Forum » Zvok in slika » AMD (ATI) Catalyst™
AMD (ATI) Catalyst™
gddr85 ::
eno vprašanje...
ko sem odstranil ati 13.12 driver preko control panela, še preden sem lahko rebootal mi je zamrznila miška (sem mislu, da je cel comp freeznu). Nakar hard rebootam in vidm da še vedno ne dela. Dam miško v usb3 in dela, instaliram ta nov 14.3, vse ok. Nato vidm, da na kišti sprednja usb2 delata, zadnja 2 na matični pa kar na enkrat čudežno ne več. Tud v device managerju se vidi sm bus controller in 2x universal serial bus imajo klicaj. Problem je, ker če hočem nardit update driver jih ne najde več. Kdo ve, kaj se je zgodilo? Kakšen nasvet? Mi je ati catalyst čudežno odstranil driverje za usb2? Kej tazga se mi do danes še ni zgodilo.
ko sem odstranil ati 13.12 driver preko control panela, še preden sem lahko rebootal mi je zamrznila miška (sem mislu, da je cel comp freeznu). Nakar hard rebootam in vidm da še vedno ne dela. Dam miško v usb3 in dela, instaliram ta nov 14.3, vse ok. Nato vidm, da na kišti sprednja usb2 delata, zadnja 2 na matični pa kar na enkrat čudežno ne več. Tud v device managerju se vidi sm bus controller in 2x universal serial bus imajo klicaj. Problem je, ker če hočem nardit update driver jih ne najde več. Kdo ve, kaj se je zgodilo? Kakšen nasvet? Mi je ati catalyst čudežno odstranil driverje za usb2? Kej tazga se mi do danes še ni zgodilo.
Xserces ::
ponovno inštaleraj USB driverje,chipset ali driverje za miško. Dvomim da bi catalyst brisal driverje za chipset edino ce mas AMD plato ti express uninstaller mensezdi da zbrise vse.
Naslednič uporabi to
Naslednič uporabi to
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Xserces ()
Xserces ::
No zdaj veš kaj je narobe. Ko inštaleraš ali uninstaliraš ne samo next klikat ;)
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
gddr85 ::
Preden poberem dol chipset od proizvajalca matične - kaj so tele driverji, a so to univerzalni?
Xserces ::
This package is for motherboards with 700 series or newer AMD chipsets, and includes:
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
gddr85 ::
Ej ne vem, sem pobral tele od amd-ja, cca 50mb namesto 200mb pri proizvajalcu matične pa dela vse isto kot prej bp.
Markokoz ::
14.4 bugged.
Meni drugi monitor preko DP ne dela, je črn. CCC ga zazna tud delovni prostor je na njemu, samo črna slika. Takoj ko sem ga odstranil se je slika spet pojavila. Moram nazaj na stare... AMD...
Meni drugi monitor preko DP ne dela, je črn. CCC ga zazna tud delovni prostor je na njemu, samo črna slika. Takoj ko sem ga odstranil se je slika spet pojavila. Moram nazaj na stare... AMD...
rdecaluc ::
Meni ne pride v windows (7) po namestitvi novih gonilnikov. Ne pride niti v safe mode. Sem počistil vse drajverje preden sem inštaliral, ampak ni pomagalo.
Dal last known good config. in mi je potem prišlo v windows brez drajverja. Skratka katastrofa od drajverja.
Aja imam HD 5870 1gb.
Dal last known good config. in mi je potem prišlo v windows brez drajverja. Skratka katastrofa od drajverja.
Aja imam HD 5870 1gb.
Est modus in rebus. ,typos
Han ::
AMD je, kot je že v navadi, po enem tednu na strežnike naložil malce spremenjene datoteke Catalysta 14.4.
Skyman ::
ja tukaj sm gledal ampak je se vedno datum 25.4 glede 14.4 driverjev.Mogoce je nov display driver? ali kaj ?
Han ::
Kot rečeno, datoteke so novejše - na novo spakirane v končni EXE... Ponavadi popravijo kakšno malenkost, verzija in datum pa ostaneta ista.
V verziji za WinXP so naprimer velikost datoteke zmanjšali za 100 MB...
V verziji za WinXP so naprimer velikost datoteke zmanjšali za 100 MB...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Han ()
Skyman ::
Originally Posted by PrivateRyan View Post
They Re-uploaded the driver again on AMD Site with this Description :
AMD has received feedback that some users are unable to install the Catalyst 14.4 driver on some motherboards with AMD chipsets. We have investigated the issue and have determined that it was caused by the AHCI driver component that was included with the driver package.
We have therefore removed the AHCI driver component from the driver package and will be providing it as a separate download.
