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Malo manj znani filmi

Malo manj znani filmi

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21 / 28

oo7 ::

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Korejski film

24 decemember 2021

The Silent Sea | Teaser Trailer | Netflix

Še cel trailer za Korsjeki film The Silent Sea

The Silent Sea | Official Trailer | Netflix

oo7 ::

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oo7 je izjavil:

Ronald Emerich znan po filmih Dan Neodvisnosti, 2012, Dan po jutrišnjem... je posnel nov film le o čem se gre tokrat ? :))

4 februar 2022

Moonfall Teaser Trailer (2022)

Nov trailer za film Moonfall

Moonfall (2022 Movie) Teaser Trailer – Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson, John Bradley

Prvih 5 minut filma Moonfall

Moonfall First 5 Minutes - Exclusive (2021)

bambam20 ::

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donvito je izjavil:

bambam20 je izjavil:

Scott ime zadnje čase dobre filme. Hiša GUči je super.

Ma si spet gledal Cam verzijo, škoda časa, bomo počakali kvaliteto.


bambam20 je izjavil:

Gučija sem gledal v četrtek v kinu in mi je bil všeč.

Drop da mike. ;((

opeter ::

The Lost City of D (2022):

D. Radcliffe, S. Bullock, C. Tatum, P. Harrison, B. Pitt ...

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

opeter ::

Še enkrat:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

Januar 2022

CLEAN Trailer (2022)

oo7 ::

Death on the Nile je drugi film v seriji Hercule Poirot detektiva. Prvi film je iz leta 2017 Murder on orient expres.

11 februar 2022

Official Trailer | Death on the Nile | 20th Century Studios

bambam20 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Januar 2022

CLEAN Trailer (2022)

Tole pa zgleda odlično.

oo7 ::

bambam20 je izjavil:

Tole pa zgleda odlično.

Tudi meni je trailer dober. Bo treba pogledat. Na trenutke spominja na John Wick-a.

bambam20 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

bambam20 je izjavil:

Tole pa zgleda odlično.

Tudi meni je trailer dober. Bo treba pogledat. Na trenutke spominja na John Wick-a.

Adrien Brody je zelo dober igralec.

oo7 ::

John Wick prestavljen iz leta 2022 v leto 2023.

John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023 Movie) Announcement

oo7 ::

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14199590/?...

ONE SHOT Official Trailer (2021)

Včeraj sem pogledal tale film od Scoot Adkinsa One Shot. Kaj takega še nisem videl v filmu :)) to je kot bi igral eno igro kjer se sovražniki vsakih 5 sekund respawnajo in prihajajo v intervalih. Film je non stop akcija mrtve bi lahko pa štel skoraj cel film :)

oo7 ::

Potem po One Shoot sem pogledal pa še en film od Scoot Adkinsa to je Avengement.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8836988/?r...

Ta film mi je bil ma bom kar rekel dober. Brutalni pretepi in res dobra glasba v filmu.

Na You tube je tudi celoten film ampak jaz ga ne morem odpreti, ker je starostno zaklenjen (sem že probaval kako bi izključil to zaščito pa brez uspha kreditne kartice jim pa ne bom dajal)

Tukaj je cel film kdor lahko pogleda.

oo7 ::

11 februar 2022

Troubled fixer off the FBI books is tasked with pulling undercover agents out of dangerous situations.

Blacklight Trailer

oo7 ::

Zadnji trailer pred izidom filma 4 februarja 2022

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5834426/

Moonfall Exclusive Trailer - 'Shocking Discovery' (2022)

In Moonfall, a mysterious force knocks the Moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurtling on a collision course with life as we know it. With mere weeks before impact and the world on the brink of annihilation, NASA executive and former astronaut Jo Fowler is convinced she has the key to saving us all - but only one astronaut from her past, Brian Harper and a conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman believe her. These unlikely heroes will mount an impossible last-ditch mission into space, leaving behind everyone they love, only to find out that our Moon is not what we think it is.

donvito ::

The Pilot. A Battle for Survival (2021)


opeter ::

