Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » iPad 2 64GB WiFi + 3G
iPad 2 64GB WiFi + 3G

Scinnox ::
Na bolhi sem zasledil naslednji oglas:
Pa me zanima če je to v redu kupiti, ker je malo nizka cena za tak izdelek. Poleg cene pa še enega dobiš zastonj, če kupiš 2.
Prodajalcu sem poslal mail v slovenščini pa dobim tole v angleščini nazaj:
Dear Customer
Thanks for your mail..
Apple iPad 2 WiFi 64GB + 3G
The Total price for the ipad is 350 Euros which is inclusive with the Shipment fee to your doorstep
The ipad are Brand New and has never been used,sealed directly from the manufacturer(Apple inc)
The reason why we are selling it for thus price is because we are running our seasonal promo.
We have a registered courier(FedEx)which delivers to customer's doorstep.The ipad will arrive your address exactly 36 hours after shipment proceed here...
NOTE: The ipads are not clones nor copy nor replicas.They are 100% original with complete accessories in the Brand New sealed Box.
Buy 2 and Get 1 Free
How many unit(Pieces) do you want to buy?
We await your soonest Response.
Best Regards
The Sales Manager
Mr Paul Michael Gregory
Registered No: 04981915
Tel: +447031866510
Mogoče bi me oguljufali, mogoče ne... Ne vem, bi pa prosil za vašo pomoč, če kdo slučajno ve.
Lep pozdrav,
Na bolhi sem zasledil naslednji oglas:
Pa me zanima če je to v redu kupiti, ker je malo nizka cena za tak izdelek. Poleg cene pa še enega dobiš zastonj, če kupiš 2.
Prodajalcu sem poslal mail v slovenščini pa dobim tole v angleščini nazaj:
Dear Customer
Thanks for your mail..
Apple iPad 2 WiFi 64GB + 3G
The Total price for the ipad is 350 Euros which is inclusive with the Shipment fee to your doorstep
The ipad are Brand New and has never been used,sealed directly from the manufacturer(Apple inc)
The reason why we are selling it for thus price is because we are running our seasonal promo.
We have a registered courier(FedEx)which delivers to customer's doorstep.The ipad will arrive your address exactly 36 hours after shipment proceed here...
NOTE: The ipads are not clones nor copy nor replicas.They are 100% original with complete accessories in the Brand New sealed Box.
Buy 2 and Get 1 Free
How many unit(Pieces) do you want to buy?
We await your soonest Response.
Best Regards
The Sales Manager
Mr Paul Michael Gregory
Registered No: 04981915
Tel: +447031866510
Mogoče bi me oguljufali, mogoče ne... Ne vem, bi pa prosil za vašo pomoč, če kdo slučajno ve.
Lep pozdrav,

KoMar- ::
Mogoče bi me oguljufali, mogoče ne...
Ne. 100% bi te oguljufali. Vsi oglasi v tujih jezikih (in nizkimi cenami) na Bolhi so natega.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: KoMar- ()

fabi ::
Dear Customer
Thanks for your mail..
CANON EOS 550D + objektiv Canon 18-200mm EF-S f/3,5-5,6 IS
The Total price for the Camera is 350 Euros which is inclusive with the Shipment fee to your doorstep
The Cameras are Brand New and has never been used,sealed directly from the manufacturer(Canon inc)
The reason why we are selling it for thus price is because we are running our seasonal promo.
We have a registered courier(FedEx)which delivers to customer's doorstep.The Camera will arrive your address exactly 36 hours after shipment proceed here...
NOTE: The Camera's are not clones nor copy nor replicas.They are 100% original with complete accessories in the Brand New sealed Box.
Buy 2 and Get 1 Free
How many unit(Pieces) do you want to buy?
We await your soonest Response.
Best Regards
The Sales Manager
Shaqur Ul Haq
Registered No: 01614904
Tel: +447031849761
Toliko o tem...
Thanks for your mail..
CANON EOS 550D + objektiv Canon 18-200mm EF-S f/3,5-5,6 IS
The Total price for the Camera is 350 Euros which is inclusive with the Shipment fee to your doorstep
The Cameras are Brand New and has never been used,sealed directly from the manufacturer(Canon inc)
The reason why we are selling it for thus price is because we are running our seasonal promo.
We have a registered courier(FedEx)which delivers to customer's doorstep.The Camera will arrive your address exactly 36 hours after shipment proceed here...
NOTE: The Camera's are not clones nor copy nor replicas.They are 100% original with complete accessories in the Brand New sealed Box.
Buy 2 and Get 1 Free
How many unit(Pieces) do you want to buy?
We await your soonest Response.
Best Regards
The Sales Manager
Shaqur Ul Haq
Registered No: 01614904
Tel: +447031849761
Toliko o tem...