If you were affected by this issue, we recommend you download and install this updated version of the driver
to je update!
They Re-uploaded the driver again on AMD Site with this Description :
AMD has received feedback that some users are unable to install the Catalyst 14.4 driver on some motherboards with AMD chipsets. We have investigated the issue and have determined that it was caused by the AHCI driver component that was included with the driver package.
We have therefore removed the AHCI driver component from the driver package and will be providing it as a separate download.
If you were affected by this issue, we recommend you download and install this updated version of the driver
to je update!
Han ::
Spet so zamenjali EXE za Win7/8. Tokrat je še za 25 MB (64 bit) oziroma 77 MB (32 bit) krajši.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Han ()
Xserces ::
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
Skyman ::
AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta
Download AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta driver
The AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta driver is notable release for us for a couple reasons:
Mantle is now enabled for notebooks based on AMD Enduro technology
Mixed-resolution AMD Eyefinity configurations are now supported for SLS
Performance improvements for Watch Dogs
Performance improvements for Murdered: Soul Suspect
Watch Dogs:
AMD Radeon R9 290X - 1920x1080 4xMSAA – improves up to 25%
AMD Radeon R9 290X - 2560x1600 4xMSAA – improves up to 28%
AMD Radeon R9 290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X) - 92% scaling
Murdered: Soul Suspect:
AMD Radeon R9 290X – 2560x1600 4xMSAA – improves up to 16%
AMD Radeon R9 290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X) - 93% scaling
AMD Eyefinity Verbesserungen:
Mixed Resolution Support
A new architecture providing brand new capabilities
Display groups can be created with monitors of different resolution (including difference sizes and shapes)
Users have a choice of how surface is created over the display group
Fill – legacy mode, best for identical monitors
Fit – create the Eyefinity surface using best available rectangular area with attached displays.
Expand – create a virtual Eyefinity surface using desktops as viewports onto the surface.
Eyefinity Display Alignment
Enables control over alignment between adjacent monitors
One-Click Setup
Driver detects layout of extended desktops
Can create Eyefinity display group using this layout in one click!
New user controls for video color and display settings
Download AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta driver
The AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta driver is notable release for us for a couple reasons:
Mantle is now enabled for notebooks based on AMD Enduro technology
Mixed-resolution AMD Eyefinity configurations are now supported for SLS
Performance improvements for Watch Dogs
Performance improvements for Murdered: Soul Suspect
Watch Dogs:
AMD Radeon R9 290X - 1920x1080 4xMSAA – improves up to 25%
AMD Radeon R9 290X - 2560x1600 4xMSAA – improves up to 28%
AMD Radeon R9 290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X) - 92% scaling
Murdered: Soul Suspect:
AMD Radeon R9 290X – 2560x1600 4xMSAA – improves up to 16%
AMD Radeon R9 290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X) - 93% scaling
AMD Eyefinity Verbesserungen:
Mixed Resolution Support
A new architecture providing brand new capabilities
Display groups can be created with monitors of different resolution (including difference sizes and shapes)
Users have a choice of how surface is created over the display group
Fill – legacy mode, best for identical monitors
Fit – create the Eyefinity surface using best available rectangular area with attached displays.
Expand – create a virtual Eyefinity surface using desktops as viewports onto the surface.
Eyefinity Display Alignment
Enables control over alignment between adjacent monitors
One-Click Setup
Driver detects layout of extended desktops
Can create Eyefinity display group using this layout in one click!
New user controls for video color and display settings
miraldi ::
Eno vprašanje. Kaj je fora teh RC2 driverjev?
Recimo AMD Catalyst 14.4 RC2?
Recimo AMD Catalyst 14.4 RC2?
i7 12700k
RTX 4070ti
RTX 4070ti
Xserces ::
release candidate 2
Abbreviates as RC, a release candidate is a version of a program or software that is functional but not quite ready to be released to the consumer market. Often, glitches and issues with the software are known to the developer, and those issues need to be fixed before the developer releases the product to a sample of consumers for the next phase of development, beta testing. Some developers, such as Microsoft, have a special technical service users group to which they offer a release candidate for trial before a more open public beta test.
Abbreviates as RC, a release candidate is a version of a program or software that is functional but not quite ready to be released to the consumer market. Often, glitches and issues with the software are known to the developer, and those issues need to be fixed before the developer releases the product to a sample of consumers for the next phase of development, beta testing. Some developers, such as Microsoft, have a special technical service users group to which they offer a release candidate for trial before a more open public beta test.
