Forum » Loža » Spet nek afrsiki nateg?
Spet nek afrsiki nateg?

Microsoft ::
Zdele sm dobu en mejl. Nism kaj vliko bral, sam se mi ne zdi kej druzga, kot poskus nekega natega folka. Ce kdo zna dost anglesko, se lahko mal sprehodi skozi tekst, pa napise, kaj me gopod prosi. :)))
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr.Peter Jordan, Director of Treasury, National Bank-Kenya.
This is an urgent and very confidential business proposition.
On June 6, 2000, a Foreign mining
consultant/contractor with the Kenya minerals Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Mr.Berg Douhg made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at US$21,500,000.00, (Twenty-one Million, five hundred thousand US Dollars) in my branch.
Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers, the Ministry of Energy and Mines that Mr.Berg Douhg died in a caved mining pit.
On further investigation, I found out that he died without making a WILL, and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless.
I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr.Berg Douhg did not declare any kin or relations in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit paper work in my Bank. This sum of US$21,500,000.00 has carefully been fixed in my bank for safe keeping.
No one will ever come forward to claim it. According to Kenya Law, at the expiration of 5 (five) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.
Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a Foreigner to stand in as the owner of the money which was fixed deposited in my bank. I am writing you because I as a public servant, I am forbidden by law to operate a foreign account.
I want to present you as the owner of the funds so you can be able to claim the funds with my position. This is simple. I will like you to
provide immediately your full names and address so I will prepare the necessary documents which will put
you in place as the beneficiary of the funds.
The money will be moved out for us to share in the ratio of 80% for me and
other members of the board of directors while 20% for you. The paperwork for this transaction will be
done by the board members and this will guarantees the successful execution of this transaction.
If you are interested, please reply immediately via my email address ( upon your
response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand
the transaction.
Please observe utmost confidentiality, and be rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for all concerned because we shall require your assistance to invest our share in real estate within your country.
Due to the nature of confidentiality in this Transaction our communication can only be via email .
Awaiting your urgent reply.
Thanks and my regards.
Mr.Peter Jordan.
by Miha
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr.Peter Jordan, Director of Treasury, National Bank-Kenya.
This is an urgent and very confidential business proposition.
On June 6, 2000, a Foreign mining
consultant/contractor with the Kenya minerals Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Mr.Berg Douhg made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at US$21,500,000.00, (Twenty-one Million, five hundred thousand US Dollars) in my branch.
Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers, the Ministry of Energy and Mines that Mr.Berg Douhg died in a caved mining pit.
On further investigation, I found out that he died without making a WILL, and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless.
I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr.Berg Douhg did not declare any kin or relations in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit paper work in my Bank. This sum of US$21,500,000.00 has carefully been fixed in my bank for safe keeping.
No one will ever come forward to claim it. According to Kenya Law, at the expiration of 5 (five) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.
Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a Foreigner to stand in as the owner of the money which was fixed deposited in my bank. I am writing you because I as a public servant, I am forbidden by law to operate a foreign account.
I want to present you as the owner of the funds so you can be able to claim the funds with my position. This is simple. I will like you to
provide immediately your full names and address so I will prepare the necessary documents which will put
you in place as the beneficiary of the funds.
The money will be moved out for us to share in the ratio of 80% for me and
other members of the board of directors while 20% for you. The paperwork for this transaction will be
done by the board members and this will guarantees the successful execution of this transaction.
If you are interested, please reply immediately via my email address ( upon your
response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand
the transaction.
Please observe utmost confidentiality, and be rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for all concerned because we shall require your assistance to invest our share in real estate within your country.
Due to the nature of confidentiality in this Transaction our communication can only be via email .
Awaiting your urgent reply.
Thanks and my regards.
Mr.Peter Jordan.
by Miha

OmegaBlue ::
Seveda je nateg..
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Vikking ::
to so te nigerijske prevare, sicer pa use google in skopiraj del sporočila in boš ugotovil da nisi edini ki si zadel ali podedoval takšno vsoto!!!

Microsoft ::
OK, za nagradao si lahka zmislte kar ke cete, da vam zdej kupm. Sej sm bogat, damn. :))))
by Miha
by Miha

Poldy ::
To sem že nekje bral. Če pa odgovoriš, ti pa reče, da rabi nekaj denarja, da odpre tvoj račun, pa nekaj denarja za prenos... ko mu vse to plačaš ga pa vesoljci ugrabijo.

