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Microsoftova neumnost pri xp home edition
alf__ ::
Evo kupm laptopa (no ena ferma ga je k ji morm zdej to rihtat) in majo zravn original windows xp home edition ;)
pazi obstaja language pack tko k za proffessional...
lahko edino kupim novo licenco ali pa skupaj z novim racunalnikom professional windowse mi zagotovijo veselo na microsoftu k jih poklicem.
Zdej nej mi pa en pove kaj nej nardim k morjo kao bit slovenski..a bojo rekl da se proffesional in home edition glede jezika tok razlikujeta da settings niso nastavitve? kr neki...
a ma kdo kaksno idejo kako vsaj delno poslovenit te windowse ;)
wem da je stupid question ampak vseen probavam
pazi obstaja language pack tko k za proffessional...
lahko edino kupim novo licenco ali pa skupaj z novim racunalnikom professional windowse mi zagotovijo veselo na microsoftu k jih poklicem.
Zdej nej mi pa en pove kaj nej nardim k morjo kao bit slovenski..a bojo rekl da se proffesional in home edition glede jezika tok razlikujeta da settings niso nastavitve? kr neki...
a ma kdo kaksno idejo kako vsaj delno poslovenit te windowse ;)
wem da je stupid question ampak vseen probavam
- odbrisal: andrej ()
dr.J ::
Da Home XPji niso poslovenjeni, je bilo znano že pred njihovo predstavitvijo.
Malo prepozno najbrž, a drugič raje prej poglej, kaj kupuješ.
Poskusi zamenjati laptopa tam, kjer si ga kupil, za takega z XP pro + doplačilo.
Ali pa daj gor Linux in bo skoraj vse pisalo po naše.
Malo prepozno najbrž, a drugič raje prej poglej, kaj kupuješ.
Poskusi zamenjati laptopa tam, kjer si ga kupil, za takega z XP pro + doplačilo.
Ali pa daj gor Linux in bo skoraj vse pisalo po naše.
andrej ::
Home Edition ne vsebuje "tehnologije", ki omogoca enostavno zamenjavo jezikov kot to omogoca Pro. Zal ni nacina, da bi home vsaj delno poslovenil.
alf__ ::
Dr.J nisem kupil jaz, ker bi druagce najprej to je pa tko k direktor rece tajnici naj gre in kupu racunalnik ki ga bo lahko prenasal okoli :)
andrej hvala...
andrej hvala...
Highlag ::
Ma ne vem no Andrej.
Sem naložil Gonilnike za grafično kartico pa je vse slovensko pisalo
Just joking!
Sem naložil Gonilnike za grafično kartico pa je vse slovensko pisalo
Just joking!
Lime ::
Tukaj je samo vprašanje denarja in nič drugega. Če bi hoteli prevesti HE, bi to tudi z malenkost vloženega truda lahko storili.
Samo zakaj bi, če bi pa lahko prodali več PRO verzij zaradi tega
Samo zakaj bi, če bi pa lahko prodali več PRO verzij zaradi tega
Dezzo ::
Hja, zdej nekaj lahko naredis. V kolikor ni nujno potrebno, da so gor XP-ji(home ali pro), lahko od prodajalca zahtevas (verjetno z minimalnimi stroški), da ti nalozijo gor kako prejsnjo verzijo Windowsov. Namrec z licencami je sedaj tak, da dobis in placas Win XP (v vecini primerov), lahko pa imas nalozeno kako starejso verzijo in te licenca se vedno krije.
andrej ::
Lime: definitivno je to vprasanje denarja. in tukaj kapo dol MS-ju, da so sli prevest tolko programov v slovenscino. do pred kratkim smo bli najmanjsa drzava na svetu z lokaliziranimi winsi in officom. pri XP-jih pa se je blo treba odlocit za Home ali Pro. In ker je vec potencialnih kupcev Pro-ja je pac ta veja zmagala.
Dezzo: Hm, za to prvic slisim. a mas kaksno povezavo na dokument, ki prica o tem. Moras se zadevat, da tukaj govorimo o OEM in box zadevah in ne kaksnih software assurance zadevah...
Dezzo: Hm, za to prvic slisim. a mas kaksno povezavo na dokument, ki prica o tem. Moras se zadevat, da tukaj govorimo o OEM in box zadevah in ne kaksnih software assurance zadevah...
