the F-35 has a maximum loudness that is more than 4 times louder than maximum loudness of the F-16."
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Invictus ::

Jasno, da je F-35 glasnejši od F-16, saj ima skoraj še 1x močnejši motor...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

Sedaj še uradno...
The Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on 22 March new names for three weapon systems detailed by President Vladimir Putin on 1 March during his annual address to a joint session of Russia's parliament.

Following a public vote, the three systems - the nuclear-armed and powered torpedo known as 'Status-6'; the intercontinental cruise missile; and a truck-mounted laser weapon system - are to be known as 'Poseidon', 'Burevestnik' and 'Peresvet', respectively.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold


The F-22 came face to face with Russia's top fighter and was at a major disadvantage :))


7982884e ::

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

The F-22 came face to face with Russia's top fighter and was at a major disadvantage :))


ker vem, da imas tezave in z anglescino, in z branjem:

But with today's rules of engagement, the F-22's huge advantages in stealth mean little.

clanek torej govori o tem, da v srecanju, kjer sta se pilota prakticno videla drug drugega, stealth nima prednosti.

breaking news at 11!

Mr.B ::

Pa si pogledal datum članka.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

Upam da dobijo nove patriote, ker če tam tretjerazreda država za regijo, lahko tako uspečno pobegne patriotom, no. Čudno da so jih tako pozno prestregli. Sedaj bodo amerikanci prodali ene par AWACS, za izboljšanje statistik, al pa so leteli te projektili prepočas, pa so namenjeni za bolj ruske konzerve... brez sarkazma...
Despite Saudi claims of success, it is possible that at least two missiles "failed catastrophically," according to Jeffrey Lewis, Director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California. Lewis noted that one missile seemed to fail in midair and that a second quickly turned around and crashed into the groun
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Invictus ::

7982884e je izjavil:

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

The F-22 came face to face with Russia's top fighter and was at a major disadvantage :))


ker vem, da imas tezave in z anglescino, in z branjem:

But with today's rules of engagement, the F-22's huge advantages in stealth mean little.

clanek torej govori o tem, da v srecanju, kjer sta se pilota prakticno videla drug drugega, stealth nima prednosti.

breaking news at 11!

Pravzaprav govori tudi o tem, da bi F-22 popušil...

On top of that, if a routine interception were to turn kinetic, the F-22 would start the battle at a huge disadvantage.

But the rules of engagement, as they stand, put the US's top fighter jet at a distinct disadvantage if the worst happened and a dogfight broke out between the world's top military powers over Syria.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


Samuel ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Pravzaprav govori tudi o tem, da bi F-22 popušil...

Česa je sposoben F-22 vejo samo v USAF. Nihče drug tega letala nima, ker ni šlo za izvozni model.

If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

next3steps ::

Samuel je izjavil:

next3steps je izjavil:

Berem kitajsko propagando in kitajske aktiviste. Berem zahodno propagando in zahodne levičarje, ki si upajo oporekati tej propagandi.
Opazujem torej obe strani obeh nožov, ki se krešeta med seboj. Ti?

Bereš ti kurac kitajsko propagando, ker ne znaš kitajsko. Lažeš kot bedak.
Malo prečekiraj koliko so kitajski poslanci "težki". Praktično vsi so (multi)miljonarji.

Korupcija to the finest...

Znam in učim se osnove.
A če misliš, da za tvoje komentarjeniso krive nore gobe in zaradi tega lažje spiš, tudi prav.

Mr.B ::

Članek je skoraj eno leto star.... Ko je su35 prišel v .. in je bilo že pisano...

Toda..Morda bo THADD boljši. Al pa bolje kaj izraelskega..
Jeffrey Lewis, a missile expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, previously studied other Saudi Patriot missile launches.
"It's more likely that none of the missiles have been intercepted than it is that the Saudis have shot down any," said Lewis.

3-2-1 oni so itak nesposobni, pa večinoma jim delajo malezijski sužnij :D Po moje bodo Poljaki izbrali kaj izraelskega... za ruske konzerve...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Isotropic ::

za ABM ima amerika THAAD

Mr.B ::

Isotropic je izjavil:

za ABM ima amerika THAAD

Ok imaš 1,2,3 hm le zakaj imajo gore tega patriota v Južnikoreji. S tastarimi so bili uspešni še v času prve iraške. No verjetno so zaradi tega izraelci raje postavili svoje sisteme. Kaj bi bilo, če bi nekaj letelo 50 m nad zemljo.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Invictus ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Invictus je izjavil:

Pravzaprav govori tudi o tem, da bi F-22 popušil...

