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Smeha pismo

Smeha pismo

fantasycamp ::

Dobim v spam tole

I am a Diplomat named Mr.Andrew Chow mandated to deliver your inheritance to you in your country of residence. The funds total US$15.5 Million and you were made the beneficiary of these funds by a benefactor whose details will be revealed to you after handing over the funds to you in accordance with the Agreement I signed with the benefactor when he enlisted my assistance in delivering the funds to you. I am presently at JFK Airport in the United States of America and before I can deliver the funds to you, you have to reconfirm the following information so as to ensure that I am dealing with the right person.
1.Full Name
2.Residential Address
5.Direct Telephone Numbers
After verification of the information with what I have on file,I shall contact you so that we can make arrangements on the exact time I will be bringing your package to your residential address. Send the requested information so that we can proceed.
Mr.Andrew chow

in to v bold uppercase.

A še kdo pada na te fore in škoda da se te ljudi ne da sodno preganjat...

pegasus ::


vostok_1 ::

Jaz bi mu zagotovo odpisal.

mgermo ::

Nekateri ljudje so rojeni pod srečno zvezdo.

MIHAc27 ::

Upam da ne nasedajo, če pa že si to zaslužijo da jih en okrog prinese.

Torej en model zdaj z 15M čaka na letališču, da mu odpišeš nazaj. In če nisi pravi... bo tam kar čakal?

dottor ::

Vsaj krofe pa kavo mu pošlji če ti že ponuja 15M$ :D
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi

francek1 ::

Takim vedno odgovorim diplomatsko: Fuck you, stupid niger!....
Kdor se je že rodil učen se lahko reži...

LJ4L ::

Verjetno - glede na angleščino je indijc :))
LP from LJ

Kenpachi ::

Ampak, kaj pa pocnejo s temi podatki?

Fishajo za fake passporte or something?

Full Name, Residential Address, Age, Occupation, Direct Telephone Numbers recimo niso direktno financno exploitable potadki (napram credit card number/ver number)... Razen ce je kak targeted advertising fishing aktivnih mailov or something.
Zaraki Kenpachi.

harmony ::

francek1 je izjavil:

Takim vedno odgovorim diplomatsko: Fuck you, stupid niger!....

Kaj pa ce je kitajc?

shmandi ::

Kenpachi je izjavil:

Ampak, kaj pa pocnejo s temi podatki?

Fishajo za fake passporte or something?

Full Name, Residential Address, Age, Occupation, Direct Telephone Numbers recimo niso direktno financno exploitable potadki (napram credit card number/ver number)... Razen ce je kak targeted advertising fishing aktivnih mailov or something.

Podatki načeloma ničemer ne služijo, razen da bolj "resno" izgleda. Ponavadi potem sledi, da moraš pokriti kakšen manjši administrativni strošek, preden lahko dobiš denar. in ta manjši znesek je poanta teh mejlov...

111111111111 ::

Kenpachi -> Nope. :)

Meni so enkrat poslali, da sem zadel 150.000.000$ v Južni afriki. Ko sem jih kontaktiral in jim poslal lažne podatke, so se mi zahvalili in povedali, da rabim odvetnika, ki me bo zastopal pri dvigu dobitka. Priporočili so mi jih nekaj (poslali so mi linke in da naj se za enega odločim). Povedal sem katerega bi imel in ta me je naslednji dan kontaktiral. Povedal je da lahko on to uredi ali pa pridem sam in to uredim v Južni afriki. Seveda sem mu rekel da naj on to uredi. Rekel je da je običajna tarifa 3000$ ampak bo v mojem primeru naredil izjemo in mi računal samo 2000$. Jaz pa sem napisal, da naj mi pošlje pogodbo, kjer se bom zavezal, da ob uspešni transakciji 150.000.000$ - davek, mu nakažem 10.000$. Potem se je oglasil še 2x in me prepričeval da taka ni poslovna praksa, da je zadeva 100%, jaz pa mirno nazaj da je tudi pri meni 100%, da bom nakazal in mu ponudil 20.000$. Pa ni bil navdušen, povedal mi je da bom zamudil življensko priložnost. :)

In sem jo. 3000$ imam še vedno v žepu.

