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hišno omrežje + težave

hišno omrežje + težave

tv6865 ::

Pred časom sempovezal vse tri naše hišne računalnike v domače omrežje. Vse je delovalo super do pred kratkim ko meni pod možnostjo = oglejte si računalnike delovne skupine = ne najde nobenga od ostalih dveh računalnikov. Pri oostalih dveh pa še dela kot mora.

Karen ::

Glede na to kar si napisal probaj najprej tole (domnevam da ti internet dela na vseh treh):
1- Open dos prompt, type ipconfig -all.
2- Look at the 'Node Type' it probably says Peer-Peer or something (this is what mine said)
... we want it to say 'Hybrid'
3- Press 'Start' button > Run... > In the box type regedit. This opens your system's registry.
4- Navigate the tree to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/NetBT/Parameters
5- Rt. mouse click and select New > DWORD Value
6- Name it 'NodeType' (without the quotes)
7- Rt. mouse click on it and select Modify
8- Set Value Data to '8' (no quotes)
9- Leave Base alone. 'Hexadecimal' should be selected
10- Press 'ok'
11- Close regedit and reboot. (Your done!)
12- Open dos prompt and type ipconfig -all
For node type it should now say 'Hybrid'
13- Do this to the other computer that you cannot network. Your computers should be able to see one another.
I do not know what 'Hybrid' is, but perhaps some of the network freaks might be able to explain. I have used this on two different occasions and it seems to be the only thing that works.
Ali pa če ne gre pa še po temle:

Ali pa pogooglaj "node type hybrid" - mislim da moraš ene dva registry ključa zbrisat... samo poišči katera.
Upam da bo pomagalo.

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