ComputerWorld - Daljnega leta 1993 je Microsoft odkupil neekskluzivne pravice za Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia in njihovo vsebino vključil v prvo edicijo svoje enciklopedije, ki so jo poimenovali Encarta. Kasneje je Microsoft pokupil še nekaj enciklopedij, na primer Collier's Encyclopedia in New Merit Scholar's Encyclopedia, tako da se je baza člankov kar pridno debelila. Nekaj časa je Encarta predstavljala celo resno alternativo najstarejši enciklopediji, ki še izhaja, sloviti Encyclopædiji Britannici, a je v zadnjih letih njen blišč vse bolj bledel. Leta 2005 so poskusili angažirati uporabnike, tako da so na spletno verzijo enciklopedijo dodali možnost dodajanja vsebine, a jih to na pota stare slave ni pripeljalo.
Uporabniki so namreč vedno raje posegali po brezplačni in obsežnejši, še zlasti v posvetnih tematikah, Wikipediji. Microsoft je zato sklenil, da vzdrževanje tega projekta ni več smiselno. Na uradni strani so zapisali, da ljudje dandanes iščejo in rabijo informacije na povsem različne načine kot v preteklosti. To z drugimi besedami pomeni, da bodo Encarto v fizični obliki prenehali prodajati letos junija, spletna stran pa bo umrla 31. oktobra (razen japonske, ki bo harakiri storila 31. decembra). Kupci naročnine bodo dobili povrnjen denar za obdobje od 30. aprila dalje, čeprav bodo lahko stran obiskovali vse do konca. Tehnična podpora bo na voljo še tri leta.
Novice » Ostale najave » Microsoftova Encarta ukinjena
opeter ::
To pa je prvi april... ali? Aja, ne žal ne. Na ComputerWorld je novica včerajšnja.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Irbis ::
Zanimivo bo videti, koliko časa bo še zdržala Britannica.
Slovar na Encarti se mi zdi precej v redu, tega bom najbrž kdaj pogrešal.
Slovar na Encarti se mi zdi precej v redu, tega bom najbrž kdaj pogrešal.
djordjevic ::
Pa ravno včeraj sem se vprašal, kako dolgo bosta ob čedalje bolj izpopolnjeni Wikipediji Encarta in Britannica še vztrajali ...
No grave is deep enough to keep us in chains.
Spock83 ::
Ah to so bili časi, ko sem dobil Encarto zraven mojega prvega PC-ja :D Za tisti čas, je bila za mene kot mulec čisto huda zadeva.
Irbis ::
Nisem vedel, da ima angleščina "uradni slovar".
Sem na hitro primerjal:
Main Entry: 1ta·ble
Pronunciation: \ˈtā-bəl\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tabule & Anglo-French table; both from Latin tabula board, tablet, list
Date: before 12th century
1: tablet 1a
2 aplural : backgammon b: one of the two leaves of a backgammon board or either half of a leaf
3 a: a piece of furniture consisting of a smooth flat slab fixed on legs b (1): a supply or source of food (2): an act or instance of assembling to eat : meal /sit down to table/ c (1): a group of people assembled at or as if at a table (2): a legislative or negotiating session /the bargaining table/
4: stringcourse
5 a: a systematic arrangement of data usually in rows and columns for ready reference b: a condensed enumeration : list /a table of contents/
6: something that resembles a table esp. in having a plane surface: as a: the upper flat surface of a cut precious stone — see brilliant illustration b (1): tableland (2): a horizontal stratum
— on the table : up for consideration or negotiation /the subject is not on the table/
— under the table
1: into a stupor /can drink you under the table/
2: in a covert manner /took money under the table/
Main Entry: 2table
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): ta·bled; ta·bling \-b(ə-)liŋ\
Date: 15th century
1: to enter in a table
2 aBritish : to place on the agenda b: to remove (as a parliamentary motion) from consideration indefinitely c: to put on a table
Main Entry: 3table
Function: adjective
Date: 1547
1 : suitable for a table or for use at a table /a table lamp/
2 : suitable for serving at a table /table grapes/
3 : proper for conduct at a table /table manners/
ta·ble [ táyb'l ]
noun (plural ta·bles)
1. item of furniture with flat top: a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, used for placing things on or doing things at
2. place for eating meals while seated: a table at which people sit to eat meals
3. flat surface for specific purpose: a raised flat surface with a nondomestic or office use, e.g. one at which a surgeon operates or one on which a piece of machinery rests
4. food served: the food provided in a household or restaurant in terms of its quality or quantity
5. people sitting at table: a group of people sitting at a table, especially for a meal
The whole table erupted in laughter.
