Forum » Operacijski sistemi » Kako v Win2k premakniti mapo Documents and Settings?
Kako v Win2k premakniti mapo Documents and Settings?

bastadu ::
Zanima me, kako bi v Windowsih 2000 Pro premaknil celo Documents and Settings mapo na nek drug disk?

Slowenc ::
Desni klik na My documents in potem tam kjer ti piše Target: ______ vneseš novo lokacijo. Potem počakaš da ti vse prenese in to je to.
Ups, sem prehitro prebral. Se mi zdi da se ne da premikati Documents and settings mape v celoti. In kakšen poseben razlog imaš, da si se spravil to delati?
Ups, sem prehitro prebral. Se mi zdi da se ne da premikati Documents and settings mape v celoti. In kakšen poseben razlog imaš, da si se spravil to delati?
Skiny gate.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Slowenc ()

bastadu ::
Ja pač bi rad imel to mapo nekje na kakšnem drugem disku, ki je bolj varen
Sta mi že 2 diska šla v k*rac in ne bi rad tega še enkrat doživel...

Slowenc ::
Upam da se ti bo dal je*** s tem. Stric google je najdu tole:
To move The D&S Folder from one drive (C:) to another (D:):
1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Create a folder called "Documents and Settings" (without the quotes) in drive D.
3. Show all files and folders [Tools > Folder Options > View tab > Choose "Show hidden files and folders" > Uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" > Ok.]
4. Create a profile with administrative permission and call it "mover" (without the quotes) [Open Control Panel > Open User Accounts applet > Create a new account > type "mover" without the quotes > Click on Next Button > Choose Computer administrator > Click "Create Account" button.]
5. Logout of Windows XP and use the "mover" account.
6. Go to your current D&S folder (C:\Documents and Settings). You should be able to see all the folders there, including the ones used by the system. If this is not the case, please execute step 3.
7. Copy all the Folders inside C:\Documents and Settings except the LocalService, NetworkService, and mover folders to the new location (D:\Documents and Settings). Notice that you cannot copy the LocalService, NetworkService, and mover Folders because they are in use. If you happen to copy these by mistake, just delete them.
8. Open RegEdit [Start > Run > regedit].
9. Change all instances of C:\Documents and Settings to D:\Documents and Settings. ***Make sure that you backup your registry first before changing anything. Messing up with the Registry can be dangerous to your computer.*** (You may use F3 to search for every instance of D&S.)
10. Change any entry which points to Documents and Settings to D:\Documents and Settings\... including, but not limited to, "\Device\HarddiskVolume1\Documents and Settings\...", "%SystemRoot%\Documents and Settings\...", and "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\..." to "D:\Documents and Settings\...."
11. Change also all instances of C:\Docume~1 to D:\Docume~1 as "Docume~1" is the 8.3 representation of "Documents and Settings"
12. Double check all the changes you have made before closing RegEdit.
13. Do a cold boot of your computer. [Shutdown your computer and turning it back on].
14. Use the "mover" account again.
15. Go through processes 8 until 11.
16. Reboot your computer and use your original account.
17. Your D&S setting should already be in drive D. Try renaming the "Documents and Settings" folder in drive C to, let's say OLDD&S. If the rename was successful, you have successfully moved your D&S folder from drive C to drive D.
18. Congratulations!
19. Restore the settings of your Windows Explorer by reversing the choices you made in step 3.
20. Oh, and don't forget to remove the mover account you have created before if everything is working fine now.
To move The D&S Folder from one drive (C:) to another (D:):
1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Create a folder called "Documents and Settings" (without the quotes) in drive D.
3. Show all files and folders [Tools > Folder Options > View tab > Choose "Show hidden files and folders" > Uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" > Ok.]
4. Create a profile with administrative permission and call it "mover" (without the quotes) [Open Control Panel > Open User Accounts applet > Create a new account > type "mover" without the quotes > Click on Next Button > Choose Computer administrator > Click "Create Account" button.]
5. Logout of Windows XP and use the "mover" account.
6. Go to your current D&S folder (C:\Documents and Settings). You should be able to see all the folders there, including the ones used by the system. If this is not the case, please execute step 3.
7. Copy all the Folders inside C:\Documents and Settings except the LocalService, NetworkService, and mover folders to the new location (D:\Documents and Settings). Notice that you cannot copy the LocalService, NetworkService, and mover Folders because they are in use. If you happen to copy these by mistake, just delete them.
8. Open RegEdit [Start > Run > regedit].
9. Change all instances of C:\Documents and Settings to D:\Documents and Settings. ***Make sure that you backup your registry first before changing anything. Messing up with the Registry can be dangerous to your computer.*** (You may use F3 to search for every instance of D&S.)
10. Change any entry which points to Documents and Settings to D:\Documents and Settings\... including, but not limited to, "\Device\HarddiskVolume1\Documents and Settings\...", "%SystemRoot%\Documents and Settings\...", and "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\..." to "D:\Documents and Settings\...."
11. Change also all instances of C:\Docume~1 to D:\Docume~1 as "Docume~1" is the 8.3 representation of "Documents and Settings"
12. Double check all the changes you have made before closing RegEdit.
13. Do a cold boot of your computer. [Shutdown your computer and turning it back on].
14. Use the "mover" account again.
15. Go through processes 8 until 11.
16. Reboot your computer and use your original account.
17. Your D&S setting should already be in drive D. Try renaming the "Documents and Settings" folder in drive C to, let's say OLDD&S. If the rename was successful, you have successfully moved your D&S folder from drive C to drive D.
18. Congratulations!
19. Restore the settings of your Windows Explorer by reversing the choices you made in step 3.
20. Oh, and don't forget to remove the mover account you have created before if everything is working fine now.
Skiny gate.