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Xserces ()
miraldi ::
release candidate 2
Abbreviates as RC, a release candidate is a version of a program or software that is functional but not quite ready to be released to the consumer market. Often, glitches and issues with the software are known to the developer, and those issues need to be fixed before the developer releases the product to a sample of consumers for the next phase of development, beta testing. Some developers, such as Microsoft, have a special technical service users group to which they offer a release candidate for trial before a more open public beta test.
Vbistvu to je Alfa verzija
i7 12700k
RTX 4070ti
RTX 4070ti
Ozric ::
14.9 je že zunaj.
Tudi po predhodnem kompletnem uninstallu 14.6 mi ni nikakor hotel zagnati ccc.exe, Catalyst control centra, roll back na 14.6 verzijo, ki dela...grafična je hd 5450
Tudi po predhodnem kompletnem uninstallu 14.6 mi ni nikakor hotel zagnati ccc.exe, Catalyst control centra, roll back na 14.6 verzijo, ki dela...grafična je hd 5450
Ozric ::
Jakob_X ::
D3m ::
Bom danes popoldne preizkusil. Niti ne vem zakaj naziv BETA, ampak ok igrajo previdno.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Izi ::
Pri 14.9 driverjih se pojavi manjši problem na karticah, ki ne podpirajo Mantle. Zadeva se da povsem lahko ročno popraviti, ker driverji so drugače v redu.
Mantle je odlična AMDjeva novotarija, ki jo podpirajo samo novejše grafične in 14.9 driverji so prvi, ki Mantle v celoti podpirajo in je le ta popolnoma integriran v driverje, so pa izdelovalci očitno pozabili na tiste kartice, ki Mantla ne podpirajo.
Problem je, da CCC vedno zažene vse potrebne knjižnice med drugim tudi tisto za Mantle in ker stare kartice Mantla ne podpiraje se celotni CCC sesuje.
Rešitev je povsem enostavna. Pobrišeš knjižnico za Mantle in CCC bo deloval brez problema.
Greš pa na "C:\Windows\System32", kjer so vse sistemske knjižnice, tako 32 kot 64 bitne. Tam je knjižnica z imenom "amdmantle64.dll", ki skrbi za Mantle. To datoteko enostavno pobrišeš in CCC bo začel delovati brez problema.
Vsi tisti, ki se jim 14.9 CCC ne sesuje pa lahko vedo, da jim grafična lepo podpira Mantle.
Mantle je odlična AMDjeva novotarija, ki jo podpirajo samo novejše grafične in 14.9 driverji so prvi, ki Mantle v celoti podpirajo in je le ta popolnoma integriran v driverje, so pa izdelovalci očitno pozabili na tiste kartice, ki Mantla ne podpirajo.
Problem je, da CCC vedno zažene vse potrebne knjižnice med drugim tudi tisto za Mantle in ker stare kartice Mantla ne podpiraje se celotni CCC sesuje.
Rešitev je povsem enostavna. Pobrišeš knjižnico za Mantle in CCC bo deloval brez problema.
Greš pa na "C:\Windows\System32", kjer so vse sistemske knjižnice, tako 32 kot 64 bitne. Tam je knjižnica z imenom "amdmantle64.dll", ki skrbi za Mantle. To datoteko enostavno pobrišeš in CCC bo začel delovati brez problema.
Vsi tisti, ki se jim 14.9 CCC ne sesuje pa lahko vedo, da jim grafična lepo podpira Mantle.
Dr_M ::
Izi, ti bi bil dober za marketing. Znas dobro nakladat ![:))](
Mimogrede, so dodal podporo tudi za HD7000 ze? Meni se namrec 14.9 WHQL ne sesuva (what a shocker).
Mimogrede, so dodal podporo tudi za HD7000 ze? Meni se namrec 14.9 WHQL ne sesuva (what a shocker).
miraldi ::
Pa kaj je ztemi driverji?
Že 5x sem vse odstranu v nadzorni plošči in nato še z Driver Sweeperjem pa mi vedno, ko nanovo naložim 14.9 WHQL nakoncu inštalacije zajamra z rumenim logotom, da nekaj ni vredu.
Že 5x sem vse odstranu v nadzorni plošči in nato še z Driver Sweeperjem pa mi vedno, ko nanovo naložim 14.9 WHQL nakoncu inštalacije zajamra z rumenim logotom, da nekaj ni vredu.
i7 12700k
RTX 4070ti
RTX 4070ti
gddr85 ::
Kakšen rumen logo, mislš klicaj? Poglej v log kaj se ni instaliralo, ponavad kakšen visual c+ ipd. To ne pomeni da nekej ni v redu.
miraldi ::
Kakšen rumen logo, mislš klicaj? Poglej v log kaj se ni instaliralo, ponavad kakšen visual c+ ipd. To ne pomeni da nekej ni v redu.
