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Računalniki se ne vidijo preko My network places

UrosTT ::
Ok, tole me že počasi spravlja ob živce!
Preko linksysovega ruterja imam povezane 3 računalnike. 2 preko kabla, eden preko WLAN. IP so statični za vsak računalnik. Na vseh je XP pro. Vsi so v istem WORKGROUPu, vsak ima svoje ime.
Povezava do neta dela na vseh. Problem se pojavi, ko hočem dostopat do shareanih folderjev in printerja med računalniki. Na vsakmu računalniku imam določene folderje, ki so share-ani.
Ko na Prenosniku (WLAN) kliknem My network places -> view workgroup computers mi javi:
"ime_workgroupa" is not accessible. You might not have permision to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission. The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available. "
In mi sploh ne pokaže, kateri računalniki so v mreži.
Če na Stacionarcu1 (preko kabla) ali Stacionarcu2 (tudi preko kabla) kliknem, mi pokaže vse tri računalnike v mreži, odpre Stacionarca (kateregakoli), ko pa želim odpreti Prenosnika (WLAN), mi napiše:
"ime_Prenosnika" is not accessible. You might not have permision to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission. The network path is not found"
Medtem ko je komunikacija med obema računalnikoma na kablu OK.
Če vpišem direkt IP številko mi odpre katerikoli računalnik iz kateregakoli računalnika. Pravtako dela PING.
Skratka, ta novi prenosnik, ki se v mrežo povezuje preko WLAN (čeprav to pomoje nima nobene veze s problemom), ne vidi nobenega računalnika v mreži, in tako do nobenega ne more dostopat. Ostala dva pa med sabo komunicirata brez problema, s prenosnikom pa nobeden.
Najbolj smešno je, da je vse skupaj pred enim tedno delalo, in vse kar sem spremenil, je bilo to, da sem na prenosniku spremenil IP na automatsko, ker ima punca DHCP za wireless, ampak doma sem spet vnesel moje standardne IP in DNS... tako da to pomoje ne bi smel bit problem.
Brskal sem že po netu in probal vse mogoče... brez uspeha.
Najbolj me čudi to, da direktno preko IP vse lepo dela...
Vklopil/izklopil sem computer browser, NetBIOS preko TCP/IP je vklopljen na vseh. Problema v firewall-ih ni.
Nimam več pojma, kaj naredit.
Bi bil zelo hvaležen, če bi mi kdo pomagal rešiti težavo.
LP Uroš
Preko linksysovega ruterja imam povezane 3 računalnike. 2 preko kabla, eden preko WLAN. IP so statični za vsak računalnik. Na vseh je XP pro. Vsi so v istem WORKGROUPu, vsak ima svoje ime.
Povezava do neta dela na vseh. Problem se pojavi, ko hočem dostopat do shareanih folderjev in printerja med računalniki. Na vsakmu računalniku imam določene folderje, ki so share-ani.
Ko na Prenosniku (WLAN) kliknem My network places -> view workgroup computers mi javi:
"ime_workgroupa" is not accessible. You might not have permision to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission. The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available. "
In mi sploh ne pokaže, kateri računalniki so v mreži.
Če na Stacionarcu1 (preko kabla) ali Stacionarcu2 (tudi preko kabla) kliknem, mi pokaže vse tri računalnike v mreži, odpre Stacionarca (kateregakoli), ko pa želim odpreti Prenosnika (WLAN), mi napiše:
"ime_Prenosnika" is not accessible. You might not have permision to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission. The network path is not found"
Medtem ko je komunikacija med obema računalnikoma na kablu OK.
Če vpišem direkt IP številko mi odpre katerikoli računalnik iz kateregakoli računalnika. Pravtako dela PING.
Skratka, ta novi prenosnik, ki se v mrežo povezuje preko WLAN (čeprav to pomoje nima nobene veze s problemom), ne vidi nobenega računalnika v mreži, in tako do nobenega ne more dostopat. Ostala dva pa med sabo komunicirata brez problema, s prenosnikom pa nobeden.
Najbolj smešno je, da je vse skupaj pred enim tedno delalo, in vse kar sem spremenil, je bilo to, da sem na prenosniku spremenil IP na automatsko, ker ima punca DHCP za wireless, ampak doma sem spet vnesel moje standardne IP in DNS... tako da to pomoje ne bi smel bit problem.
Brskal sem že po netu in probal vse mogoče... brez uspeha.
Najbolj me čudi to, da direktno preko IP vse lepo dela...
Vklopil/izklopil sem computer browser, NetBIOS preko TCP/IP je vklopljen na vseh. Problema v firewall-ih ni.
Nimam več pojma, kaj naredit.
Bi bil zelo hvaležen, če bi mi kdo pomagal rešiti težavo.
LP Uroš
- spremenil: UrosTT ()