Česa je sposoben F-22 vejo samo v USAF. Nihče drug tega letala nima, ker ni šlo za izvozni model.


Pravzaprav vedo tudi Francozi, Angleži, Nemci...

Sigurno so dobro preverili kako se odziva...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


fikus_ ::

Vprašanje, katero verzijo Patriota ima SA. Če so zgodnja verzija, potem zna bit za njih problematično oz. so dokaj nezanesljivi. Poleg tega je splošno znano, da Arabci niso najbolj zanesljivi/sposobni/motivirani za vojsko/vojno, razen če ni vera ozadje.
Bodo pač USA prodale kaj novejšega.

Glede primerjave F-22 in Su-35, verjetno je res, kot je opisana situacija od blizu. F-22 je delan za boje od daleč, kjer ima veliko prednost zaradi zmanjšane radarske vidnosti.
Razne primerjave so špekulacije in preigravanje scenarijev. Kdo je v kateri situaciji "zmagovalec", je odvisno tudi od avtorja primerjave.

Samuel ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Pravzaprav vedo tudi Francozi, Angleži, Nemci...
Sigurno so dobro preverili kako se odziva...

Pilotirajo ga ne, vzdržujejo ga ne... kaj bi lahko vedeli?
In po drugi strani, kako bi lahko vedeli karkoli o SU-35, da bi lahko delali primerjavo?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Vanich ::

Teli Patrioti pa zelo radi pridejo nazaj domov...:D

Invictus ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Pilotirajo ga ne, vzdržujejo ga ne... kaj bi lahko vedeli?

Sodelovali so skupaj na vajah... Kar je čisto dovolj... In jih par tudi sklatili...

Seveda ne v BVR. Tam Ameri dajo AMMRAM raketa pk 90% in skoraj vsaka zadane... Kar je daleč od resnice...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


Mr.B ::

Vanich je izjavil:

Teli Patrioti pa zelo radi pridejo nazaj domov...:D

Dve sta zatajile. Prva je ognejmet, druga pa boomerang. Tretja je sicer nekaj počila, samo je šla konica naprej...Tisti video, ko muslič snema temo, in vidiš samo piko nek blis, potem gre pa v zavetje..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Pilotirajo ga ne, vzdržujejo ga ne... kaj bi lahko vedeli?

Sodelovali so skupaj na vajah... Kar je čisto dovolj... In jih par tudi sklatili...
Seveda ne v BVR. Tam Ameri dajo AMMRAM raketa pk 90% in skoraj vsaka zadane... Kar je daleč od resnice...

To govoriš iz svojih lastnih izkušenj?? Kaj pa ti veš, kako te vaje potekajo? In kako vejo, kakšen je v primerjavi z SU-35?? Stara baba kazala?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Verjetno velja to isto tza AIM-120D, pri tej ststistiki na terenu, jih bo F22, moral nostiti ene dvajset, pa pustimo da je AIM zadel letalo v realnih razmerje na daljši razadalji kot AIM-120...

President Trump insists existing interceptors can knock out a missile in the air 97 per cent of the time.
Kaj pravijo novice na terenu :
SAUDI Arabia just fired five US interceptors at an incoming missile. They all missed.

Zagotovo je kriv tisti "Round off errors" bug iz 1991.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Kaj, ko bi enkrat zaključili s takimi "viri":

"But it now appears they all missed."
"As appears to have been demonstrated in Saudi Arabia early last month."
"However, all was not as it seemed:"

etc, etc...

Zakaj naj bi uradni viri sploh prali to v javnosti??
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Kaj, ko bi enkrat zaključili s takimi "viri":

"But it now appears they all missed."
"As appears to have been demonstrated in Saudi Arabia early last month."
"However, all was not as it seemed:"

etc, etc...

Zakaj naj bi uradni viri sploh prali to v javnosti??

Sej vem, prvi ognejmet, je bil kot nevaden abort, drugi u trn pa tudi., kava pa postavjo te patriote tako v bližino civilnih mest. Lol se te musliči neumni.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Rusi si spet nabijajo ego s halucinacijami.



