Forum » Znanost in tehnologija » SEG - Searl Effect Generator
SEG - Searl Effect Generator
Grey ::
Spet se oglašam s svojimi "nenavadnimi" in "nemogočimi" napravami in tehnologijami. Danes vam "težim" s tako imenovano napravo, ki napravi ščit ali pa res manipulira gravitacijo. To napravo je izumil prof. Searl med leti 1946-1952(tam nekje vmes so potekale raziskave).
Evo malce teksta:
The Discovery of the Searl-Effect and the Invention of the Searl-Effect Generator ~
Equipped with these new ideas concerning geometry and magnetizing methods, Searl started to make generators consisting of a single annular ring surrounded bya number of rollers. By keeping the ring stationary and forcing the rollers to spin about their own axis and simultaneously revolve around the ring by driving them with an electric motor, the generators produced voltages in excess of 30 kilovolts. However, it was not always that Searl was successful in producing such high voltages. Since he did not know the mechanism responsible for the effect, it was very much a matter of trial and error to reproduce the magnets. Sometimes the failure rate was very high, seventy percent or more; out of a batch of a hundred (100) magnets only thirty (30) would work. The reason for this was never established with certainty, but it is believed to have been caused by the primitive switching equipment used.
The Searl-Effect ~
At a certain critical speed some of the generators would suddenly lock in to a mode of operation that appeared to be some kind of positive feedback and they would run spontaneously without any mechanical connection to the driving motor. In the beginning Searl could not control this effect at all.
Later, he found that by loading the generators electrically it was possible to reduce the speed, but once this state of operation had been reached the generators could not be stopped. However, it is possible that if appropriate test equipment had been available Searl would have been able to bring the generators to a halt by loading them either electrically or mechanically. It must be pointed out that Searl did not have the financial support required to carry out such comprehensive and dangerous tests and even if he had access to the workshops and the laboratory at the MEB, where such tests could have been made, he was certainly not allowed to carry out dangerous experiments on the MEB's premises.
As the experimental work progressed Searl succeeded in reducing the critical speed to a value close to zero by a careful design and by increasing the number of rollers, and eventually he was able to produce a generator that was self starting. Searl discovered that when the generators were running the air pressure decreased in the immediate vicinity of and inside the generators. At voltages above thirty kilovolts the air motion was directed away from the rim of the generators, and candle light that had been placed at the centre of the generator ring went out due to lack of oxygen. This decrease of the air pressure could explain the absence of flashover between the ring and the rollers. Searl also discovered that the temperature dropped considerably close to and in the interior of the generators, probably due to the transport of air away from the generator. Another interesting effect was that objects placed inside the generator ring lost their weight. The existence of these effects were later confirmed by use of proper measuring equipment.
Spet se oglašam s svojimi "nenavadnimi" in "nemogočimi" napravami in tehnologijami. Danes vam "težim" s tako imenovano napravo, ki napravi ščit ali pa res manipulira gravitacijo. To napravo je izumil prof. Searl med leti 1946-1952(tam nekje vmes so potekale raziskave).
Evo malce teksta:
The Discovery of the Searl-Effect and the Invention of the Searl-Effect Generator ~
Equipped with these new ideas concerning geometry and magnetizing methods, Searl started to make generators consisting of a single annular ring surrounded bya number of rollers. By keeping the ring stationary and forcing the rollers to spin about their own axis and simultaneously revolve around the ring by driving them with an electric motor, the generators produced voltages in excess of 30 kilovolts. However, it was not always that Searl was successful in producing such high voltages. Since he did not know the mechanism responsible for the effect, it was very much a matter of trial and error to reproduce the magnets. Sometimes the failure rate was very high, seventy percent or more; out of a batch of a hundred (100) magnets only thirty (30) would work. The reason for this was never established with certainty, but it is believed to have been caused by the primitive switching equipment used.
The Searl-Effect ~
At a certain critical speed some of the generators would suddenly lock in to a mode of operation that appeared to be some kind of positive feedback and they would run spontaneously without any mechanical connection to the driving motor. In the beginning Searl could not control this effect at all.
Later, he found that by loading the generators electrically it was possible to reduce the speed, but once this state of operation had been reached the generators could not be stopped. However, it is possible that if appropriate test equipment had been available Searl would have been able to bring the generators to a halt by loading them either electrically or mechanically. It must be pointed out that Searl did not have the financial support required to carry out such comprehensive and dangerous tests and even if he had access to the workshops and the laboratory at the MEB, where such tests could have been made, he was certainly not allowed to carry out dangerous experiments on the MEB's premises.
