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Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne


Aston_11 ::

Jst je izjavil:

A je kdo bral knjige?
Prebral sem jih, vendar vzporednice težko vlečem, ker jih je bolj malo.

Jst ::

Aston: Koliko so pa dolge? Recimo za na počitnice, kjer si vzameš ene dve-tri ure za neko easy branje. Drugače večinoma berem samo sci-fi, ampak kdaj pa tudi paše kakšna sprememba. Se jih "hitro" bere? Se jih sploh splača prebrati?
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Izi ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Zdaj pa samo vprašanje če bo še kakšno nadaljevanje.

V bližnji prihodnosti ne. Matt Damon je rekel, da bo imel v prihodnjih letih zelo malo časa, film kot je Jason Bourne pa vzame nenormalno veliko časa.

oo7 ::

USA Network Orders Four Pilots, Including Drama Set in Jason Bourne Universe


The project explores the origin story and present-day actions of a CIA black ops program known as Treadstone, a covert operation that uses behavior modification protocol to turn its agents into nearly unstoppable superhuman assassins. Jason Bourne, the central character in Universal Pictures' "Bourne" film franchise, was a product of the program. The series follows new sleeper agents across the globe as they're mysteriously "awakened" to resume their deadly missions. "Heroes" creator Tim Kring serves as the writer and executive producer. Ramin Bahrani will direct the pilot and also serve as an executive producer. Ben Smith and Jeffrey Weiner will executive produce on behalf of Captivate. Justin Levy will executive produce alongside Bradley Thomas for Imperative Entertainment.


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