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osvetljenost slike na spletni strani

osvetljenost slike na spletni strani

racman ::

Pri obdelavi digitalnih fotografij (JPG) se mi pojavlja problem, kakšen je standard za barvno lestvico in osvetljenost slike, saj imajo slike v domači mreži (4 monitorji) povsod različne barve in osvetljenost.

Idealno bi bilo, če bi imel primerjalno sliko (osnovne barve in v njih na nek način tudi nastavitev (pri odtenkih), da bi lahko nastavil še osvetljenost. Takšne slike bi bile potem tudi na spletu vidne z najmanj prilagoditev.

ali3n ::

si mislil na kaj takega?

če želiš ti pošljem po mejlu original (6MB).

Zraven je še "User manual":

About the Ole No Moire.tif calibration image

The image Ole No Moire.tif is designed to help you calibrate (match) Photoshop's CMYK Setup for your CMYK output device. Please note that this test image cannot help you calibrate RGB output devices (like most desktop printers).

You can use this image as a CMYK proof document as described in Chapter 4 of the Adobe Photoshop 6.0 User Guide under "Creating custom CMYK profiles". This image contains color samples of all the CMYK ink combinations necessary for calibrating CMYK color in Photoshop. After printing this proof, you can use a colorimeter or spectrophotometer to measure the color values in the printed output. Your measurements can then be used to adjust your settings in the Edit > Color Settings > Custom CMYK... dialog as follows:

The solid color swatches at the top of the image represent the pure process colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black). The solid color swatches at the bottom of the image represent combinations of these process colors (MY, CY, CM, CMY). Your measured color values of these swatches in the printed proof can be used to define a custom ink set. Choose Custom from the Ink Colors pop-up menu in the CMYK Setup dialog, and then enter these measured values (in xyY or Lab color spaces) in the corresponding fields of the Ink Colors dialog.

If you would like to define your dot gain settings using curves, choose Curves from the Dot Gain pop-up menu in the Custom CMYK dialog. Then measure the dot area of the 10%, 20%, 50% and 80% ink swatches and enter these values into the dot gain curves dialog. You can measure all 4 process colors and enter them separately, or measure just one color and check the "all same" checkbox (this depends on your particular device and calibration needs).

NOTE: The curves dialog allows more values to be entered, but too many points can make the curve rough and create printing artifacts.

For more information on using this image for color calibration, refer to Chapter 4 of the Adobe Photoshop 6.0 User Guide.

Adobe and Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Š 1989-2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
- "Rozi vidm." "S psom!"
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."

Skatey ::

Kaj pa naprimer če nimaš Adobe Photoshopa in uporabljaš kakšen bolj laičen program ki nima možnosti pretvoriti RGB barvne lestvice v več barvno CMYK, bi se dalo dobii tudi kakšno sliko z RGB kanali, drugače pa bi me zanimal, kakšen bolj simpl program za spreminjanje slike, ni potrebno da ima veliko zapletenih funkcij samo da je bolj user friendly da se ne izgubiš v menijih in ti ni treba ravno naštudirati celotnega priročnika...
Hvala za odgovore..
Design, elephants and stuff... www.yukaii.com/blog

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