6. arrangement of information in columns: an arrangement of information or data into columns and rows or a condensed list
7. geography
Same as tableland
8. architecture band or panel on wall: a band of masonry or a rectangular panel on a wall, either raised or depressed and with ornamentation or inscriptions
9. flat surface of gem: the upper horizontal surface of a cut gem
10. slab for inscription: a slab of wood, stone, or metal for inscription
11. backgammon part of backgammon board: either one of the two hinged halves of a backgammon board
12. music front part of stringed instrument: the part of the body of a stringed instrument that acts as a sounding board
13. anatomy plate of bone: a flat layer of bone, especially either one of the inner or outer surfaces of the skull that are separated by a more spongy bone diploë
14. area on palm: an area on the palm defined by four lines, regarded as significant in palmistry
plural noun ta·bles
ancient hist ancient tablets inscribed with laws: tablets on which some ancient Greek, Roman, and Hebrew laws were inscribed, or the laws themselves
transitive verb (past and past participle ta·bled, present participle ta·bling, 3rd person present singular ta·bles)
1. postpone discussion of something: to postpone discussion of a bill or motion until a later time
2. enter information into table: to enter information in a tabular form
3. put something on table: to place or lay something on a table
4. Canada propose something: to put forward a bill, motion, or proposal for discussion at a meeting
[Pre-12th century. Directly or via French< Latin tabula "board, slab"]
table·ful noun
drink somebody under the table to continue drinking until after other people present are completely intoxicated
on the table
1. put forward for discussion at a meeting
2. postponed for discussion at a later time
turn the tables (on somebody) to reverse a situation and gain the advantage from somebody who had previously held it
under the table secretly and often illegally, in the form of a bribe
He paid under the table for his rent-stabilized apartment.
Meni se Encartine razlage pomenov zdijo boljše.
Sem na hitro primerjal:
Main Entry: 1ta·ble
Pronunciation: \ˈtā-bəl\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tabule & Anglo-French table; both from Latin tabula board, tablet, list
Date: before 12th century
1: tablet 1a
2 aplural : backgammon b: one of the two leaves of a backgammon board or either half of a leaf
3 a: a piece of furniture consisting of a smooth flat slab fixed on legs b (1): a supply or source of food (2): an act or instance of assembling to eat : meal /sit down to table/ c (1): a group of people assembled at or as if at a table (2): a legislative or negotiating session /the bargaining table/
4: stringcourse
5 a: a systematic arrangement of data usually in rows and columns for ready reference b: a condensed enumeration : list /a table of contents/
6: something that resembles a table esp. in having a plane surface: as a: the upper flat surface of a cut precious stone — see brilliant illustration b (1): tableland (2): a horizontal stratum
— on the table : up for consideration or negotiation /the subject is not on the table/
— under the table
1: into a stupor /can drink you under the table/
2: in a covert manner /took money under the table/
Main Entry: 2table
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): ta·bled; ta·bling \-b(ə-)liŋ\
Date: 15th century
1: to enter in a table
2 aBritish : to place on the agenda b: to remove (as a parliamentary motion) from consideration indefinitely c: to put on a table
Main Entry: 3table
Function: adjective
Date: 1547
1 : suitable for a table or for use at a table /a table lamp/
2 : suitable for serving at a table /table grapes/
3 : proper for conduct at a table /table manners/
ta·ble [ táyb'l ]
noun (plural ta·bles)
1. item of furniture with flat top: a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, used for placing things on or doing things at
2. place for eating meals while seated: a table at which people sit to eat meals
3. flat surface for specific purpose: a raised flat surface with a nondomestic or office use, e.g. one at which a surgeon operates or one on which a piece of machinery rests
4. food served: the food provided in a household or restaurant in terms of its quality or quantity
5. people sitting at table: a group of people sitting at a table, especially for a meal
The whole table erupted in laughter.
6. arrangement of information in columns: an arrangement of information or data into columns and rows or a condensed list
7. geography
Same as tableland
8. architecture band or panel on wall: a band of masonry or a rectangular panel on a wall, either raised or depressed and with ornamentation or inscriptions
9. flat surface of gem: the upper horizontal surface of a cut gem
10. slab for inscription: a slab of wood, stone, or metal for inscription
11. backgammon part of backgammon board: either one of the two hinged halves of a backgammon board
12. music front part of stringed instrument: the part of the body of a stringed instrument that acts as a sounding board
13. anatomy plate of bone: a flat layer of bone, especially either one of the inner or outer surfaces of the skull that are separated by a more spongy bone diploë
14. area on palm: an area on the palm defined by four lines, regarded as significant in palmistry
plural noun ta·bles
ancient hist ancient tablets inscribed with laws: tablets on which some ancient Greek, Roman, and Hebrew laws were inscribed, or the laws themselves
transitive verb (past and past participle ta·bled, present participle ta·bling, 3rd person present singular ta·bles)
1. postpone discussion of something: to postpone discussion of a bill or motion until a later time
2. enter information into table: to enter information in a tabular form
3. put something on table: to place or lay something on a table
4. Canada propose something: to put forward a bill, motion, or proposal for discussion at a meeting
[Pre-12th century. Directly or via French< Latin tabula "board, slab"]
table·ful noun
drink somebody under the table to continue drinking until after other people present are completely intoxicated
on the table
1. put forward for discussion at a meeting
2. postponed for discussion at a later time
turn the tables (on somebody) to reverse a situation and gain the advantage from somebody who had previously held it
under the table secretly and often illegally, in the form of a bribe
He paid under the table for his rent-stabilized apartment.
Meni se Encartine razlage pomenov zdijo boljše.
3p ::
Z Britannice me zadnje čase nekam dosti spamajo z kupi to/kupi ono, tak da jim najbrž ne gre najbolje.
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