BaRtMaN ::
Meni je pomagalo, ko sem dal mrežni vmesnik v hibridni način odkrivanja. Default Node Type for Microsoft Clients

amigo_no1 ::
Kaj pokažejo sledeči ukazi v konzoli (start/run/cmd):
nbtstat -n
net view
Windows sistemska servisa Computer Browser in Server morata biti zagnana (start/run/ services.msc)
Poglej še, če imaš obkljukane sledeče protokole na tretjem računalniku (prenosnik)
Client for microsoft networks
File in printer sharing for microsoft networks
Internet protocol (tcp/ip)
NWLink NetBios
NWlink IPX/SPX/NetBios Compatible Transport protocol
nbtstat -n
net view
Windows sistemska servisa Computer Browser in Server morata biti zagnana (start/run/ services.msc)
Poglej še, če imaš obkljukane sledeče protokole na tretjem računalniku (prenosnik)
Client for microsoft networks
File in printer sharing for microsoft networks
Internet protocol (tcp/ip)
NWLink NetBios
NWlink IPX/SPX/NetBios Compatible Transport protocol
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()

UrosTT ::
Hmmm, spodaj imaš vrnjene rezulatate iponfig, nbtstat in net...
Glede NWLink NETBios pa mislim, da ta protokol ni potreben, saj je TCP/IP boljši. V osnovi mislim, da NETBios ni namenjen varni povezavi med računalniki. Na levi so podatki od stacionarca1 na desni pa od prenosnika (wireless), ki ima dvojne nastavitve (Auto IP za wireless pri punci in ročno nastavljen IP za doma).
Tabele so mal nepregledne, ampak če sm dal presledke, mi jih ni upoštevalo, tako da sem stolpce ločil s nizkimi črtami... upam, da bo razvidno....
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : stacionarc1__________________________prenosnik
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown____________________________Peer-Peer
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No_________________________________No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No________________________________No
Ethernet adapter LAN Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller__IntelR PRO/Wireless NetConnection
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (MAC)______________MAC od noteboka
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No_________________________________Yes
________________________________________________________________Autoconfiguration Enabled: yes
_________________________________________________________Autoconfiguration IP Address:
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy________________________isti DNS (od ISP)
yyy.yyy.yyy.yyx (pač DNS od ISP)
nbtstat - n:
**** sem moral zamenjat ostre oklepaje za oglate... < za (
LAN Connection:
Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []______________ Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []
NetBIOS Local Name Table______________________NetBIOS Local Name Table
STACIONARC1 (00) UNIQUE Registered____________PRENOSNIK (00) UNIQUE Registered
SOLARIS (00) GROUP Registered____________PRENOSNIK (20) UNIQUE Registered
STACIONARC1 (20) UNIQUE Registered____________SOLARIS (00) GROUP Registered
SOLARIS (1E) GROUP Registered____________SOLARIS (1E) GROUP Registered
SOLARIS (1D) UNIQUE Registered____________SOLARIS (1D) UNIQUE Registered
..__MSBROWSE__.(01) GROUP Registered_________..__MSBROWSE__.(01) GROUP Registered
net view:
\\STACIONARC2 Stacionarc mami
\\STACIONARC1 Stacionarni Sonja & Uros
\\PRENOSNIK Prenosnik Sonja & Uros
The command completed successfully.
No, tu je razlika... na PRENOSNIKU mi vrne:
System error has occurred.
The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available.
Glede na dobljeno sem šel brskat po netu, kaj je napaka 6118... in nekaj omenjajo tud FireWall... da bi se prepričal sem izklopil vse firewalle na vseh racunalnikih... isto.
Še kaka ideja?
LP Uroš
Glede NWLink NETBios pa mislim, da ta protokol ni potreben, saj je TCP/IP boljši. V osnovi mislim, da NETBios ni namenjen varni povezavi med računalniki. Na levi so podatki od stacionarca1 na desni pa od prenosnika (wireless), ki ima dvojne nastavitve (Auto IP za wireless pri punci in ročno nastavljen IP za doma).
Tabele so mal nepregledne, ampak če sm dal presledke, mi jih ni upoštevalo, tako da sem stolpce ločil s nizkimi črtami... upam, da bo razvidno....
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : stacionarc1__________________________prenosnik
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown____________________________Peer-Peer
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No_________________________________No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No________________________________No
Ethernet adapter LAN Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller__IntelR PRO/Wireless NetConnection
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (MAC)______________MAC od noteboka
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No_________________________________Yes
________________________________________________________________Autoconfiguration Enabled: yes
_________________________________________________________Autoconfiguration IP Address:
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy________________________isti DNS (od ISP)
yyy.yyy.yyy.yyx (pač DNS od ISP)
nbtstat - n:
**** sem moral zamenjat ostre oklepaje za oglate... < za (
LAN Connection:
Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []______________ Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []
NetBIOS Local Name Table______________________NetBIOS Local Name Table
STACIONARC1 (00) UNIQUE Registered____________PRENOSNIK (00) UNIQUE Registered
SOLARIS (00) GROUP Registered____________PRENOSNIK (20) UNIQUE Registered
STACIONARC1 (20) UNIQUE Registered____________SOLARIS (00) GROUP Registered
SOLARIS (1E) GROUP Registered____________SOLARIS (1E) GROUP Registered
SOLARIS (1D) UNIQUE Registered____________SOLARIS (1D) UNIQUE Registered
..__MSBROWSE__.(01) GROUP Registered_________..__MSBROWSE__.(01) GROUP Registered
net view:
\\STACIONARC2 Stacionarc mami
\\STACIONARC1 Stacionarni Sonja & Uros
\\PRENOSNIK Prenosnik Sonja & Uros
The command completed successfully.
No, tu je razlika... na PRENOSNIKU mi vrne:
System error has occurred.
The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available.
Glede na dobljeno sem šel brskat po netu, kaj je napaka 6118... in nekaj omenjajo tud FireWall... da bi se prepričal sem izklopil vse firewalle na vseh racunalnikih... isto.
Še kaka ideja?
LP Uroš

