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Conn. cops: Web "misinformation" to be prosecuted

Conn. cops: Web "misinformation" to be prosecuted

Double_J ::


The Inconvenient Truth of the Newtown, CT Shooting
(Based on Facts not being disclosed by the Mainstream Media)

I was about to go to bed after watching non-stop 3 hours of CNN coverage on this story with no other news breaks. I had a weird feeling from the start, yet I had almost put it in the back of my mind that this was a legitimate story. It wasn't until I saw each and every CNN newscaster systematically try to tackle every right wing guest on the show and demand that the US needs to change its gun laws. 24 hours in and they are already sensationalizing the event with little known info of "how it went down", as well as a clear political agenda pushing onto the public during a time of tragedy. This is why I always question government motives of the US. Anyway, I digress. After a full night of "real research" based on facts creeping out

on the net, here is my "theory" on what really happened:

Misinfo by the mainstream:

1. Adam Lanza's mom is not a teacher of the school, in fact they have staff saying they don't know who Nancy Lanza is. You could try the link: [link to www.newtown.k12.ct.us] which is no longer working and it was a few hours ago. (Coincidence??)

I still have a printout from earlier :) WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT? Without the personal link to the school, targeting the school makes absolutely no motivational and/or logical sense. [link to news.yahoo.com]

2. Who is Nancy Lanza? Specifically "Nancy J Lanza" according to Home Assessor records, who lives at 36 YOGANANDA STREET, Newtown, CT. This home happens to be located on 2 acres of land and an appraised value of $707,371. This means Adam actually comes from a very affluent family. Millionaires to say the least.
[link to www.france24.com]

After pulling up LinkedIn Profiles:
Dad(Peter Lanza) Tax Director and Vice President - Taxes at GE Energy Financial Services
Mom(Nancy Lanza) Sr. Registered Associate at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Brother(Ryan Lanza) Tax Accountant at Ernst & Young

At this point, I really question a high profile woman like this to own weapons. The police report says yes, however they don't show the registrations. Without any further evidence, I have to assume she did own weapons. Moving on...

3. Apparently Adam had a girlfriend and friend go missing for awhile (long enough to hit the news). This fact in itself shows their "genius, but loner" label is simply just media spin. [link to hollywoodlife.com]

4. Where it gets bizarre...Supposedly we are told a 20 year old set his alarm in the morning so he could wake up and shoot his mom in the face, then take her car and weapons to the school within a 30 minute time frame and shoot innocent children, then commit suicide. I was able to find something in this sequence to be 100% impossible, and it helped me piece the rest together. There were 28 total people reported dead including his mother at her home. The problem with this story is that there were 3 weapons brought to the school in the car...a Sig Sauer, 9mm Glock, and rifle. THE RIFLE WAS LEFT IN THE VEHICLE, NEVER TAKEN INTO THE SCHOOL. Considering a Glock holds up to 16 rounds, and a Sig Sauer holds 10, that means he would have
had to kill 27 people at the school site with a maximum of 26 bullets. [link to abcnews.go.com]

5. If he's going on a killing spree why would he leave the most powerful of the 3 weapons in the car?! Because I believe Adam Lanza was not the one responsible. I believe he was killed at the home with his mom, someone else was responsible for bringing his body to the school and carrying it in after they forced in entry, staging his suicide and using him as a scapegoat. Had the real killer not carried Adam's body inside, maybe he could have grabbed the rifle. RYAN's ID WAS ALSO FOUND ON ADAM, an obvious plant by the real killer (probably grabbed the wrong id in error at the home in haste). This was done so police could quickly identify Adam as the "shooter", hence all the confusion about his brother being the initial suspect, who of which resides in New Jersey.

How would no one notice the setup at the school?

Dress Adam's body in black at the initial home crime scene, and carry his body in a bag. Start shooting so everyone takes cover, allowing the shooter time to move Adam's body to an adjacent classroom. Shoot some more and then sneak out a rear entrance.

"Adam Lanza entered the school wearing all black, a mask and a bullet-proof vest while carrying Glock and Sig Sauer 9mm handgun, according to police."