Microsoft ::
Jst sm ze dal racun odpret. :)))
by Miha
by Miha

Caligula ::
Jz jih ponavad rad mal mrcvarim-ze jaz fa sam vprasam, ce lahko na kak nacin-z denarjem-rezerviram to zase
Pol ponavad hoce, da ga po telefonu klices sam mu tezis, da bi rad prek maila pa ga kak teden nategujes,... skratka tko da zgublja cajt pa ful je zabavno ko se ful trudi,.. pa ze vidi dnar,... pol mu pa na koncu sam poves, da je beden motherfucker in da naj se naprej sanja denar
To je nekak k tvoj pet pol. Tamagoci varianta..

To je nekak k tvoj pet pol. Tamagoci varianta..

Microsoft ::
Kul ideja!!
Grem kr v akcijo z "mojo" anglescino.
by Miha

Grem kr v akcijo z "mojo" anglescino.
by Miha

Microsoft ::
Pravkar sem napisal sledece:
I recived email from Mr.Peter Jordan and he tell me, if I wont, I can reply to this ( email.
At first, I must say I’m sorry that I did not read all your email because I was busy. But I saw that something goes about money. So can you tell me what should I do to get more money shorter? I work at day and I don’t have so much time to read all emails. But this one seams to be got for me, because I will (I hope so) receive in near future money.
I actually got few euros and dollars on my account. I don’t know how much, but near ~1000 euros ore maybe more. I travel a lot, so I need euros and I have been in Kenny. Nice country.
So If you can offer me more information about who you are, how we (I hope so) will made transfer, I will think about more. And of course is this safe? I think it should be because your email have a lot information. But I won’t that you tell me this will be safe transfer.
by Mike Nash
by Miha
p.s.:Ja, napake so. Ampak bolj me zanima, ce sm vsebino "zadel". ;)
I recived email from Mr.Peter Jordan and he tell me, if I wont, I can reply to this ( email.
At first, I must say I’m sorry that I did not read all your email because I was busy. But I saw that something goes about money. So can you tell me what should I do to get more money shorter? I work at day and I don’t have so much time to read all emails. But this one seams to be got for me, because I will (I hope so) receive in near future money.
I actually got few euros and dollars on my account. I don’t know how much, but near ~1000 euros ore maybe more. I travel a lot, so I need euros and I have been in Kenny. Nice country.
So If you can offer me more information about who you are, how we (I hope so) will made transfer, I will think about more. And of course is this safe? I think it should be because your email have a lot information. But I won’t that you tell me this will be safe transfer.
by Mike Nash
by Miha
p.s.:Ja, napake so. Ampak bolj me zanima, ce sm vsebino "zadel". ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Microsoft ()

Microsoft ::
Ja mla morm podvomt oz. vprasat, da bojo rekl, da je vrano, pa bom jst reku: zaupam vam. :)))
Damn, zdele sm vidu, da sm v zadnjem stavku neki zajebu. Namesto want sm napisu won't. GrRRRrrr. :///
by Miha
Damn, zdele sm vidu, da sm v zadnjem stavku neki zajebu. Namesto want sm napisu won't. GrRRRrrr. :///
by Miha
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Microsoft ()