UrosTT ::
Sem sam našel rešitev... ko sem dobro pogledal kaj mi napiše IPCONFIG/ALL sem videl, da je prenosnik v Peer-Peer node type... kar vsekakor ni uredu za majhno mrežo.
Potem sem malo pobrskal po netu in najdel sledečo rešitev... iz enega drugega foruma:
The problem: My laptop and another computer I have both worked fine in my office network. One running XP the other W2k. At different times (8 months apart) both machines were used for a short visit to UCLA and connected to their network. Upon return, both computers refused to join my local workgroup and gave the error "the list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available"
The Analysis: The first time I never solved the problem. This time I was able to use the very new 2004 version of NetScanTools Pro from Northwest Performance Software (see ) I highly recommend this tool which has many features including analysis of the NetBIOS relationships on a network. Using this tool you would have seen that most of my computers are "Broadcast" node types, but that the two problem machines are "Point-to-Point" node types. The Help description in the product advises that one of the parameters that may *optionally* be set by *some* DHCP servers in your registry is "DhcpNodeType" and that this parameter once set will persist in the computer's registry. Since not all DHCP servers set this parameter, when the machine is moved to another network, like the typical small office or home office (SOHO) network, that network's DHCP server probably does not change the parameter and the machine fails to join the workgroup and gives the error message. This is because the typical SOHO network is set up using the default "broadcast" node types and the persisting DhcpNodeType parameter continues to tell the malfunctioning machine to be a "point-to-point" node type. The two types do not talk to each other.
The Solution: Upon return from travel, if your laptop fails to see your workgroup and gives you the error message "the list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available". Check your registry for the DhcpNodeType parameter at the registry location shown below. If the value is 2 then change it to 1 and reboot your machine. Optionally you may choose the value 4 or 8 to have your machine work in both environments (see below).
Registry Location:
Key: DhcpNodeType
Value Type: REG_DWORD - Number
Valid Range: 1,2,4,8 (B -node, P-node, M-node, H-node)
Default: 1 or 8 based on the WINS server configuration
Description: This optional parameter specifies the NBT node type. It is written by the DHCP client service, if enabled. This parameter determines what methods NetBT uses to register and resolve names. A B-node system uses broadcasts. A P -node system uses only point- to-point name queries to a name server (WINS). An M -node system broadcasts first, and then queries the name server. An H -node system queries the name server first, and then broadcasts. Resolution through LMHOSTS and/or DNS, if enabled, follows these methods. If this key is not present, the system defaults to B -node if there are no WINS servers configured for the network. The system defaults to H -node if there is at least one WINS server configured.
By the way, there is another optional parameter at the same registry location that you (or a helpful Net Administrator) may add which will override any DHCP server value placed in the DhcpNodeType. If present, check that the value of this parameter is correct as well.
Key: Netbt\Parameters
Value Type: REG_DWORD - Number
Valid Range: 1 - 8
Default: 1
Description: This parameter specifies the NBT node type. It is an optional parameter that, if present, will override the DhcpNodeType parameter. See the entry for DhcpNodeType above for a complete description.
Upam, da še komu pomaga.
LP Uroš
Potem sem malo pobrskal po netu in najdel sledečo rešitev... iz enega drugega foruma:
