Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » pri Epsonu utripajo vse lučke (in E)
pri Epsonu utripajo vse lučke (in E)
psych ::
jaz mam Epson Stylus Photo rx425 (ene par let str model) in so mi kr naenkrat začele utripat vse lučke pa tist E se mi kaže in ne vem, kaj naj nardim. Brala sm ene nasvete na netu, sam nč ni delval, oz. ne vem, kaj narest sploh. Mam pa Windowsw 7 in Windows Visto in na nobenmu ne deluje več tist program za Epson.
Tko da če mi kdo lahko pove, katere tipke naj prtisnm pa po slovensk prosm :D al pa povejte kere slikce so to. :D nimam nobenih navodil več :/ pa še tista z neta so kr ena.
jaz mam Epson Stylus Photo rx425 (ene par let str model) in so mi kr naenkrat začele utripat vse lučke pa tist E se mi kaže in ne vem, kaj naj nardim. Brala sm ene nasvete na netu, sam nč ni delval, oz. ne vem, kaj narest sploh. Mam pa Windowsw 7 in Windows Visto in na nobenmu ne deluje več tist program za Epson.
Tko da če mi kdo lahko pove, katere tipke naj prtisnm pa po slovensk prosm :D al pa povejte kere slikce so to. :D nimam nobenih navodil več :/ pa še tista z neta so kr ena.
bobby ::
Tampone maš polne.
javlja redni servis, tko kot na avtu pri xy kilometrih, sam s to razliko, da se je Epson ustavil, v nasprotnem primeru bi odvečno črnilo začelo teči iz tiskalnika.
javlja redni servis, tko kot na avtu pri xy kilometrih, sam s to razliko, da se je Epson ustavil, v nasprotnem primeru bi odvečno črnilo začelo teči iz tiskalnika.
Ce eksplicitno ne odgovorim osebam PNG ali PR,..I dont care about your opinion.
errhec ::
Tukaj najdeš :
Spodaj pa imaš v angleščini da ne iščeš.
Je pa dobro vsaj oprati in dobro posušiti " waste pad "
I just reset the ink pad counter on my Epson RX425. When you've downloaded the SSC utility, look for the "rx42*" printer option (it's buried in a string of printer types) when you are configuring it for the printer type. Once installed and configured, go to the SSC icon in the system tray (picture of a printer) and right click it. One of the options is for Protection Counter. Chose the reset option (you need to enter "yes" to say you've changed the ink pad) and then switch the printer off and back on again.
Read the Help file in SSC first.
I tried to get to the ink pad but couldn't get the printer case open. Has anyone else been able to get at the ink pad?
Re: Epson Waste Reset Utility by shintaro (12/8/07 4:19 AM) reply + / -
use the following 2 links
this is the utility to download
this is an instruction manual on how to do it which even has pretty pictures detailing how
Spodaj pa imaš v angleščini da ne iščeš.
Je pa dobro vsaj oprati in dobro posušiti " waste pad "
I just reset the ink pad counter on my Epson RX425. When you've downloaded the SSC utility, look for the "rx42*" printer option (it's buried in a string of printer types) when you are configuring it for the printer type. Once installed and configured, go to the SSC icon in the system tray (picture of a printer) and right click it. One of the options is for Protection Counter. Chose the reset option (you need to enter "yes" to say you've changed the ink pad) and then switch the printer off and back on again.
Read the Help file in SSC first.
I tried to get to the ink pad but couldn't get the printer case open. Has anyone else been able to get at the ink pad?
Re: Epson Waste Reset Utility by shintaro (12/8/07 4:19 AM) reply + / -
use the following 2 links
this is the utility to download
this is an instruction manual on how to do it which even has pretty pictures detailing how
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