As the experimental work progressed Searl succeeded in reducing the critical speed to a value close to zero by a careful design and by increasing the number of rollers, and eventually he was able to produce a generator that was self starting. Searl discovered that when the generators were running the air pressure decreased in the immediate vicinity of and inside the generators. At voltages above thirty kilovolts the air motion was directed away from the rim of the generators, and candle light that had been placed at the centre of the generator ring went out due to lack of oxygen. This decrease of the air pressure could explain the absence of flashover between the ring and the rollers. Searl also discovered that the temperature dropped considerably close to and in the interior of the generators, probably due to the transport of air away from the generator. Another interesting effect was that objects placed inside the generator ring lost their weight. The existence of these effects were later confirmed by use of proper measuring equipment.
Grey ::
Aja.. ta njegov izum lahko leti . Enkrat ga je celo pokazal na nekem predavanju in je letel!!!! Tako da je samo še vprašanje časa kdaj bojo spet kaj tazga naredli oz. nadaljevali z raziskavami. Thomas tvoje mnenje?
Thomas ::
Ker bi svet izgledal drugače, če bi bilo to res. Ne da bi Searl Corp. bila največja firma na svetu - pač pa bi bilo ob neohranitvi energije, Vesolje izgledalo čisto drugače. Težko da bi sploh živeli.
To je toliko resničen generator, kot je resnično dvigovanje hipnotiziranega.
To je toliko resničen generator, kot je resnično dvigovanje hipnotiziranega.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi
Grey ::
A lahko Thomas del stavka "ob neohranitvi energije" razložiš po slovensko? Ka se ne ohranja energija v tej napravi? Kokr sem jst to prebrau bi se morala, celo sama jo ustvarja? Drgač pa ne vem no... Jst osebno mislm da je možno narest napravo z neomejeno količino energije, ker naj bi jo po teorijah potrebovali za izdelavo Warp pogona(oz. pogona za potovanje hitreje od svetlobe).
Grey ::
lahko pa je tudi res, ad je kaki znanstvenik ta trik sam spisu, nemogoče pa je, da bi ga en navadn lamer, ki piše natege al pa kr neki. Sam ta naprava se men zdi logična. Res pa je da o tem delu fizike nimam še pojma . Ker enkrat sm tut sam že neki razmišlju na tak način samo nimam financ da bi svoje zamisli sprobu in uresniču, svet je nepravičen in krut. Zato se bom pa mal potrudu, se pridno uču in šu pol na kak inštitut al pa kar v NASO delat(če bojo seveda enga Slovenca sprejel).
Thomas ::
Sej ne bi bil taprvi Slovenc, ki bi delal na NASAi.
Petrač je tam kar precej pomemben. Eden slovenskih korenin (Šega), je tudi poletel kot astronavt.
Tko da šanse maš. Samo EN nasvet ti dam.
Če kaj ni na linkih, ki se končajo na .edu - potem je znanstvena veljavnost tistega - vprašljiva. V 99+%.
To ti zna koristi pri aplikaciji za NASAo.
Sploh pa, da se gibaš v realnih okvirih.
> Ka se ne ohranja energija v tej napravi? Kokr sem jst to prebrau bi se morala, celo sama jo ustvarja?
Ohranja pomeni - ista količina energije v izoliranem sistemu. Če ima višek ali manjko - je že problem. Gre skoraj zanesljivo za natego.
Je pa nekaj drugega - takele zadeve niso tako nezdrave, dokler z njimi treniraš možgane. Tudi če jih (nekaj časa) resno jemlješ. Makes you think and learn.
Samo če boš s takimi pa hodu sem - te lahko hitro "okoljejo". Zlasti jest.
Petrač je tam kar precej pomemben. Eden slovenskih korenin (Šega), je tudi poletel kot astronavt.
Tko da šanse maš. Samo EN nasvet ti dam.
Če kaj ni na linkih, ki se končajo na .edu - potem je znanstvena veljavnost tistega - vprašljiva. V 99+%.
To ti zna koristi pri aplikaciji za NASAo.
Sploh pa, da se gibaš v realnih okvirih.
> Ka se ne ohranja energija v tej napravi? Kokr sem jst to prebrau bi se morala, celo sama jo ustvarja?
Ohranja pomeni - ista količina energije v izoliranem sistemu. Če ima višek ali manjko - je že problem. Gre skoraj zanesljivo za natego.
Je pa nekaj drugega - takele zadeve niso tako nezdrave, dokler z njimi treniraš možgane. Tudi če jih (nekaj časa) resno jemlješ. Makes you think and learn.
Samo če boš s takimi pa hodu sem - te lahko hitro "okoljejo". Zlasti jest.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi
snow ::
Malo offtopic: Vem še za enega Slovenca, ki dela pri NASI, njegovo ime in priimek sem žal pozabil. Bil pa sem na njegovem predavanju o veselju, sam pa dela na področju raketnih motorjev.
V NASI pa je zaposlenih milijon ljudi? :]
V NASI pa je zaposlenih milijon ljudi? :]
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