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težave z inštalacijo msn-ja

težave z inštalacijo msn-ja

petko94 ::

najprej sm zaradi težav z msnjem zbrisal msn ampak ker ni bilo uninstala sem ga zbrisal datoteko za datoteko..
nato sem ga poskušal ponovno inštalirati ampak mi ni uspelo
že v poteku inštalacije mi napiše da moram zapreti use delujoče preograme kar jih dvakrat preverim nato začne inštalirati
nakoncu pa napiše: "zaprite use odprte programe in poskusite znova. videti je da drug program preprečuje delovanje programa za namestitve hr:0x80070643"
res bi vam bil zelo hvaležen ker nujno potrebujem to funkcijo
hvala že vnaprej
če lahko prosim odgovorite na (tppetko@gmail.com)
hvala še enkrat

jan01 ::

Še enkrat zloadej najnovejšo verzijo http://download.live.com/messenger

petko94 ::

nepomaga isto:'(

misek ::

Poskusi po teh navodilih. Menda naj bi bilo nekaj narobe z .NET Framework-om.

Solve Windows Live Messenger / Writer’s Hr:0×80070643 Problem

I was trying to set up Windows Live Writer on my Windows XP, but I encountered hr:0×80070643 error. While searching for a solution, I read a couple of blogs and forum posts and figured this error was generic and not specific to Windows Live Writer.

People were having similar problems, when trying to install Windows Live Messenger (WLM 2009). I was able to fix this for problem for Windows Live Writer, I think the same fix should work for Windows Live Messenger.

The problem seems to with the .NET Framework on the system and not Windows Live Writer or Windows Live Messenger. I’m just guessing here, so please do not come to any conclusion.

Here’s the fix that worked for me:

1> Uninstall currently installed .NET framework. I had .NET Framework version 1.1 on my system. To uninstall it, click on “Start –> Control Panel –> Add remove Programs“. Find installed .NET Framework and click on uninstall.

2> Download and install the latest version of Microsofts .NET Framework, at this point when I am writing this article, it is version 3.5 SP1 which can be downloaded from here. Or you can search the latest version of .NET Framework here.

Once installed, reboot your machine and try installing Windows Live Writer. It should work fine. If this works for Windows Live Messenger (WLM 2009), please let me know so that I can update this blog post.

petko94 ::

ej uninstala tam ga pa sloh ni
ka nj zj??

misek ::

Poglej če imaš zadnjo verzijo .NET nameščeno.

petko94 ::

ja hvala ne nč ni pomagal...

Dragoyx ::

tega novega messengerja lahko hitro in učinkovito odstraniš s tem programom

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