Caligula ::
Jz sm dons dubu enga v francoscini
Zgleda bom meu zastojn zdej ponovitvene tecaje francoscine. Sej morm itak mal ponovit
Cotonou - R�publique du B�nin. PROPOSITION. A votre attention, Cette lettre va s�rement vous para�tre surprenante; je vous prie n�anmoins de la prendre au SERIEUX sans vous �tonner du choix que je porte sur vous. Avant tout, permettez moi de m'introduire aupr�s de vous: je suis un cadre dirigeant au sein d'une soci�t� de consigne � Cotonou en R�publique du B�nin, en qualit� de Directeur des Op�rations. Gr�ce � mon concours, monsieur Jean-Baptiste KONAN, homme d'affaire et politicien Ivoirien a d�pos� au sein de notre soci�t� deux (2) malles m�talliques contenant chacune des fonds d'un montant de quinze (15) millions de dollars am�ricains, ayant pour b�n�ficiaire son fils unique Sylvain. Ces malles furent enr�gistr�es comme contenant des effets personnels et documents pr�cieux; car notre soci�t� n'est pas autoris�e � garder en son sein des fonds en liquide. Depuis la tentative de coup d'Etat perp�tr�e le 19 Septembre 2002 en C�te d'Ivoire, monsieur Jean-Baptiste KONAN est port� disparu. Suite � cette situation douloureuse, son fils Sylvain s'est exil� au B�nin et d�sire aujourd'hui transf�rer lesdits fonds (30 millions de dollars am�ricains) dans le but principal de les investir dans diverses activit�s r�mun�ratrices de revenu. Je vous envoie cette lettre, ce jour, afin de solliciter votre collaboration dans le cadre de ce projet qui devra se r�aliser avec la plus grande confidentialit�. Collaboration suite � laquelle, il vous garantis une commission qui fera l'objet d'un accord mutuel entre chacune de vos deux (2) parties. Je vous prie de bien vouloir me contacter au plus vite en cas d'accord ou me faire la faveur d'oublier tous d�tails concernant cette lettre. Dans l'attente de votre r�ponse, je compte sur votre discr�tion. Cordialement, Jacques H.

Zgleda bom meu zastojn zdej ponovitvene tecaje francoscine. Sej morm itak mal ponovit

Cotonou - R�publique du B�nin. PROPOSITION. A votre attention, Cette lettre va s�rement vous para�tre surprenante; je vous prie n�anmoins de la prendre au SERIEUX sans vous �tonner du choix que je porte sur vous. Avant tout, permettez moi de m'introduire aupr�s de vous: je suis un cadre dirigeant au sein d'une soci�t� de consigne � Cotonou en R�publique du B�nin, en qualit� de Directeur des Op�rations. Gr�ce � mon concours, monsieur Jean-Baptiste KONAN, homme d'affaire et politicien Ivoirien a d�pos� au sein de notre soci�t� deux (2) malles m�talliques contenant chacune des fonds d'un montant de quinze (15) millions de dollars am�ricains, ayant pour b�n�ficiaire son fils unique Sylvain. Ces malles furent enr�gistr�es comme contenant des effets personnels et documents pr�cieux; car notre soci�t� n'est pas autoris�e � garder en son sein des fonds en liquide. Depuis la tentative de coup d'Etat perp�tr�e le 19 Septembre 2002 en C�te d'Ivoire, monsieur Jean-Baptiste KONAN est port� disparu. Suite � cette situation douloureuse, son fils Sylvain s'est exil� au B�nin et d�sire aujourd'hui transf�rer lesdits fonds (30 millions de dollars am�ricains) dans le but principal de les investir dans diverses activit�s r�mun�ratrices de revenu. Je vous envoie cette lettre, ce jour, afin de solliciter votre collaboration dans le cadre de ce projet qui devra se r�aliser avec la plus grande confidentialit�. Collaboration suite � laquelle, il vous garantis une commission qui fera l'objet d'un accord mutuel entre chacune de vos deux (2) parties. Je vous prie de bien vouloir me contacter au plus vite en cas d'accord ou me faire la faveur d'oublier tous d�tails concernant cette lettre. Dans l'attente de votre r�ponse, je compte sur votre discr�tion. Cordialement, Jacques H.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Caligula ()

username ::
Je vous prie de bien vouloir me contacter au plus vite en cas d'accord ou me faire la faveur d'oublier tous d�tails concernant cette lettre.Ha, tale detajl je od sile. ("prosim, da me čimprej kontaktirate v zvezi s to zadevo ali pa mi naredite uslugo in pozabite vse podrobnosti glede tega pisma")

a to on misli, da bo s tem ustvaril večjo verodostojnost. žalostno je pa to, da nekateri tud nasedejo (sej pred časom je blo še v časopisih o tem)
I've got a solution for the rainforest: napalm the lot. (Jeremy Clarkson)