Zgodovina sprememb…

first_line ::

Jaz pa sem že 5x dobil 15 miljard $

Ne vem zakaj ne bi dal teh par jurjev, če boš pa potem dobil cel kup $$$. Zamudil si bre.

harmony ::

111111111111 je izjavil:

In sem jo. 3000$ imam še vedno v žepu.

Nekdo drug pa 150mil :D

Phantomeye ::

poznam primer, da je nekdo izvedu reverse social engineering nad enim takšnim prevarantom in od njega celo dobil nekaj denarja.

LJ4L ::

Podatki so verjetno samo za resnost. Fora je, da jim nakažeš keš njim se pa pokvari sistem oz. niso dobili denarja ipd.
LP from LJ

Phantomeye ::

ful predlagam ogled tega videa, da se malo vidi ozadje za temi scami.

francek1 ::

harmony je izjavil:

francek1 je izjavil:

Takim vedno odgovorim diplomatsko: Fuck you, stupid niger!....

Kaj pa ce je kitajc?

Ma stupid so vsi, nigga pa tudi...
Kdor se je že rodil učen se lahko reži...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: [D]emon ()

fantasycamp ::

Še ena zelo lepa ki sem jo dobil v spam

Ref: FBI/DC/25/113/13/2013

Urgent attention needed

We have been informed through our global intelligence monitoring network that the sum of $10.500, 000.00, has been released from a bank in Africa bearing your name as the beneficiary without dist certificate to clear your name and fund from every terrorist or drug or money laundering activities

The bank knowing fully well that they do not have enough facilities to make this payment from any part of the world to your account directly, used what we know as a secret diplomatic transit payment (s.t.d.p) method to make the payment. direct transfers are difficult and secret diplomatic transit payment (s.t.d.p) are not usually made unless the funds are related to terrorist activities and we ask why must your payment be made in a secret transfer if your transaction is legitimate.
We do not want you to get into trouble as soon as these funds reflect in your personal account, so it is our duty as an international agency to correct these little problems before this fund reflects into your personal account.

we advice you to contact us immediately, as your funds have been stopped and are being held in our custody, until you are able to provide us with the dist certificate within 3 days from the country that authorized the transfer to certify that the funds that you are about to receive are terrorist/drug free or we shall have cause to impound the payment and subsequently prosecute you for cross border terrorist financial activites.
based on our findings, our investigative department wish to warn you against some miscreants, hoodlums and touts who go about scamming innocent people by claiming to be who they are not and thereby tarnishing the image of this wonderful country. By sending out fraudulent emails without our official logo and emblem we shall release your funds immediately we receive this legal document and we will ensure that you receive your payment without any further delay.


We decided to contact you directly by email to acquire the proper verifications and proof from you to show that you are the rightful person to receive this fund, because of the huge amount involved. Be informed that the funds are now with a top bank in the united state in your name and under the monitoring/custody of the FBI. At the moment, we have asked the bank not to release the fund to anybody that comes to them, unless we instruct them to do so, and only if we receive the dist certificate this is to enable us carry out a comprehensive investigation first before releasing the fund to you.

hence, you are to forward your dist certificate to us immediately if you have it in your possession, if you do not have it, then let us know so that we will direct you to the appropriate authority to obtain the certificate then you are to send it to our office. And thereafter, we will instruct the bank holding the funds, to go ahead and credit your account immediately. If you fail to provide the documents to this office, we will prosecute you and take appropriate action against you for not proving the legality of the funds.

Finally if you truly want to receive this funds without F.B.I troubles then reconfirm the following below

Contact number
Country of origin of funds

Yours Faithfully


bendDspoon ::

Običajno za temi maili stojijo nigerijci. Poguglajte nigerian scam. Na youtubeu najdete celo kakšen dokumentarec na to temo, v bistvu pa gre za krajo identitete. Vedno me nasmeje njihova angleščina.

spirit ::

no jst v službo dobim včasih tudi po več na dan da smo nekje dobil take in drugačen vsote denarja od 600 pa do 2.500 miljonov $ :D sem dobil pa da sem ponosni lastnik 15,xy $ nič miljonov :D o ja komi čakam da pošlm podatke za 15$ :) na
alost maila sedaj ne najdem :S je bil res mojstovina, tudi v napakah

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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