The American nuclear submarine Connecticut could not rise to the surface in the Arctic due to an ice sheet. Another submarine missile carrier, Hartford (SSN 768), managed to break through the ice, but the submarine that surfaced received significant damage.



Nearly invisible to the enemy as it stalks the oceans depths, the USS Hartford, a Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered submarine, provides the US Navy with a lethal combination of stealth and firepower.
Thousands of miles from homeport, the Hartford cruises the Arctic Ocean -- the site of a potential new flashpoint between Russia and the US. CNN saw at first hand how it can launch a two-ton 20-foot-long torpedo capable of destroying an enemy submarine in an instant.
Along with the USS Connecticut fast-attack submarine and the UK Royal Navy's HMS Trenchant, the 6,000-ton Hartford is currently participating in multinational exercises training for its primary mission: to hunt and kill enemy ships and submarines.


Vidne so tri podmornice, nobenih očitnih poškodb, @11:10 je USS Connecticut razobesila prapor.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Rusi si spet nabijajo ego s halucinacijami.



The American nuclear submarine Connecticut could not rise to the surface in the Arctic due to an ice sheet. Another submarine missile carrier, Hartford (SSN 768), managed to break through the ice, but the submarine that surfaced received significant damage.



Nearly invisible to the enemy as it stalks the oceans depths, the USS Hartford, a Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered submarine, provides the US Navy with a lethal combination of stealth and firepower.
Thousands of miles from homeport, the Hartford cruises the Arctic Ocean -- the site of a potential new flashpoint between Russia and the US. CNN saw at first hand how it can launch a two-ton 20-foot-long torpedo capable of destroying an enemy submarine in an instant.
Along with the USS Connecticut fast-attack submarine and the UK Royal Navy's HMS Trenchant, the 6,000-ton Hartford is currently participating in multinational exercises training for its primary mission: to hunt and kill enemy ships and submarines.


Vidne so tri podmornice, nobenih očitnih poškodb, @11:10 je USS Connecticut razobesila prapor.

Včeraj so tudi poročali, kako je superiorno deloval Patriot. No na CNN-u mislim. Bi poiskal še kak vir.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Invictus ::

Samuel je izjavil:

To govoriš iz svojih lastnih izkušenj?? Kaj pa ti veš, kako te vaje potekajo? In kako vejo, kakšen je v primerjavi z SU-35?? Stara baba kazala?

Nekateri beremo, in ne samo fantaziramo...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


Isotropic ::

2 ameriški, 1 britanska

7982884e ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Pilotirajo ga ne, vzdržujejo ga ne... kaj bi lahko vedeli?

Sodelovali so skupaj na vajah... Kar je čisto dovolj... In jih par tudi sklatili...

Seveda ne v BVR. Tam Ameri dajo AMMRAM raketa pk 90% in skoraj vsaka zadane... Kar je daleč od resnice...

te vaje niso bile BVR in so bile narejene prakticno "po meri" za 4-generacijske avione, da so lahko trenirali skupaj z F-22 - sicer pac ostali ne bi imeli kaj delat, ker bi jih raptorji pojedli.

fikus_ je izjavil:

Vprašanje, katero verzijo Patriota ima SA. Če so zgodnja verzija, potem zna bit za njih problematično oz. so dokaj nezanesljivi. Poleg tega je splošno znano, da Arabci niso najbolj zanesljivi/sposobni/motivirani za vojsko/vojno, razen če ni vera ozadje.
Bodo pač USA prodale kaj novejšega.
imajo PAC-2, zadnja leta tudi PAC-3, ampak vecina se vedno dvojka.
vseeno so precej uspesni:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7982884e ()

Samuel ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

To govoriš iz svojih lastnih izkušenj?? Kaj pa ti veš, kako te vaje potekajo? In kako vejo, kakšen je v primerjavi z SU-35?? Stara baba kazala?

Nekateri beremo, in ne samo fantaziramo...

Ti marsikaj sproduciraš tukaj brez najmanjše logične presoje. V tem si prvak tega foruma.