A classic setup to say the least. Everyone just assumed Adam Lanza was the one behind the mask, the shooter was not identified in any reports whatsoever. Alas, there was one report that the media is trying to bury that police apprehended a man in camouflage pants out in the woods on the outer premises of the school.
[link to www.vosizneias.com]

Who was this guy? We may never know aside from some government operative. Why target the school? Political agenda's on the move to remove gun rights from citizens now that Obama has been reelected. As sick as it is, its the most emotional target for political gains.

You may not want to believe this "theory", but it offers a lot more credible evidence than the mainstream media.



Kaj pravite, zakaj jih tako motijo te misinformacije? Morda zato ker so resnične?
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  • zaklenilo: zee ()

Mipe ::

Kako veš, da tole, kar si navedel, niso dezinformacije?

Double_J ::


The woman I know is Jennifer Greenberg. The guy Im not sure of his name. She plays many other characters(just check wellaware1.com)

Pomojem ni umrl nihče... vse skupaj je hoax z igralci. Obama vseeno nekoliko boljši od Assada, če je res tako.
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Daedalus ::

Who was this guy? We may never know aside from some government operative. Why target the school? Political agenda's on the move to remove gun rights from citizens now that Obama has been reelected. As sick as it is, its the most emotional target for political gains.

LOL. Ja, stagali so masovni umor 28 ljudi, da bi lahko skenslali pravico do nošenja orožja. Morš biti resen lunatik, da takole razmišljaš. Verjetno vsaj tak ko on, ki je to dejansko izvedel. Ouch.

Pomojem ni umrl nihče... vse skupaj je hoax z igralci. Obama vseeno nekoliko boljši od Assada, če je res tako.

Speaking of ze loonies...

Klasika tipa moonhoax sicer. Sickoti pa mislijo, da je so anonimni posterji na Internetu bolj kredibilni vir od uradnih institucij. Seveda samo, dokler govorijo tako, kot njim paše. Pa dobra doza
hopla hopla, kaj pa, če je vse res?
efekta za povrhu.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.

amigo_no1 ::

"Chief Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II said all of the children killed in yesterday's massacre were shot more than once, and most were first-graders. Two of the seven children he examined were shot at close range. All of the children were shot with a 'long rifle,' that was one of three weapons madman Adam Lanza, 20, was armed with when he drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School and carried out his killing spree yesterday."

Se pravi je domnevni model v šoli pihnil par ljudi, odnsel puško nazaj v avto na zadnji sedež in se ustrelil ?

Most likely there was at least one other rifle involved. Adam could not have used his mother's rifle to kill anyone because he left it in the car. So why have there been no reports of an additional rifle being recovered from the scene? This missing rifle is the only weapon whose wounds examiner Wayne confirmed as having killed the children. In other words, the primary murder weapon should be considered missing.

Medical examiner: Rifle primary weapon used in shootings


Če imaš še eno (manjkajočo) puško imaš še enega strelca ;) ?


En kup protislovij se je zgodilo, kar pomeni, da nekdo laže.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()

Double_J ::

(sandy hook) Newton bee inconsistency? Dead Principal told them..

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Double_J ::


"R.I.P Victoria Soto joined Facebook.
December 10"


Nobody has yet come forward to claim the bodies of Adam Lanza and his mother Nancy, who he shot dead before slaughtering 26 innocent children and teachers at Sandy Hook elementary on Friday.


Sploh pa je tole zanimivo...


Pomoje so žrtve kar ene neobstoječe osebe... tistih nekaj žalujočih ter preiskovalcev so pa agenti CIA.
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Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Double_J ()

Double_J ::


Poglejte spodnji CNN video na linku, na njem so seveda igralci. Ko si žalujoča ženska zakrije z roko obraz, ter potem da roko iz obraza se vidi za kratek čas nasmeh.


Kliknite levo na family background... no Adam only Ryan.

Houla massacre @ Wikipedia

But... Houla was real.