matjag ::
Tudi jaz sem na bolhi zasledil oglas. Za 500€ "2011 Apple MacBook Air 13. 3 256gb i5" Pozneje se izkaže da dobim za 1000€ dva računalnika.
napišem sporočilo seveda v slovenščini.
odgovori mi: Komac Lawrence
spodaj so kopirani vsi maili, ki mi jih je posal ta Komac..
Dear Customer.
Thank you for interest in our product Apple Macbook Air 13.3 256gb i5
The price for the system is 500Euro which include the shipment and VAT rate.
The system a brand new and come with all accessories.
We sell at a very cheap price because we purchase in a very large quantity from Apple Inc.
We will like to know how many you wish to buy from us and your shipment destination.
We await your soonest response.
Best Regards
Sales Representative
Komac Lawrence
Registered No: 04981915
Dear Customer,
Yes, the Apple is original directly from Apple Inc.
We have almost all the products of Apple Inc.
How many units will you like to purchase from us.
Thanks for your order,
So we would like you to re-confirm the below order so that we can immediately issue you our Western union details for payment.
Re-confirm These:
Once we have received the re-confirmation of the above order,We shall proceed with the packaging and labellings of the iMac tomorrow morning on Our Resumption in Office and we shall issue you our Western Union details for payment.
We await your soonest response.
Best Regards
Sales Representative
Komac Lawrence
Thank you for your order,
Transaction below 2, 000 Euro are being done via western union money transfer.
You can please reconfirm your order with the following details, and pay to the company's western union details for packaging and labeling of your order as soon as possible.
Kindly get back to us as soon as you make the payment with the scan copy of payment confirmation, so that we can start the packaging and labeling of your order.
Dear Customer,
We will like you to explain better on the quote you wish to receive from us.
We would like to inform you that we have now completed the packaging and labeling of your order and have now been forwarded to FedEx to Shipment to proceed.
We are only awaiting the confirmation of your payment for the clearance of bills before shipment will proceed.
Kindly get back to us as soon as possible with the confirmation of your payment slip.
NOTE: Once we receive the confirmation of your payment,we would immediately issue you with all Shipment details inclusive with the FedEx Tracking Number, which would enable you to monitor your parcel on Transit as it arrives your address.
We await your payment confirmation so Shipment can proceed.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your reply..
Please find the attached Proforma Invoice for your order.
You are to sign and get back to us with the signed invoice alongside the scan copy of your payment slip.
We await your payment confirmation so Shipment can proceed.
We would like to inform you that we have now completed the packaging and labeling of your order and have now been forwarded to FedEx to Shipment to proceed.
We are only awaiting the confirmation of your payment for the clearance of bills before shipment will proceed.
Kindly get back to us as soon as possible with the confirmation of your payment slip.
NOTE: Once we receive the confirmation of your payment,we would immediately issue you with all Shipment details inclusive with the FedEx Tracking Number, which would enable you to monitor your parcel on Transit as it arrives your address.
We await your payment confirmation so Shipment can proceed.
Dear Customer,
We are awaiting your payment confirmation to complete the shipment.
to je to do sedaj...jaz si ne upam nakazat denar. misim da je nateg in temu ne zaupam
napišem sporočilo seveda v slovenščini.
odgovori mi: Komac Lawrence
spodaj so kopirani vsi maili, ki mi jih je posal ta Komac..
Dear Customer.
Thank you for interest in our product Apple Macbook Air 13.3 256gb i5
The price for the system is 500Euro which include the shipment and VAT rate.
The system a brand new and come with all accessories.
We sell at a very cheap price because we purchase in a very large quantity from Apple Inc.
We will like to know how many you wish to buy from us and your shipment destination.
We await your soonest response.
Best Regards
Sales Representative
Komac Lawrence
Registered No: 04981915
Dear Customer,
Yes, the Apple is original directly from Apple Inc.
We have almost all the products of Apple Inc.
How many units will you like to purchase from us.
Thanks for your order,
So we would like you to re-confirm the below order so that we can immediately issue you our Western union details for payment.
Re-confirm These:
Once we have received the re-confirmation of the above order,We shall proceed with the packaging and labellings of the iMac tomorrow morning on Our Resumption in Office and we shall issue you our Western Union details for payment.
We await your soonest response.
Best Regards
Sales Representative
Komac Lawrence
Thank you for your order,
Transaction below 2, 000 Euro are being done via western union money transfer.
You can please reconfirm your order with the following details, and pay to the company's western union details for packaging and labeling of your order as soon as possible.
Kindly get back to us as soon as you make the payment with the scan copy of payment confirmation, so that we can start the packaging and labeling of your order.
Dear Customer,
We will like you to explain better on the quote you wish to receive from us.
We would like to inform you that we have now completed the packaging and labeling of your order and have now been forwarded to FedEx to Shipment to proceed.
We are only awaiting the confirmation of your payment for the clearance of bills before shipment will proceed.
Kindly get back to us as soon as possible with the confirmation of your payment slip.
NOTE: Once we receive the confirmation of your payment,we would immediately issue you with all Shipment details inclusive with the FedEx Tracking Number, which would enable you to monitor your parcel on Transit as it arrives your address.
We await your payment confirmation so Shipment can proceed.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your reply..
Please find the attached Proforma Invoice for your order.
You are to sign and get back to us with the signed invoice alongside the scan copy of your payment slip.
We await your payment confirmation so Shipment can proceed.
We would like to inform you that we have now completed the packaging and labeling of your order and have now been forwarded to FedEx to Shipment to proceed.
We are only awaiting the confirmation of your payment for the clearance of bills before shipment will proceed.
Kindly get back to us as soon as possible with the confirmation of your payment slip.
NOTE: Once we receive the confirmation of your payment,we would immediately issue you with all Shipment details inclusive with the FedEx Tracking Number, which would enable you to monitor your parcel on Transit as it arrives your address.
We await your payment confirmation so Shipment can proceed.
Dear Customer,
We are awaiting your payment confirmation to complete the shipment.
to je to do sedaj...jaz si ne upam nakazat denar. misim da je nateg in temu ne zaupam

