Forum » Loža » Are you and your family as safe as you need to be?
Are you and your family as safe as you need to be?
_Mortal_ ::
To sem dobu po mejlu (spam kot ponavadi), ampak ko sem prebral sem začel razmišljat o "naši" vodi.
Newsweek: "Several million Americans are drinking water that is potentially hazardous due to chemical or bacterial contamination."
ABC Network News: "U.S. Industries...generate some 88 million pounds of toxic wastes a year, 90 percent of which, the E.PA. estimates, are improperly disposed."
USA TODAY : "Parasites in water is widespread...can be dangerous, even fatal, to people with weakened immune systems."
The New York Times: "More than 1 in 5 Americans unknowingly drink tap water polluted with feces, radiation or other contaminants...Nearly 1,000 deaths each year and at least 400,000 cases of waterborne illness may be attributed to contaminated water."
isto kot tuki
Newsweek: "Several million Americans are drinking water that is potentially hazardous due to chemical or bacterial contamination."
ABC Network News: "U.S. Industries...generate some 88 million pounds of toxic wastes a year, 90 percent of which, the E.PA. estimates, are improperly disposed."
USA TODAY : "Parasites in water is widespread...can be dangerous, even fatal, to people with weakened immune systems."
The New York Times: "More than 1 in 5 Americans unknowingly drink tap water polluted with feces, radiation or other contaminants...Nearly 1,000 deaths each year and at least 400,000 cases of waterborne illness may be attributed to contaminated water."
isto kot tuki
Is reading in the bathroom considered as multi-tasking?
madmitch ::
Bi kar verjel, ko sem še delal na ladji, smo vodo kontrolirali z nekimi kemikalijami, ki so vzorec pobarvale različno, glede na vsebnost določenih nepotrebnih in nezaželjenih dodatkov v vodi. Že samo po tistih (zelo preprostih in nezanesljvih) testih je bila voda v ZDA daleč pod kvaliteto Evrope.
Nobody is perfect, my name is Nob Ody
Tomi ::
Hja, še pri nas, kjer imamo po zagotovilih še zelo kvalitetno vodo se nekateri strokovnjaki že sprašujejo, ali ne pijemo razredčenih raztopin fitofarmacevtskih izdelkov.
Po moje še ni panike. Če imamo še vode v prvem razredu, panike še ni.
Po moje še ni panike. Če imamo še vode v prvem razredu, panike še ni.
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