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TL-MR3040 Prenosni usmerjevalnik

TL-MR3040 Prenosni usmerjevalnik

MajorM ::

Nekaj o tem izdelku je bilo povedanega že v drugi temi, ampak morda bo še za koga informacija koristna zato odpiram ločeno temo.

Sam si lastim omenjeni router. Uporabljam pa še Huavei jev 3G modem E173s-2 (Tušmobil SIM).
Če ima kdo kakšna specifična vprašanja naj vpraša.
Sem pa bil na vezi s tehničnim supportomo in QA oddelokom proizvajalca. Da ne pišem vsega še enkrat bom kar sem prilepil moj komentar, ki sem ga poslal njim.

Prvotno sporočilo TP LINKu:

I have bought this router about two months ago. And after some experience with it I have some issues/comments with the product:

The Good:
+ Design of the device is nice.
++ Used router as access point continuously for 2 weeks with no issues.

The Bad:
--- I have issues with using 3G USB modems with internet access. I own Huawei E173s-2 modem. The router usually identifies the modem but then it is not very reliable with establishing internet connection. Web interface shows modem in “Connecting” state and it is often stuck. Unplugging/plugging modem and power resets often does not help just repeats the cycle.
Sometimes it does manage to establish connection and it works. And sometimes it connects and work for a short time then it drops the connection and then can no longer identify the modem. Until power reset or unplugging/plugging modem.
All in all, not a robust operation.
Same 3G modem works without issues when directly plug into computer.
Also tested with Huawei K3765, but does not even get identified even though it is under supported devices.

-My country (Slovenia) not under supported countries and also no preloaded GSM operators settings. But this can be workaround by manually configuring.

- I have connected two 3G USB modems both from Huawei when plugged into the router the top-side of the router is not top-side of the 3G modems! Led indicators from TP-MR3040 and Huawei 3G modems are on opposite sides.

Po tem sporočilu sem prejel na test beta FW.

Tole so moje opazke pri testiranju beta verzije FW, ki sem ga prejel od proizvajalca:

I have tested the beta FW version that Mr. XXXX sent me.
I notice improvement in the working. The router now connects usually without problems. It does still sometimes still happen that first time each day it drops the connection after five minutes or so. But the simple unplug and plug of 3G modem then reconnects to the internet and then it works without interruptions.
This could perhaps be something to do with the fact that the SIM card I am using is prepaid internet for 24hours interval. And maybe there is some issue each day when starting new interval.

But I can see definite improvement in working of the router.

Do you have any measured time what is the expected battery life of the router under 3G connection? Or is this too hard to specify since it is dependent on modem model and signal strength?

Also the variable showing signal strength that you’ve added in this FW is suspiciously always showing 100% in my case…
Sometimes maybe during connection process it shows around 50% but then it immediately jumps to 100% and then stays there. I would be inclined to say that the actual signal strength is not 100%, but again it depends on the scale you used.

All in all I am now more satisfied with the device. Thank you.

Trdijo sicer da po njihovih testih naj bi zdržala baterija 4-5ur pri 3G povezavi aktivni. 8-O
Moj enostaven test je pokazal:

Just to report the battery life test.
After full charge I connected my 3G E173s-2 modem and established connection also one device was connected to router via WiFi but not a lot of traffic was generated.
I got 2 hours of operation before the connection was dropped, battery indicator turned to RED and router was not able to again establish connection.

Kljub manjšim težavam mi za nakup ni žal, s kakšno izboljšano verzijo FWja pa bo naprava odlična.

MajorM ::

Prosim moderatorja, da oceni ali sodi tema v oddelek "Omrežja in internet" in jo v tem primeru tja prestavi. Hvala.

maticm ::

Ali lahko prosim objaviš še beta FW.
V eni od tem omenjaš, da se precej greje E173. Ali se greje tudi sam ME3040?
Cena je dokaj ugodna 52 EUR s tem da ima vgrajeno baterijo.

MajorM ::

Nimam dovoljenja za posredovanje beta FW.

Ne, MR3040 se ne greje pretirano.

MajorM ::

Za obvestilo, na domači strani je na voljo nova verzija firmware-a!
Prijetno flashanje. :)


japke ::

sicer že malo stara tema, ampak imam iste težave.

Imam omenjen ruter tp-link MR3040 (zadnji FW) in Huawei E372 (tušmobil).

Ruter modem ne prepozna. Iz TP-linkove strani sem naložil edini Bin file (egypt) in nato modem prepozna.

nato pa neskončno piše connecting...
do sedaj mi niti enkrat še ni uspelo usposobit, da bi delal.

ima kdo kak namig?


japke ::

OK, sem namestil ROOter OpenWRT. http://ofmodemsandmen.com
Ruter se poveže z modemom in načeloma stvar deluje (če je dober signal)

Sedaj pa imam nekaj vprašanj o OpenWRT. Ker se prvič srečujem s tem GUI, me zanima, kako nastavit Ruter, da bo deloval kot repeater? V Stock FW je enostavno, tu pa se ne znajdem..

Pa še to. Do ruterja lahko dostopam le preko WIFI in ne preko LAN kabla..
kako to? To me skrbi, če bom hotel nazaj stock FW...

hvala, LP

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: japke ()

MajorM ::

Čudno, da si imel s stock težave. Si misli Huavei E173?
Meni deluje ampak bolje z zadnjo verzijo FW in da je modem stalno na napajalniku. Očitno je ključek preveč požrešen za modem samo na bateriji.

Glede OpenWRT ti ne morem kaj veliko pomagati. Sam bi bil bolj zainteresiran če bi končno sportali DD-WRT. Tega poganjam na večih TP-Link 1043 routerjih.

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