Vprašaj mi kaže.
Bom dal screeene.
Takole zgleda. Sedaj, če se kaj razumeš pa kar na dan z besedo
i7 12700k
RTX 4070ti
RTX 4070ti
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: miraldi ()
gddr85 ::
Hm..zgleda ok, če dela vse ok in je vse up to date in je šla instalacija bp do konca, potem jst ne bi skrbel, če pa ne dela ok pa uninstall iz control panel + vse pobrisat od ati v users, program data in na novo
Izi ::
miraldi, vse se ti je v redu nainštaliralo. Tisto rumeno je pa opozorilo in ne napaka.
Nič kritičnega ampak nekaj pa vseeno ni v redu. Jaz na primer sem enkrat na enem računalniku dobil isto opozorilo ob inštalaciji in izkazalo se je da eno izmed dveh dodatnih napajalnih kablov na grafični katici ni do konca porinjeno v konektor in je torej kartica dobivala premalo elektrike. Inštalacijski program je nekako zaznal da en izmed napajalnih kablov ni vtaknjen.
V teh primerih, ko se vse v redu nainštalira pa je zraven opozorilo gre največkrat za kakšno hardwaresko malenkost. Kakšen slab stik na kakšnem konektorju, slabo vtaknjen ali pozabljen kabel za dodatno napajanje, pokvarjen ventilator, slabo vtaknjena kartica, mogoče celo preslaboten napajalnik, ...
Seveda pa probaj še 14.9.1 driverje. Čeprav so beta so boljši kot 14.9 whql driverji.
Nič kritičnega ampak nekaj pa vseeno ni v redu. Jaz na primer sem enkrat na enem računalniku dobil isto opozorilo ob inštalaciji in izkazalo se je da eno izmed dveh dodatnih napajalnih kablov na grafični katici ni do konca porinjeno v konektor in je torej kartica dobivala premalo elektrike. Inštalacijski program je nekako zaznal da en izmed napajalnih kablov ni vtaknjen.
V teh primerih, ko se vse v redu nainštalira pa je zraven opozorilo gre največkrat za kakšno hardwaresko malenkost. Kakšen slab stik na kakšnem konektorju, slabo vtaknjen ali pozabljen kabel za dodatno napajanje, pokvarjen ventilator, slabo vtaknjena kartica, mogoče celo preslaboten napajalnik, ...
Seveda pa probaj še 14.9.1 driverje. Čeprav so beta so boljši kot 14.9 whql driverji.
miraldi ::
Sem izklopil PC. Oba kabla katera gresta v grafično sem iztaknil in ponovno vtaknil nazaj. Malo sem še preveril kako je z drugimi kabli/konektorji in vse štima.
Ponovno odstranil driverje v nadzorni plošči ter z Driwer sweeperjem + v skritih elementih pobrisal vse kar ima veze z ATI/AMD.
Po ponovni namestitvi je stanje še vedno isto![;((](
V čem naj bi bili 14.9.1 boljši od 14.9 WHQL? V mojem primeru za Win 7 x64 in R9 290? Ma imam slabe izkušnje z beta driverji.
Btw, ali je sploh smiselno imeti nameščen Catalyst COntrol Center?
Ponovno odstranil driverje v nadzorni plošči ter z Driwer sweeperjem + v skritih elementih pobrisal vse kar ima veze z ATI/AMD.
Po ponovni namestitvi je stanje še vedno isto
V čem naj bi bili 14.9.1 boljši od 14.9 WHQL? V mojem primeru za Win 7 x64 in R9 290? Ma imam slabe izkušnje z beta driverji.
Btw, ali je sploh smiselno imeti nameščen Catalyst COntrol Center?
i7 12700k
RTX 4070ti
RTX 4070ti
Han ::
14.9.1 ima odpravljene ključne napake, ki so prisotne v 14.9. Jaz CCC nikoli ne namestim, ker ga enostavno ne rabim. Zgolj, osnovni driver in morda še HDMI Audio, čeprav slednjega potem navadno v Upravitelju naprav izklopim, ker se tepe s SB X-Fi Titanium zvočno...
gddr85 ::
če dela vse ok, pozabi na tist warning
" izkazalo se je da eno izmed dveh dodatnih napajalnih kablov na grafični katici ni do konca porinjeno v konektor in je torej kartica dobivala premalo elektrike"
a si ziher, da je to driver ugotovil? kej tazga prvič slišim
" izkazalo se je da eno izmed dveh dodatnih napajalnih kablov na grafični katici ni do konca porinjeno v konektor in je torej kartica dobivala premalo elektrike"
a si ziher, da je to driver ugotovil? kej tazga prvič slišim
SuperVeloce ::
Kako vam kaj dela 14.9.x? Meni 14.9.2 na win8.1 teče zelo lepo, pa control center se tudi hitro naloži (what a shocker
). Sem pa imel s 14.9 probleme na eni stari mobilni platformi (Llano + dedicated 6650m), ker se je win7 sto let nalagal pri tej verziji.