Lime ::
Tudi sam sem slišal, da je licenca od XP kompatibilna za nazaj, samo ne vem točno, kako je že to določeno (pozabil).
andrej ::
blabla: manjsa napaca - ne manjsa drzava, ampak manj prebivalcev, ki govori dolocen jezik. sment, ravno mi je link usel. ko ga najdem ga dobis.
McNato ::
DELL (FMC v Sloveniji) ponuja recimo prenosnik z Windows XP Prof. z licenčno pokritostjo W2k, Win98 itd. Andrej, lahko malo raziščeš je to samo Dellova zadeva ali splošna?
Lime ::
Windows XP pro so kompatibilni (licenčno) z Win2000.
Windows XP HE pa z WinMe in Win98.
Torej pro izdaja je kompatibilna s prejšnjimi pro izdajami, domača izdaja pa s prejšnjimi domačimi izdajami.
Windows XP HE pa z WinMe in Win98.
Torej pro izdaja je kompatibilna s prejšnjimi pro izdajami, domača izdaja pa s prejšnjimi domačimi izdajami.
andrej ::
ah, to je druga zadeva. To NE pomeni, da se mas Pro lahko uporabljas tudi w2l
Pri prenosnikih imas na izbor vec OS-ov. da oni ne nalagajo posameznega gor, dajo gor vse in ti potem sam recim opri instalaciji izberes kaj hoces. Licenca potem velja za tistega, ki ga izberes.
Ce torej izberes XP Pro to ne pomeni, da lahko zraven uporabis se w2k. Izberes lahko samo enega in tistega uporabljas.
Za vse ostalo rabis posebne licence...
To tudi ne pomeni, da lahko kupis v trgovini XP Pro in potem uporabljas w2k. Nope. To velja samo pri posebnih pogojih, kot so ti prenosniki pri katerih izberes kaj zelis...
Pri prenosnikih imas na izbor vec OS-ov. da oni ne nalagajo posameznega gor, dajo gor vse in ti potem sam recim opri instalaciji izberes kaj hoces. Licenca potem velja za tistega, ki ga izberes.
Ce torej izberes XP Pro to ne pomeni, da lahko zraven uporabis se w2k. Izberes lahko samo enega in tistega uporabljas.
Za vse ostalo rabis posebne licence...
To tudi ne pomeni, da lahko kupis v trgovini XP Pro in potem uporabljas w2k. Nope. To velja samo pri posebnih pogojih, kot so ti prenosniki pri katerih izberes kaj zelis...
andrej ::
evo ga:
Definition of Downgrade Rights
The Downgrade Rights in the Windows XP Professional End User License Agreement (EULA) refers to the right for your customers to use a previous version of certain Windows software: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and Windows 98 (Second Edition). Windows XP Professional is the first ever Microsoft OEM license to include Downgrade Rights. Previously, Downgrade Rights have only been available via Microsoft Select, Open and full-packaged product licenses. Now with Windows XP Professional, customers can purchase the latest operating system, but run a previous version until they are ready to upgrade.
Downgrade Rights in Windows XP Professional give customers the best of both worlds.
How System Builders Benefit
Customer Requirement: Your customer wants to purchase a new computer system but needs it to run the same operating system as their 10 existing systems - Windows 2000 Professional - until the whole office is ready to upgrade to Windows XP Professional.
Solution: You can preinstall Windows XP Professional on the new computer system, and then offer the additional service of installing Windows 2000 Professional on your customer’s behalf. Your customer can run Windows 2000 until it is ready to upgrade the systems to Windows XP Professional.
What to Know about Downgrade Rights
OEM Downgrade Right is an End User right.
OEM Downgrade Rights apply to Windows XP Professional only.
Identified downgrade versions of Windows XP Professional are limited to MicrosoftŽ WindowsŽ 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows NT WorkstationŽ 4.0, or Microsoft Windows 98 (Second Edition).
If the End User chooses this option, it is noted in the Windows XP Professional Product EULA that neither Microsoft nor the Manufacturer will supply such End User with media for such previous versions. The End User must provide the downgrade media and a valid Product Key.
End Users can use the following media for their downgrade: Volume Licensing media (provided End User has a Volume Licensing agreement), Retail (Full Package Product), or a system builder edge-to-edge CD (provided software is acquired in accordance with the Microsoft OEM System Builder License).
In the event the End User opts to downgrade, neither Microsoft nor the PC Manufacturer is obligated to provide customer product support for Customer Systems on which such previous versions are installed.
The Windows XP Professional software may not be installed on any other computer system than the one which was downgraded under this right.
The downgrade operating system is governed by the Windows XP Professional EULA.
