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Problemi z Xp-ji, Flashanje Biosa in matična plošča,....

Problemi z Xp-ji, Flashanje Biosa in matična plošča,....

weaver ::

Lep pozdrav. Imam problem z Xp-ji, ki se glasi:
Computer shuts down(blue screen with this message.

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer


If this is the first time you have seen this stop error screen restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps.
Check to see if any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation ask your manufacturer for any windows updates you may need.
If problems continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software.
Disable bios memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safemode to remove or disable componemts ,restart your computer press f8, to select advanced startup options and then select safemode....in tako naprej....

FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA. 8-O ....in tako naprej....
Lepo prosim za vasa mnenja o problemu.....Hvala!!!

Gremo naprej.....
rad bi fleshal bios, pa ne najdem biosa za mojo maticno plosco, ki je Diamond Flower DFI:
Name: 660134
Model #: P2XBL Pentium II Revision C
Manufacturer: Diamond Flower Inc. (DFI)

Ce kdo ve, kje bi dobil najnovejsi bios, za mojo maticno plosco bi lepo prosil za naslov strani....Hvala!!

Se moj sistem:
Celeron 433 - navit na 540Mhz
256 MbRam
Diamond Flower Motherboard
Geeforce2 Mx/Mx 400

Lepo prosim, ce mi lahko pomagate, ker mi kista kar naprej kaze blue screene in mi avtomaticno resetira kisto,...

Za pomoc se vam vnaprej zahvaljujem...HVALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!:\

SLOWWWeb.net ::


Najprej si normaliziraj procesor in inštaliraj programsko opremo po korakih :\ . Isto velja za gonilnike, katerim posvečaj izredo veliko pozornost.
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KontraCepec ::

fak. isti drek pri meni. imam pii400 na abitovi plošči. ista verzija xpjev dela normalno na athlonu1700. dej povej če si zrihtau. hvala.

boštjan ::

svojo plato si poiši tukaj pod Archived Products.Upam da boš tudi bios najdo

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