Microsoft ::
A ga mamo? :))
Dear friend,
Thank you for your mail. It is important for us to understand each other quite well so that we would have a peaceful and fruitful business relationship.
The basic requirement of this transaction from you is for you to set up an account with a private bank for this transaction as I cannot transfer the said funds to your already existing account. In doing this, you would have to activate the account with one of our corresponding bank with a required minimum opening balance like other banks to enable it host the said amount of funds.
I do not want a situation whereby we would have to pulse after we have started due to lack of funds to activate the account. Whatever amount spent in activating the account would still remain in the account as your balance.
The essence of setting up an account with the private bank is that I want the funds to be taken out of my bank without raising any eyebrow. You must understand that this is a deal and we must make sure that we do not leave any stone unturned. I worked out the modalities for this transaction and I am very positive that if we work together following these modalities, we would be successful and have course to count our blessings as soon as possible.
I would like to hear from you soonest so that we can proceed further. It is very important that you understand that the future of my family depends on the successful conclusion of this transaction hence, I would not entertain any form of laxity once we commence but would prefer if we follow up this transaction vigorously to make sure that we achieve our set out goal immediately.
I appreciate your decision to partake in this transaction with me and be rest assured that we would be together soon for further investment opportunities in your country.
I would require you to send me your personal details including your address and Phone number for further correspondence and prompt conclusion of this transaction
Please, do respond back as soon as possible.
God bless and my regards,
Peter Jordan
Still single? Click here to find the perfect match.
Nism se nic bral, sm samo prekopiral sem. Grem na kosilo zdele, ce se komu da, naj prebere, pa kaj pove. :)))
by Miha
Dear friend,
Thank you for your mail. It is important for us to understand each other quite well so that we would have a peaceful and fruitful business relationship.
The basic requirement of this transaction from you is for you to set up an account with a private bank for this transaction as I cannot transfer the said funds to your already existing account. In doing this, you would have to activate the account with one of our corresponding bank with a required minimum opening balance like other banks to enable it host the said amount of funds.
I do not want a situation whereby we would have to pulse after we have started due to lack of funds to activate the account. Whatever amount spent in activating the account would still remain in the account as your balance.
The essence of setting up an account with the private bank is that I want the funds to be taken out of my bank without raising any eyebrow. You must understand that this is a deal and we must make sure that we do not leave any stone unturned. I worked out the modalities for this transaction and I am very positive that if we work together following these modalities, we would be successful and have course to count our blessings as soon as possible.
I would like to hear from you soonest so that we can proceed further. It is very important that you understand that the future of my family depends on the successful conclusion of this transaction hence, I would not entertain any form of laxity once we commence but would prefer if we follow up this transaction vigorously to make sure that we achieve our set out goal immediately.
I appreciate your decision to partake in this transaction with me and be rest assured that we would be together soon for further investment opportunities in your country.
I would require you to send me your personal details including your address and Phone number for further correspondence and prompt conclusion of this transaction
Please, do respond back as soon as possible.
God bless and my regards,
Peter Jordan
Still single? Click here to find the perfect match.
Nism se nic bral, sm samo prekopiral sem. Grem na kosilo zdele, ce se komu da, naj prebere, pa kaj pove. :)))
by Miha

jimi--Ma sploh ne vem kaj to tukaj spet objavljaš ko veš za kaj gre. Jaz dobim vsak dan enga ali dva različna mejla na isto temo. Že sama ponudba je preveč lepa da bi bila resnična.
vse take stvari se ignorirajo.
vse take stvari se ignorirajo.
Go with the flow.

Matev ::
ma vi sploh ne kužiti
jimi že ve da ne bo obogatel na ta račun
ve pa tudi da se lahko pošali z njimi in jih nekaj časa vleče za nos (kar vi očitno ne dojamete)
jimi že ve da ne bo obogatel na ta račun
ve pa tudi da se lahko pošali z njimi in jih nekaj časa vleče za nos (kar vi očitno ne dojamete)

Microsoft ::
Ma ja, jst se hocm mal poigrat s temi zajedalci. :))
Denar bom pa ze drugace sluzil, kot po emailu. ;)
by Miha
Denar bom pa ze drugace sluzil, kot po emailu. ;)
by Miha

BigWhale ::
Zakaj imam obcutek, da ti odgovore posilja ena 'tajnica', napisana v perlu recimo... ;>
Kdo se s kom igra je pa vprasanje...
Kdo se s kom igra je pa vprasanje...