Sedaj imam spet "fraj" gtx670 po dolgem času in sem malo preizkusil na enem računalniku, kjer sem vedno imel probleme s CPU bottleneck-om (navit Q6600 + Tahiti 7870). AMD ima še vedno ubijalski overhead (če ni mantle)!! Neverjetno. To kar sem opazil pred letom in pol, še vedno velja. Sem takrat mislil, da se mi meša, pa sem na isto zasledil (kjer pri marsikateri igri testirajo procesorje z AMD in Nvidia grafo). Razlike tudi do 30%. Me je primlo, da bi prodal mojo in bratovo (pa še od vseh sorodnikov in prijateljev) AMD grafo, katere sem jim vgradil
in nabavil Nvidie.
Edit: da ne bom nekaj v prazno nabijal, bom dal zraven en novejši ekstremni primer:
Sedaj imam spet "fraj" gtx670 po dolgem času in sem malo preizkusil na enem računalniku, kjer sem vedno imel probleme s CPU bottleneck-om (navit Q6600 + Tahiti 7870). AMD ima še vedno ubijalski overhead (če ni mantle)!! Neverjetno. To kar sem opazil pred letom in pol, še vedno velja. Sem takrat mislil, da se mi meša, pa sem na isto zasledil (kjer pri marsikateri igri testirajo procesorje z AMD in Nvidia grafo). Razlike tudi do 30%. Me je primlo, da bi prodal mojo in bratovo (pa še od vseh sorodnikov in prijateljev) AMD grafo, katere sem jim vgradil
Edit: da ne bom nekaj v prazno nabijal, bom dal zraven en novejši ekstremni primer:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: SuperVeloce ()
SuperVeloce ::
Sej glih to me muči. Če imaš zmogljivo platformo, se amd odreže, ko pa si enkrat omejen s strani cpuja... hjao žalost.
DoberDan ::
Imam vprašanje glede BETA gonilnikov. Imam grafično Gigabyte HD 7970 (bolj točno tole
Gonilnike ponavadi vlečem s strani
Je pametno naložiti BETA CCC takoj ko pride, ali vztrajati pri prejšnji verziji in počakati, da tisti beta postane končna verzija? Trenutno sta celo dve beta verziji na strani (
Je stran, s katere nalagam okej ali je bolj priporočljivo nalagati s strani od Gigabyte?
Kakšen imate postopek nalaganja novih gonilnikov? Prejšnje odstranite s kakšnim posebnim programom ali enostavno z "Dodaj/Odstrani programe"?
Imam vprašanje glede BETA gonilnikov. Imam grafično Gigabyte HD 7970 (bolj točno tole
Gonilnike ponavadi vlečem s strani
Je pametno naložiti BETA CCC takoj ko pride, ali vztrajati pri prejšnji verziji in počakati, da tisti beta postane končna verzija? Trenutno sta celo dve beta verziji na strani (
Je stran, s katere nalagam okej ali je bolj priporočljivo nalagati s strani od Gigabyte?
Kakšen imate postopek nalaganja novih gonilnikov? Prejšnje odstranite s kakšnim posebnim programom ali enostavno z "Dodaj/Odstrani programe"?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DoberDan ()
RejZoR ::
če dela vse ok, pozabi na tist warning
" izkazalo se je da eno izmed dveh dodatnih napajalnih kablov na grafični katici ni do konca porinjeno v konektor in je torej kartica dobivala premalo elektrike"
a si ziher, da je to driver ugotovil? kej tazga prvič slišim![]()
In zakaj driver ne bi mogu tega ugotovit? Kartica ima že tko nadzor nad porabo in dovajanjem štroma, ker bo tud brez napajanja delovala, ampak samo v 2D načinu. Kar pomeni, da se že zaveda stanja napajanja as it is.
Angry Sheep Blog @
Izi ::
Prišli so novi Catalyst 14.12
In to ne beta ampak pravi uradni driverji. Ne vem samo od kdaj se imenujejo Catalyst Omega driverji?
Highlights of AMD Catalyst™ Omega Windows Driver
Introducing the AMD Catalyst™ Omega driver for Windows, a "Special Edition" driver delivered to enhance the AMD GPU and APU experience. The AMD Catalyst™ Omega driver contains over 20 new features, performance improvements, and significant number of bug fixes and improvements. All improvements will be carried forward in subsequent driver releases.