Hvala za predlog. Vidim, da je Pjotr Fjodorov filmu, super! Gledal sem kar nekaj filmov, v katerem je igral (Temni planet, Duelist, Stalingrad, Sputnik, Ledolomec, Avanpost ...)
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Sarkozy ::

oo7 je izjavil:

1 december 2021

The Power of the Dog | Official Trailer | Netflix

Zlati globus
Ils sont fous ces Slovenes!

donvito ::

bambam20 ::

donvito je izjavil:

Kurier 2019


Tega sem poizkusil pogledat včeraj. Enostavno ni šlo. Zelo nezanimiv film.

opeter ::

Francoski ZF film BigBug (2022):


Kratek opis:
Skupina prepirljivih predmestnih prebivalcev obtiči skupaj, ko jih zaradi vstaje androidov dobronamerni hišni roboti zaradi lastne varnosti zaprejo.

Od režiserja Jean-Pierre Jeunet, ki je med drugim režiral film Amélie (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, 2001).
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: opeter ()

oo7 ::

Norveški film The Burning Sea

THE BURNING SEA Official Trailer (2022)

scipascapa ::

Tole si moram pogledat, 007 ;)

opeter ::

Ah, to je od istih avtorjev kot sta filma Val in Potres. Možno, da bo celo na RTV SLO programu, ker oni odkupujejo pravice za predvajanje filmov v sklopu EBU.

Kul, bom spremljal. Hvala, oo7!
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: opeter ()

donvito ::

bambam20 je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Januar 2022

CLEAN Trailer (2022)

Tole pa zgleda odlično.

Eno uro bolj kot ne, en dolgčas, potem pa malo akcije. Nič posebnega. :|

kuglvinkl ::

A to so bila tvoja pričakovanja? Pew Pew?
Your focus determines your reallity

donvito ::

Ja kaj pa ti pričakuješ od filmov v stilu John Wick-a aka Quentin Tarantino.

kuglvinkl ::

donvito je izjavil:

Ja kaj pa ti pričakuješ od filmov v stilu John Wick-a aka Quentin Tarantino.

Tarantino in Wick nimata ama čist nič skupnega.

Ampak ok, a to so obljubljal, pew pew?
Your focus determines your reallity

donvito ::

A sem kje omenil, da imata. Meni je film kr neki, če je pa tebi všeč pa tudi prav.

kuglvinkl ::

Film ma 42% na rottnu. Nikol ga ne bom videl. Pew pew.
Your focus determines your reallity

bambam20 ::

donvito je izjavil:

bambam20 je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Januar 2022

CLEAN Trailer (2022)

Tole pa zgleda odlično.

Eno uro bolj kot ne, en dolgčas, potem pa malo akcije. Nič posebnega. :|

Se strinjam. Sam film je en živ dolgcas.

oo7 ::

1 april 2022

THE CONTRACTOR | Official Trailer | Paramount Movies

kuglvinkl ::

oo7 je izjavil:

1 april 2022

THE CONTRACTOR | Official Trailer | Paramount Movies

looks legit.

Modela sta že naredila en masterpiece: Hell or high Water: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/hell_o..., zelo zelo priporočam, če še niste gledali.

Your focus determines your reallity

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()

oo7 ::

Hell or high Water je bil tudi meni zelo dober film.

oo7 ::

Irski film 25 marec 2022

It's the week before Halloween. Char's bedridden mother, Angela, has mysteriously gone missing. All that remains is her abandoned car parked in the middle of a field. When Angela returns home to their North Dublin estate the following evening without explanation, it becomes clear to Char and her grandmother, Rita, that something is amiss. She might look and sound the same, but Angela's behavior has become increasingly erratic and frightening, as if she has been replaced by a malevolent force. As Halloween approaches, a night steeped in ancient Irish myth and legend, Char must unearth the dark secrets of her family in order to uncover the truth behind her mother's disappearance and save her, even if it means potentially losing her forever."