Microsoft ::
Kdo to pise, s katerim programom, .... jst pojma nimam.
Ce pogledas, jst nism kej vlko truda vlozu, da sm napisu neki malga. Pa tud kaj vlk ne premislujem o tem, kako bom dobil denar. :))
by Miha
Ce pogledas, jst nism kej vlko truda vlozu, da sm napisu neki malga. Pa tud kaj vlk ne premislujem o tem, kako bom dobil denar. :))
by Miha

T0RN4D0 ::
Jao đimi spet ti pa tvoja angleščina :P
Hehe, jst sem jih tud prvič mal zejbavu, samo škoda časa.
Zdej jim samo še povem da so idioti, zadnč sem dubu m,ali da sem zadel 1 000 000 000 $, pa so napisal miljon… pa sem samo reku da se drugič lahko vsaj potrudjo pa prov cifre napišeno

Hehe, jst sem jih tud prvič mal zejbavu, samo škoda časa.

Zdej jim samo še povem da so idioti, zadnč sem dubu m,ali da sem zadel 1 000 000 000 $, pa so napisal miljon… pa sem samo reku da se drugič lahko vsaj potrudjo pa prov cifre napišeno

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

Ziga Dolhar ::
BigWhale, ta opcija je že izključena.
Pranje možgan in slovenštjina ...
Za navodila pisat sm ze bil pismen v OS.
Da bi pa za to rabil vedet, kaj je hotel povedat Janez Svetokriski v njegovih delih, pa dvomim. Ali pa, ali je desni nadlastek ujemalni ali ne.
Pranje možgan in slovenštjina ...

Zdravko ::
jaz sem tudi milijonar ratal
Congratulation You Have Won...
Ref. Number: 132/756/4007
Batch Number: 538901527-BB67
We are pleased to inform you of the result of The Lottery Winners International programs held on the 5th may ,2004. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 27511465896-6410 with serial number 3772-510 drew lucky numbers 7-14-88-23-31-45 which consequently won in the 1st category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay of US$ 1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars)CONGRATULATIONS!!! Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been
processed and your money Remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol. To avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system
drawn from over 20,000 company and 30,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world we hope with part of your winning you will take part in our next year USD50 million international lottery. To file for your claim, please contact our fiducial agent(MR.PERRY VAN BROOK) of the trust Group Agency TEL:0031-611-146-930 Email:
Please Remember, all winning must be claimed not later than 30th of june 2004.
After this date,all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence.
Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon
as possible.Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you
for being part of our promotional program. Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is
automatically disqualified. Sincerely yours,
Mr.mike jose.
Lottery Coordinator

Congratulation You Have Won...
Ref. Number: 132/756/4007
Batch Number: 538901527-BB67
We are pleased to inform you of the result of The Lottery Winners International programs held on the 5th may ,2004. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 27511465896-6410 with serial number 3772-510 drew lucky numbers 7-14-88-23-31-45 which consequently won in the 1st category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay of US$ 1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars)CONGRATULATIONS!!! Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been
processed and your money Remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol. To avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system
drawn from over 20,000 company and 30,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world we hope with part of your winning you will take part in our next year USD50 million international lottery. To file for your claim, please contact our fiducial agent(MR.PERRY VAN BROOK) of the trust Group Agency TEL:0031-611-146-930 Email:
Please Remember, all winning must be claimed not later than 30th of june 2004.
After this date,all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence.
Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon
as possible.Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you
for being part of our promotional program. Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is
automatically disqualified. Sincerely yours,
Mr.mike jose.
Lottery Coordinator
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zdravko ()

Microsoft ::
No, da ti se jst cestitam. Zdej sma v istih krogih, bogatih namrec. :)))
Pa zdej ne bo problem za nabavt en server za ST, deenarja je odst. :)))
Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 27511465896-6410 with serial number 3772-510 drew lucky numbers 7-14-88-23-31-45
Napis mu, ce ti posle posnetek zrebanja.
by Miha
Pa zdej ne bo problem za nabavt en server za ST, deenarja je odst. :)))
Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 27511465896-6410 with serial number 3772-510 drew lucky numbers 7-14-88-23-31-45
Napis mu, ce ti posle posnetek zrebanja.
by Miha
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Microsoft ()