Virtual Super Resolution (VSR):
Render games at higher resolution and display them at lower resolution. Up to 4k quality gaming on 1080p HD displays
Smoother textures and edges
Game and Engine agnostic solution
Simulates Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing (SSAA) for games that don't support it
Enabled through AMD Catalyst™ Control Center
Select higher resolution in-game settings
Available on AMD Radeon™ R9 290 series, and AMD Radeon R9 285 GPUs
5K Monitor Support:
Unparalleled display performance for professionals and gamers who require the highest resolution available and silky-smooth, fatigue-free graphics
5120x2880 at 60Hz
14.7 million pixels, 218 pixels-per-inch
Dual DisplayPort 1.2 input
Available on AMD FirePro™ and AMD Radeon™ R series GPUs
Alienware Graphics Amplifier:
Support for AMD Radeon™ Graphics in Alienware Graphics Amplifier
Expand the capability of the Alienware 13 notebook with a high-performance AMD Radeon graphics card
Drive resolutions up to 4K
Performance that far exceeds the built-in graphics.
Supported on select AMD Radeon™ HD 5000 series GPUs and newer
Perfect Picture Enhancements:
AMD Fluid Motion Video – Smooth Blu-ray playback with lower power APUs
High quality frame rate conversion
Interpolates frames using GPU compute
Removes video judder
Available on AMD 7000 Series APUs and AMD Radeon™ R7 & R9 series GPUs
Contour Removal – Improved algorithm for compressed videos
Removes compression artifacts without disturbing video details
Available on AMD Athlon™ APUs, AMD 7000 series APUs, and AMD Radeon™ R series GPUs
Perfect Picture Additions:
1080p Detail Enhancement now for APUs
Provides look-and-feel of 1080p video to lower-resolution content
Improves frequency response and controllability of overshoot and noise immunity
Available on AMD 7000 series APUs and AMD Radeon™ R series GPUs
Ultra HD-Like Experience - Makes 1080P videos 4K-like
Combination of:
Fluid Motion Video
Detail Enhancement
Adaptive upscaling
Available on AMD Radeon™ R7 260 and higher
Frame Pacing Enhancements for AMD Dual Graphics:
Includes enhancements for
Metro 2033
World of Warcraft
3DMark 11
Sniper Elite V2
Tomb Raider
Hitman: Absolution
Alien: Isolation
Batman: Arkham Origins
BioShock: Infinite
Unigine Valley Benchmark
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Metro 2033 Redux
Sniper Elite 3
Assassin's Creed Unity
Metro: Last Light
AMD CrossFire™ Frame Pacing improvements:
Designed to reduce stuttering from graphics memory intensive applications: Tomb Raider, Hitman Absolution, Watch Dogs, Far Cry 3
OpenCL™ 2.0 Support:
New features give GPUs more freedom to do the work they are designed to do
Shared virtual memory
Enables host and device kernels to directly share complex pointer based data structures, eliminating explicit transfers between the host and devices while increasing programming flexibility.
Device-side Enqueue
Updated for improved programmability and increased application efficiency
Generic address space
Enables functions to be written without named address spaces which increases flexibility and saves time by eliminating the need for multiple functions to be written.
Performance Optimizations versus AMD Catalyst™ 14.9 WHQL
Sid Meier's Civilization®: Beyond Earth™ performance optimizations
Mantle API activated for ultimate performance in Sid Meier's Civilization®: Beyond Earth™
Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare performance optimizations
Up to 30% performance increases with FXAA and lower game resolutions
Optimized AMD CrossFire™ Profile update for improved performance
Assassin's Creed® Unity performance optimizations
Single GPU performance improvements
Optimized AMD CrossFire™ Profile update for improved performance
Dragon Age: Inquisition performance optimizations
Up to 15% performance increase in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing enabled.
Optimized AMD CrossFire™ Profile update for improved performance
Far Cry 4 performance optimizations
Up to 50% performance increase in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing enabled.
