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Imam epson c 62 kartuša ima čip jaz pa bi rad napolnil kartušo oz sem jo napolnu pa noče nič delat-kaže da je še vedno prazna prosim za nasvete kako se to da ali resetira kartuša računalnik printer al kak drugač hvala seba:D

BoGo ::

Si siguren, da se ti niso zastopale šobe? O tem je že nekaj govora na forumu (poskusi z iskalnikom) in pa seveda z googlom


Hvala za odgovor vendar ni problem o zamašitvi ampak o čipu na kartuši tega je treba nekako menda odkodirat ali kako drogače preobit in me to zanima -ker noče niti tiskat-skos javlja da je kartuša prazna vseeno hvala seba

Jon ::

za postopek rabis novo kartuso, s katero se nisi printal (je cip na 100%)
sporoci ce bo uspelo, ker me zanima :> Z C60 postopek dela, za C62 pa nisem preprican.
btw, za dobro tvojega printerja upam da si polnil s kvalitetnim crnilom :)


Exchanging Cartridges in the Printer
You must have a spare cartridge on hand before you start.

DO NOT turn off the printer during the following procedure. You may turn off
the printer after the process has been completed. Turning off the printer
during this procedure may cause the software to read the chip and reject the

Step 1) Remove the old cartridge from the printer.

Step 2) Locate the lever. Insert the spare (new) cartridge into the printer.
The printer should cycle and move the new cartridge to the resting (parked)
position under the printer cover.

Step 3) Refill the old cartridge as described below under "Cartridge
Refilling Instructions".

Step 4)Using a long pen or pencil, reach back to the parked cartridge and
flip the lever. Alternatively, you may remove the 4 screws which hold on the
cover of the printer (2 in front/2 in back) and access the cartridge after
removing the cover.

Step 5) The cartridge should be able to be moved to the center.

Step 6) Replace the new cartridge with a refilled cartridge. Keep this new
cartridge in a safe place in a zip lock baggie, since you can use it many,
many times to reset the counter chip.

Step 7) Move the cartridge back to the parked position and flip the lever

Step 8) Print a test document.

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