Zheegec ::
Tujec, ki oglašuje na Bolhi je sigurno legitimen... Konec koncev, če ne zaupaš tujcem si nacist... sedaj... boš rekel... da ne zaupaš... tujcem!?!?
P.s.: Itak je nateg, pri iPad je praktično vse, kar je 20€ ceneje od priporočene cene nateg ali Nigerijcev ali pa Roka Brumena.
P.s.: Itak je nateg, pri iPad je praktično vse, kar je 20€ ceneje od priporočene cene nateg ali Nigerijcev ali pa Roka Brumena.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

KoMar- ::
In folk si še dopisuje z njimi... da potem izvejo njegov mejl in ga kakšna druga persona kontaktira čez par tednov... ne moreš verjet.

MasterKiD ::
Ne zaupaj,temu če kupiš dva dobiš enega zastonj,to je popolnoma bedna ponudba...
Ne verjemi vsemu al pa se obrni na (podporo) kaj bodo rekli!
Ne verjemi vsemu al pa se obrni na (podporo) kaj bodo rekli!

matjag ::
jaz sem že nekaj časa nazaj pisal bolhi - podpora. Če ima kakšno informacijo v zvezi s tem prodajalcem, ki prodaja poceni apple izdelke. In ni bilo odgovora.

Goran's Blog ::
No, tudi jaz prveral poslati e-mail.
Poslal sem jim tole asdaskdasdkaspodkpoasdkaspodkaspdkaspodkaspodkas asodkasdasdasd asdasdaspokfdd fsd f sdf sdfsd fdfsdfsd! Brez pomena neki natipkano.
Dobil pa tole:
Hvala za vašo pošto.
Smo podjetje s sedežem v Združenem kraljestvu, smo v celoti temeljijo na prodajomobilnih naprav
Kar zadeva vaše zanimanje za naše Apple iPhone 4G 32GB november AKCIJA![November, ZAPAKIRAN, TOVARNIŠKO ODKLENJEN] + Račun V garancija,telefoni so na voljo za prodajo in tudi v dobrih pogojih za zadovoljstvo strank.
Na voljo je z 15 mesecev mednarodno garancijo in 90 dni Return Money politike.
Imamo že registrirani FedEx kurir, ki obravnava pošiljke izdelkov od vrat do vratstranke.
Naša izklicna cena je vključno z odpremo in Vat pristojbino v vaš vrata korak.
APPLE IPHONE 4G 32GB november AKCIJA! [November, ZAPAKIRAN,TOVARNIŠKO ODKLENJEN] + Račun IN CENA garancija: 200 evrov na enotovključno s pošiljko na vašem pragu
Koliko enota Phone želite kupiti?
Čakam na vaš odziv
Če vprašate mene je to avtomatski odgovor!
Poslal sem jim tole asdaskdasdkaspodkpoasdkaspodkaspdkaspodkaspodkas asodkasdasdasd asdasdaspokfdd fsd f sdf sdfsd fdfsdfsd! Brez pomena neki natipkano.
Dobil pa tole:
Hvala za vašo pošto.
Smo podjetje s sedežem v Združenem kraljestvu, smo v celoti temeljijo na prodajomobilnih naprav
Kar zadeva vaše zanimanje za naše Apple iPhone 4G 32GB november AKCIJA![November, ZAPAKIRAN, TOVARNIŠKO ODKLENJEN] + Račun V garancija,telefoni so na voljo za prodajo in tudi v dobrih pogojih za zadovoljstvo strank.
Na voljo je z 15 mesecev mednarodno garancijo in 90 dni Return Money politike.
Imamo že registrirani FedEx kurir, ki obravnava pošiljke izdelkov od vrat do vratstranke.
Naša izklicna cena je vključno z odpremo in Vat pristojbino v vaš vrata korak.
APPLE IPHONE 4G 32GB november AKCIJA! [November, ZAPAKIRAN,TOVARNIŠKO ODKLENJEN] + Račun IN CENA garancija: 200 evrov na enotovključno s pošiljko na vašem pragu
Koliko enota Phone želite kupiti?
Čakam na vaš odziv
Če vprašate mene je to avtomatski odgovor!
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