Rdeča kapica in sedem palčkov je tudi dober vir, ane.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Isotropic ::

hrvatarji so kupili 12 izraelskih f-16 bl. 30/ 40, nenadgradljivih na najnovejše (ameriške) blocke, s kupom izraelske elektronike, modifikacij, izraelskim orožjem in vprašljivo dobavo rezervnih delov v prihodnosti (odvisno tudi kaj so izraelci delali z njimi, najbrž hrvati niti sami ne vejo prav dobro).
stara so cca. 30 let (baje samo par let mlajši od migov) in "bojno preizkušena", namen imajo narediti 6k ur z njimi v naslednjih 30 letih (če sem prav interpretiral njihovo sliko, lahko tudi da mislijo skupno št. ur letenja, samo dvomim).
naj bi bila to najcenejša opcija s ceno 2.9 mrd kun proti gripnom za 8mrd (čeprav drugi viri pa navajajo 400-500 in 700-800 mega EUR).

v tujih medijih se govori tudi o oborožitveni tekmi s srbijo, ki je kupila 6 rabljenih mig 29 (še brez fly-by-wire za primerjavo).
ponudbe so bile sicer od švedske (gripen), grčije (mislim da njihovi f-16), koreje (najbrž f/a-50) in amerike (ne vem kaj, za 9.5 mrd kun, najbrž f/a-18 ali novi f-16), je bila pa izraelska daleč najcenejša.
aja, izraelska opcija je vsebovala tudi oborožitev (ne-nato), gripen je ni imel, bi pa postavili tehnološki center pri njih za 100-200 ljudi.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Isotropic ::


začetek death spiral?
zaenkrat najbrž samo pritiskanje na LM

Zgodovina sprememb…

7982884e ::

zacetek death spiral ja :))
skoraj 300 avionov ze proizvedenih, kupcev vedno vec
se malo pa bo program umrl, ja

Mr.B ::

7982884e je izjavil:

zacetek death spiral ja :))
skoraj 300 avionov ze proizvedenih, kupcev vedno vec
se malo pa bo program umrl, ja

Jp, moraš met samo budget. Če te stane samo SW nadgranja 12+mijard $ zato da nadgradiš na verzijo SV na v 4 za trenutno in kao prodane f35. Pač ta model pozname. Če ne plačuješ vsak mesec, čez deset let, letalo pač ne bo streljalo z novo verziojo aim120. Pač to je dejstvo...

Lako pa vpišeš v google : afford the sustainment costs F35 No ne bodo samo 1.4 joke.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold


The U.S. military has a huge problem with obesity and it's only getting worse


America's military is losing its technology edge
The U.S. military's once-unrivaled technology edge is disappearing. The warning signs are everywhere.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ADIJOOO1 ()


The embarrassing problem with America's best fighter jets
THE United States has two of the most potent and expensive stealth fighter jets in the world, but there's an embarrassing flaw with them. :))


Mogoče pa bi morali dati američani letala izdelati na Kitajsko tam so boljši mojsti večji IQ bodo letala vsaj delovala :D

Saj ni res pa je :))

USAF moves to address F-35 spare-parts problems
There have reportedly been issues acquiring spare parts and repairing parts for the F-35


BUYER BEWARE: F-35 - The Fighter That Might Never Fight

Veste zakaj je F-35 stealth letalo in ga nobeden ne vidi ???

Zato, ker je non stop parkiran v hangerju :)):))

Smrekar1 ::

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

The F-22 came face to face with Russia's top fighter and was at a major disadvantage :))


Če bi šel brat članek bi ugotovil, da je prednost Su-35 v tem, da lahko pokaže, da je oborožen.



Mr.B ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

ADIJOOO1 je izjavil:

The F-22 came face to face with Russia's top fighter and was at a major disadvantage :))


Če bi šel brat članek bi ugotovil, da je prednost Su-35 v tem, da lahko pokaže, da je oborožen.



Sem mislil da boš napisal F35 dev test konöan, sedaj pride raöun cca 19 mijard za Bloc F4 SW, ki bo to vse odpravil, kar so končanem DEV testu našli.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: Smrekar1 ()

Smrekar1 ::

Projekt FGFA - indijska različica Su-50 - je ukinjen.


Indija je ponovno ugotovila kako zanič strateški partner je Rusija in ruski projekt Su-50 ima novo težavo, ki ga bo potisnila še za vsaj nekaj let nazaj. Edina operativna raba Su-50 bodo kot kaže parade, še te samo občasno, da ne pade kakšen na Kremelj.
67 / 100

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