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MS access 2007 isce zelo pocasi

MS access 2007 isce zelo pocasi

kubanc ::

Ker sem zalo slab v poznavanju microsoft accesa vas prosim ce kdo zna resiti nasldenji problem.
upam da ga boste razumeli. ;)

bazo podatkov mdb uporablja vec uporabnikov preko LAN-a.
Do problema pride takrat ko hocejo poiskati kaksno datoteko, oz. iscejo po cifrah in traja tudi do 3 minute.
datotek ni veliko, okoli 5000. (sploh en vem ce se jim rece datoteke :) ).
v accessu uporabljajo nake napisano aplikacijo, pac klikas po ikonah za razlicne ponudnike, nato kliknes na certifikate od ponudnikov, se ti ta odpre po stevilki, ki si jo zahteval. neki tazga :).

ali je mozno da je clovek ki je napisal to aplikacijo, uporabil slab algoritem za iskanje, ali isce ta njegova aplikacija po algoritmih ki so napisani v accesu.

Sicer sem nasel ze neko resitev na netu,da ne bom kaj narobe napisal bom kar "pripopal odspodaj".
I have a customer that requires some help with a database they created in house using MS ACCESS 2003. [ I'am not at all familiar with MS Access]

PC Specs are all very similar:
C2D E6600 2.4 GHZ CPU's
XP PRO W/SP2 W/latest patches etc.
4 work stations in total.

The database runs great with 2 users, BUT, when any additional users login, it slows to a crawl. When any of the other 2 users log out b_a_d_a_bing nice and quick. No specific WS is causing the troubles as far as I can see, the rest of the file sharing etc on the LAN is all good to go all the time. This DB was tested with 2 WS, never any more until they went live with 2 additional WS.

I think that covers it....
Any ideas?

the problem is Access which was never designed to work this way
The fact that it does should be concerning as this is a M$ product that is performing outside the recommendations and still working.
Access should only ever work on 1 WS at a time particularly if more than 1 person is accessing the same DBase file.
What should be used here is the SQL supplied DBase option or move the DBase to a SQL platform.

> YEP the problem is Access which was never designed to work this way
Huh? I am able to achieve very good performance with my multiuser Access applications, with several simultaneous users.
Implementing a Successful Multiuser Access/JET Application

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

Use a front-end
Using the same Access .mdb file by multi-users across a LAN will always have problems, but there are to ways you can overcome it.

One is strictly Access, split the database into a front-end file (with forms, queries, macros and code modules) and a back-end with the actual data tables, and link to the data tables from the front-end.mdb file

Second (and more efficient) is to build a front-end application, using VB, with all the forms, queries and code in it - I use this all the time and have many multi-user (20+ concurrent users) systems with an Access back end database without performance issues.

I'm curious as to why you state that using VB to create a FE app. is more efficient.

easy way
Simply open DB, tools and utilities, database splitter. Then you can customize each individual user on local WS. Been doing this for 10+ years.

To je to, ze v naprej se vam zahvaljujem za pomoc.
P.S. Ce sem kaj nesmisalno napisal mi povejte, bom probal bit bolj razlocen.

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