The End User cannot use the downgrade operating system and Windows XP Professional at the same time.
If an End User chooses to downgrade to an approved, prior version of the Windows operating system, the PC Manufacturer is still required to apply the Windows XP Professional Certificate of Authenticity (COA) to the PC.
End Users may reinstall Windows XP Professional at any time, provided the downgrade operating system has been removed from the computer, and that Windows XP Professional is reinstalled on the PC it was originally installed on with the original recovery media or OEM System Builder edge-to-edge CD originally distributed with the PC. The End User will need to use the Windows XP Professional Product Key, located in the center of the Certificate of Authenticity (COA), in order to activate the product.
Definition of Downgrade Rights
The Downgrade Rights in the Windows XP Professional End User License Agreement (EULA) refers to the right for your customers to use a previous version of certain Windows software: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and Windows 98 (Second Edition). Windows XP Professional is the first ever Microsoft OEM license to include Downgrade Rights. Previously, Downgrade Rights have only been available via Microsoft Select, Open and full-packaged product licenses. Now with Windows XP Professional, customers can purchase the latest operating system, but run a previous version until they are ready to upgrade.
Downgrade Rights in Windows XP Professional give customers the best of both worlds.
How System Builders Benefit
Customer Requirement: Your customer wants to purchase a new computer system but needs it to run the same operating system as their 10 existing systems - Windows 2000 Professional - until the whole office is ready to upgrade to Windows XP Professional.
Solution: You can preinstall Windows XP Professional on the new computer system, and then offer the additional service of installing Windows 2000 Professional on your customer’s behalf. Your customer can run Windows 2000 until it is ready to upgrade the systems to Windows XP Professional.
What to Know about Downgrade Rights
OEM Downgrade Right is an End User right.
OEM Downgrade Rights apply to Windows XP Professional only.
Identified downgrade versions of Windows XP Professional are limited to MicrosoftŽ WindowsŽ 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows NT WorkstationŽ 4.0, or Microsoft Windows 98 (Second Edition).
If the End User chooses this option, it is noted in the Windows XP Professional Product EULA that neither Microsoft nor the Manufacturer will supply such End User with media for such previous versions. The End User must provide the downgrade media and a valid Product Key.
End Users can use the following media for their downgrade: Volume Licensing media (provided End User has a Volume Licensing agreement), Retail (Full Package Product), or a system builder edge-to-edge CD (provided software is acquired in accordance with the Microsoft OEM System Builder License).
In the event the End User opts to downgrade, neither Microsoft nor the PC Manufacturer is obligated to provide customer product support for Customer Systems on which such previous versions are installed.
The Windows XP Professional software may not be installed on any other computer system than the one which was downgraded under this right.
The downgrade operating system is governed by the Windows XP Professional EULA.
The End User cannot use the downgrade operating system and Windows XP Professional at the same time.
If an End User chooses to downgrade to an approved, prior version of the Windows operating system, the PC Manufacturer is still required to apply the Windows XP Professional Certificate of Authenticity (COA) to the PC.
End Users may reinstall Windows XP Professional at any time, provided the downgrade operating system has been removed from the computer, and that Windows XP Professional is reinstalled on the PC it was originally installed on with the original recovery media or OEM System Builder edge-to-edge CD originally distributed with the PC. The End User will need to use the Windows XP Professional Product Key, located in the center of the Certificate of Authenticity (COA), in order to activate the product.
andrej ::
z drugimi besedami to pomeni:
- da OEM verzijo Windows XP PROFESSIONAL, ne HOME lahko downgradas na WindowsŽ 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows NT WorkstationŽ 4.0, ali Microsoft Windows 98 (Second Edition).
- pri tem mora UPORABNIK imeti originalni CD tega operacijskega sistema. Torej, piratski CD ne velja!
- uporabnik potem na tem sistemu ne sme vec uporablja XP Pro.
- da OEM verzijo Windows XP PROFESSIONAL, ne HOME lahko downgradas na WindowsŽ 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows NT WorkstationŽ 4.0, ali Microsoft Windows 98 (Second Edition).
- pri tem mora UPORABNIK imeti originalni CD tega operacijskega sistema. Torej, piratski CD ne velja!
- uporabnik potem na tem sistemu ne sme vec uporablja XP Pro.
andrej ::
aja se to, s tem ko naredis downgrade potem odpade pravica do tehnicne podpore za nov sistem. Torej ce si downgradal na w2k potem OEM prodajalec in MS nista dolzna ponujati tehnicne podpore za w2k.
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