Matev ::
al pa tista ko se ti popup pržge (odkar imam mozillo se mi ne) da si miljonti obiskovalec in si zadel glavno nagrado

Microsoft ::
Te pa se nisem videl. Mas kak print screen?
by Miha
Te pa se nisem videl. Mas kak print screen?
by Miha

Swiwer ::
Heh to se dogaja zato ker je neumnega folka preprosto ogromno. Sej lepo pise tam na ""; ta tako imenovani "419 scam" je v porastu. Folk dobesedno nima mozga. Pa sploh ni nujno da so to uni iz nizjega sloja. En American je sel baje kr dol v Nigerijo kjer so ga lepo 'pospravl'. Mislm, kaka budala. :-) Ocitno ni bil glih revez ce je uspet it tja. Verjetn je celo tako, da bolj ko je izobrazen bolj je neumen. :-) Slovenija je sicer menjha ampak ima se vedno veliko idiotov, zdej si pa predstavljaj ZDA. Pa tam imas tako 'trzisce' za take stvari da res ni. Sej pol ni cudn da se te stvari celo sirijo. Ce clovk hoce zacet nategvat ljudi bo to cist easy tut delu ker bedakov ne zmanjka nikoli.
Al pa ce gres ponujat parcele na Luni oz. Marsu. 1 ar Lune te pride $20US. Pa nimas lepsga kot to dat na net (na svetovni "oglasnik") pa cakat da ti folk zacne lepo naivno nakazevati denar. Iz jeze bi to naredu ker so eni res tko zabiti da si dobesedno zasluzjo da jih en neizobrazen klosar iz Nigerije nategne. :-) V glavnem easy money, za tistega, ki ne gre prevec ocitno navzkriz z zakonom in se ne izpostavlja prevec.
P.S.: Prodam 400m2 parcelo na Marsu za 100.000 SIT. :-)
Al pa ce gres ponujat parcele na Luni oz. Marsu. 1 ar Lune te pride $20US. Pa nimas lepsga kot to dat na net (na svetovni "oglasnik") pa cakat da ti folk zacne lepo naivno nakazevati denar. Iz jeze bi to naredu ker so eni res tko zabiti da si dobesedno zasluzjo da jih en neizobrazen klosar iz Nigerije nategne. :-) V glavnem easy money, za tistega, ki ne gre prevec ocitno navzkriz z zakonom in se ne izpostavlja prevec.
P.S.: Prodam 400m2 parcelo na Marsu za 100.000 SIT. :-)

Microsoft ::
En American je sel baje kr dol v Nigerijo kjer so ga lepo 'pospravl'.
LOOOL Ta je bla pa dobra, ja.
by Miha
LOOOL Ta je bla pa dobra, ja.
by Miha

||_^_|| ::
Hehe poznam skupino 10 ljudi k so dal skupi vsak po 80k in nakazal 800k nekam v pm.
Itak da niso nc dobil nikol, jst sm se pa skor uscal od smeha k sm slisu kva so nrdil. Osli. Sploh nemors verjet kok je folk naivn..ccc..
Itak da niso nc dobil nikol, jst sm se pa skor uscal od smeha k sm slisu kva so nrdil. Osli. Sploh nemors verjet kok je folk naivn..ccc..

Zlatolasska ::
Lih mau razisujem... pa sm nasla tole stran...
Sm js tut kao obogatela zdej... tut dubla mail od luckyday lottery...
sam se pa enim da..
Sm js tut kao obogatela zdej... tut dubla mail od luckyday lottery...
sam se pa enim da..

Tac20 ::
Kako sploh lahko verjame kakršnem koli zastonj dajanjju denarja okol, še posebi pa če se gre za internet, če bi blo kej res, bi mel jest že 2 nova avta, 15 iPodov, pa bil že za ene 2 leti počitnicah na karibih,...

Microsoft ::
Kolker se spomnem, ko sem dobil njegov odgovor, mu nism poslal se enga mejla nazaj. Pa tud denarja al pa kake stevilke ne.
Skratka, odjebu sm ga.
by Miha

Skratka, odjebu sm ga.
by Miha
Vredno ogleda ...
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