Forum » Šola » Prevod izvlečka v Angleščino
Prevod izvlečka v Angleščino

Malner ::
Jutri dati tiskati diplomo in mi manjka prevod izvlečka v Angleščino. Nekaj mi je uspelo narediti vendar nisem več prepričan v slovnično pravilnost. Če ima kdo čas, lahko preveri in predlaga popravke.
V Slovenščini:
Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti spremembe karakteristike ventilatorja z masnimi delci v sistemu. Izvedene so bile meritve karakteristike ventilatorja brez in s tremi različnimi masami delcev v sistemu. Pri tem se je merilo spremembo tlaka v sistemu in hitrost zraka. Poleg tega se je snemalo delce v kanalu rotorja ventilatorja in v navpični pleksi cevi. S pomočjo računalniške vizualizacije se je določilo delež delcev v določenih delih kanala rotorja in hitrost delcev v navpični pleksi cevi. Opravila se je še primerjava med hitrostmi zraka in hitrostmi delcev.
V Angleščini (trenutno):
The purpose of this thesis is to present changes in characteristics of fan with mass particles in the system. The measurements of integral characteristics were carried out with three different masses of particles in the system. Measurements of pressure changes in the system and air velocities were made. In addition pictures of particles in rotor canal and plexiglass tube were taken. Concentration of particles in the rotor canal and their velocity in plexiglass tube was calculated with computer visualization. For last, relationship between air and particles velocity was determined.
Hvala za morebitno pomoč.
V Slovenščini:
Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti spremembe karakteristike ventilatorja z masnimi delci v sistemu. Izvedene so bile meritve karakteristike ventilatorja brez in s tremi različnimi masami delcev v sistemu. Pri tem se je merilo spremembo tlaka v sistemu in hitrost zraka. Poleg tega se je snemalo delce v kanalu rotorja ventilatorja in v navpični pleksi cevi. S pomočjo računalniške vizualizacije se je določilo delež delcev v določenih delih kanala rotorja in hitrost delcev v navpični pleksi cevi. Opravila se je še primerjava med hitrostmi zraka in hitrostmi delcev.
V Angleščini (trenutno):
The purpose of this thesis is to present changes in characteristics of fan with mass particles in the system. The measurements of integral characteristics were carried out with three different masses of particles in the system. Measurements of pressure changes in the system and air velocities were made. In addition pictures of particles in rotor canal and plexiglass tube were taken. Concentration of particles in the rotor canal and their velocity in plexiglass tube was calculated with computer visualization. For last, relationship between air and particles velocity was determined.
Hvala za morebitno pomoč.

tempoFlow ::
Prebral sem in po mojem skromnem mnenju je dokal pravilno :)
Edino word je zajamral nad plexiglas, google translate pa pravi, da je čisto v redu (se mi ne da pogledat v slovar).
Edino word je zajamral nad plexiglas, google translate pa pravi, da je čisto v redu (se mi ne da pogledat v slovar).

Malner ::
Sem dal pregledat tamalmu od sestrične k je letos naredu maturo in je rekel da ni dosti napak. Jih je pa našel malce več kot ti:
-Pri prevodu si pozabil, da so bile narejene meritve tudi brez delcev
-Pa v slovenščini maš napisan pri tem se je merilo... in nisi mel preveden sem dodal (During the experiment)
-Ponavad se uporabi frazo in addition to that
-V slo si meu s pomočjo računalniške vizualizacije... (sem dal še tukaj with the help of)
-Za zadnji stavk bi mogoče blo boljše has been determined
-Za plexiglass mi javi napako samo je skor sigurno prav napisano skupaj.
The purpose of this thesis is to present changes in characteristics of fan with mass particles in the system. The measurements of integral characteristics were carried out firstly without and later with three different masses of particles in the system. During the experiment measurements of pressure changes in the system and air velocities were made. In addition to that, pictures of particles in rotor canal and plexiglass tube were taken. Concentration of particles in the rotor canal and their velocity in plexiglass tube was calculated with the help of computer visualization. For last, relationship between velocity of air and particles was determined.
-Pri prevodu si pozabil, da so bile narejene meritve tudi brez delcev
-Pa v slovenščini maš napisan pri tem se je merilo... in nisi mel preveden sem dodal (During the experiment)
-Ponavad se uporabi frazo in addition to that
-V slo si meu s pomočjo računalniške vizualizacije... (sem dal še tukaj with the help of)
-Za zadnji stavk bi mogoče blo boljše has been determined
-Za plexiglass mi javi napako samo je skor sigurno prav napisano skupaj.
The purpose of this thesis is to present changes in characteristics of fan with mass particles in the system. The measurements of integral characteristics were carried out firstly without and later with three different masses of particles in the system. During the experiment measurements of pressure changes in the system and air velocities were made. In addition to that, pictures of particles in rotor canal and plexiglass tube were taken. Concentration of particles in the rotor canal and their velocity in plexiglass tube was calculated with the help of computer visualization. For last, relationship between velocity of air and particles was determined.

nastyboy ::
Nič se preveč ne sekiraj.. Zelo zelo malo ljudi načeloma bere tuje diplomske naloge... Še največkrat od vseh jo boš ti prebral.

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