Year over Year Performance Optimizations versus AMD Catalyst™ 13.12 WHQL*
Up to 19% more performance since launch in some games on AMD Radeon R Series GPUs
Up to 29% more performance since launch in some games on various AMD APUs
*Measured across various AMD Radeon R Series GPU and AMD APU configurations in over 30 game titles
Driver Efficiency Improvement:
Driver optimization for multi core CPUs allows up to 15% more performance for some AMD platforms
Resolved Issues:
14.9 Install issues for intermittent crash or black screen after install
14.9 Catalyst™ Control Center issues have occasional AMDMantle64.dll error popups during install
[406244] Online video can sometimes crash when watching YouTube videos with hardware acceleration enabled
[406590] Watching online flash videos in Google Chrome sometimes causes the browser to hang when hardware acceleration is enabled
[406493] Displays that go in to sleep mode intermittently causes the display to not wake up
[404081] AHCI Chipset Drivers can sometimes cause the system to crash on boot-up
[405807] 144Hz displays in AMD CrossFire™ configurations can cause intermittent crashing when launching D3D Applications
[403996] Game stuttering or screen tearing in Quad CrossFire™
[402133] State of Decay textures can intermittently extrude beyond their boundaries or be corrupted
[405738] HDMI audio stays disabled when a connected TV is disabled and then re-enabled
Known Issues:
[410367] System black hangs/BSOD upon resuming from S3/S4 sleep on AMD Radeon™ R9 285 configured in AMD CrossFire™ mode
[410293] With AMD CrossFire™ enabled, Timeout Detection Recovery (TDR) occurs during actual gameplay when YouTube Mix moves to the next song in Firefox®
[408368] Some artifacting will be seen in certain scenarios with AMD Fluid Motion Enabled
[407622] Screen tearing on enabling VSync with Alien: Isolation game
[407934] Frame drops may occasionally be observed playing back progressive Blu Ray content on some AMD Kaveri APU configurations
[407095] 3D movies cannot be viewed using Power DVD on some AMD Kaveri APU configurations with only 2GB of single channel memory
[407175] Catalyst Control Center Video Quality settings may not be available or retained if the "Enforce Smooth Video Playback" option is not selected on some AMD HD series GPU's.
[406495] Pull down detection fails to lock in Metro Video playback applications
[410255] A system restart or hang may be observed on sleep/resume while transcoding video with Media Espresso
[410398] A black screen may be experienced when attempting to enable Eyefinity after changing the display mode (Portrait, Landscape)
[410391] Primary display may not be retained after disabling Crossfire while in Eyefinity mode
[409705] Enabling or disabling Crossfire may lead to one side of the 4K MST display being shown as black
[410393] Minor stuttering may be seen in Dragon Age Inquisition on Single and Multi GPU configurations
In to ne beta ampak pravi uradni driverji. Ne vem samo od kdaj se imenujejo Catalyst Omega driverji?
Highlights of AMD Catalyst™ Omega Windows Driver
Introducing the AMD Catalyst™ Omega driver for Windows, a "Special Edition" driver delivered to enhance the AMD GPU and APU experience. The AMD Catalyst™ Omega driver contains over 20 new features, performance improvements, and significant number of bug fixes and improvements. All improvements will be carried forward in subsequent driver releases.
Virtual Super Resolution (VSR):
Render games at higher resolution and display them at lower resolution. Up to 4k quality gaming on 1080p HD displays
Smoother textures and edges
Game and Engine agnostic solution
Simulates Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing (SSAA) for games that don't support it
Enabled through AMD Catalyst™ Control Center
Select higher resolution in-game settings
Available on AMD Radeon™ R9 290 series, and AMD Radeon R9 285 GPUs
5K Monitor Support:
Unparalleled display performance for professionals and gamers who require the highest resolution available and silky-smooth, fatigue-free graphics
5120x2880 at 60Hz
14.7 million pixels, 218 pixels-per-inch
Dual DisplayPort 1.2 input
Available on AMD FirePro™ and AMD Radeon™ R series GPUs
Alienware Graphics Amplifier:
Support for AMD Radeon™ Graphics in Alienware Graphics Amplifier
Expand the capability of the Alienware 13 notebook with a high-performance AMD Radeon graphics card
Drive resolutions up to 4K
Performance that far exceeds the built-in graphics.
Supported on select AMD Radeon™ HD 5000 series GPUs and newer
Perfect Picture Enhancements:
AMD Fluid Motion Video – Smooth Blu-ray playback with lower power APUs
High quality frame rate conversion
Interpolates frames using GPU compute
Removes video judder
Available on AMD 7000 Series APUs and AMD Radeon™ R7 & R9 series GPUs
Contour Removal – Improved algorithm for compressed videos
Removes compression artifacts without disturbing video details
Available on AMD Athlon™ APUs, AMD 7000 series APUs, and AMD Radeon™ R series GPUs
Perfect Picture Additions:
1080p Detail Enhancement now for APUs
Provides look-and-feel of 1080p video to lower-resolution content
Improves frequency response and controllability of overshoot and noise immunity
Available on AMD 7000 series APUs and AMD Radeon™ R series GPUs
Ultra HD-Like Experience - Makes 1080P videos 4K-like
Combination of:
Fluid Motion Video
Detail Enhancement
Adaptive upscaling
Available on AMD Radeon™ R7 260 and higher
Frame Pacing Enhancements for AMD Dual Graphics:
Includes enhancements for
Metro 2033
World of Warcraft
3DMark 11
Sniper Elite V2
Tomb Raider
Hitman: Absolution
Alien: Isolation
Batman: Arkham Origins
BioShock: Infinite
Unigine Valley Benchmark
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Metro 2033 Redux
Sniper Elite 3
Assassin's Creed Unity
Metro: Last Light
AMD CrossFire™ Frame Pacing improvements:
Designed to reduce stuttering from graphics memory intensive applications: Tomb Raider, Hitman Absolution, Watch Dogs, Far Cry 3
OpenCL™ 2.0 Support:
New features give GPUs more freedom to do the work they are designed to do
Shared virtual memory
Enables host and device kernels to directly share complex pointer based data structures, eliminating explicit transfers between the host and devices while increasing programming flexibility.