Microsoft ::
Pa sej, ce naredis tak, kot je najprej opisal Slowenc, bojo potem fajli na drugem disku. Edin, kar ti ostane na starem disku je ikona.
by Miha
by Miha

Slowenc ::
Toplo ti pa priporočam še tale link Moj prejšnji post je za WIN XP.
Da izpostavim najpomembnejše:
Entire Folder
NOTE: This method relocates key Windows components. Use this method only if you require the "Documents and Settings" folder to be moved or renamed and you cannot use the Unattend.txt file to change the name during installation.
To specify a different folder for the entire "Documents and Settings" folder, including key system components, follow these steps:
1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
2. Create a new folder.
3. Open the current "Documents and Settings" folder.
4. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options, and then click the View tab.
5. Under Advanced settings click Show hidden files and folders, and then click to clear the Hide file extensions for known file types and Hide protected operating system files check boxes.
6. Click OK.
7. Click and drag to copy all the folders to the new folder, except for the currently logged on users folder.
8. In Control Panel, double-click System, and then click the User Profiles tab.
9. Copy the current user's profile to the new folder.
10. Click OK, close Control Panel, and then log off and log on to the computer as an administrator again.
11. In Registry Editor, click Find on the Edit menu.
12. Type documents and settings, and then click Find.
13. Replace the value data or rename the value or registry key to the new path for each and every registry key and value that contains the original path.NOTE: You must complete this change for every instance in the registry or your computer may not start. It is imperative that you update all registry keys and values with the new path.
14. Restart the computer.
15. You can now safely remove the original "Documents and Settings" folder.
The information in this article applies to:
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
Da izpostavim najpomembnejše:
Entire Folder
NOTE: This method relocates key Windows components. Use this method only if you require the "Documents and Settings" folder to be moved or renamed and you cannot use the Unattend.txt file to change the name during installation.
To specify a different folder for the entire "Documents and Settings" folder, including key system components, follow these steps:
1. Log on to the computer as an administrator.
2. Create a new folder.
3. Open the current "Documents and Settings" folder.
4. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options, and then click the View tab.
5. Under Advanced settings click Show hidden files and folders, and then click to clear the Hide file extensions for known file types and Hide protected operating system files check boxes.
6. Click OK.
7. Click and drag to copy all the folders to the new folder, except for the currently logged on users folder.
8. In Control Panel, double-click System, and then click the User Profiles tab.
9. Copy the current user's profile to the new folder.
10. Click OK, close Control Panel, and then log off and log on to the computer as an administrator again.
11. In Registry Editor, click Find on the Edit menu.
12. Type documents and settings, and then click Find.
13. Replace the value data or rename the value or registry key to the new path for each and every registry key and value that contains the original path.NOTE: You must complete this change for every instance in the registry or your computer may not start. It is imperative that you update all registry keys and values with the new path.
14. Restart the computer.
15. You can now safely remove the original "Documents and Settings" folder.
The information in this article applies to:
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
Skiny gate.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Slowenc ()

Mercier ::
BTW, tole se čisto dobro obnese.
Drugače pa jaz uporabim eno manj drastično možnost. Zmapiram en pogon v mapo tistega profila, ki se na računalniku uporablja, skopiram vsebino stare noter, nastavim pravice in lastništva, pa je vse kot običajno. (še kakšna obskurna mesta v registru gotovo štimajo)
Drugače pa jaz uporabim eno manj drastično možnost. Zmapiram en pogon v mapo tistega profila, ki se na računalniku uporablja, skopiram vsebino stare noter, nastavim pravice in lastništva, pa je vse kot običajno. (še kakšna obskurna mesta v registru gotovo štimajo)
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