Še kdo kaj pametnega ali smo ubistvu zaključili?
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KoMar- ::

Mipe je izjavil:

Kako veš, da tole, kar si navedel, niso dezinformacije?

Good point. Sej ti ne bo znal prepričljivo odgovorit na tvoje vprašanje, glavno, da se gremo spet neke teorije zarote.

bluefish ::

Skratka, tale tema je podobna številnim drugim, ki smo jih imeli priliko brati na tem forumu v preteklosti, ki za vir navajajo CNN ali The Onion News Network, obskurne bloge, naključne YT posnetke,...
Ob tem seveda fali pri najbolj osnovni zadevi - kup vpletenih ljudi, vendar nihče nič ne ve.

amigo_no1 ::

Naključje seveda :)):
Both fathers of the shooters were allegedly expected to testify in the Libor scandal that rocked the banking world in June.
The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial. The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Sentate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested.

Double_J ::

Skratka, tale tema je podobna številnim drugim, ki smo jih imeli priliko brati na tem forumu v preteklosti

Ja ane... si mogoče videl da so koga iz šole ranjenega odvlekli ven? Kakšna krvava brisača vsaj? Ne... kar enkrat ponoči naj bi izpraznili šolo vseh trupel(ki jih seveda ni bilo). Kar presodili so da so vsi že mrtvi in jih sploh ne bodo nosili iz šole.

Saj je preprosto no, strelec je prišel notri... spraznil par seržerjev v tla v tistih dveh praznih učilnicah. To je tudi vsa zgodba.
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Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Double_J ()

bluefish ::

Double_J je izjavil:

spraznil par seržerjev v tla v tistih dveh praznih učilnicah.
Če ti vrnem v maniri tvojega posta.
Si videl, da so bile v tleh učilnic luknje teh številnih krogel?

Double_J je izjavil:

Ja ane... si mogoče videl da so koga iz šole ranjenega odvlekli ven?
Kliči lokalne bolnišnice, ki so oskrbele ranjene in se z najmanj tremi ukvarjale do njihove smrti.

Aja, igralci.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

Double_J ::

Si videl, da so bile v tleh učilnic luknje teh številnih krogel?

Luknje bodo tam kakorkoli... ubiti ali pa ne. Ne boš pa ti videl nobenih trupel.

Kliči lokalne bolnišnice, ki so oskrbele ranjene in se z najmanj tremi ukvarjale do njihove smrti.

9) The hospital went into lockdown and cleared four trauma rooms, but received only three patients, two of them dead children (according to the official story) and one mildly wounded adult.

No sej... 25 so jih pa pustili notri v šoli, baje so jih čez noč zvozili ven v mrtvašnico. Sure ja...
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Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Double_J ()

vorantz ::

to je vse zarota okrajnega turističnega lobija!!!
je bla slaba sezona pa so rabli mal turiste na hitro privabit

s1m0n ::

Mene bolj zanima, če se takšne stvari v ZDA ne bi dogajale, če ne bi bilo orožje tako dostopno ? Mislim, da se s tem ne bi nič spremenilo.

Double_J ::

Eh... slo-techerji bi lahko vedeli da so slikice mrtvih fejk. Zgenerirane pač.

Bom jaz kar zaključil z zadevo, sem si dosti hitro vse pojasnil, v enem dnevu, kar so oni pripravljali 2 leti.
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Double_J ::

Kaj je zdaj to... mrtva Emily je kar ob predsedniku? Meni pač izgleda ista.


Pa kaj so mu napačno dali zraven za slikanje? Ne mi rečt da je vse navadna potegavščina in se bodo mrtvi sedaj pojavili.
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Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Double_J ()

Double_J ::

Kako je pa tale ata vesel, tko sem pa še jaz redko. A so otroci dobili zastonj počitnice za en čas ali kaj?
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zee ::

Trditi, da je bil pokol nedolznih otrok in uciteljev v Newtownu potegavscina, je ,milo receno, neokusno, zato temo zaklepam.

Da se OT niti toliko ne potrudi, da bi izvirni tekst povzel, je drugi razlog za zaklep.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zee ()

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