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Izogibajte se nakupom na buyincoins.com

Izogibajte se nakupom na buyincoins.com

francek1 ::

Na Buyincoins sem kupil barvni LCD trak z daljincem. Po 15 minutah mi odpove napajalnik. In potem se začne spodnja konverzacija. Očitno jim bom moral še parkrat odpisat, da pridemo na pravo ceno...

I got this Order last week. It works only 10 minutes. What to do? Regards-Aleš.
Dear costumer,

Firstly please accept our apology on this issue.
We did test every item carefully in the parcels before we sent it to you, maybe it caused some breakdown on its way to you.
Could you please kindly try more times with the item?
Are you sure everything is under the normal condition and you have used it in the proper way as the instruction? Or would you please call some experts locally to check it and then tell us more details?
Don’t worry, we will help you solve the problem.
Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards.

As i wrote; in the beginning they worked properly. Then all suddenly shoot down. It must be power supply, because it works with another power suply. Regards-Aleš
Dear costumer,

Thank you for your message.
We got it.
In this case, how about we refund you $2coins as compensation?
You can use them to make new order on our webiste.
Is that ok for you?
If any need, please feel free to contact us.

Best wishes,
I need new power supply, because this is my testing device...
Dear costumer,

Thank you for your message.
I am sorry to tell you that our system don't support resending now.
You can use coins to buy a new power supply.
Is that ok for you?
If any need, please feel free to contact us.

Best wishes,
Compensation should be enough for another power supply, And it costs $7.59 :
AC100-240V to DC12V 4A AC Power Adaptor for CCTV LED Strip 5.5x2.5mm
Dear costumer
Thanks for your kindly note, so sorry for the delaying response.
Firstly please accept our deep apology on this issue.
We know that it’s not honest to send defective items to customers.
So we did test all of our products strictly before sending them out.
But such products may suffer a lot and get damaged in the post easily.
So we suggest refund 4.5$ in coins for you as compensation. just keep little as postage, please note us if it is okay for you?
Best Regards
Again; compensation must be enough for another power supply. If you tell me, which power supply can I get for 4.5$, then it is OK. In other case is very unfair from your company not to replace defective product...This conversation takes too long....I getting impatient.
Dear costumer
Thanks for your kindly note, so sorry for the delaying response.
Firstly please accept our deep apology on this issue.
We know that it’s not honest to send defective items to customers.
So we did test all of our products strictly before sending them out.
As it was on your hand, we could not make sure about the detailed problem with it. so we suggest refund the most 5$ in coins for you, and you could use it in your next order.
Please note us if it is okay for you?
Best Regards
Dear costumer
Thanks for your kindly note, so sorry for the delaying response.
how about refund 5$ in coins for you?
Best Regards
不,那也不行!你傻还是什么?????我需要新的电源足够的钱或支付新的! IT花费$7.59和不是$5分!该死.....
Dear costumer
Thanks for your kindly note, so sorry for the delaying response.
Really sorry for the problem, as it was not on our hand, we could not make sure what was the main problem. plus we can't ask for compensation from our supplier without the faulty item.
So we suggest refund the most 5.5$ in paypal for you as compensation? please note us if it is okay for you?
Best Regards
Kdor se je že rodil učen se lahko reži...

shark1 ::

hahaha,to so pa Kitajci :)
Oni bi se pogajali,kao dejmo najprej začet z 2 dolarji,če bo pa popizdil,gremo pa do največ 5,5 :))
Lej,s temi kitajci so ful problemi,ko začnejo komplicirat...zelo je odvisno na kakšni poziciji si v pogajanjih z njimi. Če vidijo,da bi lahko imeli dolgoročne koristi od tebe,jih lahko napizdiš na polno,pa ti bodo v vsem ustregli...če pa vidijo da gre za samo en posel,pa ne jebejo pet posto,te pošljejo tudi v kurac,če je treba...
Imam kolega,ki je zadnjih 5 let veliko delal s Kitajci,pa je zdaj več ali manj obupal nad njimi,ker so pri določenih zadevah nemogoči Primer:pri kitajski firmi je naročil nek izdelek po naročilu,teže okoli 100 kil...in mu ga pošljejo BREZ palete (??),samo zavitega v vreči.Ko jih je kontaktiral kaj se gredo,in kako si predstavljajo trensport tovora brez palete,so mu odgovorili,da to pač ni bilo v ceni (s tem da paleta stane nekaj centov tam dol) in da bi moral to prej omeniti.Pa še par primerov bi lahko naštel...imajo pač drugačno mentaliteto,ki je nam nerazumljiva.

koyotee ::

Pač nimaš sreče, ne misli, da so ostali kitajci kaj boljši. Drugače pa nimam slabih izkušenj z buyincoins.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

first_line ::

Jah, nazaj bi moral poslati. Glede na to da je napajalc od začetka delal mislim da ne gre za nateg.

francek1 ::

first_line je izjavil:

Jah, nazaj bi moral poslati. Glede na to da je napajalc od začetka delal mislim da ne gre za nateg.

Za nateg gre zaradi tega, ker LCD trak pri polni osvetlitvi vleče 2.45 A, dodan napajalnik pa je dvoamperski...
Kdor se je že rodil učen se lahko reži...

MeGreat ::

Ha ha, točno z takim sranjem so meni srali. Pošlje mi telefon ki ni niti slučajno tak kot je specificiran.. Potem pa.. how about i refund you 5 usd.. no.. how about 10... no... how about 15..... Na koncu sem vrnil telefon

B-Stard ::

Top trgovina, vedno dobil v rekodnem času in brez problemov

francek1 ::

B-Stard je izjavil:

Top trgovina, vedno dobil v rekodnem času in brez problemov

Verjetno zavisi, kateri artikel kupuješ. Iz njihovih odzivov ugotavljam, da odnosov z dobavitelji nimajo ravno urejenih.
Kdor se je že rodil učen se lahko reži...

hojnikb ::

Ene parkrat kupo tam stuff, še nikol problemov :)

Looooooka ::

Boli njih k.
Men so poslal nek mp3 player s kamero...s cisto napacnimi slušalkami. 3.5mm namest 2.5mm I think....pa še pokrov od naprave odprt(zlomljen), da se ga ni dal nazaj zapret.
Po par mailih, da rabijo slike al pa video jim postam video, kjer se vidi luknjo pa še posnel sm se s tisim "ZOMFG" pogledom kako mi ne rata slušalk not vtaknit.
Potem pa magično tišina z njihove strani.
Ne vem če bi si upal od kitajca za več kot 20 eur robe še kdaj naročit :D

quepasa ::

Imam podoben LED trak z mrtvim adapterjem, ampak iz druge trgovine. Nima CE oznake jbg.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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