The problem: My laptop and another computer I have both worked fine in my office network. One running XP the other W2k. At different times (8 months apart) both machines were used for a short visit to UCLA and connected to their network. Upon return, both computers refused to join my local workgroup and gave the error "the list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available"
The Analysis: The first time I never solved the problem. This time I was able to use the very new 2004 version of NetScanTools Pro from Northwest Performance Software (see ) I highly recommend this tool which has many features including analysis of the NetBIOS relationships on a network. Using this tool you would have seen that most of my computers are "Broadcast" node types, but that the two problem machines are "Point-to-Point" node types. The Help description in the product advises that one of the parameters that may *optionally* be set by *some* DHCP servers in your registry is "DhcpNodeType" and that this parameter once set will persist in the computer's registry. Since not all DHCP servers set this parameter, when the machine is moved to another network, like the typical small office or home office (SOHO) network, that network's DHCP server probably does not change the parameter and the machine fails to join the workgroup and gives the error message. This is because the typical SOHO network is set up using the default "broadcast" node types and the persisting DhcpNodeType parameter continues to tell the malfunctioning machine to be a "point-to-point" node type. The two types do not talk to each other.
The Solution: Upon return from travel, if your laptop fails to see your workgroup and gives you the error message "the list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available". Check your registry for the DhcpNodeType parameter at the registry location shown below. If the value is 2 then change it to 1 and reboot your machine. Optionally you may choose the value 4 or 8 to have your machine work in both environments (see below).
Registry Location:
Key: DhcpNodeType
Value Type: REG_DWORD - Number
Valid Range: 1,2,4,8 (B -node, P-node, M-node, H-node)
Default: 1 or 8 based on the WINS server configuration
Description: This optional parameter specifies the NBT node type. It is written by the DHCP client service, if enabled. This parameter determines what methods NetBT uses to register and resolve names. A B-node system uses broadcasts. A P -node system uses only point- to-point name queries to a name server (WINS). An M -node system broadcasts first, and then queries the name server. An H -node system queries the name server first, and then broadcasts. Resolution through LMHOSTS and/or DNS, if enabled, follows these methods. If this key is not present, the system defaults to B -node if there are no WINS servers configured for the network. The system defaults to H -node if there is at least one WINS server configured.
By the way, there is another optional parameter at the same registry location that you (or a helpful Net Administrator) may add which will override any DHCP server value placed in the DhcpNodeType. If present, check that the value of this parameter is correct as well.
Key: Netbt\Parameters
Value Type: REG_DWORD - Number
Valid Range: 1 - 8
Default: 1
Description: This parameter specifies the NBT node type. It is an optional parameter that, if present, will override the DhcpNodeType parameter. See the entry for DhcpNodeType above for a complete description.
Upam, da še komu pomaga.
LP Uroš

Duhec ::
Zdaj ne vem ali res ne bereš natančno ali pa se ti ne da ...
Točno to rešitev ti je že v prvem odgovoru predlagal BaRtMaN !!!
Točno to rešitev ti je že v prvem odgovoru predlagal BaRtMaN !!!

UrosTT ::
Ja... pismo, pa res... sorry... tisiti post sem pa čisto spregledal... očitno je premalo napisano, ups
Bartman hvala... čeprav sem se potem tud sam dokopal do rešitve...
LP Uroš

Bartman hvala... čeprav sem se potem tud sam dokopal do rešitve...
LP Uroš
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