Device-side Enqueue
Updated for improved programmability and increased application efficiency
Generic address space
Enables functions to be written without named address spaces which increases flexibility and saves time by eliminating the need for multiple functions to be written.
Performance Optimizations versus AMD Catalyst™ 14.9 WHQL
Sid Meier's Civilization®: Beyond Earth™ performance optimizations
Mantle API activated for ultimate performance in Sid Meier's Civilization®: Beyond Earth™
Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare performance optimizations
Up to 30% performance increases with FXAA and lower game resolutions
Optimized AMD CrossFire™ Profile update for improved performance
Assassin's Creed® Unity performance optimizations
Single GPU performance improvements
Optimized AMD CrossFire™ Profile update for improved performance
Dragon Age: Inquisition performance optimizations
Up to 15% performance increase in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing enabled.
Optimized AMD CrossFire™ Profile update for improved performance
Far Cry 4 performance optimizations
Up to 50% performance increase in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing enabled.
Year over Year Performance Optimizations versus AMD Catalyst™ 13.12 WHQL*
Up to 19% more performance since launch in some games on AMD Radeon R Series GPUs
Up to 29% more performance since launch in some games on various AMD APUs
*Measured across various AMD Radeon R Series GPU and AMD APU configurations in over 30 game titles
Driver Efficiency Improvement:
Driver optimization for multi core CPUs allows up to 15% more performance for some AMD platforms
Resolved Issues:
14.9 Install issues for intermittent crash or black screen after install
14.9 Catalyst™ Control Center issues have occasional AMDMantle64.dll error popups during install
[406244] Online video can sometimes crash when watching YouTube videos with hardware acceleration enabled
[406590] Watching online flash videos in Google Chrome sometimes causes the browser to hang when hardware acceleration is enabled
[406493] Displays that go in to sleep mode intermittently causes the display to not wake up
[404081] AHCI Chipset Drivers can sometimes cause the system to crash on boot-up
[405807] 144Hz displays in AMD CrossFire™ configurations can cause intermittent crashing when launching D3D Applications
[403996] Game stuttering or screen tearing in Quad CrossFire™
[402133] State of Decay textures can intermittently extrude beyond their boundaries or be corrupted
[405738] HDMI audio stays disabled when a connected TV is disabled and then re-enabled
Known Issues:
[410367] System black hangs/BSOD upon resuming from S3/S4 sleep on AMD Radeon™ R9 285 configured in AMD CrossFire™ mode
[410293] With AMD CrossFire™ enabled, Timeout Detection Recovery (TDR) occurs during actual gameplay when YouTube Mix moves to the next song in Firefox®
[408368] Some artifacting will be seen in certain scenarios with AMD Fluid Motion Enabled
[407622] Screen tearing on enabling VSync with Alien: Isolation game
[407934] Frame drops may occasionally be observed playing back progressive Blu Ray content on some AMD Kaveri APU configurations
[407095] 3D movies cannot be viewed using Power DVD on some AMD Kaveri APU configurations with only 2GB of single channel memory
[407175] Catalyst Control Center Video Quality settings may not be available or retained if the "Enforce Smooth Video Playback" option is not selected on some AMD HD series GPU's.
[406495] Pull down detection fails to lock in Metro Video playback applications
[410255] A system restart or hang may be observed on sleep/resume while transcoding video with Media Espresso
[410398] A black screen may be experienced when attempting to enable Eyefinity after changing the display mode (Portrait, Landscape)
[410391] Primary display may not be retained after disabling Crossfire while in Eyefinity mode
[409705] Enabling or disabling Crossfire may lead to one side of the 4K MST display being shown as black
[410393] Minor stuttering may be seen in Dragon Age Inquisition on Single and Multi GPU configurations
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