You Are Not My Mother - Official Trailer

oo7 ::

18 marec 2022

Black Crab is a Swedish action thriller set in a post-apocalyptic world torn apart by war. During a long, harsh winter, six soldiers embark on a covert mission across a frozen archipelago, risking their lives to transport a mysterious package that could end the war. As they enter hostile enemy territory, they have no idea what dangers lie ahead or who--if anyone--they can trust. But for speed skater turned soldier Caroline Edh, the mission is about something else entirely. Starring Noomi Rapace in a film directed by Adam Berg, Black Crab follows six soldiers on a desperate mission to bring an end to the war which has destroyed their lives.

BLACK CRAB | Official Trailer | Netflix

oo7 ::

1 april 2022

Barbarians - Official Trailer | HD | IFC Midnight

A dinner party in a country house that sees four friends come together for a birthday celebration. But as the night progresses secrets emerge and unsettling events begin to unfold around them.

oo7 ::

5 april 2022

Bull - Exclusive Official Trailer (2022) Neil Maskell, David Hayman, Tamzin Outhwaite

The ferocious, audacious, and blood-soaked revenge thriller Bull is the latest film by BAFTA-winning writer/director Paul Andrew Williams. It stars Neil Maskell as a vicious mob enforcer seeking revenge on the gang that double-crossed him. Ten years after he was last seen, Bull (Maskell) returns home to methodically track down those who betrayed him and find his beloved son. With the ominous warning: "I'm coming for all of them," Bull stalks his former gang, leading up to a savage showdown between his wife and her mob boss father (David Hayman)

oo7 ::

15 julij 2022

Trained killer Ladybug wants to give up the life but is pulled back in by his handler Maria Beetle in order to collect a briefcase on a bullet train heading from Tokyo to Morioka. Once onboard, he and the other competing assassins onboard discover that their objectives are all connected.

BULLET TRAIN - Official Trailer (HD)

mahone ::

Ce se kdo ni gledal Kid Detective

oo7 ::

8 april 2022

Metal Lords | D.B. Weiss | Official Trailer | Netflix

Two kids start a metal band in a high school where exactly two kids care about metal. They can't find a bassist, but there is this one girl who plays the cello. They need to work together if they're ever going to win the Battle of the Bands.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

lolipop2 ::

Tole pa izgleda nice! 22.7.22

kuglvinkl ::

lolipop2 je izjavil:

Tole pa izgleda nice! 22.7.22

Your focus determines your reallity

oo7 ::

29 april 2022

Memory | Official Trailer

MEMORY follows Alex Lewis (Liam Neeson), an expert assassin with a reputation for discreet precision. Caught in a moral quagmire, Alex refuses to complete a job that violates his code and must quickly hunt down and kill the people who hired him before they and FBI agent Vincent Serra (Guy Pearce) find him first. Alex is built for revenge but, with a memory that is beginning to falter, he is forced to question his every action, blurring the line between right and wrong.

Liam Neeson v novem akcijskem filmu :)

donvito ::

Prej si poglejte še original.

oo7 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

18 marec 2022

Black Crab is a Swedish action thriller set in a post-apocalyptic world torn apart by war. During a long, harsh winter, six soldiers embark on a covert mission across a frozen archipelago, risking their lives to transport a mysterious package that could end the war. As they enter hostile enemy territory, they have no idea what dangers lie ahead or who--if anyone--they can trust. But for speed skater turned soldier Caroline Edh, the mission is about something else entirely. Starring Noomi Rapace in a film directed by Adam Berg, Black Crab follows six soldiers on a desperate mission to bring an end to the war which has destroyed their lives.

BLACK CRAB | Official Trailer | Netflix

Sem pogledal tale Švedski film. Čudn film z brezvezno zgodbo.

oo7 ::

8 april 2022

Ambulance - Official Trailer 2

Ambulance is based on the 2005 Danish film title Ambulancen, which was created by Laurits Munch-Petersen and Lars Andreas Pedersen.

donvito ::

kuglvinkl ::

oo7 je izjavil:

8 april 2022

Ambulance - Official Trailer 2

Ambulance is based on the 2005 Danish film title Ambulancen, which was created by Laurits Munch-Petersen and Lars Andreas Pedersen.

Not promising, Michael Bay. Ce bi bil Michael Mann, bi blo pa drugace.
Your focus determines your reallity

oo7 ::

Še vedno najboljši film od Michael Bay-a :)

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